Chapter 2-1-1-0 All the mistakes proofs 100% that something is wrong with Islam.
Chapter 2-1-2-1 Mega Mistake 1, part 1, in the Quran.
Chapter 2-1-2-2 Mega Mistake 1, part 2, in the Quran.
Chapter 2-1-2-3 Mega Mistake 1, part 3, in the Quran.
Chapter 2-1-2-4 The 5 Mega Mistakes in the Quran that should kill Islam – if intelligence counted.
Chapter 2-1-3-1 Mistakes and errors about Allah in the Quran.
Chapter 2-1-3-2 Mistakes and errors about the Quran in the Quran.
Chapter 2-1-3-3 Mistakes and errors about Muhammad in the Quran.
Chapter 2-1-3-4 Invalid “signs” and “proofs” in the Quran.
Chapter 2-1-3-5 Mistakes and errors about non-Muslims in the Quran.
Chapter 2-1-3-6 Mistakes and errors about Jesus in the Quran.
Chapter 2-1-3-7 Mistakes and errors about the Bible in the Quran.
Chapter 2-1-3-8 Mistakes and errors about God/Yahweh in the Quran.
Chapter 2-1-3-9 Mistakes and errors about Destiny in the Quran.
Chapter 2-1-3-10 Mistakes and errors about the visible sky in the Quran.
Chapter 2-1-3-11 Mistakes and errors about Earth in the Quran.
Chapter 2-1-3-12 Mistakes and errors about man and living beings in the Quran.
Chapter 2-1-3-13 Mistakes and errors about history in the Quran.
Chapter 2-1-3-14 Mistakes and errors about The End in the Quran.
Chapter 2-1-3-15 Mistakes and errors from legends and fairy tales in the Quran.
Chapter 2-1-3-16 Mistakes and errors about differtent topics in the Quran.
Chapter 2-1-4-1 Surah 1 – 5 The “Encyclopaedia” of fact mistakes and errors in the Quran.
Chapter 2-1-4-2 Suran 6 – 10 The “Encyclopaedia” of fact mistakes and errors in the Quran.
Chapter 2-1-4-3 Surah 11 – 20 The “Encyclopaedia” of fact mistakes and errors in the Quran.
Chapter 2-1-4-4 Surah 21 – 30 The “Encyclopaedia” of fact mistakes and errors in the Quran.
Chapter 2-1-4-5 Surah 31 – 40 The “Encyclopaedia” of fact mistakes and errors in the Quran.
Chapter 2-1-4-6 Surah 41 – 60, The “Encyclopaedia” of fact mistakes and errors in the Quran.
Chapter 2-1-4-7 Surah 61 – 80 The “Encyclopaedia” of fact mistakes and errors in the Quran.
Chapter 2-1-4-8 Surah 81 – 114, The “Encyclopaedia” of fact mistakes and errors in the Quran.
Chapter 2-1-4-9, Fact mistakes and errors in the Quran – inevitable conclutions.
Chapter 2-2-0-0, Grammatical mistakes and errors in the Quran.
Chapter 2-3-0-0, Non- Arab words in the Quran.
Chapter 2-4-0-0, Animism and antromorphism in the Quran.
Chapter 2-5-0-0, Muhammad in the Bible? – claims in the Quran.
Chapter 2-6-0-0, Is Allah just another name for God/Yahweh like claimed in the Quran?
Chapter 2-7-0-0, Is Allah in the Quran better than God/Yahweh in the Bible?
Chapter 2-8-1-0, 300+ internal contradictions in the Quran (also see 7-10-3-0).
Chapter 2-8-2-0, 100+ externan contradictions in the Quran.
Chapter 2-9-0-0, 150+ abrogations in the Quran – – -.
Chapter 2-10-0-0 , 15 mistakes and errors in the Quran accepted byIslam and Muslim scholars.
One thing is for sure: an omniscient god makes no mistakes, does not contradict himself, does not fail, and knows from the beginning what is best, knows what he wants and has the best solutions. A benevolent god does not create hell, and does not preach injustice such as stealing/robbing, oppressing, raping and killing. Also, a benevolent god has a golden ethical rule which is: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you
Yet the Quran is incredibly full of mistakes, myths, contradictions. Which proves that the Quran was not made by god. A truly omniscient perfect god makes no mistakes.
PART II, CHAPTER 1, Subchapter 2, Section 1 (= II-1-2-1)
1. Surah 41/11 says that heaven and earth were originally like smoke. Well, science says that the earth and heaven/sky were never smoke. The situation that most resembles this was the first time about 300,000 years after the Big Bang, about 13.7 billion years ago – before the first stars appeared. But first of all, there was only gas (hydrogen and a little helium) and no smoke – and secondly, there was no earth. Our earth belongs to the 3rd generation of stars and planets, and appeared about 4.6 billion years ago (4.57 according to the latest scientific information), made of bits and pieces of rock, metal, minerals, etc. etc., that were thrown into the void by exploding older stars – supernovas – at least twice. The accumulation of everything from pebbles and pieces of stone or ore or metal or whatever, to large boulders, comets, asteroids and even planetoids – mini-planets – built the Earth bit by bit. We can still see the leftover building material and traces scattered around: meteors, comets and everything from grains of sand and pebbles to small planets over 2,000 kilometres in diameter. And that’s definitely not smoke either. Wrong.
2. Allah then said to the heavens and the earth: “Come together – – -“, (41/11). But science says that the earth and the heavens – the universe – never came together in the 4.57 billion years since the earth came into being. Wrong.
3. The heavens and the earth were then joined together “as one unit of creation”, before Allah split them apart (21/30). Science says they have the story all wrong, to say the least. The earth is a dot in the universe, which has never existed outside the universe, so there can be no question of merging.
4. The creation of the universe and the earth and ‘everything’ on earth took 6 days, according to the Quran (7/54 – 25/59 – 32/4 – 50/38 – 57/4) – or perhaps 8 days, a contradiction (says 41/9-12). Six or eight days are both wrong. First, creation is never finished, and has never been finished. Second, the universe is about 13.7 billion years old, and the earth is 4.6 billion years old. Third, man is 300,000 years old. That all this was created in 6 or 8 days is therefore complete nonsense.
5. The Quran also tells us indirectly, but clearly, that the earth was created first and the universe afterward (41/9-12). But science disagrees. The universe – what we see as the heavens or firmament – existed some 9+ billion years before the earth. Wrong.
6. Allah placed mountains on the earth (the Arabic verb actually means “to lower” – as in dropping an anchor – but this is as it can be) [16/15] – 21/31 – 41/10). But first, mountains are never placed – or lowered –; they grow. Second, mountains do not stabilize the earth – on the contrary, it is an imbalance in the earth’s crust. The mountains are not evenly distributed over the globe. Third, mountains do not prevent the earth from shaking – on the contrary, earthquakes create mountains.
7. The earth is also filled with plants and animals – all created in pairs (43/12, 51/49). But there are both plants and animals that exist only in female form – down to some lizards and some fish. And when you come to single-celled beings, few, if any, have two sexes. And single-celled “beings” are by far the most numerous, both in species and in numbers. Any god would have known it.
8. Everything is nourished by rain from the clouds. Clouds are broken into pieces into raindrops [30:48]. Error: The process by which the water vapor, which has been converted into clouds, is converted into different types of water molecules, such as large drops, small drops, hail, snow, etc., is known as the precipitation mechanism. Any creator of creation would have known this.
9. And everything is subject to the night and the day which follow their course (36/40). But science tells us that day and night are fixed and do not follow orbits – the reason for day and night is only that the earth rotates in the light of the sun. The earth is described by someone who knows very little about the planet and its creation. Who then made the Quran?
PART II, CHAPTER 1, Subchapter 2, Section 2 (= II-1-2-2)
1. The Quran tells us that the night hides the sun (91/4). But it is the earth that hides the sun and creates the night. according to science and elementary school geography. Even a baby god would have known this, but not Mohammed. Moreover, the night is simply a lack of sunshine. Nothing is “hidden”. At that time, it was completely unknown that the earth rotated on its axis. Who made the Quran?
2. As for the moon, it gives off strong cold (“excessive cold” to quote Abdullah Yusuf Ali) (76/13). It may feel that way in the cold, moonlit desert nights. But science has discovered that the moon radiates neither cold nor heat that is felt on earth. Any god would have known this.
3. Above all, there is the sky or air or firmament like a canopy or ceiling (40/64 and more). But science has discovered that above it there is no canopy – only empty space. What appears as a blue sky/dome during the day is just an illusion created by the splitting and bending of sunlight. Anyone with knowledge would know this – Muhammad did not.
4. There is no fault in the canopy/ceiling that appears to form the sky/heaven (50/6 – 67/3). But how can an empty space have visible faults?
5. If We willed, We could have caused a piece of the sky to fall on them. (17/92 – 34/9). But how can pieces of empty space fall down?
6. The heavens consist of 7 heavens – “one above the other” (2/29 – 17/44 – 23/17 – 23/86 – 41/12 – 35/12 – 67/3 – 71/15 – 78/12). This is the same belief as in the very wrong astronomy of ancient Greece and Persia. The infinite universe consists of billions of galaxies, each containing millions or billions of stars. Who wrote the Quran?
7. The heavens are held up by invisible pillars (“without pillars that you can see” according to Yusuf Ali) (13/2 – 31/10). But no man, bird or plane has ever collided with them.
Invisible means not visible to the eye, which suggests that these pillars exist but are not visible. Some Muslims are ashamed and say that “invisible” means non-existent. But there is a great difference between that ‘invisible’ and ‘non-existent’. It is also meaningless to say that something above it is supported by non-existent pillars).
8. Verily, We have adorned the ‘nearby’ heaven with the stars/lamps (for beauty). And to use as projectiles against the rebellious devil. [ 37/6-7 + 41/12 ]. It was thought at that time that stars were not far from the earth. The distance between the stars in the sky and the earth is
at least 40 trillion km. A star is bigger than the earth, so why you need a star offer protection from a devil who sleeps in your nose :
Bukhari 54:516 ”You should rinse your nose with water every morning because Satan sleeps in everyone’s nose all night”.
Stars are mentioned here as projectiles, but it is very likely that ‘meteorites’ are meant here. They are stones which, when they enter the atmosphere, leave a light trail in the sky, but rarely reach the earth.
9. On the Day of Judgment, the stars will fall to the earth and stop shining (81/2). One star is 100x larger than the earth and the universe contains billions of stars. Even if 1 star falls on earth, the earth is destroyed.
People had no knowledge of the universe at that time. Who made the Quran?
10. And Allah also rolls the heavens/sky on that day that day (21/104). If this includes the physical universe, it is a big job, The visible universe is at least 93 billion light years wide. One light year is nine trillion kilometers. That is 9,000,000,000,000 km X 93,000,000,000. And besides: How do you want to roll up stars with billions of km. in diameter. It makes no sense, born of ignorance.
11. Not to forget: the sun will be folded up and stop shining (81:1) – Mohammed seems to believe that the sun is a flat disk that can be folded up, because it is not visible to the eye that the sun is a sphere.
12. This is what the Qur’an says – a book that is supposed or at least claimed to be an exact copy of the Mother Book in Heaven. A book that is highly revered by Allah and the angels and is full of wisdom. (13/39). Does this mean that if science differs from what the Qur’an says, it means that science is wrong? But how can a book with so many errors, twisted arguments and invalid logic be a revered book, like the mother of all books. It is laughable. So much nonsense.
A. Mistakes in the Bible or the Torah do not make the Quran one iota more correct.
B. The Bible was written by humans. Humans can make mistakes, and it really does not matter very much for the religion, as long as the religious parts are correct. (There are some mistaken facts also in the Bible – mainly concerning creation, etc. – but far fewer than in the Quran). But the Quran is presumed to be made by Allah – or existed since eternity – and an omniscient god simply does not make mistakes, not to mention revere a “Mother Book” full of mistaken facts and other mistakes in his own home.
Therefore mistakes in the Quran are very serious for Islam – such mistakes prove 100% and more that something is seriously wrong with the very basis of the religion. Neither Muslims nor Islam, therefore, can afford admit that the mistakes exist – not one single one and no matter how obvious they are. It is better to stubbornly believe blindly, than to find out in time that may be they are wrong – when/if they wake up in a next life and find out that they have been brain-washed by a made up religion, it is too late. Very thought provoking, especially as Islam is the only of the big religions who themselves prove beyond any doubt – not any reasonable doubt, but any doubt – for any really thinking, educated person that something is very wrong with their prophet and their religion.
PART II, CHAPTER 1, Subchapter 2, Section 3 (= II-1-2-3)
1. The Quran says that man was created from only earth or water or clay. If that were so, how come a human cell contains an average of 100 trillion atoms. 10 trillion cells, 6 billion A, T, G or C molecules. And we haven’t even mentioned DNA… Who made the Quran?
2. How man is made is complicated in the Quran; the Quran says that man is made:
A. From clay 6/2, 7/12, 17/61, 32/7.
B. From an extract of clay 23/12.
C. From mud 15/26, 15/28, 15/33.
D. From dust 3/59, 22/5, 40/67.
E. From earth 20/55
F. From a clot of coagulated blood 96/2.
G. From sperm 16/4 75/37, 76/2, 80/19.
H. From water 21/30, 24/45, 25/54.
Only one can be correct. Do you seriously think that a perfect god wrote such a confusing book?
7. And every living thing was created in pairs (36/36, 43/12, 51/49). Wrong. Even if we leave out plants, there are many animals that produce offspring without mating. Like all unicellular animals, the Indian walking stick insect, beetles, tardigrades, aphids, lizards, salamanders, and snakes are examples of species with virgin reproduction. The Komodo dragon and the shark can also reproduce asexually.
8. Allah sent eight kinds of cattle (39/6). But there are more kinds of cattle: In addition to sheep, goats, cows and camels, which the Koran mentions, there is the water buffalo in Asia, the lama, the bison and the reindeer in the north. The elephant in India, the pig, the horse, donkeys, mules, the Tibetan yak. Every god would have known – Mohammed did not.
9. Do they not see the birds that are held in the middle of the sky by Allah? (16/79 – 67/19). Birds fly where there is food. And ”the middle of the sky” does not exist. Unless one thought that that blue dome above them, is the sky.
10. Some birds could also speak, knew Solomon by name and as a leader, and could distinguish an army (27/16, 27/22-26). Only in fairy tales.
11. And ants could speak (27/18). But the brain of an ant is far from large and advanced enough a brain for speaking. Also they do not have organs for vocalizing. Wrong – if Islam does not have a strong proof for it being correct. Normally you find speaking animals, birds and insects only in fairy tales and legends.
12. And man? Man once was a single nation (2/213, 10/19). Wrong. Man never was a single nation.
13. And finally: When man goes to the next life, he will be resurrected in body – not only in spirit, like in many other religions. Allah reassembles all the particles and fluids – atoms, molecules – you were made of and remakes your body. (Just hope you were not eaten by a cannibal, and your particles and juices to be found in his resurrected body – whom do they then belong to?) And you go on living a life similar to the life on Earth in many ways, but in a simple and poor warrior’s dreams of high society style and with plenty of women. Little is said about women going to Paradise – Islam is a men’s and a warrior’s religion mainly. And even if you eat and drink plenty, you never need to go to the toilet, according to Hadith – and the women seems to be only for your pleasure, as you do not seem to get sons (or daughters) in Paradise. It is not possible to tell if what is said to happen in the next life is correct in the Quran or not. But not much is correct about the creation, and not all – to say the least of it – that is told about what happens in between creation and end, is correct.In short (included Earth, the Universe and living beings): According to the Quran the “everything” is like this:
On top – above the 7. heaven – is Allah. Then cone the 7 heavens above Earth – one on top of the other. In between them are the sun (?) and the moon.
The 7 heavens contain Paradise. The lowermost heaven, partititioned in at least 4 gardens, seems to contain the Paradise for ordinary humans. Under the heavens, and fastened to the lowest one, are all the stars. Under the heavens and stars are clouds – which Allah sometimes breaks to pieces (raindrops). Under all this the birds are kept aloof only by the will of Allah. On the Earth mountains are set down.
The reason why the mountains are set down is to stabilize Earth. On the Earth there are rivers. According to Hadiths two of them – the Nile and the Euphrates – starts in Paradise. On Earth there also are highways – made by Allah. On the Earth further all kinds of beings live – created from clay or something or nothing. All this is existing or living on our flat Earth. Under (according to Hadith) our Earth there are more flat Earths – 7 all together.
According to Islam the life for the inhabitants of those different Earths are more hellish the lower Earth you visit. And at the bottom (?) there is the Hell.
According to Hadith (f. ex. Al-Bukhari) a really bad person can fall through the Earths and into Hell on the Day of Doom. Just like what your teacher in primary school told you? The Quran is about as wrong about these points as wrong can be.
PART II, CHAPTER 1, Subchapter 2, Section 4 (= II-1-2-4)
Other (invalid) ‘signs’ and ‘proofs’ -.” (At some or all points Muslims will protest extra wildly. And not educated Muslims (and some educated ones obeying the rules for al-Taqiyya, the lowful lie) will protest even more wildly at the point with “mistakes accepted by Muslim Scholars”. It is a catastrophe for Islam to admit contradictions in the Quran, as the lack of contradictions is one of the few (invalid) claimed “proofs” for that Allah sent down that book, and one of the few (but as invalid) claimed “proofs” for the very existence of Allah. The same goes for not to find Muhammad in the Bible (as that is about the only claimed “proof” they have for Muhammad’s divine connection.) But the claims are so obviously wrong, the arguments so obviously twisted and the logic so obviously invalid, that there is no doubt – unless Islam’s give us some real proofs). For specifications/verses see the separate chapters.
Especially all the mistaken facts, the twisted arguments, the invalid logic, the contradictions, and the logically invalid (sometimes even wrong) “signs” and “proofs” are easy to find for anybody with a little knowledge + being able to think, not only to absorb what others claim. Even one or a few mistakes in the Quran had been destroying for the claim that the Quran is made by an omniscient god and copy of a revered “Mother Book” book in Allah’s personal heaven and home. But there is not one or a few mistakes, but a massive number, and far too many of them are impossible to find even hopeless “explanations” for a few even are accepted by Muslim scholars as mistakes. No omniscient god makes this kind of and this number of mistakes – this book is not made by an omniscient or omnipotent god. And what is then Islam?
Yes, what is Islam if their only foundation – a book with massive numbers of mistakes and contradictions, a self-proclaimed prophet that in reality was not a real prophet, and a never proved (omniscient) god – is untrue? Superstition. This first Mega Mistake alone – yes, even many of the separate parts of it alone – proves 100%, not to say 150% sure that the Quran is not made by any omniscient and omnipotent god – yes, not by any god at all, as no god makes mistakes, not to mention this number of and this kinds of mistaken facts and contradictions. He also would not need to use twisted arguments, not to mention that he – or she – would not use invalid logic or invalid “signs” (in the Quran another word for indication or proof) and “proofs” – if not for other reasons, then because he knew he would be found out sooner or later and loose credibility.
The fact that many of the mistakes also are in accordance with old and wrong Greek and Persian science – the “facts” one believed in in Arabia at the time of Muhammad – in addition proves that the Quran is made by a person (or persons) living in that area at the time of Muhammad. No god would be bound by wrong science from Arabia, Earth, around 610 – 632 AD. (See Mega Mistake 4). And to round off the question about who made the Quran: If there after all were some supernatural powers behind the Quran, the book and especially the surahs from Medina proves absolutely and indisputably that it was not made by good powers – those surahs are by far too immoral, too bloody, and too inhuman, and in addition there is the fact that Muhammad was of the opinion that he would break even his oats if that made a better result. No good powers – and no good god – have such points of view. If there was a supernatural power involved, it was a dark one Iblis (the Muslim devil) in disguise, saying a lot of nice things, but demanding blood and immoral and inhumanities. Demands – and deeds – always are more reliable than cheap words. And Muhammad would be unable to see the difference between the arch angel Gabriel and the devil dressed up like Gabriel.
MEGA MISTAKE 2: THE SECOND MEGA MISTAKE IN THE QURAN IS ALL THE CONTRADICTIONS IN THE BOOK – especially the internal contradictions where the book contradicts itself (350+ places), but also contradictions with reality, and for a special reason also the contradictions with the Bible.
Some will say there only are 4 Mega Mistakes in the Quran, as also the contradictions are mistakes and belong unser “Mega Mistake 1”. But after thinking it over for a long time, we agree with the ones saying that the contradictions are so special a category of mistakes, that they make up their own Mega Mistake, especially as Islam uses the wrong claim that there are no contradictions so heavily for a (in any case invalid – clever persons can make a book without contradictions) proof for Allah and for a connection between Allah and Muhammad. No omniscient god contracicts himself like in the Quran. Then who made the Quran? Not an omniscient god at least.
When it comes to contradictions with the Bible, the reason why they count heavily is this: Muhammad claimed he was the last in a long succession of prophets for the one and only and omniscient god. But a god do not tell different ideas about the same thing to his different prophets – he tells the same about what is to be told about this and this to each and every of them who need to know about it. This you clearly see if you read the prophets in the Bible (the only prophets in the claimed succession where some kind of documentation exists) – there are stright lines from one prophet to the next and the next and the next. Then along comes Muhammad with totally different stories, not to mention totally different fundamental ways of thinking and of ethics, moral (and no empathy – like Jesus had). And one must here rememder that science has proved that Islam’s many claims about falsifications in the Bible are wrong – and the very best proof for that is the fact that if there had existed even one single proof for falsification, Islam had screamed to holy heaven about it. Nobody had heard such a scream yet – not even after 1400 years.
How great is the chance that such a man told the truth, only the truth, and the full truth? Hardly any. But this man’s words is the one and only foundation for Islam (that is the reason why it is so dangerous to say anything negative about Muhammad, and that is why Islam are pushing and pushing for world-wide prohibition against “insulting other religions’ prophets” – they cannot afford the slightest doubt about his words and deeds, because then Islam may
collapse). A very unreliable witness.
This Mega Mistake and the historical facts about the real Muhammad behind it taken from the most reliable sources Islam has: The Quran, Ibn Ishaq, and Hadiths – proves 100% that Muhammad was not a reliable person. It also proves that he was not a good man, far too inhuman, too bloody – – – and willing to lie/break his oath even – and some of the verses he told, he simply knew were untrue (reasons why he/Allah could not make miracles).
Mega Mistake 3 simply is that all Islam only – only – is built on the words that even all the Muslim sourses that Islam tells are the most reliable ones, indirectly but very clearly say was a very unreliable man – but likeing power, women and riches (at least for bribes, but also for himself – in spite of what Muslims claim, Islamic sources tell Muhammad was rich when he died (he only let his religion inherit his possessions, not his family)).
( the completely wrong astronomy mentioned above and in Part II, Chapters 1-3-10 and 1-3-11.) – a fact Muslims NEVER mention. No omniscient god is bound by wrong science in a small piece of Earth around 630 AD. But Muhammad was. No god made these mistakes.
But the mentioned fact that the mistakes are in accordance with the science of that time, makes it clear that the mistakes – and hence the book – were made by one or more humans living at the time of Muhammad. Most likely by Muhammad himself. No god would have to use wrong “science” from a tiny part of Earth, which is not even a tiny part of the Universe, and even more so: He would not have to use the “science” man believed in in that tiny area at a certain time that happened to be the time of Muhammad.
Also this fact alone proves 100% that the Quran is not made by an omniscient god – it is made by one or more humans with what knowledge humans had at the time of Muhammad in Arabia. Well, there is one alternative: That some dark forces made it and gave it to Muhammad – the Devil disguised like Gabriel (Muhammad would not have a chance to know the difference).
All the blood and inhumanity and even lies in the surahs from Medina may point in this direction, but personally we do not believe it – not even a devil would make so many mistakes, etc., if not for other reasons, then because he had to know he would be found out sooner or later and lose his power over his followers.
If there after all were some supernatural powers behind the Quran, the book and especially the surahs from Medina proves absolutely and indisputably that it was not made by a good god or by good powers – those surahs are by far too unjust, too bloody, and too inhuman, and in addition there is the fact that Muhammad was of the opinion that he would break even his oats if that made a better result. No good powers – and no good god – have such points of view. If there was a supernatural power involved, it was a dark one – Iblis (the Muslim devil) in disguise).
