Muhammad was not the only person in Arabia, who had claimed to be the Prophet of God. There was Taliha, chief of the Bani Asad, who was
acknowledged to have power of divination. He was defeated by Khalid in a severe engagement. Museilima was another contender in this field. He worked
miracles and claimed to have been sent by Allah to share the dignity of Prophethood with Muhammad. He went so far as to assert that Muhammad had
recognised his claim. Eventually, he was killed in the battle of Al-Yemama, which could have proved disastrous to the survival of Islam. Al-Aswad, known
as the Veiled Prophet of Yemen, was yet another claimant in this field. Though brave and a willing fighter, he was arrogant and thus, lacked popular appeal. He was brought to his end by a spate of intrigues skilfully conducted by the followers of Islam.
Existence of several Prophets at the same time in the same country shows that Prophethood has nothing to do with Allah; it is simply a contrivance to
hypnotise people through supernatural ruses. God would not have sent so many Prophets to the Arabs at the same time. These men were, obviously, self-
designated Prophets. Muhammad won because he adopted national approach, which appealed to the patriotic men of his age like Abu Bakr and Umar, whose combined efforts not only saved Islam from extinction but also substantially contributed towards its glory. The other contestants in this field lost owing to their parochial approach. On the contrary, Muhammad’s design was not only nationalistic but also highly ambitious because it promised imperial dignity to the Arabs, who had known nothing except destitution, distress and degradation. This was the dream that only a man of Muhammad’s stature could make come true. His success surely proves the evolutionary maxim: survival of the fittest. It had nothing to do with Allah, who Himself depended on Muhammad for
glorifying Him. Let us look into his plan of the Arabian Imperialism:
He claimed that he was a Prophet of God, and there was nothing unusual about his claim because:
“Every nation has its Messenger; then When their messenger comes, justly, the issue is decided between them, and they are not wronged.” (Jonah, X : 47)
This theme is also repeated in 2 : 148. Obviously, a Prophet comes to a people to settle all their issues justly with the purpose of uniting them into a vigorous nation. However, according to the Koran, the effective way of securing national unity is through the appointment of a Kibla i.e. the direction of worshipping God: when all faithful adore the acknowledged Deity facing in the same direction, they demonstrate their oneness. This is the reason that Hadith no. 20 of Bukhari, Vol. 6, says that “every nation has its Kibla”. It is also confirmed by the Koran.
The Prophet had declared Jerusalem, the most sacred Jewish City, as the Kibla for the Arab Muslims, but after treating it as such for about sixteen months,
he changed it for Kaaba, a sanctuary of Mecca, the Prophet’s hometown. I shall discuss the implications of adopting Jerusalem as the Muslim Kibla in the next chapter, but here I may add that this change was dictated by the Prophet’s urge to serve his national purpose. The Koran, states:
“The fools among the people will say, ‘what has turned them from the direction they were facing in their prayers aforetime?’
Say, To God belong the East and the West He guides whomsoever He will to a straight path.”
We have seen thee (Muhammad) turning thy face about in the heaven; now we surely turn thee to a direction that shall satisfy Thee (Muhammad)
Turn thy face towards the Holy Mosque (Kaaba); and wherever you are, turn your faces towards it.” (The Cow, II ; 142-144)
From these verses, it is clear that the change of Kibla from Jerusalem to Kaaba was affected by Allah not of His own will but at the solicitations of
Muhammad, who was seen by Allah “turning thy face about in the heavens (skies).” The Hadith no. 5903 ( Muslim Vol. 4) shows that it was originally
suggested by Umar, the Second Caliph, who was murdered by a Persian slave because he thought of him (Umar) as a racist.
Fancy Allah’s argument here: “to God belong the East and the West.” If the East and the West have equal significance, then why is He forcing people to
change direction of prayer from Jerusalem to Kaaba? Why can’t they face in the direction they like? This step was taken by the Prophet in the guise of Allah to serve the interests of the Arab Imperialism. In fact, the change of Kibla has exerted a disastrous effect on the Jewish destiny and may have lethal consequences for human history, too. However, it has been a great boon for the
Arab Imperialism.
The Prophet Muhammad possessed tremendous political skills. Having said that every nation has its own Prophet, he asserted that it was different in his case because he was The Prophet not only for the Arab but also for ALL nations:
“Every Prophet is appointed for his own nation but I have been appointed the Prophet for all nations.” ( Mishkat , 5500, Vol. 3)
When this claim of the Prophet’s universality is coupled with the change of Kibla from Jerusalem to Kaaba, then we realise the depth of Muhammad’s
wisdom. It means that non-Arab Muslims cannot have their own Kibla, which serves as the pivot of national honour and unity. They must treat the Arabian
Kibla as their own Kibla and thus accept the Arabian law and culture to renounce their own national traditions. Do you know what it means in practice?
Here is the explanation:
This act raised Mecca to the highest spiritual reverence. Muslims from all nations, both high and low, prostrate towards it, not five times a day, but every moment owing to the ever-changing time-zones of this planet. The act of habitual
prostration enslaves their psyches, making them unconsciously obedient to Mecca; it decreases their power of reasoning, correspondingly increasing their
intensity of faith, to worship the birth-place of Muhammad. It is amazing how Muslims beg Muhammad to intercede with Allah for his mercy both in this
world and the world to come. Ordinarily, one nation has to subdue another nation with the force of arms ; the vanquished dislike the victor and want to be
free, but in this case, all non- Arab Muslims shed tears of devotion to be accepted as the Arabian cultural slaves! Is it not a classical example of a lamb, begging the butcher to lead him to the slaughterhouse? This is the wisdom of Muhammad- may peace be upon him.
Being aware of human frailties, the Prophet exerted further psychological pressure on his non-Arab followers so that they must subordinate their own
culture to that of Arabia. He achieved this goal by raising the spiritual prestige of the Arab institutions. Here is a brief account:
1. Kaaba is the House of God because the Almighty had commanded Adam to build it for Him, and it was also rebuilt by Abraham.
2. A Muslim’s grave must be dug in a way that when his body is buried, it
must face towards Mecca.
3. So sacred is Mecca that nobody must defecate himself facing this City. He
who does so is a Kafir (infidel).
4. Allah speaks Arabic, and the Koran is also in Arabic, which is a very difficult language; all Muslims must learn it to be blessed. Fancy how
biased Allah is in favour of Arabia.
5. The Hadith no. 5751 ( Mishkat , Vol. 3) reports the Prophet saying:
“Love the Arabs for three reasons because: (1) I am an Arab, (2) the Holy Koran is in Arabic and (3) the tongue of the dwellers of paradise shall also be
Arabic. ”
6. Kaaba is the centre of Allah’s blessings because it is here that 120 Divine Benedictions descend every day, and are then distributed to the rest of the
7. Ibne Majah reports in Hadith no. 1463, that a Namaz i.e. prayer in the Mosque- in-Medina brings 100 times more blessings than a similar prayer in other
mosques, and a prayer in the Kaaba invokes 100,000 benedictions compared to a similar worship in other mosques!
