Books 1 The Politically Incorrect Guide To Islam 2 Prophet of Doom 3 Understanding Muhammad 4 Unmasking Muhammad 5 Murder in the name of Allah 6 Blood and lies at root of islam 7 Roots of terrorism 8 Jihad in Islam 9 Psychology of Muhammad 10 Arab imperialism 11 The truth about Muhammad 12 1000 mistakes 13 Ibn Ishaq – Sirat Rasul Allah 14 The history of al-Tabari 15 More mistakes 16. Sharia law for non-muslims 17 Dhimmitude 18 Antisemitism 19 Freedom of minds 20 Boko Haram 21 Islamic fascism 1400years genealogy of evil Al‐Wala’ wa’l‐Bara’ Answering jihad Because they hate Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters Cruel and useal punishment Dhimmi in Egypt Did Muhammad exist? The Core Ideology of the muslim brotherhood Exposing Islam Debunk the myth of science