Conclution: No god is limited to the mistaken “science” of a small and primitive area during a primitive time in a primitive society on a backward planet in an obscure corner of a medium galaxy drifting in the Universe among billions of others. No god would ever make his religion on basis of wrong science (even from a special time and place on Earth) and other mistakes that would be found out sooner or later. (But Muhammad would have to do with such wrong information if he or others around him made up the religion.)
All the places in the Quran where Muhammad has to defend himself against questions for miracles proving Allah or his own connection to Allah, and tells that the reason for no miracles, is that it anyhow will make no-one believe. As mentioned before Muhammad’s standard answer was that Allah did not want to send miracles, because no-one would come to believe because of that anyhow. This answer is obviously wrong – one or two or three real miracles had made a large part of the ones far and wide around, believing Muslims in hours and days. Muhammad was an intelligent man and also he knew and understood people – he knew this argument was a lie. Muhammad also told about miracles that made pagans Muslims – Pharaoh Ramses II’s wizzards. He also knew about Jesus and the effects of his miracles. Which proves 100% to anyone with some knowledge of psychology and of human nature and ways of behaving, that Muhammad knew very well that at least some parts of what he told Allah had said, were lies.
This Mega Mistake is strengthened by Muhammad’s institutionalizing of al-Taqiyya (the lawful lie) and Kitman (the lawful half-truth) plus Muhammad’s clear statements that deceit is permitted and even breaking of oaths is adviseable if dishonesty gives better result than honesty. For one thing one cannot rely on that such an unreliable man had told the full truth and only the truth. But worse: No omnipotent god needs lies – and no omniscient god would ever use lies, because he knew his followers would look through the lies sooner or later and loose conficence in him.
No omniscient or omnipotent god needs to rely on lies. Each of these 5 mega mistakes separately – and often the seperate parts alone – prove 100%
that something is seriously wrong with the Quran, with Muhammad and with Islam. Any person with some intelligence and knowledge will be able to see the mistakes in the Quran (and in the Hadiths -the Quran proves indirectly, but absolutely that all the claimed miracles connected to Muhammad you find in Hadith, are made up legends/fairy tales. Islam also it says that the only miracle Muhammad performed, was the Quran, and thus admits that the “miracles” found in the Hadiths are fairy tales). No intelligent person is able to believe that there is an omniscient god behind Islam, after a thorough study of the Quran – not unless he or she so strongly has to believe, or so strongly wish to believe, or is so brainwashed that facts are of no interest.
And a small extra point: In the book “The Message of the Quran”, certified by Al-Azhar AlSharif Islamic Research Academy in Cairo (one of the 2-3 top universities in the Muslim world on such subjects) in a letter dated 27. Dec. 1998, it is admitted rather reluctantly that there are no proofs for Allah, and that it is not possible to prove him.
Final conclusions to the 5 Mega Mistakes:
I. The mistakes proves 100% and beyond ANY doubt that the Quran is not made by an omniscient god. No omniscient god makes even one mistake – or use invalid or even wrong “signs” or “proofs” – not to mention make mistakes etc. by the hundreds.
II. Also all the contradictions prove 100% and beyond ANY doubt that the Quran is not made by an omniscient god. No omniscient god makes even one contradiction – or have to abrogate himself after traying and failing, or after new information or a change of mind to something more bloody – not to mention contradictiond etc. by the hundreds.
III. The teachings (not always the words because there often is a difference between nice words and strong demands in the Quran, but the real teachings) and life of Muhammad, especially after 622 AD, proves beyond ANY doubt that he was not the saintly and honest man Muslims like to tell about. He was morally retarded – stealing/robbing, rape, slavery, murdering opponents and more essential here: A man that believed in lying (breaking even of oaths) and betrayal, when that gave better results for himself/his platform of power (Islam) than honesty, is not reliable. (many scientists says he may have been ok until he started as a highwayman in 622 AD, but that the money and the power destroyed him morally, or made black sides of his personality emerge) This point alone does not prove that he did lie about Allah, Islam and himself, but seen together with other points, point III below – it proves that in addition to his (Muhammad’s) believing in lying, etc., he did practice lying himself. How much more did he then lie about in the Quran in addition to what we see in Mega Mistake 5? Perhaps he lied about his religion to gain or secure power?
IV. The use of obviously wrong arguments – arguments any intelligent person knew were lies – prove beyond ANY doubt that Muhammad knew he was lying at least some places in the Quran (in addition to the lies he used according to Hadiths in other connections). A man that believed in lying (breaking even of oaths) and betrayal, when that gave better results for himself/his platform of power (Islam) than honesty, is not reliable. How many more surahs
and verses did he lie about? (See Al-Taqiyya)?
V. There also is one more small (?), but interesting point: A prophet is a person with the gift of making prophesies. Muhammad did not have that gift, and did not even once pretend or claim in the Quran that he had it. (There are a few times when what he said about the future came true, and because of this were remembered – whereas what he said that did not come true, long since is forgotten, like normal. But no-one included Muhammad himself claimed
that they were prophesies when they were said. And as already said: Muhammad never even claimed or pretended to have such a gift.) And as Muhammad was unable to make prophesies, he in reality was no prophet – may be a messenger or an apostle (though for whom?) – but no prophet. He only “borrowed” an imposing and impressing title.
VI. All the mistakes that are in accordance with the (wrong) science of Arabia (or really its neighbors’) around 630 AD, also proves beyond ANY doubt that the book is not made by an omniscient god – no omniscient god is bound to use the wrong science of a small area on Earth and at a specific period of time – even a period of time with very primitive science. There is no way around the fact that the Quran itself proves 100% and beyond any doubt that something is seriously wrong with the Quran – and with Muhammad – and hence with Islam.
PART II, CHAPTER 1, Subchapter 3, Section 1 (= II-1-3-1)
1. Some describing “facts” (according to the Quran) about Allah. 6/149: ”With Allah is the arguments that reaches home – – -”.
Which means: Allah decides everything. “The Message of the Quran” explains this in its comment 141 to this surah (translated from Swedish): “With other words: the real connection between Allah’s knowledge about the future (and consequently about the unavoidability in what is to happen in the future*) on one side and man’s relatively (!!*) free will on the other – two statements that seems to contradict each other – lies outside what is possible for humans to understand, but as both statement are made from Allah (in the Quran*) both must be true”. This argument is the ultimate defeat for the very meaning behind the word “the Truth”. A man of the morally destroyed character like the historical real Muhammad, has told an unproven and undocumented tale – – – and that is the ultimate truth also in the face of hundreds of mistakes, contradictions, and other wrongs, and here in the face of the absolutely impossible!!
7/28: “Allah never commands what is shameful”. WRONG:
1. Allah commands/permits sex with children. For an adult to enjoy sex with a child is utterly shameful. For an adult to introduce a
child to sex is inhuman and even more shameful. Muhammad even demonstrated that it was ok at least from the girl is 9 – and worse: She – Aishah – became his favourite wife the rest of her childhood.
2. Allah commands that one can take slaves in a jihad – and any skirmish or war where Muslims are involved, is declared jihad. For centuries (till ca. 1930 – 1940) all the four law schools of Islam said that if the opposite parts were non-Muslims, this was good enough reason to declare jihad – which means that even any slave hunter could claim to be waging jihad. To force fellow humans to become slaves, to toil for free for you, to be free for you to sell or mistreat or use for a sex toy, is utterly inhuman, utterly selfish, utterly immoral – and utterly shameful. Not to mention that it is a grotesque act to commit in the name of a presumed god good.
3. To rape a child prisoner/slave/victim is grotesquely selfish, immoral, inhuman and grotesquely shameful – – – but Allah has commanded that it is ok if the child is mot pregnant – and at least 9 years according to Islam.
4. To rape any woman prisoner/slave/victim – a fellow human being – is nearly as selfish and shameful and bad as raping a child. But in the Quran it is “good and lawful” if the woman is not pregnant. That it is “good and lawful” may be a reason why rape is so common by Muslim warriors/soldiers. (Another that empathy is not an integrated part of Islam – and the same with moral philosophy).
5. To murder opponents – also personal opponents – in the name of a presumably good god is something much more than shameful.
6. To incite to discrimination, hate and war, in the name of a presumably good god is even worse than this again – and a proof of a god or a “prophet” full of hypocrisy.
7. To steal/rob/plunder and extort in the name of such a god – and with his permission as “good and lawful” – is nearly a bad and as much hypocrisy as raping and killing and apartheid/suppression. But all these points have this in common:
1. They attract selfish warriors to a robber “prophet’s” army – and to his successors’.
2. They attract greedy warriors to a robber “prophet’s” army – and to his successors’.
3. They attract inhuman warriors to a robber “prophet’s” army – and to his successors’.
4. They attract primitive warriors to a robber “prophet’s” army – and to his successors’.
5. It is a cheap way for a robber “prophet” – and for his successors – to get an army – a cheap army. Finally: Severe or capital punishment for a woman who has been raped, but is unable to produce 4 male eye witnesses to the very act most likely is the most inhuman, most immoral, most unjust, and most shameful law we have ever come across in any at least half civilized religion or culture, and Allah/Muhammad has introduced this.
10/64: “Hereafter; no change can there be in the words of Allah. This is indeed the supreme Felicity.” The first sentence may partly explain why Muslims cannot admit the mistakes, no matter how wild “explanations” they have to use. The second one is plainly wrong – see. 10/39.
Also: This surah was dictated by Muhammad ca. 621. There were many changes in Islam after that – Islam even changed completely from rather peaceful to a religion of robbing, hate and war. There also were many mistakes that science now see are wrong, and there were many “signs” and “proofs” which the laws of logic in reality changed the moment they were pronounced. (Only that uneducated Muslims do not know). Both sentences are wrong simply. Similar claim in 6/115.
13/14: “For Him (Allah*) (alone) is prayer in Truth – – -“. Yes, but only if Allah exists (and is the only god). There was a good reason why Muhammad demanded and glorified blind belief: There existed and exists no real proof and no documentation for the existence of Allah – or for that case for Muhammad’s connection to a god. Blind belief in Islam only is based on the words of a morally suspect man like Muhammad. (The real, historical Muhammad is only distantly related to the glorified saint Islam paints.)
20/114: “High above all is Allah, the King, the Truth!” Allah as shown in the Quran at best represents partly truth and partly mistakes. And does he even exist? Actually: In the book “The Message of the Quran”, certified by Al-Azhar Al-Sharif Islamic Research Academy in Cairo (one of the 2-3 top universities in the Muslim world on such subjects) in a letter dated 27. Dec. 1998, it is admitted rather reluctantly that there are no proofs for Allah, and that it is not possible to prove him.
5 22/52: “- – – Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom – – -.” Not if the Quran is representative for his knowledge and wisdom – Islam will have to produce real and reliable proofs if they insist that Allah has much knowledge and wisdom. Also see 11/1 – 27/9 – 31/27 – 33/1 – 33/40 – 34/1 – 35/2 – 39/1 – 40/2 – 49/8 – 41/12 – 41/42 – 42/3 – 42/50 – 43/9 -43/84 – 45/2 – 45/37 – 46/2 – 46/4 – 48/7 – 48/8 – 48/19 – 51/30 – 53/6 – 57/1 – 59/1 – 59/22 –
59/24 – 60/5 – 60/10 – 62/1 – 62/3 – 64/18 – 66/2 – 76/30 – 84/23.
Besides: Have you ever noticed that the one who most needs to boast – loudly and frequently – about how truthful he is, is the cheater and the swindler, and the one boasting about his knowledge is the medium to rather ok, but not top intelligent one? – the really honest and the really intelligent persons never need to boast about those things. Real honesty and real intelligence makes itself felt after some time of close connection – if there is a need for
boasting about it, something is wrong.
30/60: “- – – the promise of Allah is true – – -“. The promises of Allah are expressed via Muhammad and the Quran. The first was a man of highly suspect morality according to his words and deeds told in Islamic religious and historical literature (the Quran, Hadiths, and Ibn Ishaq to mention the most central ones). The second is a book dictated by that man, and containing huge numbers of mistakes, contradictions, twisted arguments, twisted logic, inhuman ethics and moral, etc., etc. Islam will have to bring real proofs to be believed – and Islam has until now been unable to prove anything fundamental – – – they instead glorify and insist on naïve blind belief. Also see 16/38 – 32/9 – 35/5 – 40/77 – 46/17.
31/30: “That is because Allah is the (only) Realty – – -”. Is Allah really a reality? All the tales about him derives from just one man – a man even canonized Islamic history tells for a long time lived as a chief highwayman and from stealing/robbing and extortion (for kidnapped salesmen, etc.). A man initiating assassinations and murders on his opponents.
Asma bint Marwan (female poet), al-Nadr, Abu Uzza, and Ocba after the battle of Badr, Abu Afaq (said to be over 100 years old), Kab ibn al-Ashraf, Ibn Sunayana, Othman bin Moghira, Abi ‘l Huqayq, and not to forget Kinana b. al-Rabi whom he tortured to death to find riches, and afterwards he personally raped Kinana’s 17 year old, newlywed wife Safijja (Muhammad was nearly 60 then).
A man that initiated mass murder – once some 700 helpless male prisoners from Khaybar, and made all their children and women slaves. And at least two female slaves, Raihana bint Amr and the above mentioned Safijja bint Huayay, he raped and took for his own personal use), a rapist with permission from Allah for himself and all his men to rape (“have sexual connections with” to use more polite words) all female slaves and prisoners that were not pregnant (this tells something about Allah, too). It is not known if he raped more “war” prisoners and/or slaves and in case how many, but the casual way his men accepted his raping of these two, may indicate that it was no big surprise to them.
A man that initiated war and got 20% of all spoils of war, included slaves (though not all for his personal use) – 100% if the victims gave in without fighting.
And a man lusting for power – easy to see both from the Quran and from Hadith. And a man – and a god – entirely unable to produce one iota of a real proof for the tales. (Sources: Among others: Ibn Hisham and Ibn Ishaq – both most respected by Islam for biography about Muhammad. Ibn Ishaq‘s “The Life of Muhammad“ is the most respected of all in Islam – written for the caliph in Baghdad around 750 AD. Plus the Quran and Hadiths – Al-Bukhari and Muslim).
Only this man told the tales in the Quran – tales that on top of all have hundreds and hundreds of mistakes, at least hundreds of loose statements, and as many contradictions, and hundreds of invalid “signs” and “profs” – loose statements and invalid “signs”/”proofs” being the hallmarks of cheats and deceivers, and of persons without true arguments. A good and perfect man, according to Islam. (If that is true, we hope never to meet a bad Muslim.) But a man normal people would say was dubious and with a dubious morality. Is a dubious man with dubious morality, a man who believed in using lies when there was a reason for that, and who was unable to produce the slightest proof, but for a lot of airy and partly illogical excuses for this inability to do so, plus “signs” and “proofs” without value, is this a man that always tells just and only the undeniable and full truth? And the only indication Islam has for the reality of Allah is the tales of this kind of a man.Also see 22/6 – 22/62 – 23/116.
35/14: “And none (O man!) can tell you (the Truth) like the One (Allah) – – -”. This may be true if Allah exists. But the truth as told in the Quran, at best is partly the truth – mistakes, invalid “signs” and “proofs”, contradictions, unclear language, etc. Also see 28/75 – 34/48 –
42/24: “And Allah – – – proves the Truth by His Words.” Muhammad was asked many times to prove his – or presumably Allah’s – words but he never did, and seemed never to be able to, this even more so, as some of his “explanations” for why he never could prove anything, an intelligent man like him knew were lies. And the words of the Quran prove not a thing, among other reasons because there are:
I. Far too many mistakes pretending to be facts. (Swindle?)
II. Far too many loose statements pretending to be facts. (Swindle?)
III. Far too many invalid “signs” pretending to be documentation. (Swindle?)
IV. Far too many invalid “proofs” – some even wrong – pretending to be documentation. (Swindle?)
V. Some obvious lies – that miracles would make no-one believe. (Swindle.)
VI. Muhammad was unable to present anything but fast-talk when asked for proofs. (Swindle?)
VII. Lots of invalid use of logic. (Swindle?)
VIII. Lots of contradictions – (proves of lies?)
These all are hallmarks of a crook and a cheat and a deceiver.
49/13: “And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things).” Not if he has a “Mother Book” (see 13/39 – 43/4) like the Quran revered in his heaven, and not if he sent down a copy of a book with that much wrong contents as a basis for his religion. See 40/75 and 41/12. Also see 4/176 – 15/86 – 27/6 – 27/44 -31/34 – 32/6 – 35/28 – 48/26 – 49/1 – 49/16 – 49/18 – 57/3 -58/7 – 64/4 – 65/12 – 67/13.
Besides: Have you ever noticed that the one who most needs to boast – loudly and frequently – about how truthful he is, is the cheater and the swindler, and the one boasting about his knowledge is the medium to rather ok, but not top intelligent and educated one? – The really honest and the really intelligent and wice persons never need to boast about those things. Real honesty and real intelligence makes itself felt after some time of close connection – if there is a need for boasting, something is wrong.
56/80: “A Revelation (the Quran*) from the Lord of the Worlds (Allah*) – – -”. Can it really be so? See 41/12 – and 40/75. Impossible – no omniscient god would make/deliver a book with so many mistakes, contradictions, etc. – not to mention keep it in his own Heaven as a revered Mother Book (13/39 – 43/4). Can this be a revelation from a god? Or the other way around: Can something producing so many mistakes, contradictions, so much invalid
logic be lord and god of even one world? Also see 2/131 – 26/109 – 26/127 – 26/145 – 26/192.
74/56: “He (Allah*) is the Lord of Righteousness – – -.” A Lord making laws that say that killing and raping and stealing and enslaving are “right and good”, and who says that a woman shall be strictly punished for indecency if she is raped and cannot bring 4 male witnesses to the very act, is not righteous – on the contrary: He belongs to the most inhuman, worst and most unjust beings in all the universe. The last mentioned law – about punishing the raped woman – is among the very most unjust laws that have ever existed (may be together with the law that says that stealing/robbing/raping/killing in jihad – everything is jihad – is “good and lawful”), especially as Allah (if he exists and is omniscient) knows she is not guilty.
2. Allah’s behaviour according to the Quran.
2/65-66: “We (Allah*) said to them ’Be ye apes, despised and rejected’. So We made it an example to their own time and to their posterity, and a lesson for those who fear Allah”. That humans are changed into apes is an extraordinary statement. An extraordinary statement needs an extraordinary proof.
The Quran here offers no proof at all.
2/105: “But Allah will choose for His special Mercy whom He will – – -“. Muhammad Asad here explains that this is stating that Jews and Christians refused to believe in Muhammad and his Quran, because Muhammad was from the “outside” – the Quran, Islam and Muslims repeats and repeats this unproven claim and disuses it as an “explanation”, whereas the real main reason was that there were such a number of and such fundamental
differences from the Bible, that something obviously was very wrong. Besides, the Jews – the absolute majority of non-Arabs in the area – believed they had a covenant, and both the Quran and modern time Islam and Muslims are dishonest enough never to mention this fact as a main reason for why the Jews were not interested in Muhammad’s teachings: The covenant and the very different religion were the two reasons why they were not interested in Islam – not what the Quran and Islam claims and claims and claims (as normal for them absolutely without any proof or documentation) – that the reason was that Muhammad was not a Jew.
2/108: “But whoever changeth from Faith (Islam*) to Unbelief, hath strayed without doubt from the even way (the road to Paradise*)”. With all the mistakes and wrong logic in the Quran, not to mention all the contradictions, there is a most real doubt for that Islam can be “the even way” to Paradise – this even more so when one knows that the only source for the stories in the Quran, was the very morally degenerated man and self proclaimed prophet
Muhammad (who did not have the gift of being able to make prophesies, but used the nice title all the same) – nearly all self proclaimed prophets through the time have turned out to be false prophets wanting something in this life – normally money, women and/or power – without caring too much for the means they used. Muhammad at least wanted women and power. (And if there is a next life: Where do all Muslims end if Islam is a wrong way and they discover too late that it may be a made up religion?)
6/101: “- – – how can he (Yahweh*) have a son when He hat no consort?” Wrong – and the Quran has itself given one possible solution: It declares that the god may just say “Be” and it is. May be Yahweh just said “Be a son”, and Jesus was. **But there is another, but little known fact: In the very old Jewish religion there was a female god, too. They spoke about the god and his Amat (source among others “New Scientist”). In the very masculine society of the old Hebrews, the goddess was forgotten, though, – – – but it was possible for Yahweh to have a son “the natural way”. Gods would
know this, but Muhammad not. Also see 17/111 above. But why should gods make children the same way as humans? Similar claim in 18/5 – 112/3.
7/57: “It is He who sendeth the winds – – -”. The winds are made by differences in temperatures and air pressure. Islam will have to prove that Allah is doing it – if he does.
9/111: “Allah hath purchased of the Believers their persons and their goods; – – – they fight in his cause, and slay and are slain: a promise binding on him in truth, through the Law, the Gospel, and the Quran: – – -”. This is a really strong one. If there is something that is absolutely sure, it is that you do not find orders or incitement to slaying in the Gospels. This is 110% wrong.
13/28: “- – – for without doubt in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction”. This only is true for (some) Muslims, and in difficult times also some others seek comfort in religion – and also because of social adaptation only for some of them. Science tells that a minor fraction of the people (may be 5 – 10%) has an internal drive for a god, and some more that resort to such thinking when life is difficult. (In 2006 or 2007 they even found which
gene in our DNA that produces this drive.
One theory is that religion is favoured by evolution because it makes the group closer knit and then the chances for survival bigger). These people find satisfaction in their religion – no matter which religion – if they do believe in it. And if they happen to be Muslims, they then find satisfaction in Allah. But NB: The satisfaction does not derive from the god they believe in – he/she may well be a fiction, like Allah seems to be (strongly indicated by all the mistakes in the Quran) – but from their own belief, as it is strong enough to make them feel sure it is right, and then feel secure in that security (false or not does not matter, as long as they themselves believe their belief is right). There is a possibility that this feeling of security, and hence safety and reduced nervousness, is another Darwinian reason for this inherited trait – it may in some way give an edge in the fight for survival.
The question these ideas of course produce is: Is there a god or are they all made up from our needs for something supernatural?
We should try to find out, because if it all stems from inside us, we should try to do something with at least the inhuman and immoral religions.
16/81: “He (Allah*) made you garments to protect you from the heath”. This is another point where one may wonder: Did the maker of the Quran know only the Middle East? – most garments in the world are made to protect humans from the cold.
17/42: “If there had been (other) gods with Him (Allah*) – – – behold, they would certainly have sought out a way to the Lord of the Throne”. Wrong – it is a possibility, but very far from a certainty, hierarchies are possible, or splitting of power. Similar claim in 21/22.
17/111: “- – – and has no partner in (His) dominion – – -”. Well, Islam says that Allah is the same god as Yahweh. If we discuss from that hypothetical statement just here and say Allah = Yehwah: In the very old Hebrew religion there was a female partner/wife of Yahweh – his Amat (source: New Scientist and at least two others). In the strictly masculine Semitic culture the Amat was forgotten over the centuries. But may be she still existed all the same at
the time of Muhammad – and may be even today? Also see 25/2. And see 72/3 just below.
19/35: “It is not befitting to (the majesty of) Allah that He should beget a son”. We hope it really is the god that is talking here, because if it is Muhammad; how is a human to know what is befitting for a god? – and majesties often have children – many children. Ramses II had 67 sons and an unknown number of daughters, and Djingis Khan had so many children that science still can trace his DNA in Asia (source: New Scientist). And if this statement is true, there is the enigma of Jesus’ saying “father” and “my father” about Yahweh – both the Bible and the Quran say Jesus was honest. (Remember: Muhammad calls Yahweh Allah, as he insists it is the same god – though it is something that is possible only if Yahweh/Allah is
schizophrenic as there are too many and too grave differences between the two teachings.) Invalid argument. Also see 19/92 – 37/152 – 37/180.
017 22/78: “It is He (Allah*) Who has named you Muslims, both before and in this (Revelation) – – -“. Wrong. The name was never used before – there is no kind of trace of it anywhere. This is one of the cases where Islam will have to prove their claim.
018 24/64: “Be quite sure that to Allah doth belong whatever is in the heavens (plural and wrong*) and on earth.” It is impossible to be sure of that on basis of a book like the Quran with that many mistakes, twisted facts, contradictions, and that much invalid logic, etc. + some plain dishonesty.
***019 26/209: “- – – and We (Allah) never are unjust”.
I. A man correctly telling that a woman has been indecent is lying to Allah if he cannot produce 4 witnesses – even if an omniscient Allah has to know he is speaking the truth.