8. Even the Arabian graveyards known as Jannat-ul-Mualla and Jannat-ul- Baquee are the most sacred. According to a Fladith, they look shining to
the dwellers of the skies the same way as sun and moon appear to the people of the earth. Those who are buried there, shall enter paradise
without any accountability and each of them shall be privileged to intercede for seventy thousand people!
9. Read the following verse:
“(O Prophet) tell people if you really love Allah, follow me, and if you act like this, then Allah will love you, too, and He will forgive your sins….” (The House of Imran, III : 31)
When read with the Hadith (5) quoted above, one comes to the conclusion that to be a Muslim, a non- Arab believer has to live as an Arab to qualify
for Allah’s love and pardon!
10. It is a part of the Islamic faith that every Muslim, no matter where he lives, must come to Mecca for pilgrimage, at least once in a life-time, provided he has the means to do so.
Over two million from all over the world come to Mecca every year to perform the Hajj ceremony. Probably, the same numbers gather there to observe
the Umra rites during the year. These ceremonies generate so much wealth for the Arabs that, considering their population, they can maintain standards of
living compatible with those of the Western Europeans.
The Hajj ceremony has been a part of the Arab culture from time immemorial; it has developed from the Indian principles of idolatry such as Trimurti,
Sabeanism, local superstitions and Greek influences. There is no historical proof that the temple of Kaaba was ever rebuilt by Abraham. Even during the early times of Muhammad, it was the centre of idol-worship along with the age-old custom of kissing the Hajr-E-Aswad, which the Prophet encouraged because of its deep association with the Arab national culture. This pagan practice which appealed to the Arabs, certainly helped the Prophet to gain converts for his faith.
The Hajj ceremony belongs to the pre-Islamic times. It is as much representative of idolatry today as it ever was. People perform the rites of kissing
the Black Stone including the seven circuits of the Kaaba, which are considered emblematical relic of the stars’ revolutions associated with the traditions of the heathen Yemen.
What is true of Hajj, equally applies to Allah Himself. It was the name of the Chief idol of Kaaba associated with Quresh, the tribe of Muhammad. The
Prophet’s father’s name was Abd Allah i.e. the servant of Allah; for this reason, he retained this name for his God because of its appeal to the Quresh. Again, Allah was an Arabian God, and everybody swore by His name irrespective of religion.
By such schemes the Prophet bestowed a greater sanctity on Mecca than the Jews could ever associate with the Temple of Jerusalem. The divineness of Mecca
imbued the Arabs with an aura of holiness, which was made distinct by such Hadiths that all Muslims must love Arabia, and those who begrudge it, they
shall be deprived of the Prophet’s intercessory blessings, and thus rot in hell.
In this Master Plan of Arabism, the Prophet kept himself right on the top: even though he calls himself a mortal and the servant of Allah, it is Allah, who
along with His angels, prays peace to Muhammad i.e. worships him. Therefore, love and obedience to Muhammad is the true Islam and Allah becomes a mere
euphemism for Muhammad, who has such a strong grip on Him that belief in Allah means nothing at all without acknowledging Muhammad!
The best way of practising Islam is to treat Muhammad as the Model of
“You (Muslims) have had a good example in God’s Messenger (Muhammad) for whosoever hopes for God and the Last Day.” 33:21
It means, imitating the Prophet even in minor details i.e. one must think, feel and act as the Prophet did; one must develop the same tastes and habits as the Prophet had; one must even eat, drink, talk, walk, sleep and look like him in dress and general appearance.
When we further ponder over the issue under discussion, it transpires that this doctrine i.e. the Prophet as the Model of Behaviour, is the true force, which makes Islam, the Self-Perpetuating Arab Imperialism because such a confession
inspires a Muslim with the duty to treat the Prophet’s principles and practices as his true guide of action. Here is a very brief sketch of the Prophet’s basic principles and practices:
The fundamental principle of Islam is “divide and rule,” which splits humanity socially and politically. It seeks to perpetuate itself through a
permanent strife based on the distinction of Momin (the Muslim) and Kafir (the non-Muslim). The Koran in The Disputer, LVIII : 19, 22 states this fact in
undisputable terms: the non-Muslims have been labelled as the ” Satan ‘s Party” * and the followers of Allah and Muhammad are designated as “God’s Party.” *
Further, the Koran calls members of the “Satan’s Party” as “despicable” and declares that “they are surely the losers,” but about “God’s Party,” it adds:
“They are the people who do not love anyone who opposes God and His Messenger, not even if they were their fathers, or their sons, or their brothers,
or their clan… He (Allah) shall admit them into Gardens underneath which rivers flow, therein to dwell for ever, God being well-pleased with them, and
they well-pleased with Him. Those are surely God’s Party…. they are the prosperers. ” (58 : 22)
For a clear understanding of these verses, the following facts may be noted carefully:
1. Members of the “Satan’s Party” are bound to be losers. They are despicable because they do not acknowledge Allah and Muhammad.
2. Members of “God’s Party” are the people, who do not love the opponents of Allah and Muhammad, even if they happen to be their fathers, sons,
brothers or members of their nation (clan). These are the people, who will prosper in this life and shall be admitted into paradise in the next world.
Here is the permanent division of Muslims and non-Muslims based on everlasting social and political conflict, assuring the Muslims the final victory.
However, a person cannot join God’s Party until he completely severs his relationship with his parents, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters and countrymen,
if they do not accept Islam. This is the bane of all non-Arab countries where Islam enters by virtue of sword, migration or propaganda. In such lands, it
becomes the duty of all converts to Islam that they must accept the Arab cultural hegemony, that is, subordinate all their national institutions to those of Arabia, adopt Islamic law, learn Arabic and Arab manners; love Mecca and Arabs to acknowledge Muhammad as the Model of Behaviour because being an
Arab, he loved and enforced everything that was Arabian. Still worse, they must hate their own culture and motherland to such an extent that it becomes Dar-ul- Harb, i.e. a living battlefield. In practice it means that they must set up an opposite camp in their own motherland and fight their own countrymen until they all surrender to the Arab Cultural Imperialism by embracing Islam. It is then and only then that the country becomes Dar-ul-Islam i.e. the Land of Peace; otherwise it remains a battlefield (Dar-ul-Harb) where murder and rape of the non-Muslims ranks as good; lying, cheating and dishonesty are considered necessary evils and hence, form part of the indigenous Muslim morality.
Mortherland! What Motherland? The land of one’s birth where one grows up, lives and finds the last refuge, is deemed as the biggest joke under the magic of
the Arabian influence. These non-Arab Muslims develop a special sense of contempt for their own cultures and motherlands under the pretence of believing
in the Muslim nationhood, which is just a mirage, a misconception, a morbid condition of the mind.
To realise this truth, look at Egypt, the land of the mighty Pharaohs, whose imperial excellence spanned over 3000 years. This wonderful land of science, art, culture and godly manners, came down with a thud to touch its nadir when Islam took over its destiny. There are no Egyptians anymore. They all have
become Arabs!
Or go through the pages of the Iranian history. Their majestic rule lasted for many centuries. So great was their empire that it was not excelled in size and grandeur until the British appeared on the international scene some three hundred years ago. There is a good deal that they contributed to thedevelopment of the Roman law, Greek culture and Asian traditions. They produced spiritual leaders like Zaratushtra whose deliberations were to
influence Judaism and Christianity. But when Islam invaded Persia, the Arabs seized all her riches through a well-conceived system of plunder, which also
included beautiful, delicate women, the throbs of the Iranian poets, whose plaudits, praises and panegyrics had contributed richness to the traditions of chivalry both in Asia and Europe.
Thereafter, Iran was no more. All its political and cultural glory was decimated by the Iranians themselves, who, as a result of the Arabian grafting,
started hating their own culture, which had raised them to the pinnacle of glory. They wanted to be Muslims instead of Iranians to qualify for the beautiful virgins, the pretty boys and smooth wines, mentioned in the Koran. Charging their own Prophets, Zaratushtra and Mani with blasphemy, they constructed a new mythology known as Shiaism, which is totally based on the logo, love and lore of the Arab heroes, especially the immediate family members of the Prophet
Muhammad. Since then, the Iranians have lost their ethos. Aversion to what Iran stood for, has deprived them of the greatness, which only one’s own national traditions can guarantee. They are no longer the Iranians that they used to be. Nothing inspires them unless it is based on the sycophancy of Arabia. The recent Islamic Revolution of Imam Khomeni testifies to this truth.
India is yet another major victim of Islam. The day Muhammad bin Qasim, entered Sindh as a conqueror, must rank as the most ominous, odious and
outrageous moment in the history of India, whose proud, pious and powerful traditions have been the torch-bearer of world civilisation. The Indians, used to enjoying the warmth of ahinsa, were stunned by the violence that the Arab
raiders displayed in robbing the rich and seducing the indigenous damsels. Yet the irony was that they did all this in the name of the Most Compassionate and Just Allah, who counts these felonies as acts of fairness when they are committed
to torture the unbelievers. Then, this land that had become indifferent to the vicissitudes of history owing to a very long period of prosperity and plentitude, was attracted by more Islamic predators, who rushed in through the Khaiber Pass to loot her wealth, dishonour her daughters and crush her ethos that had stood the test of time despite its proneness to physical comforts and spiritual mirages such as ahinsa.
“It should be noted that the harm done by these murderers, looters and seducers as conquerors, may be forgotten, but the wound inflicted by their ideology i.e. Islam, which brought them to India, cannot be effaced from memory because instead of healing, this hurt has turned into an incurable abscess. Though 95% of all Muslims descend from the original population and the remaining 5% also qualify as Indians owing to their permanent residence over the centuries, they all want to be considered as a separate Muslim nation, dedicated to the belief that their motherland is a Dar-uTHarb. It is this iniquitous philosophy, which caused the partition of India. What the Arabs failed to do themselves, the Arabian doctrine of Divide and Rule has done for them. This is why Islam is the self-perpetuating Arab Imperialism; it needs no swords, no guns: its hypnotic appeal, which mentally and emotionally reduces man to the level of monkey, serves as the power to achieve the impossible.
One should remember that Islam is the ambassador of permanent religious, social and political strife; it declares:
“Fight those who believe not in God and the Last Day …. until they pay the tribute out of hand and have been humbled.” ( Repentance , IX : 29)
This readiness for war aiming at humbling the non-Muslims, has been the driving force of Islam, but it may cease to exist if there was another Prophet to
come. Only fools will think that the Prophet Muhammad was not wise enough to be conscious of such a drawback. He not only saw it but plugged this loophole
with his usual sagacity. He declared himself to he the Last of Prophets i.e. there would be no Prophet after him, and therefore nobody could change his Law of Strife based on the hatred of one’s own motherland until it became Dar-ul- Salamm. Here lies the crux: a nation is liable to hatred, hurt and humiliation if it does not embrace Islam, but when it does, it becomes the cultural slave of Arabia because it has to renounce all its national traditions to accept Muhammad as the Model of Behaviour, which requires adopting the ways of Muhammad, whose every breath seems to have been devoted to the glory of Arabia. What an unbeatable stratagem of imperialism it is!
However, I ought to point out that this doctrine of the “Last Prophethood” contradicts the basic principle of the Koran, which claims that Allah sends
Prophets to guide human-kind. See for yourself:
“Yet there shall come to you guidance from Me.” ( The Cow, II ; 38)
This is Allah speaking to Adam, who is being ousted from paradise for his insolence. This is what seeks to establish the doctrine of revelation through a
Prophet. If people needed guidance before Muhammad through different Prophets during all ages, why should they be deprived of this blessing after
Muhammad, whose message has been completely vandalised by his own followers to enhance their personal interests. Again, why could not Allah have
sent only one Prophet for all times right in the beginning to avoid prejudices and wars that the faiths preached by different Prophets create? If there is God, He cannot even imagine this kind of mischief, which is destructive to His creatures. To be respectable, God must act in an honourable manner.
Since every culture has its own traditions, Prophethood, as a part of the Middle Eastern culture, has a validity for its own people. But thrusting it on
other nations as Islam does for establishing Arab hegemony, is aggressive and undesirable. On the contrary, the Mosaic Prophethood is harmless because the
Jews do not seek conversion through propaganda, persecution and promises.
Still worse is the Islamic attitude that preaches destruction of the Jews as part of faith and means of salvation. It has caused such an inhuman animosity
between the Muslim and Jewish groups that it is likely to threaten survival of the human race. Let us ponder over this point in the next chapter:
The Clash of Prophets
Prophethood is a device of the Middle Eastern origin, which seeks to impose secular and spiritual mastery of one man, the Prophet, over others in the name of God, who, in fact, is nothing but a tool for realising the personal ambitions of the Prophet.
Prophethood is not only the divine fountain of despotism but it is likely to act as the source of destroying mankind. This truth is well illustrated by Jerusalem, which has become an international dynamite through the Prophetic jealousies.
Prophethood is based on totally unverifiable claim that God has appointed the man called ” Prophet,” to act as His Vicar for persuading people to obey Him;
this supernatural Being, is the Perfect, the Creator, the All-Mighty, the All- Wise and the All-Independent. This concept is highly contemptuous of God for several reasons:
Man is privileged to believe in one God, many gods or no god at all. This fundamental right is given him by his free will, which is the true distinction
between the living and the dead. The Lofty sun, despite being the source of life, is still lifeless because its every movement is already determined, and therefore it exists mechanically. On the contrary, the lowermost amoeba, a protozoa of ever- changing shape, is a living being for having the ability to move as it pleases.
1. With all these qualities, God, the Perfect, cannot depend upon Prophet, the man, who is imperfect. Therefore, the device of Prophethood by its
very nature, is defective, devious and distracting.
Again, owing to its high cultural and religious influence, veracity of the doctrine of Prophethood must be easily verifiable. Since it is not, it makes it a source of mischief, which we experience in the form of social discord.
2. Man is not only endowed with free will but also enjoys his intelligence. This is what makes him absolutely marvellous, magical and magnificent.
He is, therefore, well-equipped to find the right path for himself. A Prophet, who lived centuries ago, and rode asses and mules, does not have the ability to guide the man, who has become a space-traveller through the means that he has invented himself. If God’s guidance was
really essential for man. He would not have equipped humans with such high intelligence and inventive power. Again, being All-Independent and the Perfect, He should have designed man differently so that he could not err. This would have saved God all the humiliation that emanates from
His dependence on an imperfect mortal, called “Prophet,” and also the disrepute that springs from the faulty design of man, which requires guidance.