II. A woman who has been raped, is forbidden to tell who it was, unless she can produce 4 MALE witnesses WHO HAS ACTUALLY SEEN THE ACT. If she cannot produce 4 such witnesses, and all the same tells who the rapist(s) is/are, she shall have 80 whiplashes for slander. And she also is to be strictly
punished for illegal sex, even though an omniscient god knows she is tellign the truth!! Probably the most unjust and amoral law we have ever seen in any not extremely primitive society or culture.
III. It is 100% permitted for an owner to rape his female slaves or prisoners of war (may be this is why Muslims so often rape women during conflicts earlier in Bangladesh and earlier and now in Africa). The Quran even directly tells that it is no sin to rape also your married slaves or merried prisoners of war, as long as they are not pregnant. The price for the victims is of no interest for Islam and the Quran – and some Muslims.
IV. It is glorious and the Muslims’ right to steal, rob, plunder, and to kill non-Muslims during jihad – and almost any conflict is declared jihad (holy war). It is “just and good”. There are more if you look. Pleas never tell us that Allah as described in the Quran never is unjust. These 4 – and more – are horrible. Actually the most unjust we have ever seen in any law.Similar claims in 7/29 – 7/33 – 8/51 – 40/31 – 45/19-20.
020 28/59: “Nor was thy Lord (Allah*) one to destroy a population until he had sent to its Centre a messenger – – -”. The Quran speaks about lots of prophets – in the Hadith it is mentioned 124ooo through the times and throughout the world. (And one impolite, but pertinent reminder: Muhammad was unable to make real prophesies – he in reality was no prophet, only “borrowed” that big title). But with the exception of Israel (and a few rulers that
did so on their own accord for political reasons) there are no traces anywhere, any time from prophets for monotheistic religions – not in archaeology, not in literature, not in art, not in architecture – not even in folklore or fairy tales.
Besides: MANY places were destroyed by war, famine or other catastrophes through the time without being visited by prophets for a monotheistic religion warning them first – in spite of the Quran’s saying all such things only happen in accordance with the plans of Allah. The verse is wrong. And we are also not sure that such a vengeful and hard god is a good or benevolent god – when someone says or declares one thing, but demands or does something else, we always believe that the demands and the deeds are more reliable than cheap words. Similar claims in 17/15 – 17/16.
021 29/45: “- – – remembrance of Allah is the greatest (thing in life) without doubt.” There is much doubt about this if he has composed the Quran – the mistakes proves he in case is very far from omniscience, the valueless “signs” and “proofs” proves he is not very good at logical thinking, all the contradictions prove that he has no perfect memory, and his use of invalid excuses and his inability to send proofs of his existence, proves he is not omnipotent. And if someone else made the Quran, the doubt is even greater, as then both the Quran and Islam are without any value at all – or with negative value, as much of the religion is rather inhuman ( wars, terrorism, suppression of women and freedom to rape many of them,suppression of
all non-Muslims, thoughts about slavery, and enmity towards non-Muslims).
022 30/26: “- – – all (beings*) are devotedly obedient to Him (Allah*).” Wrong. No nonMuslim is devotedly obedient to Allah. And no Muslim sinner is devotedly obedient to any god. Islam further will have to prove that also all non-human beings, included worms and slugs and microbes – are devotedly obedient to him. Yes, they will even have to prove that all believing Muslims are devotedly obedient to him.
*023 30/30: “- – – no change (let there be) in the work (wrought) by Allah: that (Islam*) is the standard Religion – – -”. No “standard” religion can be based on a book with so many obvious mistakes. And hopefully no “standard” religion can be based on hate, suppression and blood. (This paragraph is one of the reasons why Islam states – or pretend – that the Quran is perfect, and why Islam can admit not even the most obvious mistakes – all mistakes must be “explained” away, because there can be no change (and of course nothing wrong) in Allah’s work – the Quran).
00i 32/5: “Verily, a Day in the sight of thy Lord (Allah*) is like a thousand years of your (Mohammad’s*) reckoning”. There something wrong here as 70/4 says: “- – – unto Him (Allah*) in a day the measure of which is (as) fifty thousand years”? Even if this should be figurative speech, a factor of 50 is much. Another contradiction in reality. Also see 22/47.
024 33/4: “- – – He (Allah*) shows the (right) Way.” Not possible if the Quran is the words of Allah – too many mistakes, etc. A book that at best is partly true is a bad map.
025 33/72: “We (Allah*) even offered the Trust to the Heavens (plural and wrong*) and (the flat planet*) Earth and the Mountains, but they refused to undertake it – – -”. At least neither the planet (or disc like Muhammad believed) Earth, nor its mountains has the brain or consciousness to accept or refuse anything. A fairy tale.
00j 36/24: “(If I took another god*) I would indeed – – – be in manifest Error.” Not if that god exists – and especially not if Allah on top of that is a made up god (he after all was taken over from the pagan Arab gods by Muhammad who just renamed him from al-Lah to Allah, and even took over most of the pagan Arab religious rituals, too.)
026 40/51: “We (Allah*) will, without doubt, help Our messengers and those who believe – – – .” Wrong – with all the mistakes, etc. in the Quran, there are heavy reasons for doubts.
*027 40/82: “Do they not travel through the earth and see what was the End of those before them?” In and around Arabia there were – and are – scattered ruins. Muhammad told they were all remains of people punished by Allah for sins (and for good measure they were stronger than Muhammad’s contemporary Arabs). Believe it who wants – but contact a professor of history or a psychologist if you do. Similar claims at least in 3/137 – 6/11 – 7/4 – 9/70 -16/36 -21/6 – 40/21 – 40/82.
*028 43/10: “- – – and (Allah*) has made for you roads – – -”. We have never heard about a road made by a god, except perhaps in fairy tales. The paths/roads in Arabia were so old that no one remembered the start of them, and then Muhammad could tell things like this. But it is obviously not true. Similar claim in 16/15.
029 43/14: “And to our Lord (Allah*), surely, must we turn back.” With at least 2ooo+ mistakes etc. in the Quran, this may be wrong, too – see 41/10 and 41/12. For sure it is not sure that we meet Allah – if any god at all – after this life. Also see 19/68 – 62/8. 00k 55/24: “And His (Allah’s) are the Ships sailing – – -”. We never heard about a god owning ships. It cannot be literally meant. But the Quran says it is to be read literally.
030 64/8: “Believe, therefore, in Allah and His Messenger, and in the Light (the Quran*) – – – ”. As for the Light, see 40/75 and 41/12. As For believing: See all the mistakes, contradictions, invalid claims/logic, etc. – not to mention highly immoral laws that are not made by any benevolent god.
031 70/4: “- – – in a Day the measure whereof is (as) fifty thousand years – – -.” A solid contradiction to 32/5 and 22/47 that both say 1000 years.[
[ Different topics concerning Allah: 00m 2/177: “- – – to believe in Allah and the last day, and the Angles, and the Book, and the Messengers – – -“. Yusuf Ali says this is like accepting the “heavenly revelations” as facts – clearly Islam’s meaning even today is like this, even though absolutely nothing is proved or documented, it all rests good and well only on blind belief in what a morally very suspect person once told. ]
032 6/101: “- – – how can he (Yahweh*) have a son when He hat no consort?” Wrong – and the Quran has itself given one possible solution: It declares that the god may just say “Be” and it is. May be Yahweh just said “Be a son”, and Jesus was. **But there is another, but little known fact: In the very old Jewish religion there was a female god, too. They spoke about the god and his Amat (source among others “New Scientist”). In the very masculine society of the old Hebrews, the goddess was forgotten, though, – – – but it was possible for Yahweh to have a son “the natural way”. Gods would know this, but Muhammad not. But why should gods make children the same way as humans? (The Quran returns to this topic rather frequently.)
033 6/114: “Say: ‘Shall I seek for judge other than Allah?’” According to Ibn Warraq “Why I am not a Muslim”, the word “Say” is not to be found in the original Arab text. Yusuf Ali has added it to hide that here once more Muhammad is speaking in a book he pretended was made by a god a long time ago, and a copy of a revered Mother Book in Allah’s own Heaven. (Ibn Warraq points to at least 8 such places in the Quran: 2/286, 6/104, 6/114, 11/2-3, 19/36, 27/91, 42/10/, 51/50-51).
034 7/42: “- – – no burden do We (Allah*) place on any soul, but that which it can bear – – -“.Can this be true? – also among Muslims self murder (or seeking death for Allah, when the real reason is a too difficult life), deserting one’s family or child, resorting to crime to be able to live on, etc. happens.
035 14/12: “No reason have we (Muslims*) why we should not put our trust in Allah”. Wrong. All the mistakes, etc. in the Quran proves 100% that it is not from a god. And all the mistaken facts that are in accordance with wrong science in the Middle East at the time of Muhammad, strongly indicate that it is made by one or more humans in Arabia at the time of Muhammad. In both cases the religion is a made up one, and Allah may not even exist. In addition one have the fact that Muhammad simply lied and did not even respect his own oaths. Similar claim in 5/84.
036 14/22: “It was Allah who gave you a promise of Truth (the Quran*) – – -.” With that many mistakes the Quran at best is partly true.
037 16/62: “- – – they (people*) attribute to Allah what they hate (daughters*)”. Wrong – if Islam pretends to be a universal religion. Some places on Earth – like in Arabia – girl babies may have been hated. But most places they only were of lower value, and far from hated. Then some places they were valued more or less equally. There also were places where daughters were valuable because they meant money/valuables to their parents when they married. There even were a few places were the societies were matriarchates, and the girls the main sex. (This is one of the many points in the Quran where wrong knowledge points to some human(s) in Arabia as the maker(s) of the Quran – there are too many like
038 21/18: “- – – nay, We (Allah) hurl the Truth against falsehood, and it knocks out its brain, and behold, falsehood doth perish!” Does the same happen if one hurls the Quran With all itsmistakes, etc.? – the Quran at best is partly true.
00n 21/112: “- – – against the blasphemies you utter!” Is it blasphemy to doubt what is told about Allah, when there are weighty reasons for doubt? (- all the mistakes, contradictions, etc. in the Quran)
039 22/40: “Did not Allah check one set of people by means of another, there surely would have been pulled down monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques – – -.” Wrong – this is far from the only way an omniscient and omnipotent god could manage the world. One alternative is to change man a little and teach him how to live in peace. Only members of a culture and religion of war and looting and suppressing do not immediately see this. This point just is an artificial alibi for war and conquest – and suppression and looting.
040 22/67: “- – – thou (Muslims*) art assuredly on the Right Way”. That only is true if the Quran is correct – – – and the Quran contains lots of mistakes, contradictions, twisted arguments, twisted logic, some outright lies, etc. (all of which are hallmarks for cheats, deceivers and swindlers – persons normally looking for money, women and/or power in dishonest ways. Muhammad liked women and power – and money for “gifts” to possible followers). Similar claim in 45/18. Besides: Have you ever noticed that the one who most needs to boast – loudly and frequently – about how truthful he is, is the cheater and the swindler, and the one boasting about his knowledge is the medium to rather ok, but not top intelligent and learned one? – the really honest and the really intelligent persons never need to boast about those things. Real honesty and real intelligence makes itself felt after some time
of close connection – if there is a need for boasting, something is wrong.
041 22/78: “It is He (Allah*) Who has named you Muslims, both before and in this (Revelation) – – -“. Wrong. The name was never used before Muhammad – there is no kind of trace of it (or of the religion) anywhere. This is one of the cases where Islam will have to prove their claim.
042 23/85: “They (non-Muslims*) will say, ‘To Allah’”. Wrong. If they name the name of a god, they will say the name of their own god (in old Arabia that might have been the polytheistic al-Lah). Similar claims in 23/87 – 23/89.
043 24/41: “- – – it is Allah Whose praise all beings in the heavens (plural and wrong) and on earth do celebrate – – -“. This has not been documented or clearly shown anywhere or any time. Similar claim in 16/50.
00o 31/11: “Such is the Creation of Allah: now show Me (Allah*) what is there that others beside Him have created – – -.” Show us first if all the cheap words about everything Allah has created, are true – there only are lose and easy words anyone can use about his/her god(s), free of charge. With all the mistakes and contradictions, twisted words and logic and even some obvious lies (f. ex. that miracles would not influence sceptics or proselytes) the Quran is built on, also this may be wrong.
044 45/5: “- – – the fact that Allah sends down Sustenance from the sky – – -.” As “always” the Quran makes a claim only, and proves nothing. As long as it is not proved, it is not a fact – words are too cheap. Actually this is one of the very many cases where the Quran takes a natural phenomenon – here rain – and unceremoniously say it is Allah that makes it – – – just like any priest in any religion can say about his god or gods, just as cheaply.
PART II, CHAPTER 1, Subchapter 3, Section 2 (= II-1-3-2)
It is very clear from the following verses and notes that Islam claims the Quran is sent down from a god – revealed by the god to Muhammad – and to his followers via Muhammad. Muslims also claim the book is clear and that everything is easy to understand – – – except when there are points that clearly are wrong. Then the texts suddenly are allegories and/or must be understood from a special context – or “cannot be understood correctly unless you
have the full overview over the whole book”.
001 2/24: “But if ye cannot – and of surety ye (non-Muslims*) cannot (produce a surah of the same quality like in the Quran*) – – -“. The surahs are no good literature – more or less copies of Arab folklore, legends, fairy tales, and stuff Muhammad had been told from the Bible or (mainly) from apocryphal (made up) “biblical” stories. In addition the composition and presentation of the texts belong in primary school. Many a good writer could collect such
stories and do a much better job (on these points f. ex. the Bible is far better written). The Arab language itself is said to be excellent – but when you know that the language was polished for some 250 years by top intelligent and top learned men, until it got its somewhat final form around 900 AD (the Arab alphabet was not completed until then), that point tells nothing about the original Qurans from around 650 – caliph Uthman’s and others’. The claim
is wrong.
002 2/97: “- – – he (Gabriel*) brings down the (revelation) to thy heart by Allah’s will – – -“. No omniscient god sends down a book with that many mistakes and that much invalid logic. Besides: See 16/102 just above.00a 5/59: “- – – the revelation (the Quran*) that hath come to us (Muhammad) – – -“. Well, one
of the central questions about Islam is if there really were revelations (with that many mistaken facts, etc.) – and if there were: From whom. There are these alternatives:
1. Revelations from a god – which the Quran proves is not the case, as no god, omniscient or not, had made so many mistakes, contradictions, and so much wrong logic, etc.
2. Or revelations from an impostor – the Devil – pretending to be Gabriel. And the inhuman and on some points highly immoral religion Muhammad founded, may indicate that this really is a possibility.
3. Or something working on Muhammad’s brain (an illness like TLE easily would explain that – see BBC “God on the Brain”, 20. March 2003) – and the inhuman and on some points highly immoral religion Muhammad founded, may indicate that also this really is a possibility.
4. Or “revelations” simply came from a human brain with or without an illness – if Muhammad had TLE (Temporal Lobe Epilepsy) like medical experts according to BBC suspects, that easily explains his “experiences”, but even his obvious lust for power may explain the making up of a religion – many a self proclaimed “prophet” with lust for power or money or women have done so through the times (Muhammad at least liked power and women – and riches to attract and keep followers by menas of “gifts”.
5. Or it is all a “scenario” made by a cold and scheming brain – and Muhammad’s inhuman ruthlessness and easily recognized lust for power (see f. ex. how he glues himself to Allah) may indicate this. A combination of some points also is possible. Also see 22/54,
A small extra point: In the book “The Message of the Quran”, certified by Al-Azhar Al-Sharif Islamic Research Academy in Cairo (one of the 2-3 top universities in the Muslim world on such subjects) in a letter dated 27. Dec. 1998, it is admitted rather reluctantly that there are no proofs for Allah, and that it is not possible to prove him. An additonal point here is that if there are no ptoof for Allah and impossible to ptove him, automatically there also is no proof for, and impossible to prove Muhammad’s claimed connection to Allah.
003 6/104: “Now have (the Quran*) come to you (Muslims*), from your Lord (Allah*), proofs – – -”. Wrong. In all the Quran there is not on single valid proof for Allah or for Islam – or for Muhammad being a real messenger (he definitely was no prophet, as he had not – and did not even claim or pretend to have – the ability to make prophesies). Not one single proof that proves any god at all. There MAY BE are a few exceptions in the tales taken from the
Bible, but they in case talk about Yahweh, and Islam in case will have to prove that Allah and Yahweh really is the same god – a statement only based on unproven claims in the Quran and in Hadith, and a statement that have never in any way been documented. All the other statements are only based on thin air and cheap words – words that any priest in any religion can use about his or her god(s). They are worth nothing as proofs.
The Quran some places talks about “proofs” and many places where it talks about “signs”. They all have that in common that they without exception are without value as proofs for Allah of for Muhammad’s connection ro a god. After all a proof is one or more PROVEN facts that can give ony one conclution – and the Quran and Islam NEVER proves the claims they build their “signs” and “proofs” for Allah or for Muhammad’s connection to a god on. NEVER. If heaven and earth shall be proofs for Allah, Islam first has to prove that it really was Allah that made them – not only say so. If rain shall be a proof for Allah, Islam first has to prove that it really is Allah that makes and directs the rain, not just say so, because this any religion can say – valueless as a proof (Baal makes the rivers run downwards. Allah cannot make them run upwards. ERGO: Baal is the real god and Allah just an impostor. Etc., etc., etc.
Valueless “proofs“.) If life on Earth is to be a proof for Allah, Islam first have to prove that it really was Allah that created it – not just use empty statements any priest in any religion can use free of charge. Etc., etc., etc. The Quran is very good at demanding proofs from all other religions, but it never, NEVER, offers any valid proofs about Allah or the Quran or Muhammad’s connection to a god itself when it comes to disputed “truths” (it offers “proofs“ and “signs“, but they are not valid). And it is extra thought-provoking that the times it says that this and this is a proof, and the many, many times it says that this and this is a sign, the statements are without exception just statements taken out of thin air or in other ways not built on proved facts – nothing that a judge would accept as proofs in a neutral, good quality court. Nothing.
Any god would know the statements were without value as real proofs, and not call them – or hint that they are – proofs. It is just cheap words and demagogy that any priest in any religion can use. Sorry, but that is the very plain truth – and in reality even worse: Who use loose statements, invalid arguments and invalid proofs? – cheats and impostors! It actually tells something about a god if he is trying to cheat simple and simpleminded, uneducated people – not to mention what it tells about him if he did not understand that one time humans would get enough knowledge to see through the cheating, and even more so if Allah did not understand what effect such “proofs” made up of mistakes and bluffing would have on educated, thinking persons when they discovered they were untrue. For similar claims see 2/41 – 2/91 – 2/117 – 2/147 – 2/176 – 2/213 – 3/3 – 3/7 – 3/60 – 4/105 – 4/113 – 4/140 – 5/15 – 6/91 – 6/92 – 6/104 – 6/114 – 6/155 – 7/52 – 10/94 – 10/108 – 11/17 – 12/2 – 13/36 – 15/9 – 16/64 – 17/73 – 17/82 – 17/105 – 17/106 – 18/27 – 18/29 – 20/113 – 21/10 – 21/45 – 22/54 – 23/90 – 24/1 – 24/25 – 25/1 – 25/6 – 28/47 – 38/53 – 32/2 – 32/3 – 35/31 – 38/29 – 39/1 – 39/2 – 39/23 – 39/41 – 40/2 – 41/2 – 42/17 – 43/78 – 55/2 – 64/8 – 69/43 – 76/23.
Besides: Have you ever noticed that the one who needs to boast – loudly and frequently – about how truthful he is, is the cheater and deceiver, and the one boasting about his knowledge is the mediocre to rather ok, but not top intelligent and learned one? – the really honest and the really intelligent and knowledgeable persons never need to boast about those things. Real honesty and real intelligence makes itself felt after some time of close connection – if there is a need for boasting, something is wrong. And as it here are lots of claims about speaking the truth, we may quote the Nazi-German Minister for Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels: “If you tell a lie often enough, people starts believing it is true.” (There is a lot of similarity between the ideology behind Nazism and the one behind slam).
004 13/1: “- – – the Book: that which hath been revealed unto thee from thy Lord (Allah*) – – –
“. That is the question, to quote Hamlet. Did a god really produce and reveal a book with that many mistakes, contradictions, and invalid “proofs“, etc.? No. And when no god revealed it, he also did not reveal it to Muhammad. An alternative is that the Devil impersonated Gabriel and in other cases told Muhammad “by inspiration” (to quote “The Meaning of the Quran” by Yusuf Ali), and that it thus was revealed by him. Another alternative is that it all stems from a sick brain – TLE (Temporal Lobe Epilepsy) + lust for power may easily explain everything. Yet another alternative is that it was not revealed, but made up – The fact that many of the mistakes that are in accordance with the wrong science of the time and area of Muhammad,
and also the fact that Muhammad was not stupid enough to believe everything that is said in the Quran, may indicate that it is made up. (As for the last argument: the claim that miracles would not make some people believe, Muhammad was too intelligent and knew too much about people to believe himself – and Jesus was a good proof of the opposite:
A lot did not believe in spite of everything, but quite a number came to believe because of what they saw and heard and witnessed. The same was the conclusion of the story that Muhammad himself told about the magicians and Moses: They came (according to Muhammad’s own words) to believe after a small miracle.) For similar also see 2/231 – 3/3 – 4/136 – 5/48 – 5/59
– 5/64 – 5/67 – 6/7 – 7/2 – 7/3 – 10/2 – 13/19 – 16/89 – 18/1 – 16/102 – 25/33 – 27/6 – 33/2 – 34/6 – 35/24 – 35/31 – 39/2 – 47/2. 91
005 13/38: “For each period is a book revealed”. Hardly. Homo Sapiens – modern man – is may be 200ooo years old (and there were humans or humanoids long before that). There is no trace of any book or of monotheism from all those years up to the next major step, that happened may be 60000+ (64000?) years ago. At that time something happened – nobody knows what – that started Homo Sapiens on his course towards Modern Man (it is likely it happened somewhere in the western part of Asia, perhaps in the southern Caspian area). Then no book up to the next major step: Agricultural Man 15ooo years ago, give or take a few thousand years – probably somewhere in the Middle East. No book and no trace of monotheism anywhere in the world. The next step: Towns. No books to regulate the life or religion for Homo Urbanus (man in town) – not until long time after towns and even cities
had started to pop up, and still no trace of monotheism of any kind, not to mention Allah. The first traces of real monotheism – and later a book about a monotheistic god – came with the Jews (the name is used in a wide understanding chronologically). And even then it is highly unlikely that they had books before the period in Egypt (that Abraham had a book or books, is so unlikely that Islam will have to prove it if they will insist on that – it is extremely unlikely that a nomad of that time even knew how to read.)
Also the Zoroastrians had a book, but that Muhammad did not know – at least not until late in his life. After that – and before the Quran – science knows about only one or two books (depending on whether you reckon the “Bible” of the Jews + NT to be one or two books) as basis for monotheism – add one if you include the Zoroastrians. (There also was a small, young monotheistic sect in Arabia at the time of Muhammad, but to our knowledge they had no holy book.) During most those periods and aeons there is found no traces of such other such a book or of monotheism in any kind of science: Archaeology (with a ?-mark for Akn-Aton and his sun), literature, folklore, history, art, architecture. Islam will have to produce very strong proofs for the opposite – till now they just have produced cheap statements and even cheaper words – – – and not one real proof.
Worse: When there finally came a book after Muhammad’s heart, it only covered a tiny part of the world and a short periode of time – whereas the Quran states that every people in all times have had their prophets (and a book).
Worst: Islam tells that the reason why “the Book” had to be rejuvenated at intervals, was that the world and the societies changed (in addition to the never proved or documented claim that the Bible is falsified). But the world and the cultures and the societies have changed more the
300 years – yes, even the last 100 years – than in all the 200ooo or more years before. Why do we not need a new book after all these changes? – if Allah is omniscient, he 13.7 billion or more years ago (when the universe was created) knew that at least parts of the Quran would be hopelessly inadequate (f. ex. some laws) and too dangerous (atomic, chemical and bacteriological weapons combined with a most ruthless and inhuman war
religion), not later than around 1950 AD. Ours is a period that really needs a book teaching love and peace among humans and nations – not hate and suppression and inhumanity and war (like the Quran and the religion of Gjingis Chan and a few other war religions).