3. The concept of Prophethood seeks to turn man, a rational being, into a robot, which must be driven by faith; it is the exact opposite of rationality.
Thus, a thing becomes good or bad, not because experience or wisdom proves it as such, but because God says so through His Prophet!
4. According to the notion of Guidance, God’s greatest passion is that man must humiliate himself before the Almighty through a series of rituals
known as worship. He who is Almighty and All-Independent cannot be the lover of sycophancy, which worship really is; passion for flattery is not a virtue but a vice; it is a trait of humanity, which, makes people seek glory through enjoying entreaties and supplications of lesser men. This is an attribute of Dominance Urge associated with man, who is impelled by it to usurp liberties of fellow men for looking great through their self- humiliating praises, prayers and pathetic submissions. God, the All- Mighty and All-Independent, is by definition, way above these belittling drawbacks of personality.
5. It is actually Prophet, the man, who uses the ruse of revelation (Prophethood) to satisfy his Urge of Dominance. He pretends to be God’s
servant but encourages his followers to treat him as the God, and thus, God Himself slides into the background, leaving the entire field to the
Prophet, who acts as the sole medium of all the worldly and spiritual fulfillments.
In fact, Prophethood is the gravest insult to the concept of Godhead. If you read the Bible or the Koran, you will find that God is someone who loves to be
worshipped. He has such a childish and unstable disposition that, if man humiliates himself by worshipping Him, He feels glad as if someone were on top
of the world but if man neglects Him, He becomes miserable like a fish out of water. What kind of God is He, whose pleasure and pain solely depend on man’s
attitude towards Himself?
If Prophethood was a true concept, it would be the greatest honour that a man could achieve, and in that case he would have worked hard and begged the
Almighty for this dignity. Regrettably, the situation is quite the opposite: it is God who is so desperate that He imposes this divine distinction through threats and violence on a person who is most reluctant to accept it. Frankly speaking, one is obliged to think that God is extremely anxious for finding a Prophet, and the man awarded this esteem, does so as a favour to the Almighty. What a pious blasphemy it is!
The truth about the doctrine of Prophethood is, that the man eager to become a Prophet asserts that he has reluctantly accepted God’s commission to
represent Him on earth. Since God cannot be seen or contacted and speaks only through the Prophet, who is visible, the latter becomes the Symbol of God like a statue, which ranks holy by virtue of representing the divine power that lurks
behind it. The Prophet wants God as a figurative head only so that he himself must rank as the centre of people’s attention and adoration. Eventually, he
elevates himself so high that he looms as God’s Superior. Showing God as threatening or indirectly begging a particular man to accept the dignity of
Prophethood against his will, is an integral part of this ploy. Here are two examples to explain this point:
a. According to the Biblical story (Exodus 3), Moses saw an angel in the midst of a burning bush, which suffered no consumption despite the fact that flames enveloped it. As he was amazed by this miraculous event, a voice rose from the bush, and said, “I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.”
What did God want from Moses? He wanted him (Moses) to represent Him among the Jews whom he brought out of Egypt where they had suffered slavery
of the worst kind. Moses’ response is expressed by this verse:
“O my Lord, I am not eloquent… I am slow of speech.” ( Exodus , 4:10)
Moses is apparently reluctant to accept the dignity of Prophethood on the ground that he is a stammerer and therefore lacks the eloquence needed for
skilful performance of duty. The result of this unwillingness was :
“And the anger of the Lord was kindled against Moses …” ( Exodus , 4 : 14)
Despite God’s wrath, Moses does not yield until God appoints Aaron, the Levite, as Moses’ assistant to interpret his speeches and render other relevant
services! Could not God allot this function to some other man more suited to the job? Why did it have to be Moses, who lacked the necessary qualifications
to be a missionary?
It is simply to exhibit God’s desperation for Moses irrespective of his weakness, and his (Moses) own importance in relation to God! In fact, it is a
subtle way of demonstrating a Prophet’s superiority over God. See this truth for yourself:
As a background to this episode, I may add that the Jews were originally an idolatrous people. In the absence of Moses, they built the image of Golden Calf
and started worshipping it. Anger of Yahwe, the Jewish God, flared up, and He wanted to kill them all:
“And the Lord said unto Moses, I have seen this people, and, behold, it is a stiff-necked people.” ( Exodus , 32 : 9)
As God points out stubbornness of the Jewish character, possibly with a view to justifying the punishment that He intends to inflict upon them, Moses enters into a battle of words with God and rebukes Him by declaring:
“Wherefore should the Egyptians speak, and say. For mischief did he (Yahwe) bring them out, to slay them in the mountains, and to consume them from the
face of the earth? Turn from Thy fierce wrath, and repent of this evil against Thy people.” ( Exodus , 32 : 12)
These are surely the most impolite words for a man to use about God, especially in His presence. It is more than an altercation: it demonstrates that
Prophet is entitled to scold God with impunity.
In another episode ( Numbers , 14 : 11-20), when the Jews denigrate the Promised Land, Yahwe’s wrath flares up. Moses rebukes the Almighty once
again to show the practical superiority of the Prophet over God, though theoretically, he remains a servant of the Creator!
b. The story of the Prophet Muhammad, in essence, is very much the same as that of Moses:
It is claimed that one day when Muhammad was meditating on the mysteries of creation, an angel of God called “Gabriel,” appeared before him and said:
Read : in the name of thy Lord who createth. Createth man from a clot. Read : And it is thy Lord, the Most bountiful who teacheth pen.
As the Koran testifies to the fact, it was a written message from Allah, otherwise, why would Gabriel tell Muhammad to “read in the name of thy
Lord?” In answer to this command, Muhammad told Gabriel that he was illiterate and therefore, could not read the message. Hearing that, the
angel caught him by the throat and ordered him again to read. Thrice the Prophet expressed his inability to read and thrice Gabriel choked him!
One can clearly see how the dignity of God is being flouted by the man, who afterwards fought many battles to be acknowledged as the Prophet, but here it is claimed:
1. God is so desperate for a Prophet that He uses violence to persuade Muhammad, who does not want this dignity. Here, Muhammad holds the upper hand!
2. Allah not only urgently needs a representative but He is extremely desperate for this purpose because He settles for an illiterate person knowing full well that a missionary must be literate.
3. The whole event cannot be anything but a fiction to slight Allah, who claims to be All-knowing. How could He be All-knowing when He sends Gabriel with a written message to Muhammad, who cannot read!
Long after “appointing” Muhammad as the Prophet, Allah realises that a Prophet must be literate:
“We (Allah) shall make thee read (O Muhammad) so that thou shall not forget.” ( The Overwhelming, LXXXVII : 6)
Obviously, Muhammad must have been taught by Allah how to read and
write (because reading and writing are one process) yet the Muslims,
against this Koranic evidence claim that Muhammad was illiterate!
Again, surah. The Clot, XCVI (“Read in the name of thy Lord”) being the first
revelation, must have occurred right in the beginning of the Koran but it is found
almost at the end.
This disorder must not be found in the Book of God, yet the Muslims believe
that God’s Word (Koran) cannot be changed! Surely, disorder can be worse than
To continue the story, I may add that several traditions sprang up regarding
the first meeting of Muhammad with Gabriel. One of these stories says that he
was so upset by the Message of Prophethood that he tried to commit suicide. Yet,
he accepted it! How desperate Allah must have been for someone to act as His
As stated earlier, when Muhammad was weak, he claimed to be a servant of
God but as he grew stronger, all the Koranic commands began to be issued in the
name of Allah and the Prophet conjointly until Muhammad was able to reverse
the whole doctrine by declaring that “Allah along with His angels, prays peace to
the Prophet i.e. worships Muhammad.”
What does a Prophet preach?
He advocates: God is One, who is Absolute: He does not include anyone in
His government, and the Prophet is His appointee and a servant.
This is the basis of monotheism i.e. there is only One God, who is Absolute.
The truth is that such a God does not have a real existence; His being depends on
the word of the Prophet, who, as we have seen, is just a mortal, subject to human
weaknesses. The cause of God, would have been served better if He were to
show His face to mankind frequently for assuring them that He is there. Since
nobody has ever seen Him, He either does not exist or is too Great to bother
about what people think of Him. It is obviously, the Prophet, who wants to be
glorified as God, and to be treated as such insists that his laws (which he claims
to be Divine) must be obeyed for ever because this is the highest dignity, which
raises a man (Prophet) to the status of God. Again, as without exclusive power of
law-making the Prophet cannot sustain his Divine Eminence, absolutism
becomes the essence of Prophethood i.e. there is only One God, One *Prophet
and One Law; nobody has any right to make law, which defies the doctrine of
monotheism, and obedience to man-made law (legislative or judicial) ranks as
idolatry. This is why monotheism is the fountain of absolute monarchy and
dictatorship, and wherever Christianity and Islam have been dominant, this form
of government has persisted. The most dreadful dictators of the 20th century
such as Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini came from the Christian culture, which is no
different from Islam in this respect.
On the contrary, the nations that have practised polytheism, i.e. belief in more
than one God, come to believe in pluralism which serves as the fountain of
democracy i.e. the government of the people, which is totally opposed to
theocracy, the government of God, advocated by monotheism or the doctrine of
Prophethood. Thus, the former represents man’s natural instincts but the latter
being the exponent of dominance-urge, is a phenomenon of antihuman
In a previous chapter, I have stated that a Prophet spreads his message and
enforces his laws to sustain his supernatural prestige. Again, the stronger his
nation, the greater the chances of his own elevation. This is why prophethood
becomes the source of nationalism, much viler than Nazism. The Arab history
provides a good illustration of this Prophetic Nationalism, which is based on
boundless Dominance-Urge of one man, the Prophet, desperately needing the
force of a strongly built nation to perpetuate his glory in the name of God, who
will reward his followers with worldly riches and paradise studded with rivers
of milk, honey and wine, and inhabited by the most beautiful virgins and
handsome boys.
The nationhood of such people is founded on racial superiority because
unless they feel exalted over other people, they cannot pronounce and enforce the
superiority of their Prophet over other nations – the sole purpose of this exercise.
People of other nations, when they embrace Islam, come to be united under
the Arabian hegemony, and call themselves Umma or one nation. What a self-
deception it is! It is a self-deception because Muslims of other countries are
treated as foreigners in Arabia. They are not considered as citizens of Hijaz
(Arabia); neither they are allowed to buy property there, nor permitted to run
businesses independently. These Muslims are complete foreigners in Arabia,
subject to visa, passport and all other laws governing the behaviour and
obligations of the aliens. If Islam was
really based on true brotherhood of all Muslims, irrespective of geographical
boundaries, Mecca and Medina would have been international cities (at least to
all the Muslims); since quotations from the address of the Prophet at the Last
Pilgrimage do not measure up to his pan-Islamic conduct, they must be forgeries
like many Hadiths. Again, it must be remembered that almost all his audience at
that occasion consisted of the Arabs, and therefore, whatever he said, related to
the Arabs only. This point becomes clear when we realise that Muhammad laid
the foundation of an Arab Empire in the name of Islam and not an Islamic
Empire. The foreign Muslims did not have top-level representation in the
government of Arabia during the times of Muhammad himself. Neither did they
enjoy any such privilege during the heyday of the Arab political ascendancy, nor
is there any legal precedent to prove that a Muslim from any territory can
become the President or Prime Minister of an Arab country. On the contrary, a
person of any race and colour could become the head of the mighty Roman
Empire. Yet the Muslims claim the superiority of the Islamic system!
It may appear a digression but it is absolutely necessary to counter the false
Islamic propaganda of international brotherhood. In fact, so complex is the
nature of this issue that it requires a volume to clear the air, but in this context,
the present brevity will have to suffice.
The Prophetic Nationalism such as practised by the Arabs, is the most
loathsome, lethal and lowest form of racism and shall eventually bring about
the total destruction of human race. The reason being that such religions are
based on the fanatical promotion of the deification of their founders. All that
serves this purpose is great, good and grand irrespective of the means to achieve
it. This is the reason that there is no clear concept of vice and virtue in these
religions. In the background of all this, lurks the Prophetic claim to be better
than all other Prophets, leading to the national rivalries and their concomitant
effects, which are degrading, dreadful and destructive to mankind. Here are some
facts to prove this theory:
Let us first take the Jewish claim, which requires for better understanding,
some repetition of the already stated facts:
The Bible (Old Testament) declares:
But My (God) covenant will I establish with Isaac, (the ancestor of the
Jews) which Sarah (the wife of Abraham) shall bear unto thee
(Abraham)….” ( Genesis , 17 : 21)
This statement is contradistinctive because it asserts superiority of the Jews
whereas Genesis, 21 : 13 declares inferiority of the Arabs, who happen to be the
children of Ishmael, borne by Hagar, the bondwoman of Abraham’s wife, Sarah:
“And also of the son of the bondwoman (Ishmael) I will make a nation,
because he is thy (Abraham’s) seed.”
Here, the Old Testament has not referred to Ishmael as the son of Abraham
but a product of his semen. Again, it is a swear-word to call someone the “son of
a bondwoman.” This demonstrates the Jewish contempt of the Arabs.
To bolster the Jewish nationalism, their God declares them to be superior to
all nations:
“For thou (the Jews) art an holy people unto the Lord thy God: the Lord
thy God, hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all
people that are upon the face of the earth.” ( Deuteronomy , 7 : 6)
To make the Jews the Superior race, their Lord taught then a novel formula of
ascendancy, that is, be rich. This is the reason that the Jews have developed a
sacred motto. ” the richer, the godlier ” i.e. the more money one has, the closer to
God one becomes!
This is why the Bible says:
“The Lord shall open unto thee His good treasure. …and to bless all the
work of thine hand: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, and thou
shalt not borrow.” ( Deuteronomy , 28 : 12)
Money is power; in fact, a wealthy fool has usually proved better than a wise
pauper. This is the source and secret of the Jewish “superiority.” And this is what
had lifted them above the Arabs before the advent of Muhammad, who wanted
to make his own people an exalted race.