**00b 13/39: “- – – with Him (Allah*) is the Mother of the Book (the presumed original book of which the Quran is said to be a copy*)“. Mere humans like us think it is unlikely in the extreme that an omnipotent and omniscient god has a book awash with mistakes, contradictions, logiacally invalid claims, etc. as a revered Mother Book in his Heaven. There also are a lot of problems to explain, if it was made by the god a long time ago – not to mention if it is an unmade book that has existed forever, like many Muslims insists:
1. If the book is that old and existed before, why did the god have to send down imperfect books – Torah, OT, NT? And NB: Science has shown they are not falsified like Muslims claims (as normal for Islam without documentation).
2. How to explain that in some verses it is Muhammad that is speaking?
3. How to explain that the god some times has to change his message – erase it in the Mother Book and write something new? – and did he really get everything right in the book this time? Especially if he is copying the Mother Book he ought to get it right at once?
4. How could he change the messages, if it was all written a long time ago – or always existed – in a Mother Book he copied? Erasing something and writing over?
5. How come that so many verses are answers or comments to things that happened in Mecca and Medina to Muhammad and during the life of Muhammad? – Muhammad quarrelled with his wives, and Allah sent down surahs to explain that Muhammad as always was right – and like always a little bit to late to avert problem, but relevant to his needs just then? (Remember that if man has freedom of choise, full omniscience and thus also full clairvoiance is impossible – admitted even by Islam, except that they say it must be true all the same because Allah says so in the Quran (!!))
6. How to explain that it (the Quran) could have been written aeons ago, if Allah has given the humans a certain amount of free will? – human acts will upset the texts in chaotic ways. (Predestination and human free will are 100% incompatible and 100% impossible to combine – and man always can change his mind once more, making it impossible to know what really will happen, until it happens).
7. Islam says texts had to be changed a little over time, because times changes – therefore new holy books. But the 300 last years time has changed more than from Adam till 1700 AD. Why are no prophets and no holy book necessary? (Also see 13/38). And how was the text in the Mother Book changed to fit new times.
8. If the “mother book” is aeons old, why then is nearly the all talk to Muhammad, a little to a few others, and nothing to the other 124000
(the number according to Hadiths) prophets? The first prophets – when everything was new – after all needed most information and help.
9. How to explain that most of the stories in the Quran are based on religious fairy tales? – any god had known they were untrue.
10. How to explain all the mistakes? – any god had known better.
11. How to explain all the invalid statements? – any god had known better.
12. How to explain all the invalid “signs” (treated as proofs)?
13. How to explain the invalid “proofs”? – any god had known better.
14. How to explain the directly wrong statements, “signs” and “proofs”. ?
15. How to explain all the contradictions – the claim of “no contradictions” is one of the “proofs” for Allah?
Also see 13/1.
00c 16/102: “- – – the Holy Spirit has brought the revelation – – -“. Muhammad Azad: “The Message of the Quran” tells that the Arab word “ruh al-qudus” (= the Holy Spirit) is used 3 times in the Quran (2/87, 5/110 – both connected to Jesus – and here), and that here it means the angel Gabriel. The Holy Spirit in Arab = Gabriel?! Besides: See 2/97.
006 25/33: “- – – We (Allah) reveal to thee (Muhammad or the Muslims) the truth and the best explanations (thereof).” The best explanations are never – never – built on a lot of mistaken facts. The Quran also many places states that belief in Islam is built on intelligence, intellectual capacity, and knowledge. Is it? Sometimes it seems like it is built on sheer blind belief and suppression of the true facts. (“The Message of the Quran” even tells that it is primitive not to be able to see that the Quran is made of a god, without any proofs – and another place that it is a no good believer that search for real proofs. The sorry truth is that it is primitive and naïve to believe only because something is said or written. Words are cheap.) A book with lots of mistakes, contradictions, twisted arguments, as twisted logic, and dictated by a man of very suspect morality, defending and enlarging his platform of
power – his self-proclaimed religion – is no reliable guidance and of suspected truth. More proofs are needed to make this believable.
007 26/210-211: “No evil ones have brought down this (Revelation). It would neither suit them – – -“. May be no evil spirits have brought down the Quran. But is definite that no omniscient god has done so – too many mistakes, etc. It also is definite that no good god or spirit did it – far too inhuman, full of hate and suppression and blood – not to mention the wretched ethic and moral in the book. All the same it is possible it was not sent down by bad or evil forces – it simply is possible, and even likely, that it was made by one or more men (all the wrong science and a lot more point in that direction). But what is absolutely sure, is that an Islam like the one one finds in the surahs from Medina suits evil spirits and forces very well: Inhumanity, blood, hate, war. Just ask Muslims what they think about the Mongols attacking them in the east. The religion in Mongolia under and after Djingis Khan basically was quite similar to Islam. When Islam used their war machine and inhumanity in India and other places, they according to all Muslims were heroes. Then they
met Mongols that did just the same to Muslims – – and the Mongols were terrible monsters.
Then the southern Mongols became Muslims and continued in the same way like before, but now against non-Muslims – – – and now they were great heroes according to Islam. Ask them if the remember the name Timur Lenk (Tamerlane). Islam as described in the surahs from Medina, definitely suits evil forces/spirits.
*00d 30/43: “- – – the right Religion (Islam*) – – -”. Is it possible that the right religion can be based on a book with that many mistakes, contradictions, invalid logic, etc. repeated or made by an Arab salesman, highwayman, murderer (he let opponents and others murder), torturer and rapist (he – at an age of nearly 60 – at least raped the newlywed, 17 year old Safijja after he had let her husband Kinana be tortured to death, and Raihana bint Amr after he had murdered the male part of her family and made the rest slaves.) Source for this information: Muhammad Ibn Ishaq: “Life of the Prophet Muhammad” – the in Islam most respected of the old (dead 768 AD) writers about Muhammad. (It was written for the second Abbasside caliph in Baghdad, Mansur, around 750 AD). Neither Arab salesmen, nor highwaymen, nor torturers, nor murderers, nor rapists have the best of reputations for being honest (even if Islam insists he was, but Islam hardly is the most reliable source on just that point). This Arab salesman, highwayman, torturer, murderer and rapist and inhuman warlord, was even unable to produce one single small proof for his story. But he (?) produced lots of loose statements
and invalid “signs” and “proofs”.Similar claim in 12/40. And what about his institutionalizing al-Taqiyya (the lawful lie) and Kitman (the lawful half-truth) and his telling (in Hadiths) that even oaths can be broken – is that part of the right religion? This kind of a man is the only source Islam is built on.
Can this be the Right Religion?
00e 36/5: “It (the Quran*) is a Revelation – – -“. Well, in case from whom? – not from an omniscient and/or good god. Perhaps from himself or some other humans? (cfr. how well the religion fitted as a platform of power for him and for helping him also in his private troubles – in what pretends to be the Mother Book, revered by Allah) – or from some dark forces? (cfr. the inhumanity, dishonesty, hate, blood, war, etc. – it fits a devil very well – and it
makes it nearly impossible for Muslims to search for a true religion if such one exists but Islam is wrong – – – also this is nice for a devil and his wish to populate a possible hell).
00f 37/164: Here according to most Islamic scholars angles that are talking. That at least means the Quran cannot have existed since eternity, like many Muslims like to believe: It must have been made, and made after at least some angels had been created – if not the angels could not have spoken in the book.(There also are some 8 places where Muhammad is speaking – an impossibility if the “Mother Book” in Heaven which the Quran is said to be a copy of is really old.)
**008 42/13: “The same religion (Islam*) has He (Allah*) established for – – – Abraham, Moses, and Jesus”. Neither the Quran, nor Hadith, nor Islam has brought the slightest valid proof for this – only words and claims. And at least when it comes to Jesus, it is wrong. The teachings of Jesus and the ones of Muhammad are too different fundamentally.
Of course Muslims say that the Bible is falsified and that scriptures have disappeared. But they have yet to prove the first and to prove that scriptures documenting all the points Islam says are wrong in other religions have disappeared and none reliable and impossible to misunderstand ones have reappeared among the 13000 with relevance + the may be 32000 with references to the Bible, that exists. “Strong claims need strong proofs.” This even more so as science by means of all the old scriptures which are found has proved that the Bible is not falsified – a fact that is extra clear for NT.
***009 43/4: “- – – it (the Quran*) is in the Mother of Books, in Our (Allah’s*) presence, high (in dignity) – – -”. This is one of the places in the Quran where Muhammad claims the Quran is taken from (a copy of) the Mother Book in Allah’s own home/Heaven. (Also see 13/39). But no book containing hundreds of mistakes, hundreds of contradictions, hundreds of loose claims and statements, lots of invalid logic, lots of invalid “signs” and lots of invalid “proofs” easy for anybody with good and wide education too see through, etc., is copied from a revered Mother Book, high in dignity and esteem, in the perfect Heaven, the home of a perfect, omnipotent and omniscient god.
010 46/9: “I (Muhammad) am no bringer of a newfangled doctrine – – -”. Muhammad pretended Islam was the continuation – or the uncorrupted – religion of the Jews and the Christians. That is not true – especially in the NT it is clear that the teachings fundamentally are so different, that it can not be the same god – at least if he is not mentally ill. See 29/46 and 12/111.
011 56/80: “A Revelation (the Quran*) from the Lord of the Worlds (Allah*) – – -”. Can it really be so? See 41/12 – and 40/75. Impossible – no omniscient god would make/deliver a book with so many mistakes – not to mention keep it in his own Heaven as a revered Mother Book (43/4). Can this really be a revelation from a god? Or the other way around: Can something producing so many mistakes, contradictions, so much invalid logic be lord of even
one world? Also see 2/131 – 6/155 – 7/196 – 8/41 – 11/14 – 13/1 – 13/19 – 13/37 – 14/1 – 15/1 – 16/102 – 20/4 – 26/109 – 26/127 – 26/192 – 31/21 – 32/2 – 34/6 – 36/5 – 43/43 – 45/2 – 46/2 – 47/9.
***012 61/9: “- – – the Religion of Truth that may proclaim over all religion – – -”. It is also worth to remember that normal people of today – and earlier times – would be reluctant with trusting or believing in a man with a CV like Islam tells Muhammad had: Robbery, extortion, women, lies, broken oaths (“war is betrayal”), incitement to hate, incitement to suppression of all opponents, assassination of opponents, murder of opponents, mass murder, rape, betrayal, ( 30 opponents from Khaibar invited to peace debate under promise of safe return – but 29 murdered on the slightest excuse, the last one managed to flee) incitement to war – and lust for power. We have met Muslims excusing him with that he was a hard man living in a hard time, and that he was no worse than others. May be so, but he definitely was no better either, and he pretended (?) to represent a good god.The last part of the quotation also tells volumes about Islam. Similar claim in 9/29. And as for the truth – the Quran at best is partly true.
013 69/51: “But, verily; it is Truth of assured certainty“. Hardly – too many mistakes, etc. – – – but words are cheap. For similar claims also see 2/109 – 2/147 – 5/48 – 5/75 – 6/73 – 8/7 – 9/30 – 9/33 – 9/48 – 9/60 – 10/2 – 10/32 – 10/34 – 13/1 – 21/18 – 10/35 – 10/36 – 10/94 – 11/17 – 14/22 – 17/81 – 17/105 – 21/109 – 22/54 – 23/71 – 28/3 – 28/53 – 32/3 – 33/4 – 34/6 – 34/49 – 36/70 – 37/21 – 37/52 -40/62 – 40/75 – 41/41 – 41/53 – 42/18 – 42/24 – 43/29 – 43/87 – 46/16 – 46/30 – 46/34 – 47/2 – 47/3 – 50/19 – 56/57 – 56/92 – 57/16 – 67/21 – 73/11 – 85/19 – 92/16 – 103/3.
Besides: Have you ever noticed that the one who most needs to boast – loudly and frequently – about how truthful he is, is the cheater and the swindler, and the one boasting about his knowledge is the medium to rather ok, but not top intelligent and educated one? – the really honest and the really knowledgeable persons never need to boast about those things. Real honesty and real intelligence and knowledge make itself felt after some time of close connection – if there is a need for boasting, something is wrong. Remember also the Hitler Nazi Minister for Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels: “If you tell a lie often enough, people starts believing it is true.” (There are many similarities between the ideology of the Nazi and the ideology of Islam).
2. The language in the Quran: 014 4/82: “Had it (the Quran*) been from other than Allah, they would surely therein found much discrepancy.” What a proof!!! In addition to all the mistakes, contradictions, etc. there is so much discrepancy in the Quran, that Islam has a special rule how to solve such problems – the so called rule of abrogation: If there is discrepancy between two (or more) places in the Quran, the youngest one normally is the correct one – the omniscient Allah so often had to change his mind or got new information that forced him to change his words, that one needs a special rule how to behave in such cases (this is one of the reasons why it is essential for Islam to know the age of the surahs and verses, or at least which is older than which). And there is so much discrepancy between the Quran and modern knowledge that it is clear that either Islam has a lot of good explaining to do, or the Quran is not made by an omniscient god. (Islam has a lot of explanations, but much of it is invalid or highly dubious – use your brain and knowledge when you listen or read, and you will see this is true). The quoted sentence really is an indirect, but strong proof from the Quran itself that the Quran is not sentdown from an omniscient god – and a reason why Muslims cannot afford to admit there is one single mistake in the book, no matter how unlikely explanations they have to use to “explain” the mistakes: If there are mistakes, there is something fundamentally wrong with the religion. (It should be mentioned that some Muslims denies there is a rule of abrogation (an omniscient god should not need to adjust or further specify his own rules – it spoils the picture of perfection), but anyone can read and see for him/herself: Many points are adjusted, extended or given new limits – larger or smaller – in the Quran. We have never counted, but we have red numbers from ca. 100 (actually from 4 – 5 from strong believers) till more than 500 places depending on how strictly you judge – only 9/5, “the Verse of the Sword”, is said by Muslim scholars to abrogate 124 milder verses).
In addition one has all the mentioned mistakes – they are discrepancies compared to the reality. For similar claim see 39/23
015 6/151: “Come, I (Muhammad*) will rehearse what Allah hath (really) prohibited you from – – be good to your parents”. This very obviously is wrong and a bit of a contradiction compared to other places in the Quran – Muhammad very obviously meant exactly the opposite; that you were ordered to be god to your parents. An omniscient god would not make such a mistake. Who made the Quran? PS: This is one of the verses Muslim scholars (but
not always imams or laymen) admits must be wrong – – – and omniscient gods do not make mistakes.
Also Muslim scholars as mentioned agree that here the text is wrong – it is absolutely contrary to what the Quran says about this all other places. Which give you an unbeatable proof against any Muslim boasting that the book being without any mistakes at all. A proof and a fact sanctioned by Islam! (And besides: If here is a mistake, how many more are there?) Just remember: 6/151 (6 in Scandinavian = sex, and 151 has sex in both ends (1 + 5 = 6, and 5
+ 1 = 6). Easy to remember.
016 16/103: “- – – this (the Quran*) is in Arabic, pure and clear”. Wrong in many ways: There are alien words, there are orthographical mistakes, there are grammatical errors and there are lots and lots of places where even today Islam does not know the exact meaning of words or verses (the last partly because the book originally was written by means of an unfinished alphabet).
017 18/2: “(He (Allah*) hath made it) Straight (and Clear) – – -”. The tales “per se” are plain and easy. But a book that full of mistaken facts and other mistakes, linguistic ones, (and perhaps religious ones, too – why should they be exceptions?) is neither straight nor clear.
*018 26/211: “- – – nor would they (non-Muslims*) be able (to produce it) (something similar to the Quran*)”. Wrong. In spite of all the glorious words Muslims use about the Quran, it is not good literature. There are lots and lots of mistakes and contradictions. There are lots of wrong logic. There are numbers of linguistic errors. There hardly is anything original in the book – the stories are taken from the Bible and a few other old books, from made up religious tales, from folklore and from fairy tales and just changed a little. Also in thinking and in laws and morality there was little new – if any; there were a few changes compared to the old Arabia, but the ideas came from neighbouring cultures. And the same stories are told again and again – most boring. Also good writers – not the original composer – polished the Arab language in the book for some 250 years (until ca. 900 AD). There would be no problem for a good or medium writer to write to collect stories and write something similar – or better.
Claims like that the Quran is good literature you can tell to the naïve, uneducated illiterate savages of the old (and for that case modern) times. Skip it when you are talking to an educated modern person who knows the Quran (far too few does – many had been disgusted) and knows a little about literature. The Quran may be intelligent religious tales for its time, but it is not and was not a good piece of literature. Boring, repetitive, a melee of this and that – no logical system in the tales, the tales all “borrowed” from others and well known, no new thoughts, etc. For similar claims see 17/88
*019 39/28: “(It is) a Quran in Arabic, without any crookedness – – -”. For one thing we have never been able to understand why it is a good thing that the Quran is in Arab if Allah wanted to be the god for all earth – well, even the Arabs tell it is a difficult language and difficult to translate (though language experts say the claim is blown up – perhaps as an extra defence to avoid having to explain what they cannot explain, perhaps as an artificial back up for the demand that Muslims must read the Quran in Arabic – and say it is just a medium difficult language). They further insist it is impossible to translate it, like indicated above (just like the Japanese used to say before they learnt other languages well). That is rubbish. What one human brain is able to think, another human brain at the same level of knowledge and intelligence is able to understand if it gets things explained.
Of course there is the fact that languages have special words, etc. that you do not find in other languages – that is the case for all languages, and nothing special for Arab, like some uneducated Muslims like to claim (and some of them even believe it, we think). Take the Norwegian very simple word “tran”. That word exists in few other languages. English has to say “cod liver oil” – and French something similar. In Arab one would have to say something like “oil from the liver of the North Atlantic fish that in English is called cod” – but the main thing is that even if they need an explanation that Norwegians in this case do not need, it tells 100% exactly and correctly the same and correct meaning. Or take the Inuit – they are said to have 42 different words for different kinds of snow and snow conditions – Arab hardly has more than a couple. But it would not be too difficult to explain to an Arab that this Inuit word means that the snow is wet, this that it is laying full of water, this that the snow is dry, this that it is or has been wind driven, this that it is frozen hard, this that it is sticky (so you can make snow balls), this that it is powdery, etc.
And it is just the same with Arab: Arab has a word for “2-years-old she-camel”. “Solch ein Wort gibt es nicht in Deutch” (“such a word does not exist in German”) – but it is no problem to explain to a German that one is talking about a female camel that is 2 years old. As said: What one human brain can think, another human brain at the same level can understand with a little explanation. Besides: To demand that an Afghan farmer shall read the Quran in Arab just means that you demand he shall be explained all those different words and different meanings on beforehand – because that is the only way he can understand them when he reads them later. Just the same words and the same explanations – but a lot more words, because he may not know on
beforehand exactly which words that may give him extra insight.
In addition the Arab alphabet at that time was unfit for writing down exactly what was said – the alphabet at that time was very incomplete. (That was one of the reasons why there were so many varieties of the Quran in earlier times. Now there mainly are 2 of the earlier 14 “canonized” ones that are used – one (Warsh) in parts of Africa, and one (Hafs) in the rest of the world – though they call it “ways of reading” to hide that the reality is “varieties”. Those
two expressions in this case are exactly identical). If Allah wanted to reach many, the natural language in that area had been Greek or perhaps Latin or Persian. Or why not Bahasa Indonesia? – one of the easiest languages in the world to learn and with as many potential Muslims as in Arabia, and with good connections to surrounding countries. In case of a western language or Persian they also could have written down the book correctly, as those
languages already had perfected alphabets. Then they had not had the problem of not knowing what was really said and written. Now Muslims only can make unfounded – or wrong – statements claiming that the Quran of today is correct to the last letter and last comma, even
though not all letters – nor the comma – did even exist around 650 AD in Arab.
Many Muslims even believe what they say. With a complete alphabet it could really have been correct. But the fact of the incomplete alphabet of that time, makes the claim a joke. But without crookedness? With all the mistakes and contradictions?!! With all the invalid “signs” and “proofs”? With all the loose statements? Such “facts” normally are the hallmarks of crookedness.
020 54/32: “But We (Allah*) have indeed made the Quran easy to understand – – -”. This in a way is very correct – the language is plain and simple mostly, and the Quran itself makes it clear that one is to understand it literally (though many Muslims claim that verses with mistakes are allegories – it is an easy way to use to flee from difficult questions). But it is all the same at least partly wrong – partly because there are so many places it is
difficult to guess which word is really meant. Separate books are needed to explain the Quran – there are many such ones. And if you read any of the good ones, you will find that even today there are points in the book Islam has not been able to understand, and even many more points they still do not know the exact meaning of – or which one of two or more meanings is the correct one. But it is easy to see that Muhammad meant it was easy and not complicated to understand – and an omniscient god had been able to compose a book that was possible to understand and impossible to misunderstand or not understand, just like Muhammad claimed and surely believed and intended. Who composed the Quran? For similar claims see 42/3 –41/42 – 54/17 – 54/22 – 54/40.
3. The claimed practical value of the Quran:
*021 6/92: “Those who believe in the Hereafter believe in this (Book) (the Quran*), – – -”. Wrong. There are many who believe in a next life, but do not believe in the Quran – Jews and Christians, but also many others.
*022 6/154: “The Quran*) is explaining all things in detail”. It is explaining far from all things, and definitely not in sufficient details – among other facts there are not enough laws in the Quran to run an advanced society, which is why Muslims have had to make supplements. For similar claims see 6/38 – 7/52 – 10/39 – 12/2 – 12/111 – 22/8.
*023 10/82: “And Allah by His Words (the Quran*) prove and establish His Truth, – – -”. Wrong. The words of the Quran proves nothing about Allah, until it first is proved that it really was made by Allah, and that Allah really has made and done what the Quran says. It is at best partly the truth only – too many mistakes, contradictions, etc. For similar claims see 2/22 – 3/70 – 5/48 – 6/57 – 7/181 – 8/6 – 10/33 – 10/82 – 11/20 – 13/17 – 23/70 – 34/53 –
47/3 – 54/55.
*024 17/12: “- – – all things have We (Allah*) explained in detail”. Wrong. A lot of things are not explained in detail. Muslim laws has had to be supplemented with many more paragraphs than the ones in the Quran and in Hadith – and still Muslim law are far from perfect concerning modern life and societies, and even concerning daily life. And just? – A man telling that a woman has behaved indecently is lying to Allah according to Allah and the Quran, if he cannot produce 4 witnesses, THIS EVEN IF HE SPEAKS THE FULL TRUTH, AND THE OMNISCIENT ALLAH OF COURSE KNOWS THIS. And much worse: A raped woman is to be punished if she cannot produce 4 MEN to witness that it really was rape – normally absolutely impossible. Those two points in the Quran are the most horribly unjust and inhuman paragraphs we have ever seen or heard about in any civilized (?) 100 law. Is sharia civilized? Is Allah good or/and just? For similar claims see 15/1 -16/89 – 24/34 – 26/2 – 27/1 – 36/69 – 43/2 – 44/2.
025 31/2: “These are Verses of the Wise Book”. A book with lots and lots of mistakes and with lots and lots of unfounded statements based on nothing except unproven, cheap words is no wise book and no book “full of wisdom”. It may be symptomatic that the name of this surah, Luqman, is the name of a wise man in an Arab fairy tale, not a real one. For similar claims see 2/231- 10/1 – 10/37 – 17/99 – 28/2 – 31/20 – 32/2 – 35/25 – 36/2 – 43/4 – 54/5.
00g 39/41: “He, then, that receive guidance (see 39/41c*) benefits his own soul – – -“. How can it benefit your soul to steal/loot, hate, rape, murder, mass murder (many, many cases in Muslim history), enslave, etc? It benefits your pocket – and gives Muhammad and his successors many and cheap warriors – but your soul? Wrong. For similar claims see 2/2 – 2/5 – 2/120 – 10/35 – 12/111 – 16/64 – 16/89 – 18/55 – 22/54 – 27/2 – 31/3 – 41/44 – 45/11 – 46/30 – 47/32 – 68/7 – 71/13 – 87/3.