The Jews having suffered the worst type of slavery in Egypt for over four
centuries, were just a socially disorganised rabble, and had no national or
cultural virtue. It was Moses, the Great, who welded them into a proud nation
through the marvel of his Prophethood, which only the dynamic force of
Muhammad could rival.
Besides the principle of money-making, he laid down the Law of Talion,
which was to become the guideline of the Jewish culture, lacking the ideal of
compassion and forgiveness. This law, stated in Exodus 21 : 24-26 demands that
if someone hurts your eye, you must hurt his eye and if someone breaks your
tooth, you must break his tooth. This is the reason that even a naturally kind
Jew, does not believe in forgiveness.
Realising that just blood ties were not strong enough to weld the Jews into a
nation, Moses wanted to find them a permanent home of their own. So he
declared that there waited for them the Promised Land, which turned out to be
Canaan (Palestine). To achieve this goal, he trained them for forty years in a
ruthless environment known as “Wilderness” until they became a martial race.
This Apostle of God, setting aside all rules of tenderness, taught the Jews to be
tough towards other people. It is an irony of history that the Jews themselves
have been haunted by similar conditions of dread, dismay and devastation that
they inflicted on the Canaanites. One feels distraught when one reads
(. Deuteronomy ,
Chapter 3) that as an act of obedience to God, the Jews struck the Canaanites
“with the edge of their swords” to murder every man, woman and child
including anything that breathes: the extermination of the opponents had got to
be utter and complete. Further, Josuah 10 : 28 gives a systematic account of the
planned destruction city by city. Even greater tragedy is the fact that after a
passage of 3000 years, the religious scruples have kept the old racial hatred
aflame and the war between the Jews and the Palestinians is still as active as
To understand the situation, one must realise that the Jews are a racial group
like any other nation, and, therefore, entitled to preserve their national integrity
through all possible means. Their religion has become their personal affair and
does not seek expansion through persistent propaganda or persecution. Neither
it advocates annihilation of the Gentile on religious grounds nor it seeks abrasive
international grouping to create discord, distrust and destruction in the name of
God or Moses to promote the Jewish cause. I could have ignored the reference to
Judaism but the nature of the discussion does not permit it.
Prophethood, though considered a Middle Eastern tradition, is not a Jewish
invention; it is ascribed to Akhenaton ( Amenhotep IV) of Egypt (1379-1362 B.C.)
but it is the Jews who perfected this device, and are now paying for it. There is
no historical evidence that the Arabs ever awaited the advent of their own
Prophet. This tradition had come to be associated with the Jews only, but the
genius of Muhammad spotted its national and political potential, which resulted
in his own Prophethood. The Arabian Allah in His wisdom thought it fit to
declare Muhammad as the Best and the Last Prophet with the sole purpose of not
only denying this honour to any other human for good, but also bidding all the
Jews and Christians to renounce their faith and follow Muhammad! The worse
aspect of this episode is the Muslim belief that denying Muhammad as the Last
and the Greatest of all Prophets, is a legitimate * 1 cause of war against the
infidels. This is a clear proof of the Prophetic jealousy and all the evils that
spring from it in the form of power-struggle, social abrasion and international
wars. Here is an example in relation to the Arabs and the Jews:
Prophethood is essentially a form of extreme nationalism, which seeks to
raise the Prophet to the status of God in the guise of humanity. However, to
succeed, the device of Prophethood requires the force of a strong nation for
lifting the Prophet to the status of God, without ripping off his robe of humanity.
Hoisting the flag of racial superiority for igniting the undying flame of national
bigotry, hatred and jealousy is a favourite, fruitful and frightening tool of
Prophethood. For sake of convenience, I may once again quote the Hadith which
formed the principle and practice of Muhammad’s apostolic ministry:
“Of the two *2 tribes that God chose as the best were the descendants of
Ishmael and Isaac. God ^preferred the children of Ishmael (Arabs) to the
children of Isaac (the Jews). Then God created Muhammad in the chosen
tribe the *4 Quresh (the descendants of Ishmael) and then he chose his
family as the best among the Quresh families and created *5Muhammad
as the best of all men.” (fame Tirmze, Vol. 2)
This Hadith shows the racial nature and national aims of Prophethood. Just
consider the following points raised by this hadith:
* 2 The Semitic race, mainly consisting of the Jews and the Arabs, is the best
in the world because they both are the Chosen tribes!
*3 However, God has preferred the Arabs to the Jews.
This is Muhammad’s retort to the Biblical declaration that Ishmael, the
ancestor of the Arabs was a “bondwoman’s son!” Again, the Bible says that it was
Isaac, who was offered as a sacrifice to God by Abraham but the Koran negates
it, and claims that it was Ishmael. Both are supposed to be the Holy Books.
Which one of them is telling the truth?
*4 The Quresh are the best tribe amongst the Arabs.
*5 His own family, the Banu Hashim are the best family, and he himself
(Muhammad) is the best of all people!
In view of the above facts, can anyone honestly say that Prophethood is not
the champion of extreme nationalism? Even more surprising is the staunch belief
that Islam is the ambassador of international brotherhood, and Muhammad is
the humblest of men. How could he be the humblest of men when he claimed to
be the best of mankind, especially when he rose to become the ruler of Arabia.
Even this is not the whole truth: he claimed that Allah and His angels
worshipped him, and so should do all believers, addressing him most reverently!
It is to perpetuate his own superiority that he devised Islam and made it a
highly abrasive ideology based on a permanent conflict of Momin (believer) and
Kafir (unbeliever). Being rooted in faith, it is far more destructive than the theory
of Class struggle, which Karl Marx borrowed from F. W. Hegel, who might have
adapted it from the Koran.
To understand this point, one ought to ponder over the Islamic attitude
towards Jerusalem, which is not only the Holiest Jewish centre but also the
foundation-stone of the Jewish nationhood and all its traditions.
It appears that the Prophet Muhammad originally dreamt of a Super Semitic
Nation, with the Arabs as the senior partners, and to achieve this goal, he was
willing to concede a good bit to the Jews:
1. He acknowledged that God had exalted the Jews over all the people. ( The
Cow, II : 115 )
2. He made Abraham, the Jewish patriarch, as the Leader of mankind
including the Arabs.
3. He also declared that Islam was not a new faith but the old Jewish faith of
4. However, his Master Stroke was the appointment of Jerusalem as the
Kibla of Islam i.e. the direction of prayers for all Muslims. It means that all
Muslims would pay the same adoration to Jerusalem as did the Jews but
there was one basic condition attached to it i.e. the Jews of Arabia must
embrace Islam, which in religious and national terms meant that the Jews
would follow the Koranic law and the Arab traditions instead of the Torah
and the Jewish practices. Circumstantial evidence suggests that in all
probability, Muhammad hoped that if the Arabian Jews accepted him as
the Last Messenger of God, the rest of the Jews in diaspora would also
follow suit, thus fulfilling his dream of the Super Semitic Nation on his
terms. Obviously, he was convinced of the Jewish expertise that they had
accumulated over the centuries. Turther, Jesus Christ was also a Jew,
whose reverence had raised the holy status of Jerusalem beyond
imagination. Thus, this City of David, by becoming the Muslim Kibla
would raise the prestige of Muhammad, resulting in his acceptance by
both the Jews and Christians. It was a brilliant plan but its success
depended on the attitude of the Arabian Jews towards Muhammad as the
Prophet. To the utter sorrow of the Jews, they stubbornly denied him,
incurring the apostolic wrath not only for themselves but also the entire
Jewish race for all times. How?