**026 96/11: “- – – if he (a man*) is on (the road of) Guidance?” Is there guidance in a book with more than 1700 points with mistaken facts, at least 200 likely mistaken facts, more than 100 linguistic mistakes in the Arab edition according to linguists, lots of loose statements and lots of invalid “signs” and “proofs” – the hallmark of cheaters and deceivers? Not to mention 400+ contradictions, 100+ abrogations and 300+ cases of unclear language in the Quran – the claimed lack of which is Islam’s only strongly claimed (but never proved) proof for divine origin of the book!! – No; no real guidance. No evidence and no good guidance. Similar claims in 28/49 – 34/6 – 45/20 – 32/5
4. Religious evaluation of the contents in the Quran according to the Quran:
*027 6/92: (The Quran is*) “confirming (the revelations) which came before it (the Bible*)”. Wrong. There are so many fundamental differences, that the Quran is no confirmation of the Bible. See 2/89 and 3/3 for further explanation. Similar claims in 26/196 – 35/31 – 46/12 – 46/30. See separate chapter about the Bible further down.
**028 10/37: “This Quran is not such as can be produced by other than Allah – – -”. Very wrong. Many a good writer can write stories as good as and better than the collection of surahs in the Quran. In spite of what Islam says, the Quran is not very good literature. The same stories are repeated again and again. They frequently are not even well told. Honestly large parts of the book are rather dull reading. And the fabled high quality Muhammad’s Arab
language? – what Muslims never mention, is that it took some 250 years to perfect the language (many Muslims do not even know this and protest loudly when told) – it was not until around 900 AD that it had got something like today’s language. It also existed in much more than one text. For one thing even Muhammad (according to Hadith) said it was sent down in 7 varieties that all were true ones – even if details were different. For another thing some of the old, original texts existed in the Muslim world for a long time after the “official” one was finished around 650 AD (at some time there were at least 14 canonized varieties). For still another thing the texts may have been slightly changed through the time – at least very old Qurans found in Yemen in 1972, had “small, but significant differences” from the modern edition. The dominating Quran today (after Hafs), is the edition that was the official one in
Egypt when first printed in 1924, according to what we have read. Also see Preface (list).
029 13/37: “Thus We (Allah*) revealed it (the Quran*) to be a judgement of authority in Arabic.” A book with that many mistakes and contradictions, that much invalid logic, that inhuman moral and without ethical or moral philosophy, is no basis for “judgement of authority”. If Muslims disagree, they will have to bring strong proofs to be believed. Similar claims in 2/101 – 4/170 – 6/115 – 9/48 -11/14 – 12/1 – 16/123 – 24/46.
030 16/64: “(The Quran was sent down*) for the express purpose, that thou (Muhammad*) shouldst make clear to them things – – -”. How is it possible to make things clear by means of a book full of mistakes, contradictions, and invalid/false “proofs“?
031 21/50: “And this (the Quran*) is a blessed message which We (Allah*) have sent down”. How many ways is it possible to ask the question: Can it be true that an omniscient god has sent down a book with such a number of mistaken facts, contradictions and other wrongs – linguistic and perhaps religious – mistakes? Not to mention: How likely is it that a book of such a miserable quality, at least concerning wrong facts, contradictions and invalid proofs, and as medium a quality as literature, can have a prominent place as the revered Mother Book in the home of an omniscient and omnipotent god? It simply is impossible. Similar claims in 21/50 – 36/17 – 38/1 – 38/7 – 42/52 – 56/81
032 40/70: “Those who reject the Book (the Quran or may be the not falsified Bible, like Islam claims – as always without any documentation*) which We (Allah*) sent – – -“. No omniscient god sent down the Quran – too many mistakes, etc. (and science has shown that the content of the modern Bibles is the same as in the first ones, and concequently is not falsified – Islam’s claims are just that; claims.) It is a most open question who is furthest away from the truth – Muslims or (some?) nonMuslims. It is clear from all the mistaken facts, contradictions, and other wrongs, that the Quran is not made by an omniscient god – and the inhumanities in the Quran also proves it is not made by any good or benevolent power (when someone claims and states good things, but demands and does bad ones, the demands and deeds are much more reliable for judging his character, than the very cheap words). And if Islam is a made up religion, based on a made up book – what then with all the Muslims who have been denied the possibility to look for a real
religion (if such one exists)? – their only hope is that also Hell is a fiction, if not they are in for a rude awakening in the possible next life. Similar claims in 2/91 – 3/137 – 7/96 – 16739 – 29/68 – 35/3 – 77/19 – 77/24 – 77/28 – 77/34 – 77/37 – 77/40 – 77/45 – 77/47 – 77/49 – 98/6.
033 50/1: “- – – by the Glorious Quran – – -”. A book with that many mistakes, contradictions, etc., and with so many hallmarks of cheating and deceiving (loose statements, invalid “signs” and “proofs”) is not glorious. By the way the expression is an oath – swearing by the Quran. Hope the rest is true, if not it is a false swearing. Though in Islam in some cases false oaths are permitted – or can be forgiven if paid for). Similar claims in 50/1 – 85/21
5. “Infidels” in these parts of the Quran:
034 2/89: “- – – when there comes to them (Jews in Medina*) that (texts that later became the Quran*) which they should have recognized (indicating they should have recognized the texts from Muhammad in their OT/Torah*)”. Wrong – the underlying basic thinking and a lot of details are so different, that the only thing possible to recognize, is that something is very wrong. The Quran has nothing to do with the real Bible – and science has proved the reason is
not that the Bible is falsified, in spite of all not documented Islamic claims.
035 2/146: “- – – but some of them (Jews, Christians*) conceals the truth (the teachings of the Quran*) – – -“. With that many mistaken facts and that much wrong logic, it at best is partly the truth. See 2/89 just above and 40/75.
036 4/174: “- – – there hath come to you (Jews, Christians*) a convincing proof (the Quran*) from your Lord (Allah*) – – -“. With that many mistakes, wrong logic, etc., etc. the Quran is not very convincing, and its “proofs”/”signs” no more convincing. See 2/99.
037 16/36: “- – – those who denied (the Truth)”. With all the mistakes in the Quran, it is impossible to believe that the book or Islam represents the full truth and only the truth. (That is one of the main reasons why Islam can accept not a single mistake in the Quran – if there are mistakes, something is wrong with the book – – – – and consequently with the religion). Similare claims in 6/5 – 21/24 – 22/53.
038 27/76: “- – – this Quran doth explain to the Children of Israel most of the matters in which they disagree”. Very wrong. For one thing the Quran is so different to the Mosaic religion (and even more different from Christianity), that it clearly is not the same. For another: A book with that many mistakes, etc. can explain very little.
*039 28/48: “- – – When the Truth (the Quran*) has come to them (the Quraysh – the leading tribe in Mecca*) – – -”. If it was not because the word “truth” is so central and so disused in Islam, we had stopped commenting on it long time ago, but the Quran with all its errors can be only partly the truth. See all the mistakes – some small, some big blunders, some repeated many times and really cemented, but even one mistake is impossible for an omniscient god. Is Allah not omniscient? Or did someone else compose the Quran? If Allah is not omniscient, that means something is wrong with the religion. If Muhammad or another human composed it, it is a false religion. And if it is a false religion and there somewhere exists a real, true one, to which Islam blocks the road for its believers – – – what then for all the Muslims?
040 35/42: “- – – their flight (from righteousness (= the teachings of Muhammad*)) – – -”. Any teaching based on a book containing large numbers of mistakes, contradictions, and invalid “proofs” and “signs”, and on top off all is only told by one single man of dubious morality and character (womanising, rape, robbery, extortion, murder and mass murder – and lust for power – all this and more are well documented by Islam itself, though glossed over) – such a teaching does not represent righteousness. This even more so that it strongly incites to hate, suppression, killing and war – not very righteous or good). Similar claims in 6/111 – 17/41 – 17/46 – 71/6.
041 51/9: “Through which (non-Muslims*) are deluded (away from the Truth)”. As for truth, see 40/75. Similare claims in 5/75 – 6/95 – 9/30 – 10/34 – 40/62.
042 54/18: “The Ad (people) rejected (truth (the teachings of the Quran*)) – – -.” Those teachings at best only are partly true – too many mistakes, etc.
6. Different topics.
043 2/24: “But if ye cannot – and of surety ye (non-Muslims*) cannot (produce a surah of the same quality like in the Quran*) – – -“. The surahs are no good literature – more or less copies of Arab folklore, legends, fairy tales, and stuff Muhammad had been told from the Bible and (mainly) from apocryphal (made up) stories. In addition the composition and presentation of the texts belong in primary school level. Many a good writer could collect such stories and do much better (on these points the Bible is far better written). The Arab language itself is said to be excellent – but when you know that the language was polished for some 250 years by top intelligent and top learned men, until it got its somewhat final form around 900 AD (the Arab alphabet was not completed until then), that point tells nothing about the original Qurans from around 650 AD – caliph Uthman’s and others’. The claim is wrong.
044 3/9: “- – – a Day about which there is no doubt – – -“. Wrong. Once the end of the world will come. But that it will happen like told in the Quran, well, there is a good reason for doubt, as so much else is wrong in that book.
045 3/61: “- – – now after (full) knowledge hath come to thee – – -”. With so many mistakes in the Quran, it is at best partly knowledge.
00h 13/31: “If there ever was a Quran with which mountains were moved – – – (it would be this one)“. Well, hitherto the Quran itself has not moved even one grain of sand. Well, it has guided or misguided many humans, and they have done things, but the Quran itself has done nothing. Similar claim in 59/21
00i 14/27: “- – – with the Word (the Quran*) that stands firm – – -.” Can words with that many mistakes and bent logic, etc. stand firm on other platforms than cheating, brain washing, pressure and power?
046 16/125: “- – – the Way of thy Lord (Allah*) – – -“. The Quran does not represent the way of an omniscient god – not a good one at least: Too many mistakes, etc. and too much inhumanity.
047 17/106: “We (Allah*) have revealed it (the Quran*) by stages.” Muhammad revealed the Quran little by little and often in connection with things that happened or actual situations – but mostly after things had happened or there were problems – not before so that trouble could have been avoided. An impolite observer could have asked if the explanation was that the maker of the verses did not know what was about to happen, but then used a god’s almighty authority to clean up things afterwards – this even more so as when Muhammad personally was involved, the god (?) more or less always took his side.
048 18/1: “(Allah*) hath allowed therein no Crookedness.” In a book that full of mistaken facts and other mistakes, there is a lot of crookedness. Especially the use of invalid “signs” and “proofs” smell.
049 18/56: “- – – in order therewith to weaken the truth (the teachings of Muhammad/the Quran*), – – -”. To repeat the reality: With so many mistakes in the Quran, it can maximum be partly true.
050 20/2: “We (Allah*) have not sent down the Quran to thee to be (an occasion) for thy distress – – -“. The main fact is that Allah (if he exists) did not send it down at all – no omniscient god makes that many and that obvious mistakes, etc.
051 22/7: “- – – there can be no doubt about it – – -”. With all the mistakes in the Quran, there is every reason for doubt about quite a lot of things.
052 26/6: “- – – the truth of what they (unbelievers*) mocked at!” At best the Quran represents partly the truth – too many mistakes.
053 26/193: “With it (the Quran*) came the Spirit of Faith and Truth”. If truth came down with the Quran, it must have been mutilated later.
054 31/22: “- – – the most trustworthy hand-hold (the Quran and Allah*) – – -“. But a book with so many mistakes, etc. – and even some shining lies (like that miracles will not make a lot of people believe) – is not trustworthy.
055 33/8: “- – – the (custodians (those whom the Quran reckons to be prophets or other teachers of religion*)) of Truth (the teachings of Islam*) – – -”. The teachings of Islam as represented by the Quran, at best is partly true – see all the mistakes (and contradictions and invalid “proofs” and “signs“, etc.).
056 33/34: “And recite – – – Allah and His Wisdom (= the Quran*) – – -“. There is limited wisdom in a book full of mistakes, and in addition: How to pick what is wisdom – if any – among all the mistakes, twisted words and logic, and even some outright lies?
057 36/12: “- – – of all things we have taken account (in the Quran*) – – -”. Not all things by far are taken account of in the Quran. Look at all the extra paragraphs that are necessary in Muslim laws.
058 36/69: “- – – this is no less than a Message and a Quran – – -.” At least it is far less than a true message and a true Quran which the Quran itself indicates – far too many mistakes, twisted arguments and too much invalid logic + some clear lies. Etc.
059 39/22: “In one whose heart has opened to Islam, so that he has received enlightenment (the contents of the Quran*) from Allah – – -”. With all the mistakes, invalid “signs”, etc. in the Quran, it at best partly gives enlightenment. Whereas the mistakes, etc., give the opposite of enlightenment.
060 39/55: “And follow the Best of (the courses) revealed to you (the teachings of the Quran*) from your Lord – – -“. A book overflowing of mistakes, contradictions, twisted arguments and logic, and even obvious lies (like that miracles would make no-ones believers), is not the best pilot.
061 43/44: “The (Quran) is indeed the message, for thee and for the people – – -.” Definitely not – too much is wrong. Or if it after all is a message – from whom?
062 44/4: “In that (night) (when the first surah is said to be sent down*) is made distinct every affair of wisdom”. As for wisdom in the Quran – see 40/75 and 41/12 and many others.
*063 47/16: “- – – those (Muslims*) who have received Knowledge (the Quran*) – – -”. The Quran at best represents bits and pieces of knowledge, and it is difficult for uneducated people to know what is true and what not. See 40/75 and 41/12 and others.
064 50/37: “Verily in this is a Message (the Quran*) – – – (that is*) (the truth) – – -.” See 40/75. There simply is no message in it, until Islam really proves that Allah really did all what it claims.
065 51/5: “(The Quran swears in 51/1 to 51/4 that) Verily what ye (Muslims*) are promise (in the Quran*) is true – – -“. With so many mistakes, etc. – and even obvious lies – in that book, also this hardly is true. It at least will need solid proofs.
066 53/28: “- – – conjecture avails nothing against Truth (the Quran*)”. Actually that is the question concerning the Quran: How much is true and how much is conjecture – and how much is not even that?
067 56/51: “- – – and treat (truth (the Quran*)) as Falsehood! – -”. The Quran at best is partly true. Similar claim in 56/92
7. Conclusion to this chapter – and to much more in the Quran:
00j 10/32b: “- – – apart from Truth, what remains but error?” It is very clear that much of what is said in the Quran is not true – and then “what remains but error”?
PART II, CHAPTER 1, Subchapter 3, Section 3 (= II-1-3-3)
00a 3/161: “No prophet could (ever) be false to his trust.” Some of Mohammad’s highwaymen (this was in 625 AD when the Muslims lived from stealing/robbing and extortion) were dissatisfied and told Mohammad cheated when splitting the spoils. Then this verse arrived very conveniently from the veneered Mother Book in Heaven written by Allah billions of years before or existed from eternity. Islam says it proved Mohammad did not cheat. That may be correct if Allah was omniscient and made the Quran, but not if Mohammad or someone else did so. There also is another and much more serious fact: Through the times most – not to say nearly all – self proclaimed prophets have been false prophets.
Most of the false prophets have been (and are) men, and in religion they have found a way to money, women, esteem, and power – the 4 normal reasons for impostors. Some are mentally special or ill – Muhammad is among those if he had TLE (see the chapter “What is TLE – Temporal Lobe Epilepsy”). Some really believe they are prophets, others just are cheats – if Muhammad had TLE, he may honestly have believed he had some connection to a god, but it also is very clear from the Quran that he at least sometimes knew he was cheating; some of the arguments he used in the book, any intelligent person knew were lies ( that miracles would not make many doubters believe), and Muhammad was an intelligent man. And some of them simply were/are cold and calculating – sometimes even psychopathic – – – and when one looks at Muhammad’s cold-blooded treatment of victims and opponents, his total disregard for the life and well-being of everybody that stood between him and power and riches (to use for bribing greedy warriors and chiefs to come to his religion and his army), and his clever psychological (every clever salesman knows much about human nature and psychology) manipulation of his uneducated, naïve early followers, it is easy to believe Muhammad belonged to these – may be combined with the effect of the possible TLE or something.
*001 7/157: “- – – the unlettered Prophet (Muhammad*), whom they find mentioned in their own (Scriptures)”. You often meet Muslims claiming or stating that Mohammad is foretold in the Bible. But we have never been able to find a complete list of where he is said to be mentioned – obviously because the educated Muslims mainly speaks about 2: 5. Mos. 18/15 + 18 are mentioned in OT (and one about the Holy Spirit in NT). But there it is talk about a Jew
(one translation says to the Jews “one from your own people, from your fellow countrymen”, another talks about a brother – but the brother of a Jew is a Jew, not an Arab, and the same for a fellow countryman of a Jew – he is a Jew. It may talk about Jesus, but not about Muhammad. Actually the word “brother/brothers/brethren/brotherhood” is used figuratively at lest 255 times in the Bible, practically always about a closed group (Practically always Jews in OT – one exception for one country-to-country speech, one for Lot and some 3 about Edomites, as far as we se. And practically always Christians and/or Jews in NT, except a few places where everybody are potential brothers in Jesus) and never specifically including Arabs. The only (some 5 – 6) times we have found Arabs mentioned in OT, the tale is either neutral, like telling they paid tribute to King Solomon, or they were enemies – never anything like brothers.The word also is used figuratively some 30 times in the Quran – NEVER indicating that Muslims could be brothers of the Jews (except if they are no good Muslims – hypocrites).
What is worse: In the part of the Book of Moses where one find the two quotes Muslims use as flagship regarding OT, Deuteronomy (= 5. Mos.), you find the word brother/brothers used no les than 13 or 14 times in chapters 18 – 24 (the debated two are in chapter 18 – 18/15 and 18/18). The only one that is not about Jews, are mentioned specially by name – Edomites – and all the other 12 – 13 cases clearly are about Jews, the context is very clear (also not one single word is mentioned about Arabs or Ishmaelites). There further is an interesting verse just after the two debated ones, 18/21. This one tells that the hallmarks for real prophets are that they make prophesies, and prophesies that come true. Muhammad never made prophesies. There were a few times when things he said were remembered because they came true ot partly true – like always in any person’s life – but never real prophesy. It even is very clear from the Quran that Muhammad did not even pretend or claim to have the gift of prophesying.
The definition of a prophet is a person with the gift of prophesying, and who practise it. Muhammad did not have that gift – he never even pretended or claimed to have it – and consequently was no prophet – he only had “borrowed” that impressive title. How could he be “a prophet like Moses” when he was no real prophet? The claim is not even wishful thinking, but rubbish. (Muslims never mention this verse). How can Muhammad be a “prophet like Moses” when Muhammad was no real prophet?! And last, but not least as mentioned: The word brother/brothers/brethren/brotherhood also frequently is used in the Quran (more than 30 times figuratively) – and in just the same way as in the Bible: About members of a group – here either Arabs or Muslims as groups.
And as far as we can see, real Arabs are never any kind of brothers to Jews also in the Quran. We have found one small exception – hypocrites of any breed may be brothers to Jews (!). Impressive in this case. Islam always demands that points in their stories must be read and understood in the full context – especially when they run into trouble explaining some difficult points. But in this case the context completely destroys their wishful thinking and desperate need for a proof for Muhammad in the OT – desperate because the Quran declares he is foretold there, and no clear foretelling is to be found – so they drop their own rules and quote two words far out of context and then declare that the brother of a Jew is an Arab, even in a context where it is obvious that Moses talked to and about Jews, and where the context also directly tells that it could not be Muhammad he was talking about, because he talked about a future prophet, whereas not even Muhammad himself pretended to have the gift of prophesying.
He was in reality no prophet – may be a messenger, but not a prophet – he only used that imposing title. Moses’ foretelling of a future great prophet may have been talking about Jesus, who very clearly was a prophet both according to the Bible and to the Quran. But he could impossibly have talked about Muhammad who among other facts as said in reality was no prophet – he only “borrowed” that nice title without even pretending to have the gift the title in reality demanded.
But without caring about or even mentioning such facts, Islam very straight forward and straight facedly claims that when Jews talk about brothers in 5. Mos. 18/15 + 18 they talk about Arabs and foretell Muhammad because that is the only person Moses here can have spoken about. What that chapter really is about, is that Moses tells his Jews (we use the word Jews because of convenience – we know the word first was coined centuries later) things
about their future – that the Levites shall not have any inheritance among their brothers (5. Mos. 18/1 – never mentioned by Muslims) – the rest of the Jews – and that will raise up a prophet like (as great as) himself from among their brothers – from among the Jews.
1. Muhammad never even tried to make foretelling. There as mentioned are a few quotes where what he said, happened – but as much as he spoke, it would be unnatural if not a little came true. But as for real prophesies, he never even tried – and what real prophet is unable tell things about the future? – it was such a matter of course that a real prophet did so, that Moses not even mentioned such a case. No prophesies = no prophet. Not correct
foretelling = false prophet according to Moses (5. Mos. 18/21).
2. What a prophet tells that is not correct – is not from the Lord – makes a false prophet, according to the chapter (5. Mos. 18/21) and the man that Islam itself strongly quotes. Look at all the mistakes in the Quran and weep. (Also see separate chapter about the claim that Muhammad is mentioned in the
5.Mos. 18/18 – in reality it says just the same as 5. Mos. 18/15.
John 1/21 – but that is talking about John the Baptist. He says he is not the prophet. And Islam omits John 1/26-27 where John the Baptist tells that “the Prophet” was standing among the people just then – and definitely not was expected some 600 years later. (Jesus existed, but had not started his mission yet. John the Baptist was half a year older than Jesus, and said what he said 540 years before Muhammad was born.)
From the NT the main claim is John 14/16 where Jesus tells his disciples: “And I will ask the Father (God/Yahweh*), and He will give you another Counsellor to be with you forever”. To give the disciples Muhammad had no meaning – he was born some 500 years after they were dead, and could be of no help to them. He also could not be with them forever. But that is what Muslims claim, as they do need a quotation from the NT, because the Quran tells he is foretold also to the Christians, and this is the only place where the texts can be twisted enough – because it takes a lot of twisting (see the chapter about the claim that Muhammad is foretold in the Bible. (The verse really is foretelling the Holy Spirit – it arrived some days later according to the Bible.)
Strangely enough Islam never mentions the next verse (John 14/17) that continues: “- the Spirit of truth (Muhammad neither was a spirit, nor the truth (he cheated and made lies – cfr. al-Taqiyya, and his point of view concerning even his oaths). The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you”. Try to make this fit the very visible Muhammad!! Also see separate chapter about
the claims that Muhammad was foretold in the Bible. “The Message of the Quran” solves the problem very simply: It tells that a verse in the Quran
explains what the NT tells about Muhammad (surah 61, verse 6). The problem is that the Bible says nothing remotely similar to surah 61/6. (An elegant explanation is that it shall have been mentioned in the non-existing Gospel Islam needed to make up to explain how the child Jesus could learn the Gospel(s) before they were written – a Gospel that Mary and others 100% sure had taken care of if it was not a fairy tale, because it would really have cemented an even more a special connection between Jesus and Yahweh/God). Actually this nonexisting Gospel may have existed, but somewhat later – as a gospel is the story of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection, it could not me written until after Jesus was dead – and resurrekted – some 33 years old.
The relevant part of surah 61/6 says: “(Jesus said*): – – – I am giving glad Tidings of a Messenger to come after Me, whose name shall be Ahmad (= another version of the name Mohammad*)”. But nothing remotely like this is to be found in the Bible. Islam of course explains that with falsification of the Bible – that is the standard and cheap explanation whenever there is divergence between the Quran and the Bible. But a falsification would not work among all the thousands that had heard Jesus talking – and then the life and time scale (they expected Jesus back any month or year – if there was to come another prophet first, it would be likely to take at least a generation or more before Jesus would return, to give the other prophet time for his work) of the first Christians, not to mention the contents of all the letters written by persons that really knew the story, had been different. Surah 61/6 smells too much of something made up to give Mohammad credence. If a Muslim insists it is true, he has to produce heavy proofs. (And science on top of everything has shown that the Bible never was falsified).
Finally there is a Greek word, “Parakletos”. This word in the Greek Gospel (the Gospels originally were written in Greek) after John is what they use as an explanation .Muslims say must be misspelled, because if you take another word, “Periklytos” that is rather similar and translate it to Aramaic, you get a word that in Arab can be interpreted as Mohammad. Very convincing (but remember that Arabs since prehistoric times have lived in cultures where
theories of conspiracies have been rife – perhaps because they never have had information they could rely on, and then they have made up guesses and stories. The situation actually to a large degree is the same in modern Muslim countries – and even more so in the ones that still are not much modern. Go to most of the Muslim countries and you can immerse yourself in such stories and theories). Also see 61/6 and see the chapter “Muhammad in the Bible.” And finally: To claim that words may have been misunderstood is natural for Muslims, as the old Arab alphabeth lacked the vovels, and one had to guess them. But NT was written in Greek originally, and the Greek alphabeth was complete, and this source for misunderstanding did not exist.
As for his illiteracy: You find the claim that he could not read several places in the Quran – 7/158 – and in Hadiths. Nobody knows and nobody will ever know the truth about this, but there are good arguments for disbelief of the claim.
002 11/2: “(Say) ‘Verily, I am (sent) unto you (people*) from Him (Allah*) – – -“. According to Ibn Warraq the word “(Say)” does not exist in the Arab original. That means that here it is Muhammad who speaks. There are a few places like that in the Quran (8 according to Ibn Warraq). But how is it possible that Muhammad speaks in a book (pretended to be (?)) made by Allah or existed since eternity – and sent down by Allah? (Some Muslims say the word is just forgotten – but how many more words may then have been forgotten in the Quran?)
003 12/104: “And no reward dost thou (Muhammad*) ask of them (people/Muslims*) for this (the new religion*) – – -“. No, nothing except 20% of all stolen/robbed values and slaves from raids and wars, 100% of all values taken from victims that surrendered without fighting, plenty of women and lots and lots of absolute and undisputed power/dictatorship, and lots and lots of free warriors – he only had to pay them with promises about paradise and promises about rich spoils of war stolen from humans and countries.
And the “poor-tax” (normally 2,5% – 10% not of your income, but of your possessions if you were not too poor) – that he far from only spent for the poor – and the zakat – the tax (free for the ruler to say how much – and that sometimes meant really much) from non-Muslims (though neither the 20% nor the 100% was all for his personal use – much as said was spent for waging more wars and for “gifts” to make neighbouring Arabs good Muslims + some was given to the poor), And the price was neighbouring cultures and humans and lives they destroyed – to gain more power for him and riches and slaves for his warriors. It is indisputably clear from the Quran that he at least liked women and power. Similar claims in 25/57 – 34/47 – 38/86 – 42/23. 004 19/36: “Verily Allah is my (Muhammad’s*) Lord and your (Muslims’*) Lord – – -“.
This is a serious one: Here clearly it is Muhammad himself – Muhammad the man – that is speaking. How is that possible in a book made by a god before the universe was created or may be one which has existed since eternity, and a copy of a revered Mother Book sent down from Heaven by Allah? (There are a few mistakes (?) like this in the Quran – see 6/104 -6/114 – 11/2-3 – 19/36 – 27/91 – 42/10 – 51/50-51 – in 6/116 and 11/2-3 the translator has cheatedand added the word “say” to the Arab text to hide the “mistake” – honesty in religion? – or “al-Taqiyya? – A. Yusuf Ali is a good translator and as far as we can judge a reasonably honest one. But he was a devoted Muslim, and he has a tendency to use “goodwill” towards Islam when writing. Our guess is that he has been thinking that this must just have been forgotten and added it because of that. But even that is not
honesty when translating. Similar claim in 3/51.
***005 27/91: “For me (Muhammad*), I have been commanded to serve the Lord (Allah*) of this City (Mecca – from 615-616 AD when Muhammad still lived there*) – – – “. This is another serious one: It is Muhammad who is speaking once more – – – in a book presumed to be copy of a “mother book” in Paradise, a book that may be existed from eternity or perhaps was made by Allah. Pikthall and Dawood both camouflage this very revealing mistake (there are a few more where either angles or Muhammad speaks or may be speaking) by adding the word “say:”, but that is not in the original, according to Ibn Warraq, “Why I am not a Muslim”, p.175.
Dishonest by Pikthall and by Dawood in case. But then it happens you meet dishonesty when Muslims tries to “explain” things – even in books you should believe were intellectually of high quality and moral. (Like Al-Azhar University, Cairo, certifying that the Big Flood could be explained by the filling up of the Mediterranean Sea. They know very well that both the time and the way it happened prohibit that explanation – some 4 – 5 million years ago and “slowly” over a period of perhaps 100 years). Anyhow a nice moment for Muhammad – he liked power. (Just look at how he glued himself to his platform of power; his god).
006 33/21: “Ye (Muslims*) have in the Messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern (of conduct) for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the final Day – – -“. Wrong. Thieving/robbing, womanizing, raping, lying, betraying, extorting, suppressing, murdering, hate mongering, war mongering, mass murder, raids and wars of aggression – that is no “beautiful pattern” according to any human moral or ethical codex, except in some war religions, included Islam,
and it tells volumes about Islam that this man is their greatest hero and shining idol.
007 33/45: “O Prophet! – – -“. But was Muhammad really a prophet? A prophet is a person that has the gift of being able to make distinct and correct prophesies – and does it. Then there is the difference between the real and the false prophet – because there were lots of false prophets, as it was (and still is) an easy way to make a good living if you are clever. According to the Bible the distinction between a real prophet and a false one, is that the real prophet made prophesies and they came true, whereas what the false ones make of prophesies do not come true (except sometimes by coincidence). Muhammad did not even try to make prophesies or pretend he could make such ones.
There are a few times where what he said happened to come true or partly true by coincidence – and were remembered by his followers just because it came true, whereas what he said that did not come true, were notremembered. It is like that with each and every human being; we say and we talk so much, that sometimes something has got to be correct now and then – In Scandinavia they even have a special expression for it: To “gaa troll i ord” – which means something like a troll makes your words come true – but it has no implication of you being clairvoyant or a prophet. Muhammad did not even try to make real prophesies – one of the two-three absolute requirements for being a prophet. (And then he did not even test the second requirement: Did his prophesies mostly/always come true?) He simply was too smart to try to show off with things he knew he was unable to do. And then of course he also lacked the other requirement: Prophesies that came true.Muhammad simply has none of the three requirements for being a prophet:
1. To be able to make prophesies.
2. To make prophesies that regularly come true. And:
3. To make such prophesies so often that it is an essential part of his mission.
Muhammad simply was no prophet – he did not have that gift. He just stole or “borrowed” a distinguished title. As a prophet he only was an impostor – an eloquent leader, but unable to do what makes you a prophet: To make prophesies – and prophesies that regularly come true. He may have been a messenger; if it is true that he had a message. But no prophet. Islam likes to tell that to be a messenger is something much more than being a prophet. But to be a prophet, you have to have special gifts, whereas to be a messenger simply means that you more or less passively bring messages from one place to another – an errand boy. But another question in case is: A messenger boy for whom? – for himself? – for other humans? – for some dark forces? Two things are 100% sure:
1. He was not a messenger boy for any omniscient god – too many mistakes, twisted arguments and as twisted logic, etc. in the Quran.
2. He was not a messenger boy for any good god – too much stealing, hate, discrimination and inhumanity, not to mention rape, blood, extortion, suppression, murder and war. (It is said that Muhammad just was another robber baron and warlord – no worse than other robber barons and warlords living from stealing, extortion and slave trading in a hard time.
That may be true. But he definitely was no better, too – and he should have been much better than all the others if he represented a good god). His behaviour and his real message from all the years in Medina prove far beyond any doubt that if he represented a god, it was so absolutely not a good one. Also cheating and lying and breaking even one’s oats, are the hallmarks ofa cheat and a deceiver and a swindler – and of a dark god or worse. The fact that all the mistaken facts in the Quran that are in accordance with wrong “science” in Arabia (mainly from old Greece and Persia) at the time of Muhammad, clearly indicates that the Quran is made by one or more humans there and then. But if there was a god involved, he was not omniscient, and the inhuman surahs from Medina most clearly show he definitely was not a good or benevolent one. – – – But may be his messages came from a devil in disguise?
008 34/50: “If I (Muhammad*) am astray, I only stray to the loss of my own soul – – -“. This is outmost and extremely wrong – if Muhammad was astray (and too much point in that direction) it is to the loss of each and every Muslim’s soul. Because then Islam is a false religion. This is one more place where Muhammad knew ha was lying – he was too intelligent not to see this.
009 68/4: “And thou (Muhammad or Muslims*) (standest) on an exalted standard of character – – -”. Well: Seen in the Quran:
1. Lots of mistaken facts, and other mistakes.
2. Lots of invalid arguments – hallmarks for cheaters and deceivers. Seen also from other
ISLAMIC literature:
3. A self proclaimed prophet that in reality was no prophet – he did not have the gift of prophesying. Muhammad did not even pretend or claim to have that gift, he just “borrowed” the distinguished title. (A few things he said, came true – but they were not given as prophesies.) A messenger ok. – for
someone or something or for himself – an apostle for the same, ok. But a person that does not have the gift of prophesying, is not a prophet – Muhammad just “borrowed” an imposing title. Islam also claims that “messenger” is a more distinguished title than “prophet” – but that title just means “one who just brings messages from one or more to one or more others, without really being implicated”. He does not even have to understand what things really are about. Besides: Why did Muhammad borrow the title “prophet” if the title “messenger” was more distinguished? – simply because a
prophet is something more: Messages like a messenger + prophesies – – – if it is a real prophet.
4. A messenger being the chief of highwaymen from Yathrib/Medina – even in holy months.
5. A messenger also living from extortion – (money for men kidnapped from caravans).
6. A messenger who’s due was 100% of the robbed things if the victim gave in without a fight (albeit not all for personal use).
7. A messenger permitting to take “spoils of war” – and 20% for him (albeit not all for himself).
8. A messenger permitting to take slaves – and 20% for him (albeit not all for personal use).
9. A messenger who received ca. 2.5 to 10 % of what you owned each and every year (if you were not too poor) – for the poor, but also for
war and for “gifts” to attract followers, wars, etc.
10. A messenger using betrayal (promise of safe return broken 628 AD).
11. A messenger with special agreement with the god for having many women.
12. A messenger teaching hate against nonfollowers.
13. A messenger teaching and inciting war against non-followers.
14. A messenger personally raping female prisoners/slaves.
15. A messenger and his men – all with permission from their god to rape any female prisoner or slave that was not pregnant. It was
“god and lawful”.
16. A messenger that initiated assassinations of opponents.
17. A messenger that initiated murders on opponents.
18. A messenger that initiated mass murder.
19. A messenger teaching suppression of women and non-followers.
20. A messenger with lust for power (easy to see from the Quran and Hadith).
21. A messenger introducing al-Taqiyya – the lawful lie – and Kitman – the lawful half-truth.
All this is from Muslim sources – what Islam itself tells about him, though in more glossy words. There is no excuse for becoming angry, because it is 100% true according to Islam itself. Yes, we think many will call this “an exalted standard of character”. But not many of those would be non-Muslims. And how many of the Muslims can say it and feel honest?
010 81/19: “Verily, this is the word of a most honourable Messenger (Muhammad*) – – -.” If a man that is a thief/robber, extorter, womanizer, child molester (Aishah through many years from she was 9 years old), rapist, betrayer, torturer, murderer, mass murderer, war monger and more, is a “most honourable Messenger” – – – well, in that case we will not like to meet a normal messenger, not to mention a dishonourable one. It may seem that Islam have a somewhat special standard for ethics and moral.
2. Muhammad – the messenger: 00b 4/136: “Believe in Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad*) – – -”. There is nowhere proved that Muhammad was the messenger of a god.
011 6/104: “- – – I (Muhammad*) am not (here) to watch over your doings”. This verse is directly quoted from Muhammad – it is Muhammad who is speaking completely on his own. How come – in a book from eternity and a copy of the revered Mother Book in Allah’s own heaven from long before Muhammad was born?
012 6/163: “- – – I (Muhammad*) am the first of those who bow to His (Allah’s*) will.“ How is that possible if the Quran is correct and lots of people had been Muslims before him, and bowed to Allah? (Though in reality it is highly likely he was right: That he was the first one ever). Similar claim in 6/14. Some Muslims explains that it is meant the first in a special land or something, but that is not what the Quran says.
00c 15/6: “O thou (Muhammad*) to whom the Messages is being revealed”. See 15/1a.,Similar claim in 43/43.
013 33/40: “(Muhammad was*) the Seal of the Prophets – – -.” See 33/28 above and 33/45 below: How could Muhammad be the seal of the prophets (the last prophet), when he in reality was not a prophet? – he neither had, nor pretended to have, nor claimed to have the gift of prophesying!!!
00d 34/3: “But most surely, (I – Muhammad) by my Lord (Allah*) – – -“. The expression “by my Lord” here is an oath, but then Muhammad very clearly and several times (Hadiths) said that even tough it was not a good thing normally to break an oat if you had meant it when you said it (if not it was/is more or less ok.), it was no big sin to break it if you had a reason – yes, in some cases it even is the right thing to do. This – often called al-Taqiyya or the lawful lie (it do not have to be a broken oath – it can be an ordinary lie) – is a problem even today: When can you believe what a Muslim says and when not? Actually it also is a problem for Muslims; they have no reasonably sure way to strengthen their words when they need to do so, because even an oat is not reliable – with clear precedence from Muhammad (he promised an unarmed peace delegation from Khaibar safe return – – – and murdered
all of them (29 of 30) – one who managed to get away, adding: “War is betrayal” to quote Ibn Ishaq.)
00e 34/28: “We (Allah*) have not sent thee (Muhammad*) but as a universal (Messenger) – – -“. If he was universal, why are then everything only from Arabia? – even when correct information existed other places (f. ex the form of the Earth), in the Quran you find wrong knowledge, and the made up and wrong legends and fairy tales that circulated in Arabia? No god had done such mistakes. You will find similar comments many places in the Quran – 16/89 and 51/50. Mostly they are from the Mecca period, and are thoroughly abrogated – killed – by harsher surahs from the Medina periode (by 9/5). Also see 2/119.
*00f 35/24: “Verily We (Allah*) have sent thee (Muhammad*) – – -”. Verily Muhammad and the Quran repeats and repeats and repeats this (most often in the words “Allah and his Messenger”) – worthy of an certain German “Minister of Propaganda” between 1933 and 1945 we think it was, a very honest and reliable man named Joseph Goebbels, whose slogan was: “Repeat a lie often enough, and people will believe it”. Here it has been repeated zillions of times through the time, and millions of Muslims believe in it – but then no Muslim society has ever trained their subjects in critical thinking, or for thinking realism.
On the contrary: Life in Muslim societies often has trained them in the sick kind of thinking that is: Believing that most acts and most information you do not like are lies that gives reason for conspiracy theories + blind belief in Islam and the mullah and the imam. One thing is all the mistakes in the Quran that tells it is not reliable and most likely is invented. More serious is that in spite of being asked again and again and again Muhammad was unable to prove anything at all – a hallmark of a lie – or more lies – is that proofs are impossible, one have to use fast-talk and evasions, both of which there are plenty of in the Quran. And when there is a question of proving anything? – there still is plenty of fast-talk in Islam. But worst of all are all the invalid claims and statements, and the “signs”, “proofs” and fasttalk – those are the hallmarks of any smart cheater or false prophet that for natural reasons are
unable to produce proofs. With all those mistakes in the claimed message, it is obvious that also this claim needs proofs – especially since an illness like temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) easily can explain both his fits, his sights (?) and his other experiences (?) – TLE often gives religious illusions like this (source among others BBC). (Add some personal “inspiration” or cunning to solve personal and domestic problems, and add the contemporary wrong knowledge and science, and you have the Quran exactly – with all its mistakes and other weaknesses). Similar claims in 2/117 – 9/33 – 33/45 – 34/28 – 48/8 – 61/9 – 62/2 – 73/15.
00g 36/3: “Thou (Muhammad*) art indeed one of the messengers – – -.” Only 2 things are sure:
1. This is never proved or in any other way documented – and with all the other mistakes in the Quran, this proof is strictly necessary.
2. If Muhammad was a messenger, then for whom? The only two things that the Quran makes very clear, are that it was not for an omniscient god (too many mistakes, etc.) and not for a good god (too much stealing/robbing, dishonesty, suppressing, rape, inhumanity, terror, blood and war, etc.). Similar claims in 4/179 – 5/19 – 48/29.
014 41/43: “Nothing is said to thee (Muhammad*) that was not said to the messengers before thee (f. ex. Jesus and the old Jewish prophets*) – – -.” Wrong. As science thoroughly has proved that the Bible is not falsified (mistakes perhaps, falsifications no) – and especially not NT – it is very clear that what Muhammad claimed to have been told, often is far from what the real (?) prophets and patriarchs had been told. And this is strengthened by the fact that it very often is very clear that Muhammad took his “biblical” stories not from the Bible, but from religious legends that circulated in the area, and which Muhammad believed were from the Bible – – – and then later had only one way out to explain the errors compared to the real Bible: He was right and the Bible falsified!!!. As for the quotation above, it is not true that nothing was said to Muhammad that was not said to earlier (real) prophets – a fact
that Islam even confirms sometimes – f. ex. in the statement from Muhammad that he was the first “messenger/prophet” that got permission from the god to steal and rob and rape, which the god according to the Quran confirms is “god and lawful”.
015 42/15: “I (Muhammad*) believe in the Book (the Quran*) that Allah has sent down – – -.” No omniscient god has sent down a book with that many mistakes, etc., not to mention revered it in his own home as “the Mother Book”.
016 42/52: “- – – and verily thou (Muhammad*) dost guide (men) to the Straight Way – – -“. It is not possible to guide anyone straight from a book that crooked.
017 46/9: “I (Muhammad) am no bringer of a newfangled doctrine – – -”. Muhammad pretended Islam was the continuation – or the uncorrupted – religion of the Jews and the Christians. That is not true – especially in the NT it is clear that the teachings fundamentally are so different, that it cannot be the same god – at least if he is not mentally ill. See 29/46 and 12/111. And science has long since found out that the Bible is not changed since the first traces we have of texts – in stark contradiction to Islam’s and the Quran’s repeated claims. It simply is the Quran that is different, and the likely reason is
that the maker of the Quran did not know the Bible well – and in addition clearly used legends and fairy tales instead of real texts from the Bible in his book.
018 53/56: “This is a Warner (Muhammad*), of the (series of) Warners of the old”. Muhammad impressed and impressed and impressed on his followers that he was one of a long series – though the greatest of all – of prophets (even though he per definition was no prophet, as he did not have the gift of making prophesies – he just “borrowed” that prestigious title), as that gave him “weight” and prestige. And to belong to the one timeless “right” religion, also gave his teachings weight among the ones that believed it. (Science have never found any traces of a religion like Islam anywhere or any time before 610 AD – if they had, you bet Islam had told about it.) But he in case definitely did not belong to the same series as the Jewish prophets, included Jesus – the teachings were too different. AND they made prophesies – real prophesies -. Muhammad not.
019 60/1: “- – – the (Prophet (Muhammad*)) – – -.” But Muhammad was no real prophet. The definition of a prophet is a person that:
1. Have the gift of and close enough connection to a god for making prophesies.
2. Makes prophesies that always or at least mostly come true. If not he is a false prophet.
3. Makes so frequent and/or essential prophesies, that it is a clear part of his mission. A few things Muhammad said, came true – like it has to do for a person saying many things through many years – and most of what he said that did not come true, was forgotten (also this is what normally happens). The main things here are that Muhammad never indicated that anything of what he said was meant as prophesies, he never indicated, not to mention
pretended to or claimed, that he had the gift of prophesying, that it nowhere is documented that all/most of what he said about the future came true (point
2), and finally both he and Islam said and says that there were no miracles connected to Muhammad “except the Quran” – prophesying is a kind of miracle. (This fact also is a solid proof for that all the miracles connected to Muhammad mentioned in there Hadiths, are made up stories). Also see 30/40a and 30/46a. Muhammad in reality simply was no real prophet. Perhaps a messenger for someone or something or for himself – or perhaps an apostle – but not a real prophet. He only “borrowed” that impressive and imposing title. It is up to anyone to guess why.
3. Is the Quran confirming the Bible? *020 37/37b: “- – – and he (Muhammad*) confirms (the Messages of) the Messengers (before him (= from Jews and Christians*))”. Wrong. There are too fundamental differences between especially NT and the Quran. The Quran is not confirming the Bible in spite of Muhammad’s words – the fundamental differences between the teachings simply are too big – especially compared to NT and the “new covenant” Jesus caused. See 29/46 and others. Actually this claim is to be found several places in the Quran. Also see separate main chapter about this.
4. Muhammad in the Quran – different topics: 021 2/136: “- – – the revelations (the Quran*) given to us (Muhammad/Muslims*)”. Were they really given? – and were they really revelations? Under no circumstances did they/the Quran come from an omniscient god – not that full of mistakes, etc., and not from a benevolent god, as there is too much blood and worse.
00h 5/15: “- – – there hath come to you (Jews, Christians*) from Allah a (new) light (Muhammad*) – – -“. Well, that is one of the questions: Did a man so morally degenerated and preaching a religion based on a book with so many mistakes and so much wrong logic and so much suppression and blood, really represent a god?
00i 8/5: “Just as thy Lord (Allah*) ordered thee (Muhammad*) out of your house in truth – – – “. That is one of the main questions – was Muhammad ordered? – and in case by whom? (The surahs from Medina makes one think more about the Devil than about a good god.)
022 14/1: “- – – in order that thou (Muhammad – by means of the Quran*) mightest lead mankind out of the depths of darkness and into light – – -“. No book with that many mistakes can lead anyone into light. The same goes for any religion so suppressing, inhuman and full of hate, discrimination, blood and war, and “all power to Muhammad/the leader”.
00j 33/46: “(Muhammad be*) as a lamp spreading light.” Did Muhammad spread most light or most darkness? A rhetoric question needing no answer.
023 34/50: “If I (Muhammad*) am astray, I only stray to the loss of my own soul – – -“. This is outmost and extremely wrong – if Muhammad was astray (and too much point in that direction) it is to the loss of each and every Muslim’s soul. Because then Islam is a false religion.
00k 35/5: “- – – (not) let the Chief Deceiver deceive you about Allah.” The Quran here talks about the Devil. But one question: Muhammad is the absolute and unquestioned chief of the Muslims. If Islam is a false religion – is Muhammad then the Chief Deceiver? The question is not ridiculous – the Quran surely is neither made by an omniscient god (too much is wrong in the Quran), nor by a good god (too much dishonesty, discrimination, inhumanity, hate, blood and war), and then the alternatives are: Made by man – rational or ill (TLE will explain much) – or made by some dark forces – the Devil dressed up like Gabriel.
024 39/33: “And he (most likely Muhammad, as it is written with “h”, not “H”*) who brings the Truth – – -“. The Quran at best is partly true – also see 40/75 and 41/12. Similar claim in 37/37
025 43/29: “- – – a Messenger (Muhammad*) making things clear.” No messenger preaching what is in the Quran, makes things clear – too many mistakes, too many contradictions, and too much unclear logically, etc.
026 43/87: “If thou (Muhammad or Muslims*) ask them, Who created them, they will certainly say, Allah – – -”. Wrong – if they mentioned a god, they would mention their own (In Arabia this might mean the pagan al-Lah). See 43/9 – and many others.
027 46/4: “Bring me (Muhammad*) a Book (revealed) before this (as a proof*) – – -“. Wrong. A book in itself proves nothing – it is as easy to falsify a book as it is to falsify speech. The Quran can well be a falsification – made by Muhammad or someone.
028 53/2: “Your Champion (Muhammad*) is neither astray nor being misled.” All the mistakes, etc. proves that he at least was somewhat astray. Though all the hallmarks of a cheat, deceiver and swindler may indicate that may be he was not misled – those last 3 words may be true, as may be he was misleading.
00l 53/3: “Nor does he (Muhammad*) say (aught) of (his own) desire”. It will take strong proofs to prove that surahs like no. 66 or no. 111 are worthy of and belongs in a revered Mother Book in Paradise – one that may be has existed since eternity. And also to prove they are worthy a book revered by an omniscient and omnipotent god. And what about “the Mother Book”/the Quran solving Muhammad’s domestic problems?
029 62/2: “(Muhammad was to*) instruct them (the Unlettered Arabs*) in Scripture and Wisdom – – -” To instruct them in scripture, he hardly could be an analphabetic himself, but that aside: See 40/75 and 41/12.
00m 69/44 – 46: “And if the Messenger (Muhammad*) were to invent any sayings in our name, We (Allah*) should certainly size him by his right hand, and We should certainly then cut off the artery of his heart”. Not if you – Allah – do not exist. Or if you are far from omnipotent if you exist.