As a result of their denial, the Prophet *changed his entire policy towards the
Jews, whom he had acknowledged to be the Exalted people :
“O believers, take not Jews and Christians
as friends, they are friends of each other,
whoso of you makes them as his friends
is one of them. God guides not the people
of the evildoers.” ( The Table, V : 57)
It appears that Muhammad thought of the Jews as the most formidable foe,
who could harm his religion and the country. Therefore, he was not content with
their extermination in Arabia, and desired their permanent suppression by his
followers during all ages. So, he adopted a stunning hate-love policy towards
Jerusalem to seal the Jewish fate:
“Turn thy (Muhammad) face towards the Holy Mosque (Kaaba); and
wherever you are, turn your faces towards it.” ( The Coze, II : 144)
Thus, the Prophet Muhammad deprived Jerusalem of the dignity that he had
bestowed upon it: it was no more the Kibla of Islam. Why? Look at the following
“Those are they (the Jews) whom God has cursed; he whom God has
cursed, thou will not find for him any helper Or have a share in the
kingdom? If that is so, they do not give the people a single date-spot…”
(Women, IV : 52-53)
It is difficult to interpret this verse on its own. However, it is clear from it that
the Jews are no longer a Blessed, but a Cursed people. The Koran has given
reason for this Divine change of heart, that is, they have not believed in
Muhammad. The meaning of this verse begins to amplify itself when we
consider this Hadith:
“The last hour would not come unless the Muslims fought and killed the
Jews. ..and until the Jews hid themselves behind a stone or a wall would
say: Muslims, the servants of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and
kill him.” ( Hadith no. 6985, Muslim, Vol. 4)
One should note that this Hadith directs All Muslims, and not just the Arabs,
to kill the Jews, wherever they are found. The Jew-bashing in Arabia and the
immense hatred found against them in all the Islamic sacred books and
literature, has resulted in a strange but a very strong belief among all Muslims
throughout the world: they believe that the Koran has forbidden return of the
Jews to Jerusalem and form a government of their own. Why should not the Jews
return to Jerusalem?
Muhammad accomplished this feat through a stroke of sagacity, which has
no parallel in the world history. Look at the following:
“Glory be to Him (Allah), who carried His servant (Muhammad) by night
from the Holy Mosque (Kaaba) to the Further Mosque (Jerusalem), the
precincts of which we have blessed….” ( The Night Journey, XVII : I)
It is a reference to the Prophet’s visit to Allah when on his way to seeing the
Almighty in person, he was taken to Jerusalem as a part of his holy itinerary.
Thus Jerusalem became a sacred place in the Islamic faith and an integral part of
its territory!
Frankly speaking, one should add that the appointment of Jerusalem as the
Muslim Kibla has nothing to do with spiritual affairs; it was simply a political
decision seeking a permanent foothold in the Jewish life. Look at the following
1. The change of Kibla took place at the repeated requests of Muhammad
because “We (Allah) have seen thee turning thy face about in the heaven;
now we shall surely turn thee to a direction (Kaaba) that shall satisfy thee
(O Muhammad).” ( The Cow, II : 144)
One should remember that Allah always acts as Muhammad desires!
Change of Kibla was Muhammad’s decision that he imposed on Allah for
the benefit of the Arabs.
2. The Koran (2 : 148 ) states that every nation has its own Kibla. Therefore,
the Arabs should have had their own Kibla right from the beginning. The
mere fact that they did not, demonstrates its political nature.
3. Umar had a hand in the change of Kibla on national ground (Hadith no.
5903 – Muslim Vol. 4). This great Arab nationalist was stabbed to death by
a Persian slave owing to his (Umar’s) racial bias.
4. The Prophet had commanded his followers not to defacate, facing Kaaba
and Jerusalem because both ranked as Kibla. These instructions, which
were binding on every Muslim, were meant to show one’s respect to the
holiness of these places. However, the Prophet himself ignored it in
respect of Jerusalem:
“Narrated’ Abdullah bin Umar: People say whenever you sit for
answering the call of nature, you should not face the Kibla or Bait-i-
Muqaddis (Jerusalem). I told them, “Once I went up the roof of our house
and I saw Allah’s Messenger (Muhammad) answering the call of nature
while sitting on two bricks facing Bait-ul-Muqaddas (Jerusalem) but there
was a screen covering him.'” ( Bukhari , 147; Vol. I)
Muhammad’s act clearly demonstrates that he did not have genuine respect
for Jerusalem: it was just a political convenience to him. It is further confirmed by
the fact that twice a year (during Shabaan and Zwilhajj) Kaaba, the Arabian
Kibla, receives a highly reverential treatment when it is washed with gallons of
rose-scent and Zamzam water and is honoured with a change of new covering
every year, but nothing of the sort takes place in regard to the Bait-ul-Muqaddas
Against this Islamic background, one must look at the Jewish attitude
towards Jerusalem to realise the possibility of a most horrendous clash, which
may sound the death-knell of human civilisation.
Diaspora, that is, dispersal of the Jews from their homeland, first resulted
from the Babylonian Exile of 586 B.C. What Muhammad did twelve centuries
later, only fractionally added to it, and does not strictly come within this
category. Though the Jews came to be settled in Persia, Spain and many
countries of the West, it has been the burning desire of the Diaspora Jewry to
return home despite the fact that they did very well in the foreign lands.
Returning home i.e. to Jerusalem became, not only a fervent desire but an
integral part of the Jewish faith. This is what led to the formation of the Zionist
Movement, which sought to achieve this goal. While this forms the greatest
triumph for the Jews, it strikes at the Islamic precept of No-Return, which the
Muslim Zealots have so painfully forged over the centuries to keep the Jews out
of their Motherland. Returning of the Jews to Israel may just be an historical
event to the world but for the Muslims it is a tragedy of immense proportions
because it strikes at the root of the Islamic traditions which hold that the Jews
have been cursed by Allah and, as a result, shall not be allowed to return to
Jerusalem and form a government of their own. Bearing this Islamic doctrine in
mind, one can realise why the Prophet Muhammad wanted to lay a spiritual
claim on Jerusalem as a part of the Islamic faith despite having no real reverence
for it. Obviously, it was a political ploy to interfere with the Jewish history.
To stress the enormity of the situation, I must add that there is no Judaism
without Jerusalem. This fact is borne out by the concept of Diaspora, which
describes the religious, eschatological, philosophical and political concerns of the
Jewish people. It means that the Land of Israel (and Judah) has been given to the
Jews as a fulfillment of the Divine Promise, and returning to it is a part of the
messianic hope. Here, one can see the most devastating conflict between the
Jewish faith and the Islamic Law of No-Retum. And, who is responsible for the
lethal strife? It is the doctrine of Prophethood, which enables a person to realise
the dictates of his super ego in the name of a supernatural Power, termed as God.
Here the clash is between two Prophets-Moses and Muhammad. Who was right?
—Moses, who claimed that Israel is the Land promised to the Jews by God, and
therefore, it is exclusively theirs— or is it Muhammad who asserts that the Jews
have been cursed by God for not believing in his Prophethood, and as a result,
shall not be allowed to return to Israel and form their own government?
The fact, as we see is, that the Jews have returned— to Israel for the last fifty
years and have been able to form a government of their own. While it gives them
a lot of satisfaction, it has hurt the Muslims badly and they desperately want to
restore the dignity of the Islamic faith by expelling the Jews from Israel, which
they claim to be their First Kibla. To prove the Koran right, the Muslims are
determined to exterminate the Jews in Israel.
In fact, Muhammad’s eternal desire to humiliate the Jews is rooted in his
national tendencies. Fie abhorred the Jews, not only because he thought of them
as the rivals to the Arabs, but also because he could not swallow their claim of
racial superiority based on the choice of God; the Jewish claim to be the only
legitimate descendants of Abraham has proved highly provocative to the Arab
ego, fathered by Ishmael; mundane success of the Jews is another cause of envy.
To remedy this situation, the Prophet not only declared the Arabs as racially
superior to the Jews but also checked their historical progress by laying a
perpetual claim on Jerusalem. He must have realised that the Arabs on their own
might not be able to stop the Jewish march to glory, and therefore, he put the
weight of Islamic Imperialism behind the Arabs.
This stratagem expresses the political vision and patriotic sincerity of the
Prophet Muhammad. As already described, Muhammad projected himself to be
the Behavioural Model (33 : 20) not only for the Arabs but all Muslims
irrespective of where they come from. It means, to qualify for paradise, a Muslim
must copy the Prophet in all details such as eating, drinking, talking, walking,
thinking and acting. Thus, a true Muslim must hate the Jews as did the Prophet.
Here one can see the nature of Islam, as the Arab Imperialism. This is a
specially devised faith to serve the national interest of Arabia – subtlety being
its key-word. During the heyday of the British, if there was a political upheaval
in a certain part of the Empire, the government had to mobilise armed forces
from other territories to restore the situation. But the unique form of Arab
Imperialism that the Prophet invented, does not depend on armies; the Muslims
of non- Arab origin have been so thoroughly brainwashed that they hate the Jews
as their religious duty and shall be happy to join any campaign of Jew-bashing of
their own free will and at their own expense. The fact that most Muslim
countries have still not recognised Israel, is a product of these religious
Over the last fifty years, the Israelis have fought several wars against the
Arabs and are still on permanent alert against them, particularly, and the world
of Islam, generally. It is usually believed that the American oil interest is the real
cause of political instability in the Middle East, and some go as far as to claim
that the Jews have been planted there by the West for this reason. This is a sheer
nonsense because the Americans and the Western nations buy oil from the Arab
countries at the internationally fixed prices as set by the free economic forces.
The truth is the other way round: if the Americans and Europeans did not buy oil
from Arabia, she would run into dire economic conditions.
The real cause of trouble is the clash of the two Prophets— Moses and
Muhammad: the Jews want to feel secure in their Promised Land and the Arabs,
believing the Jewish return against the precepts of Islam, desperately want to
uphold the dignity of their faith by drowning all Jews in the sea of Galilee. The
Arabs have been tremendously helped by their Islamic Imperialism and the Jews
have been lucky (so far) to defend themselves with the help of the West.
How long can the Jews stand up to the Arabs and their one billion followers?
When they find it impossible to survive through political means, that will be the
saddest moment not only for them and the Arabs, but also the entire human race.
The Jews, who believe in the Law of Talion, shall not go down quietly. To
demonstrate their hatred of Islam, they will turn Mecca and Medina into
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, thus mobilising the spirit of Islamic Jehad, which is a
practical demonstration of Allah’s “terrible retribution” ( The Cow, II : 205). It
will create a state of war throughout the world.
What I have said above is not a wild guess but a calculation based on Arab-
Jewish antagonism that has persisted over the centuries. The cause of this
perpetual strife is not the Jewish religion because a Jew is someone, who is
racially Jew, and not just a follower of the Jewish religion. Again, he is not
dedicated to propagating his religion for gaining converts, though the doors of a
synagogue are open to those, who want to embrace this faith of their own free
will. It is the seeker, who has to prove his genuineness for admission.
On the contrary, Allah has made it obligatory for all humans to embrace
Islam; those who refuse to accept it, qualify as the “Satan’s Party” and must be
eliminated by the Muslims, who rank as “Allah’s Party.” Rejection of Islam is
the most heinous crime that one can imagine, and for this reason one is liable to
a terrible punishment: Allah Himself declares war on infidels and legitimises the
most despicable acts such as murder, rape, arson and enslavement of non-
Muslims, when they are committed to spread Islam. This is called “Jehad,” the
Holy War. The West tasted its Holiness for four hundred years in the form of the
Crusades, which reduced the European population to half of its normal size.
This Islamic attitude is at its worst towards the Jews. Any Muslim, who can
kill a Jew is sure to win a seat in paradise. Realising this fact, some Islamic
countries have made Jew-bashing as the cornerstone of their foreign policy with
a view to winning leadership of the Muslim world. This is what makes Israel
wary of the Muslim lands and they have to watch their economic and military
progress. History has recorded that Israel launched an air raid against Iraq in
1981 to destroy its nuclear reactor at Osirak. It was considered an unprovoked
attack by the Muslim world. Apparently, it was so, but in view of the above
mentioned facts, it was not.
As a humanist, I must emphasise, once again, that man is intellectually and
morally too great to need guidance of any supernatural agency. Thus,
Prophethood or Revelation, being a political device, is the source of
primitiveness and destruction to humankind, and these remarks equally apply to
both the Koran and the Bible. These books are highly self-contradictory.
Therefore, instead of leading, they mislead people. Take for example, the Islamic
Law of No-Return in relation to the Jews. The Koran in The Table, V: 20-25
contravenes itself:
“And when Moses said to his people, ‘O, my people, remember God’s
blessings upon you …. When He gave you such as He had not given to any
“O, my people, enter the Holy Land, which God has prescribed for you,
and turn not back in your traces…”
“They said, ‘Moses, there are people in it, very arrogant; we will not enter
it until they depart from it; if they depart from it, then we will enter.’ Said,
two men of those that feared God whom God had blessed, ‘Enter against
them…. when you enter it, you will be victors.”
In a nutshell, it means that Palestine i.e. Israel (and Judah) is the Holy Land
that has been prescribed for the Jews by Allah, who has assured them victory in
the struggle.
Today, due to the enormity of weapons, Israel is not just an Arab-Jewish
affair because it may involve the survival of mankind. Since, this clash is a
product of the prophetic rivalries, one can clearly see that Prophethood has
nothing to do with guidance ; it is simply a political doctrine, which especially,
exposes the reality of Islam as the tool of Arab Imperialism owing to its active
role in the international field as well as its dictatorial part in the internal
affairs of every Muslim country.