PART II, CHAPTER 1, Subchapter 3, Section 3 (= II-1-3-4)
00a 2/39: “- – – Signs – – -“ also written “Sign”, “His Signs”, “Our (Allah’s*) Signs” or “My (Allah’s*) Signs” or other variations. In “Quran-speak” it means an indication or a proof for Allah’s existence and/or the Quran’s divine origin and/or Muhammad’s connection to Allah. In reality it proves absolutely nothing, as without exception they only are lose statements or as loose claims just hanging in empty air, all built on nothing, because it never is proved or documented that Allah really said or did or created what the Quran in each case claims he said or did or created, and then use as a “sign”. According to all human thinking, all judicial laws, and also according to the even more strict laws of logic such “proofs” flatly and simply are invalid and without any value.
After all a valid proof is: “One or more PROVEN fact(s) that can give only one conclusion”, and in the Quran all “signs” without exception builds on empry air or on “facts” that neither the book nor Islam proves – or are able to prove (well, there may be a few exception in the “signs” taken from the Bible, but they in case prove Yahweh, not Allah – we know that Muslims and the Quran likes to say that those two just are different names for the same god, but that is not true unless the god is strongly ill mentally (schizophrenic), as the teachings fundamentally are too different), (more about this other places in “1000+ Mistakes in the Quran”.) In addition there is the fact that any priest in any religion can claim exactly the same for his god(s) as Muslims claim for Allah, in absolutely all cases where the words “sign(s)” or “proofs” in the Quran are not borrowed from the Bible, as long as no real proof or no real documentation has to be brought forth – words are that cheap.
“Baal makes the sun rise in the east. Allah cannot make it rise in the west. Then Baal is the real god and Allah a fake one.” Infantile “proofs” but this is the kind of level you find on the “signs” and “proofs” in the Quran (This example is taken from the Quran – Abraham is proving his god Allah, but of course then with Allah as the hero. Totally invalid as a proof). As said the claims logically are absolutely without any value as indication/proof for a deity, not to mention for a specific god – Allah. And it documents an interesting fact: Islam has got not one single proof neither for Allah, nor for verification of the Quran, nor for Muhammad’s connection to a deity. IF THEY HAD HAD ONE SINGLE PROOF – EVEN A SMALL ONE – YOU BET THEY HAD TOLD ABOUT IT AND USED IT! Islam is only built on lose words and as loose and unproven claims – – – made by a man whose words hardly would have been accepted as “bona fide” proofs in Old Bailey, London. You find the word “sign” used many places in the Quran. F. ex.: 2/41 – 61/ – 129 – 164 – 231 – 252 – 259 – 3/4 – 11 – 19 – 21 – 41 – 58 – 97 – 101 – 103 – 108 – 109 – 112 – 113 – 118 – 164 – 190 – 4/56 – 5/10 – 44 – 75 – 86 – 114 – 6/4 – 21 – 27 – 33 – 35 – 37 – 39 – 46 – 49 – 55 – 57 – 93 – 97 – 99 – 105 -118 – 124 – 126 – 130 – 157 – 158×2 – 7/9 – 24 – 26 – 35 – 36 – 37 – 40 – 58 – 103 – 105 – 106 – 126 – 132 – 133 – 136 – 146 – 147 – 174 – 175 – 8/52 – 9/9 – 10/13 – 17 – 75 – 11/21 – 39 – 101 – 12/7 – 13/1 – 2 – 4 – 14/5 – 15/75 – 77 – 81 –121 16/11 – 12 – 13 – 65 – 66 – 67 – 69 – 79 – 104 – 105 – 17/98 – 18/9 – 56 – 57 – 105 – 106 – 19/58 – 77 – 20/7 – 54 – 126 – 127 – 128 – 21/37 – 77 – 22/51 – 23/30 – 58 – 66 – 24/18 – 25/36 – 37 – 26/4 – 8 – 103 – 121 – 158 – 174 – 190 – 28/48 – 87 – 29/15 – 23 – 44 – 47 – 49 – 30/20 – 21 – 22×2 – 23 – 24×2 – 25 – 53 – 32/ 15 – 22 – 23 – 24 – 26 – 34/9 – 19 – 38 – 36/6 – 37 – 41 – 46×2 – 38/29 – 39/42 – 52 – 59 – 63 – 71 – 40/4×2 – 5 – 6 – 9 – 13 – 35 – 56 – 63 – 69 – 78 – 81 – 41/15 – 28 – 37 – 39 – 40 – 53 – 42/32 – 33 – 43/69 – 45/5 – 6 – 8 – 11 – 13 – 32 – 33 – 40 – 46/27 – 48/20 – 51/20 – 37 -38 – 41 – 43 – 54/2 – 55/15 – 18 – 57/17 – 78/ 28 – 90/19. Also see 30/10 – 65/11 – 30/9 – 2/99a – 2/99b below.
001 2/99a: “We (Allah*) have sent down to thee (people*) manifest Signs – – -“. The Quran is, overloaded with what it says are “signs” (indicated to be proofs) and “Clear Signs” or like here “manifest Signs” (indicated to be strong proofs) – and not one single of them proves anything about Allah or Muhammad, as the book NEVER proves, only claims, that Allah did this or that which it then calls a “sign” or a “clear sign” or a “proof” (there may be some exceptions for signs taken from the Bible, but those in case prove Yahweh, not Allah – and only Islam claims that Yahweh and Allah is the same god (which they cannot be, unless the god is schizophrenic – they are too different, especially when Yahweh is acting according to the New Covenant from NT, which came some 580 years before Muhammad started his preaching, but which Muslims never mention)). Especially claims for “Clear Signs” are so obviously wrong, that it is impossible not to include them in this column: “Mistaken facts” – they are no signs – and definitely no clear signs – for a god, and even if they were, they absolutely were no clear signs for Allah, because any priest in any religion can make just the same claims for his god or gods – words are that cheap – – – also for Muhammad. Also see 2/39 – 30/10 – 65/11 – 30/9 above and 2/99b just below.
002 2/99b: “We have sent down to thee (people*) manifest Signs (ayat); and none reject them but those who are perverse – – -“. Wrong. To question “signs” that are not proved coming from Allah, and thus logically invalid as signs, not to mention as proofs, is not a sign of being perverse – on the contrary; to blindly to believe in it without even asking questions is very naive.
003 3/97: “In it (Kabah in Mecca*) are Signs manifest; (for example), the Station of Abraham – – -“. For one thing Abraham never was in Mecca (see 2/127) and never built Kabah or its foundations. And if he had ever been there and built it: There is a stone there, with a mark in it. Islam calls it the Station of Abraham and is said to tell that the mark is from Abraham’s feet when he was building the Kabah. Which worker building a house has ever in all the history and far before, been standing so long on the same hard natural stone, that his feet made a mark in that stone lasting for millennia?
004 30/9: “- – – Clear (Signs) – – -“. Clear signs about Allah and Islam do not exist in the Quran. One may wonder why Muhammad used invalid claims and “signs” and even “proofs” – invalid proofs and arguments normally are the hallmarks of cheats, deceivers, and swindlers. It also indicates, shows, and proves lack of real facts and proofs. “Clear Signs” in “Quran-speak” = clear proof. Clear proofs for Allah, or for the Quran being made by a god, or
for Muhammad’s connection to a god, but proofs simply do not exist. Islam is aware of it and Muslim scholars are aware of it – you find it mentioned and tried explained away in their books, but learned books not much read by the private Muslim. And when the scholars and imams and others do not tell them, the lay Muslim often honestly believes everything really is sure and safe – they simply are cheated by the withholding of inconvenient facts and by the glorifications of all the invalid “signs” and “clear signs” and even “proofs” in the Quran, not 122 to mention by the ones in Hadiths and by the “miracles” in the Hadiths – which hardly a single imam clearly tells his flock that are absolutely proven by the Quran to be untrue legends (Islam indirectly admits this fact by their statement that “the only miracle from Muhammad is the Quran” – which also indirectly admits that Muhammad was not a prophet
(a real prophesy is a kind of a miracle – to see what has not happened yet – and Muhammad did not even claim he had that gift). For more claims similar to 65/11 and 30/9, see: 2/118 – 2/159 – 2/185 – 2/187 – 2/213 – 2/219 – 2/221 – 2/242 – 2/266 – 3/86 – 3/105 – 3/183 – 3/184 – 6/57- 157 – 7/73 – 7/85 – 7/101 – 8/42 – 9/70 – 10/15 – 11/17 – 11/28 -11/53 – 11/63 – 11/88 – 14/9 – 19/73 – 20/133 – 22/16 – 22/72 – 24/1 – 24/58 – 24/59 – 24/61 – 30/47 – 32/25 – 34/43 – 40/22 – 40/28 – 40/50 – 40/66 – 40/83 46/7 – 45/17 – 45/25 – 57/25 – 58/5 – 64/6. Also see 2/39 – 30/10 – 65/11 above and 2/299a – 2/299b below.
005 30/10: “- – – Signs of Allah – – -“. No omniscient and omnipotent god had used strongly suspect “signs”, etc. to prove himself, not to mention added his name for strengthening the claim. See also 2/39 just above. Similare claims in 3/41 – 7/146 – 7/176×2 – 7/177 – 9/65 – 10/71 – 10/95 – 14/5 – 22/37 – 23/105 – 26/15 – 27/52 – 27/81 – 27/82 – 27/83 – 27/84 – 28/35 – 28/36 – 28/45 – 28/59 – 29/49 – 30/21 – 31/31 – 31/32 – 40/81 – 54/42 – 57/19 –,,64/10 – 74/16. Also see 2/39 just above and 65/11 – 30/9 – 2/99a – 2/99b below.
**006 65/11: “- – – the Signs of Allah (are*) containing clear explanations – – -”. Wrong. There is not one single of the “Signs” referred in the Quran, that has any value, neither as proof nor as explanation (with the possible explanation of some taken from the Bible, but they talk about another god, Yahweh). The reasons are that they without exception just are loose statements or are building on other invalid statements, “signs“ or “proofs” – totally invalid. If a person consciously uses such invalid arguments, they are the hallmarks of a cheat and a deceiver. No god would use them. Also see 2/39 – 30/30 above and 30/9 – 2/299a – 2/299b below.
007 The Quran also a few places uses the word “proof” instead of “sign” for such claims. They are at least as invalid as the “signs” and for the same reasons. This is the kind of proofs and sure proofs the Quran tells about, and some of the Muslims even believe in.
PART II, CHAPTER 1, Subchapter 3, Section 5 (= II-1-3-5)
001 2/144: “The people of the Book (= Jews, Christians and Sabeans*) know very well that that (the reason for changing the kiblah = direction of praying*) is the truth from their Lord”.
1. Jews and Christians definitely do not know this – and Sabeans neither did know it (Sabeans lived in Sabah, in what now is Yemen. They had become Christians via influence from Christians in East Africa. (Though Islam says the Sabeans were a sect.))
2. As the Quran contains a lot of mistakes, it is a question if also the rest are mistakes.
3. As the Quran contains a lot of mistakes, it also is a question if this is from our Lord, Yahweh. It even is a question if a god was involved in the Quran at all – a god does not make contradictions or mistakes, not to mention such a number of mistakes – or loose statements and false “signs“ and “proofs“ –
the hallmarks of cheats and deceivers.
00a 4/136: “Any who denieth Allah, His Angels, His Messengers, and the Day of Judgement, hath gone far, far astray”. Hardly. When you know how full of mistakes and wrong logic the book is that all Islam rests on, it takes some more proof to decide that it is the non-Muslims that are “far, far astray”. May be it is the Muslims. And what if Islam is a made up religion that blocks the road to a real god – – – if such one exists?
00b 10/52: “Ye (sinners*) get but the recompense of what ye earned!” Is there really real justice in the terrible and everlasting punishment in hell, and the after all not too big sins of many of the sinners? And especially if Allah decided even before they were born that they should end in Hell and later blocked them from following “the straight road” like Islam tells Allah frequently does?
002 39/22: “They (non-Muslims*) are manifestly wandering (in error)!” Islam claims that only Muslims do not “wander in error”. But as it only is (as normal for Islam) an undocumented claim – it definitely is not manifested. (Another fact is that with all the mistakes and worse in the Quran, it is a very open question who is wandering in the worst error).
003 50/5: “But they (non-Muslims*) deny the Truth (the Quran*) – – -”. See 40/75 and 41/12 – the Quran at best only is partly true. Similar claims in 7/166 – 34/43 – 38/88 – 47/7 – 68/8 – 96/13.
004 51/8: “Truly you (people/non-Muslims*) are in a doctrine discordant”. Some may be wandering in error yes, and some may be no. Among the ones in “may be yes” are the Muslims, as all the mistakes and worse in the Quran prove absolutely that something is wrong with that book and that religion. Similar claims in 11/22 – 34/8 – 39/22 -52/11 – 16/109.
005 60/1: “- – – they (non-Muslims) have rejected the Truth (the Quran*) – – -”. See 40/75 and 41/12. No, but they have rejected the Quran – the book is not “the truth” – – – with all those mistakes, contradictions and other errors it at best is partly the truth. Similar claims in 4/167 – 6/5 – 34/45 – 36/64 -39/32 – 75/32 – 77/15 – 98/1.
006 60/2: “- – – they (non-Muslims*) desire that ye (Muslims*) should reject the Truth.” As for truth: See 40/75 and 41/12. As for the rest, may be the Quran is right – but for entirely different reasons from what that book claims. Islam in its pure Quran-like form is a very destructive, inhuman and immoral religion, and when on top of that it is shiningly clear that the Quran is not a divine work, we do not want our descendants to end up in
something like that.
007 63/4: “How are they (non-Muslims*) deluded (away from the Truth)!” At very best away from partly truths – see 40/75 and 41/12. (But there is an impolite thought far behind in our brains: Who are really deluded when it comes to Islam? – the ones just listening to the imams without using their knowledge and their brain and asking no questions, or the other ones? – there are so many midtakes in the Quran.) b. Different topics:
00c 2/93: “We (Jews in Medina*) hear and we disobey”. Muhammad Asad adds (com.77): “Even if they did not say those words, their later behaviour justifies this quote”. But words that are not said, are not said – would a god resort to such arguments? And how come that this quote is in the Quran – billions of years old and infallible and revered by Allah – if they did not say it?
*008 2/113: “Yet they (Jews and Christians*) (profess to) study the same Book”. This is only partly true. Jews study only OT. Christians build their religion on the much milder and more human NT and the new covenant – the covenant Muslims never mention – with OT mainly ashistorical background. This is a fact that often is forgotten or “forgotten” when one talks about the Christian religion – especially when one wants to paint the religion as black as
009 5/18: “(Both) the Jews and the Christians say: ‘We are sons of Allah, and His beloved’. Say: ‘Why then doth He punish you for your sins? – – -’”. The question is not even rhetoric, but naïve – sometimes you have to punish even beloved children to teach them the difference between right and wrong, good and bad. Similar question in 5/17.
00d 5/23: “- – – but on Allah put your (Jews*) trust if you have faith”. It is highly unlikely Jews at the time of Moses told their fellow Jews to trust Allah, as the name of the god of the Jews was Yahweh (and besides the name Allah was introduced by Mohammad only some 2000 years later (as a substitute for al-Lah)).
010 9/30: “The Jews call ‘Uzayr (= the prophet Ezra*) son of God – – -”. This is wrong, and even Muslim sources admit this. But they say Jews in Arabia said so (which may or may not be correct) – which may have cheated Mohammad, but an omniscient god had known the truth. How come that an omniscient god relied on a mistake perhaps made by a small group of Jews on the Arab peninsula? This may be mistake may have cheated the local resident Muhammad, but not an omniscient god! Then who created the Quran?
011 15/14 + 15: “- – – They would only say (when experiencing a miracle*): ‘Our eyes have been intoxicated – – -”. Wrong. At least some had come to believe – Pharaoh Ramses II’s wizzards. These two verses are a piece of fast-talk. There is some fast-talking in the Quran – trying to explain away things and facts and ideas and not least questions that are difficult to explain or answer. See the chapter about fast talk in the Quran. And there are even more fasttalk among Muslims today, trying to explain away mistakes, abrogation, changes in Islam around 622, etc., not to mention trying to present Islam as a peaceful religion. (It is a typical war religion if you live according to the Quran.) But the really bad thing about this sentence is that this is one of the points where Muhammad himself knew he was lying – as said at least some would come to believe in Islam if he produced miracles. He was too intelligent and knew too much about people not to know this – this even more so as he himself told about heathens becoming Muslims after they
had experienced miracles (the magicians of Pharaoh as mentioned), and he also had a good example in Jesus – some refused to believe no matter, but quite a number of others did after miracles.
***012 17/107: “Say: ‘Whether you believe it or not, it is true that those who were given knowledge beforehand (= Christians and Jews mainly*), when it (the Quran*) is recited to them, fall down on their faces in humble prostration”. One word: Nonsense. And what is worse: The one that composed this verse knew it was a lie – which also Muhammad knew when he made or recited it. A few Jews and Christians had converted by 656 AD when the
Quran is said to be written, though very few if any in 621 when this surah was made, but as a general rule: Utter nonsense. Just look at the history of conflicts between Islam, Jews and Christians, not to mention all the Jews in and near Medina that rather became fugitives or were killed, than to accept Islam – Kaybar – and no more is necessary to say. You sometimes meet dishonesty like this in new, emerging religions and sects. It is a way of
gaining “weight” for their statements, especially when they have few facts or proofs to show for themselves. Just one small fact that disproves this fairy tale: The 700 Jews in Khaybar could have saved their lives and possessions by becoming Muslims in time. To a man they chose not to. Similar claims – though not as clear nonsense as here – in 5/83 – 17/108 – 17/109 – 26/197 – 28/52 – 28/53 – 46/10.
013 21/50: “- – – will ye (people*) then reject it (the Quran*)?” Of course we will reject it. When people with some intelligence and education are face to face with a book with lots and lots of mistakes, contradictions, twisted arguments and as twisted logic, with points where it is clear the narrator knew he was lying – and everything told from one single narrator with a most questionable ethic and morality, but with a strong liking for power – and religion his
main platform for power – it is very naïve even to ask that question. No intelligent, educated, not brain washed person really has another choice than to reject it if no real proofs are produced. (And Islam has been unable to produce one single real proof for Allah or for Muhammad’s claimed connection to a god – any god – and hence for Islam being true, in 1400 years – – – why do you think Muhammad and Islam glorifies and demands blind belief?)
014 22/55: “Those who reject Faith (Islam*) will not cease to be in doubt concerning (Revelation)”. Perhaps correct – may be there will be a revelation by some god (perhaps by Yahweh) some time. But we are in no doubt at all that there are good reasons for serious doubts about the Quran’s claims, statements and descriptions – why should the claims and statements we cannot check be more reliable than the ones we can, and among which we find
far too many to be wanting or wrong?
015 25/4: “But the Misbelievers say: ’Naught is this but a lie which he has forged, and others have helped him at it.’ In truth it is they who have put forward an iniquity and a falsehood”. With this many mistakes in the Quran, it is a very open question if it is the misbelievers who have put forward a falsehood. It might even be Muhammad. It at least is not from an omniscient god.
016 28/53: “- – – indeed we (the Jews and Christians*) have been Muslims (bowing to Allah’s will) from before this”. No comments necessary – except see 28/52, 28/48a or 28/48b.
017 5/19: “O People of the Book (mainly Jews and Christians, but also Sabeans (Christians in Sabah, now part of Yemen (Islam instead tells they were a monotheistic sect some difuse place) – and later after a fashion and in some circles also Zoroastrians*)! Now hath come untoyou, making (things) clear unto you, Our Messenger (Muhammad*) – – -”. Some may question if really Muhammad was the messenger of a god – he did not always behave like the
representative of a good and forgiving god, and his message (the Quran) is full of mistakes on omniscient god had made. But what is not possible to doubt, is that a message with so many mistaken facts at best can make things partly clear (and at worst really mess up things).
00e 28/82: “Those who reject Allah will assuredly never prosper”. As for a possible next life,discussion really is impossible – we know nothing, and can know nothing. Some will say they know, but they will be very wrong – what they do, is believing strongly. Knowledge is not possible without solid facts, proofs and/or documentation, and the only real fact in Islam isthat one single man told stories he either refused to or was unable to document – either
because the god did not want to (with illogical and/or psychologically wrong excuses) or was,unable to, or because the god did not exist. There are lots of words – but words are cheap.
There are lots of statements – but statements hanging in thin air without proofs are as cheap. There are lots and lots of “signs” – but a few are downright wrong, and the rest is completely valueless as proofs for Allah, as they in reality are just unproved statements hanging in the air and only proves that words are cheap – they are claims and statements that any priest in any religion can make about his god or gods, as long as he does not have to produce real proofs – – – like Muhammad steadfastly or from sheer necessity did. And there even are verses telling they prove Allah. But not one single of them proves anything about him – they are as valueless as the “signs” and for the same reasons. Especially we should mention all the natural phenomena that the Quran says are signs indicating or proving Allah – but the only thing they prove, is that Islam never has been able to produce a single real proof, for any priest in any religion can say exactly the same cheap words about natural phenomena and his god(s). Which further proves that Islam has had to rely on cheap words to influence their congregations and others. If they had had anything mote, they had talked about it with capital
But when it comes to prosperity in this life, it is clear that the Quran is completely wrong. And it is likely to stay that way, as Muslim countries forces half their adult population not to work, and the culture is adverse to real thinking – which among other effects means that all the Muslim world has fewer new patents a year, than the single state of California – and the difference is even worse if one looks at patents of knife-edge technique or technology. This
among other reasons ( too many children) will forever keep Muslim states in secondclass economy, if they do not have natural resources like oil to sell – or can attack neighbouring countries and steal/rob/snslave.
00f 33/60: “- – – those (non-Muslims, hypocrites, etc.*) in whose heart is a disease – – -“. A good slogan that you meet many places in the Quran: If you are not a good Muslim, that means you are sick. But like many slogans it may be a twisted truth – or simply a lie.
018 33/61-62: “They (non-Muslims, hypocrites, etc.*) shall have a curse on them: whenever they are found, they shall be sized and slain (without mercy) (‘no compulsion in religion’ 2/256*). (Such was) the praxis (approved) of Allah among those who lived aforetime (Jews and Christians*)”. Muhammad claimed that Allah was just another name for Yahweh – but try to find an order telling that all non-Christians shall be murdered “without mercy” in the new covenant (in NT) that Christianity is built on (a covenant Muslims never mention). Oh, we know very well that persons from Christian countries have done bad things, but that was in spite of their religion – and they were not really Christians deep down – and not in accordance with, or even because of the religion, like the case often is with the “religion of peace” (Muslim hypocrite-speak for “religion of war and suppression”) Islam. Besides: Do sentences like this sound like Islam really is a “Religion of Peace”?
*019 40/4: “None can dispute about the Signs of Allah but the Unbelievers”. Wrong. There is no reason why it is not possible for Muslims to discuss them, too, except religious ideas and prohibitions. And they should do so, as none of them are valid proofs (they rest on thin air or unproven statements) of Allah. A few taken from the Bible may prove Yahweh, but absolutely none proves or even indicates Allah. They can be used by any priest in any
religion about his god(s).
*020 43/9: “- – – ‘Who created the heavens (plural and wrong*)?’ they (non-Muslims*) would be sure to reply, ‘They were created by (Allah*)”. Wrong – if they believed a god had created it, they would be sure to mention their own god, though in the old Arabia that may have been the polytheistic god al-Lah, which could cause (intended?) confusion because the names were so similar (the same reason why Islam now tends to use the word “God” instead of “Allah” in the west, we have been told – it hides some of the real differences.) Similar claim in 39/38.
021 43/78: “- – – but most of you (non-Muslims*) have a hatred to the Truth.” The truth – see 40/75 Similar claim in 23/70. And in addition:
1. Few hate – but many are frightened.
2. Quite a number feel distasted because of the inhuman and unjust laws, “moral”, and traditions in Islam.
3. There is a difference between frightened strength and frightened weakness – a fact that sometimes is forgotten.
022 62/6: “- – – then express your (Jews, Christians) desire for Death, if ye are truthful!” An impossible demand for pious Jews and Christians: For one thing life has its values for everybody. More essential for believers among them: Life is a gift from Yahweh/God – to wish to end it is to diminish a gift from Him. Most serious: To (wish to) end your own life, is a sin so grave against this gift from Yahweh, and hence against Yahwee, that it automatically
sends you to Hell. Any god had known this – Muhammad obviously not. Then who made the Quran? (In a way worse: Muslim scholars today know this fact. But they never mention it, in spite of using this argument. Dishonesty.) Similar claim in 2/94 – 2/95.
***023 67/10: “Had we (non-Muslims*) but listened or used our intelligence – – -”. Islam often tries to tell that it is intelligence that makes Muslims believe, or that with intelligence it is obvious to see from the Quran that it is a work from a god. What at least is sure, is that anyone who uses his intelligence and has a reasonable minimum of knowledge of history, geography, astronomy, archaeology, etc. will find a lot of mistakes in the Quran – if he not for some reason is blind or do not want to see. Also if he knows a very small minimum of logic and the rules for using logic and evaluating information, he has to see the lose statements, the contradictions, the invalid “signs” and the as invalid “proofs” – and may be he will be struck by the thought: Who uses this kind of arguments, except one who has no real arguments, and therefore has to cheat and deceive – to gain followers and power?
024 69/50: “But truly (Revelation (of the Quran*)) is a cause of sorrow for the Unbelievers”. True, but for wrong reasons: Because of all the war and blood and terror Islam has represented through the ages – and the answer is NOT that also other religions have caused wars, etc. as that does not make a hate, rape, suppression, robbery and blood religion like Islam one single iota better – and in most other religions, it is done in spite of the real religion,
not because of. And because many felt pity for souls going lost in a religion built on a book where something is seriously wrong. (May be their own religion(s) also were wrong, but all the mistaken facts, etc., in a book pretending to be from an omniscient god, proves that in Islam there really is something that is wrong – and it makes one doubt very strongly that itreally is a divine revelation.) But, yes, Islam has produced a lot of sorrow – and perhaps not only for non-Muslims.
PART II, CHAPTER 1, Subchapter 3, Section 6 (= II-1-3-6)
001 19/7: “- – – his name shall be Yahya (John*): on none by that name We (Allah*) have conferred distinction before”. But Johanan (Hebrew for John), son of Kareah, was a distinguished man in 2. Kings, 25/23. In addition our sources say that the word “distinction is not in the Arab edition, but added by Yusuf Ali to circumvent an obvious mistake, as the name John was far from unknown in Hebrew. (Yusuf Ali’s comment 2461). Other translators
Muhammad Azad in “The Message of the Quran” – say in his comment to the point that the exact translation is (translated from Swedish): “We (Allah*) have never before named anybody with his (John the Baptist’s*) name before”. But the name John is mentioned 27 times in OT = before John the Baptist – it was a quite common name. From relevant history also were the priest-king John Hyrcanus and the general John the Essene. There both were
many Johns and men of distinction named John before John the Baptist. Simply wrong.
*002 3/35: ”Imran’s wife said”. This is one of the two most famous mistake in the Quran. The book here is talking about the mother of Mary, the future mother of Jesus (see also 3/36 in the Quran: “I have named her Mary”). But Imran was the father of Aaron, Moses and Miriam, who lived some 1200 years earlier. Muhammad did not know the Bible very well, and it is clear that he thought Mary was the sister of Aaron and Moses. In 19/28 this is directly said, when talking about Mary: “O sister of Aaron” – the most famous mistake. (It also is mentioned in 66/12) It is likely that the reason for this mistake is that in Arab Mary and Miriam are written the same way: Maryam. With his limited knowledge of the Bible he believed it was the same woman. Any god had known better. We may add that some Muslims say it is not the same Imran, but scientists agree on that Muhammad meant the same man – the
Imran that according to the Quran was chosen by Allah like Adam, Noah and Abraham (see 3/33 in the Quran) – the father of Aaron, Moses – – – and Maryam/Miriam/Mary.
That Muhammad really was wrong here, and thought Mary was the sister of Aaron and Moses, is documented by the fact that according to Hadith (the other Muslim source of information about their religion and about Muhammad) Muhammad was corrected, and he tried to find explanations to repair the mistake (without success). He also did not add information showing that he and Allah for some reason was right in his mistaken statement. You will meet Muslims telling that the Quran does not mean that Mary really was the sister of Aaron (they say it was meant figuratively – one of the two most commonly used ways of explaining away things that are difficult or impossible to understand in Islam.
The other is “you cannot judge or understand the meaning from just some verses, you have to see the whole surah (or the whole Quran)”, even though the Quran itself tells that the book mainly is to be understood literally, and even though they themselves often make much out of one or a few words), and that the book does not mean that she was the daughter of Imran – only a descendant of him. Islam should after so many hundreds of years have found better “explanations” – “explanations” that on top of all is said to be contradicted by the fact that already Mohammad himself tried to correct the mistake, but without success as mentioned. But there is no other explanation they can try to use. Also see 19/28 in the full overview over
the mistaken fact.
It may be added that what the Quran tells about this grandmother of Jesus, is unknown to the Bible, which was written some years after Jesus died, but claimed known to Muhammad 600 years later – – – and also known to the legends that “lived” in the Middle East. If it had been true, it had guaranteed not been forgotten in the Gospels, as it had made the link between Jesus and God/Yahweh stronger. Islam accuses – without the slightest documentation as normal for Islam – Christians for falsification of NT (in stark contradiction to what all science says), but the accusation is that they have made Jesus more holy, not less, which is the case if this story were true and had been omitted from the Bible (it never was there according to science).
The Quran also tells that Mary served in the temple of Jerusalem, under the tuition of Zachariah (father of John the Baptist – and a relative of Mary according to the Bible), and – –
003 3/37: “Every time he (Zakariyya*) entered (her) chamber to see her, he found her supplied with sustenance. He said: ‘O Mary! Whence (comes) this to you?’ She said: “From Allah: for Allah provides sustenance to whom He pleases without measure’ “. This means that she by a miracle got her food from the god. This is a made up fairy tale. There is not one single chance that a miracle like this had been omitted from the NT – this even more so if Islam had been right in their statements that Christians (and Jews) had falsified the Bible (Muhammad was not well versed in the Bible, and frequently made mistakes when he referred to it or took stories from it (but he often took from made up fairy tales/legends, believing they really were from the Bible – it is likely he never saw a Bible (perhaps OT – the Jewish scriptures – but not NT).
He always explained such mistakes with that he was right, and that the unholy Jews and Christians had falsified the Bible). Actually just this story is one of the many stories the Quran has not “borrowed” from the Bible at all, but from one of the made up religious legends that flourished at that time. These mistakes were the reason why the Jews did not accept him when he came to Yathrib/Medina – the Jews said his teachings were wrong and that he consequently was a false prophet. (Muslims have a tendency(!) not to mention this fact, but to instead tell a, to Muhammad, more flattering, but dishonest – as at least their scholars know this – story: He was not accepted because the Jews were angry because Allah had called a non-Jew for a prophet. But in reality Muhammad’s teachings were heresy to the Jews.)
But if Christians had falsified the Bible, their main object would have been to strengthen Jesus’ position and his connections to Yahweh – the Jewish and Christian god. There is no chance at all that they had omitted a wonder connected to his mother, telling about a direct connection between Yahweh and her – and thus to Jesus. (That she served in the Temple, which is told in the Quran, also is new to the Bible – and had never been omitted there if it
was true).
It also tells something that when Muhammad differs from the Bible, his/the Quran’s stories often correspond with proven untrue religious fables and legends (often apocryphal scriptures – and often Gnostic). This tells it is not the Bible that is wrong, but that the Quran may have used fairy tales as sources. Then came the time for the pregnancy with Jesus. As in the Bible the first information came from an angle, but the story got a twist (to back up Muhammad’s new religion?). She was frightened by the angel – in the shape of a man and said:
*004 19/18: “- – – I (Mary, mother of Jesus*) seek refuge from thee to (Allah) Most Gracious: (come not near) if thou dost fear Allah”. It is highly unlikely that a Jew should seek refuge from a then highly polytheistic god from another country. As one see from what later happened to Jesus, the monotheism and Yahweh were strong in Israel at that time. If the Quran tells the truth when it tells that Mary was working in the Temple, it is absolutely impossible – she had got into serious troubles if she addressed any other god than Yahweh (but then the Quran most likely is wrong also on this point – We have found nothing about Mary working in the Temple in the Bible or any other source, and if it had been true, most Christian sources had mentioned it, as it would mean one more connection between Jesus and Yahweh.
(Actually it is taken from the apocryphal – made up – “’Proto gospel’ after Jacob” – – – but Muslims tell the difference between the Quran and the Bible is because the bad nonMuslims have falsified the latter one – not because Muhammad ever so often used twisted fairy tales as basis for stories in the Quran.)) Our Muslim sources also do not mention if there exists any other reliable source for this statement in the Quran – which Islam frequently/always does not do when they have no sources, only statements built on nothing. Simply a fairy tale shined up and used as a true story. By Allah or by Muhammad, and presumably sent down from Allah and copy from the Mother Book in Heaven, a book perhaps made by Allah, but most likely – according to Islam – never made, but existed from eternity (impossible as angels speak at least one place in the book, which means they had to be created before the book was made – and also Muhammad speaks in the Quran (at least some 8 places) and what does that indicate?). A Mother Book from eternity and revered by the god in his home – – – quoting from the made up Proto Gospel after Jacob ca. 615 AD. Believe it if you want. According to the Quran, Mary also was told her future son’s name:
*005 3/45: “- – – his name will be Christ Jesus – – – “. His name was only Jesus. The word Christ was not even a name, but a title of honour, and it only emerged years after his death – originally in what is now Turkey. But Muhammad did not know the Bible well. (Christ or Christos in Greek means the same as Messiah in Hebrew – the anointed one (which indicates “king”, because new kings in the old Israel were anointed). Because of this some editions of the Bible use Christ instead of Messiah in NT, but the name – or title really – Christ in reality did not exist connected to Jesus, until well after his death). But the Gospels originally were written in Greek, and at a time when that title had emerged. Well, Mary got pregnant and nobody noticed it throughout her whole periode of pregnancy. How big is the chance for that to happen? – it does happen (mostly if the woman is very fat),
but the chances are slim to say the least of it. And when her time came, she went out and Jesus was born in the field under a palm tree – quite different from the story in the Bible. Mary was depressed and afraid, but then:
2. The Baby and Child Jesus according to the Quran.
***006 19/24+25:” But (a voice) (the new-born baby Jesus*) cried from beneath the (palmtree): ’Grieve not! For thy Lord hath provided a rivulet beneath thee; ’And shake towards thyself the trunk of the palm-tree (normally date palms are some 50 cm or more wide and strong – impossible for a human to shake*): it will let fall fresh ripe dates upon thee”. This story is “borrowed” from chapter 20 in an apocryphal “proto gospel” said to be after some
Mathew. “Borrowed” by Muhammad or Allah, but presumably sent down as a copy from the Mother Book in Heaven. Believe the last if you want. There are few if any original stories in the Quran – mostly they are “borrowed” from different sources, but often changed a little to fit Muhammad’s teaching. In this special case one also finds the story in “The Childbirth of Mary and the Salvador’s Childhood” if we remember the name correctly, and it has perhaps entered the Quran via “The Arab Childhood Gospel” (source; among others Ibn Warraq. We are well aware of that Muslims uses bad words about Ibn Warraq, but he is one of our few nonMuslim sources simply because we till now never have seen Muslims able to document him wrong on any point). As said before: Muhammad took stories from such fairy tales, and then accused the Bible of being falsified when it did not tell the same made up legends and tales. Mary came home and her family was negative, to say the least of it (19/27). The absolutely newborn Jesus – a few hours old at most – had to defend his mother:
**007 19/30a: “I (baby Jesus*) am indeed a servant of Allah, – – -”. See 3/51. And he continued:
**008 19/30b: “(Allah has*) given me revelations and made me (the baby Jesus*) a prophet – – -”. Even Islam ( the learned Ikrimah, quoted by Tabari) accepts the impossibility in that a baby is a prophet, but the explaining it away is vague and hypothetical. A very clear mistake. This even more so as there is not one single chance that this wonder had been forgotten in or omitted from NT if it had been true.
**009 19/30-33: The newly born baby Jesus is continuing talking and discussing in his cradle. Also this are “borrowed” from apocryphal (made up) Child Gospels – in this case as far as we know via “The Arab Child Gospel” – called “The first Gospel of the Infancy of Jesus Christ” – an apocryphal scripture from 2. century. There is not a single chance that a wonder like that had been omitted from the Bible, as it would have strengthened Jesus’ position quite a lot. This even more so as there are not many tales about Jesus as a child, and this story would have made that part of his life less blank. Once more a fairy tale used like a true story by Allah or Muhammad.
Even a book like “The Message of the Quran” is not able to defend this as a true story, but it only offers speculations and presumptions to explain away the impossibility. A very clearly not true story – a clear mistake. We have never met a Muslim explaining why the Quran often took its stories from well known, but made up legends and fairy tales, and then explained the differences from the Bible by insisting that the Bible is faked. And the use of old stories clearly is the reason why the old Arabs cided Muhammad for “just telling old tales” – and they were right, as he simply copied old stories. Not much is said about the childhood of Jesus neither in the Bible nor in the Quran. In the Bible his childhood mostly seems to have been a normal childhood with a few exceptions, but in the Quran he was early prepared for being or becoming a prophet by studying the Gospel:
**010 3/48: “And Allah will teach him (the child Jesus*) – – – the Gospel”. One thing is that the word “Gospel” is in singular – there are 4 Gospels. It is not uncommon to use “Gospel” in singular, but it seems that Muhammad did not know there were more than one. But the real screamer is that the Gospels did not exist at that time – could not exist, as they are the story of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection, and thus could not be written until after his death and resurrection. The oldest one is written some 25 years after his death (or may be a little earlier, according to new science – source: New Scientist). Show us one single god that did not know that. But as said before: Muhammad did not know the Bible well. Also see 3/3. We may add that many a Muslim will tell you that the Quran is not talking about the 4 known Gospels, but about an older one they claim has disappeared. And they may be partly right on one point – it may be that once there was another and older Gospel, though not so old that Jesus could read it, neither as a child, nor as an adult. 3 of the Gospels are so similar, that it is clear there is a connection, and one of the possible explanations is that they all took material
from an older Gospel. But strangely Muslims never mention the other possible explanation: That the two youngest simply took material from the oldest of the 3. And as strangely the Imams never tell their congregation what a Gospel really is. The for Muslims damaging points are:
1. A Gospel is the history of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection, with the main point being his death and resurrection – the final proof for his connection to something supernatural. There had been lots of proofs before according to both the Bible and to the Quran – his many miracles. But his resurrection
made any dispute about or denial of the involvement of something supernatural. But as the main points in all Gospels are his trial, his death, and his
resurrection, no Gospel could exist until after his death. And no tale not including his trial, death and resurrection is a Gospel, because then the very point that makes it a Gospel – his resurrection and thus the final proof of something supernatural being involved, and of his final victory over the dark forces – isnot there. (Also see point 3 below). It is known that Muhammad did not really know the Bible, and especially not NT, and it seems like he used the word “Gospel” without really knowing what it meant. Also modern Muslims – at least the ones with little education – have vague ideas about what a
Gospel is, and just states that there must have been an older one that Jesus read, which as you see is an impossibility. (Of course some then try the all-conquering argument that Allah knew and could tell – – – but then we once more are up against the fact that full clairvoyance for Allah combined with free
will for man, also is an impossibility, a fact that even Islamic scholars admit, though most reluctantly, and with the very lame addition that “all the same it must be true, because it is told in the Quran” (!!!))
2. We know that if there ever existed an older Gospel, we automatically know that also this was written after Jesus’ death, so Jesus could not have studied it. This because a Gospel as said is the story of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection (which most Muslims do not seem to know), and thus cannot have be written until after his death and resurrection – and thus we know it in case was not written until after the year 33 AD. (Actually more
likely ca. 27-28 AD. It is known that Jesus most likely was 33 when he died, but the international chronology most likely is a few years wrong – quite likely 5 – 6 years late).
3. If there ever was such an older Gospel, that means that it was even closer in time to what happened, and thus makes the 3 mentioned Gospels even more reliable as they in case took their material from a Gospel written very shortly after Jesus died, and thus at a time when what happened was even more fresh in the minds of people and society and the writer. But still impossible for Jesus to study, as it did not – could not – exist until after his death.
(We may add that “Gospel” means “good news” or “glad news” or “glad tidings”. You meet the word used like that in some Bibles and other literature, but then it normally is written “gospel” not “Gospel”.) Similare claims in 5/46 – 5/110 – 57/27. There is mentioned only one more miracle – and what is really told about his childhood in the Bible, is not mentioned in the Quran – (in addition to his talking and arguing when he was just hours old) from his childhood:
*011 3/49: “I have come to you, with a Sign from your Lord, in that I make for you out of clay, as it were, the figure of a bird, and breathe into it, and it becomes a bird by Allah’s leave”. Also this wonder had never been omitted from NT if it had been true – see 3/37. But actually it is taken from the made up legends in one of the “fairy tale” Child Gospels (this one came from the Thomas Child Gospel – also called “The Thomas‘ Gospel of the Infancy of
Jesus Christ“- an apocryphal (= made up) one from
2. century ). A god had known the Child Gospels were made up – Muhammad obviously not. Besides: What does it tell the world that the Quran uses a made up story as an indirect proof for Allah? And what does it tell about the reliability of Muhammad’s many statements when there is divergence between the Bible and the Quran that the reason is that the Bible is falsified, when it is clear that the reason is that the Quran is quoting from fairy tales?
3. The Prophet Jesus according to the Quran.
***012 61/6: “- – – (Jesus said*) I am the Messenger of Allah – – -”. If Jesus had said something like this about the known polytheistic god al-Lah from a not too distant foreign country, for one thing he had not got many followers, and for another: The clergy had at once had had an excuse for haveing him killed – and long before they really did. This verse is composed by someone not knowing the religious and political realities in Israel around 30 AD. Similar claims in 4/157 – 5/72 – 5/117.
All the same Jesus – according to the Quran – was a servant of Allah:
013 4/172: “Christ disdaineth not to serve and worship Allah.” In 3/51 is implicated in the explanation why this is wrong – see the full list. The only possible exception is if Yahweh and Allah really is the same god. But only Islam states that, and the teachings of Yahweh (especially in NT) are so different at essential points from the teachings of Allah, that they cannot be the same god unless he is mentally ill (schizophrenic). Islam will in case have to prove what they say.
And of course he according to the Quran wanted good Muslims for disciples:
014 61/14: “- – – said Jesus – – – to the Disciples,’ Who will be my helpers to (the work of) Allah?’” See 61/6a + 61/6b + 3/51 in the full list. Similar claim in 3/52. And of course they – also here according to the Quran – were good Muslims:
015 5/111: “(the Disciples*) said: “We have faith, and do thou bear witness that we bow to Allah as Muslims”. Made up story – see 3/51 for explanation. Similar claims in 3/52 – 61/14. But also the disciples wanted proofs (in addition to all the miracles Jesus did according to both the Bible and the Quran):
016 5/114: “Send us (Jesus and the Disciples*) from heaven a Table set (with viands), – – -”. A made up story – there is no chance that such a miracle that clearly shows Jesus’ connection to Yahweh, would be omitted from the Bible. Not one single chance. Even if Muhammad had been right and Christians had falsified the NT, this is the kind of stories they would have added, not omitted. Some Muslims say this may refer a little to “The Prayer of God” – “give us our daily bread” – in the Bible. Much more likely it is a contorted version of the last Easter dinner.
The Quran tells nearly nothing about Jesus as a preacher or about his teachings. The main points for Muhammad were that Jesus was a good Muslim and that even though Jesus was a great prophet – and a real prophet according to both the Bible and to the Quran – he in reality was no match to the greatest: Muhammad.
00a 5/75: “Christ, the son of Mary, was no more than a messenger; – – -”. The Bible says something else – that Jesus called Yahweh his father, and far from always only his spiritual father – and as the Bible is written relatively short time after Jesus’ death, and on this point on
the basis of thousands of witnesses who could tell what Jesus said, and protest if the narrators quoted Jesus falsely, it is likely that the Bible is more reliable here, than the Quran. The Quran is written 600 years later, and offers only unfounded statements without any proof or even indicia backing up the statements. This even more so as the only Islamic source for the statements, was a man with low quality moral, and a man who claimed to be the greatest prophet of all times, something he definitely could not be if Jesus was a relative of Yahweh. As mentioned Jesus himself frequently called Yahweh his father – and Jesus is reliable also according to the Quran. A sticky fact Islam cannot accept (as said the Quran/Mohammad cannot accept that Jesus may be is the son of Yahweh, because then Muhammad is not the greatest of “prophets” – and the defence of Muhammad also is essential, as he in reality was a dubious and immoral character). Similar claims in 3/59 – 4/171 – 19/34.
*00b 43/81: “If (Allah) Most Gracious had a son, I (Muhammad*) would be the first to worship”. Some proof!! But for that: There still is Jesus calling Yahweh father. And any neutral professor of history would say that according to all normal rules, the Bible should be more reliable than the Quran as a source of correct history: Very much closer in time to Jesus, thousands of witnesses, many narrators, versus one single narrator without good sources 600 years later – and even a man of dubious character and with strong motif to reduce Jesus, to become the greatest prophet himself – and a man clearly lusting for power (just read the Quran and the Hadits – it is clear to see.). And a man that definitely had not been accepted as a reliable witness in any country with a reliable judicial system. (The real and historic Muhammad was something quite different from the glossy semi-saint Islam and Muslims claims – a claim made necessary because all Islam only is built on this man’s words).
017 5/116a: “Didst thou (Jesus*) say unto men, ‘worship me and my mother as gods in derogation of Allah’?” Jesus was not involved with Allah – see 3/51 in the complete list for explanation. As for a divine Jesus, that is not explicitly said in the Bible, but many places it is understood that he was ( if Yahweh really was his father in some way). But when it comes to Mary, Islam is right – saints are not a part of the teaching of the Bible (on the other
hand also some Muslims have saints, notably the Shiites). And all the same the Quran is extremely wrong here: Mary never was part of the Trinity. See 5/116b just below.
018 5/116b: Mohammad believed the Trinity consisted of God/Yahweh, Jesus and Mary. Wrong. Both Muhammad and the Quran were wrong in the extreme when he/they thus believed Mary was part of the Trinity. It consists (?) of God/Yahweh, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit – also called the “Holy Ghost” or the “Spirit of truth”, the “Spirit of God”, or only “the Spirit”. Muhammad never understood the Holy Spirit, even though he used it a few (3) times in the Quran – and some Muslims refer to the Holy Spirit in the Quran as another name for the arch angel Gabriel (!). Also see 5/117. Similar claim in 61/6
00c 5/46: “We (Allah*) sent Jesus the son of Mary, confirming the Law (of Moses*)”. According to the Bible Jesus was not sent to change the old laws – that was not his main purpose. All the same that was what he did – changed some and even nullified some of them, especially many of all the additions made through the times by Jewish religious thinkers and leaders. This was more or less formalized his last Easter, when the new covenant was introduced. (This covenant is never mentioned by Islam, and most Muslims without religious education have not even heard about it. This even though it is one of the main and most central facts in the Christian religion.) Similar claim in 61/6.
When it comes to foretelling about Muhammad, which is mentioned in the Quran, it seems that just this was and is more essential to Islam and Muslims, than to Muhammad himself, because he did not return to that topic often (or may be he was careful because he suspected or knew it was not true?). For Islam and Muslims it is an essential question, however, because Islam has not one single valid proof neither for Allah nor for Muhammad’s connection to a god – a real foretelling had been if not a proof, then at least a good indication. Besides the Quran tells that Muhammad is easy to find both in OT and NT, and then Islam has to find him “come Hell or high water” – if not the Quran is wrong and then something is wrong with the religion. An indication of how essential this claim is to the Muslim clergy, is that in Hadiths – Al-Bukhari – you find “quotations” about Muhammad presumably taken from the Bible
and presumably quoted from the Bible at about the time of Muhammad (and thus it is impossible even for Islam to claim that the Bible is falsified afterwards) , that are not from the Bible, but the commentators do not whisper one word about that the quotes are wrong, but just letting readers who do not know the Bible (= f. ex. 99.9% of the Muslims) believe it is a “bona fide” and correct quote). Al-Taqiyya.
***019 61/6c: “- – – (Jesus said: I am*) giving the Glad Tiding of a Messenger to come after Me, whose name shall be Ahamad (another form of the name Muhammad*) – – -”. This is quite a funny verse, as you meet Muslims that insists it is from the Bible. But there is not anything remotely like this in the Bible, and neither in the some 13ooo relevant scriptures or fragments found through the times older than 610 AD – included some 300 from the Gospels. It is only to be found in the Quran. Also you do not find a single case in OT where a prophesy about distant future which mentions a clear name. but here – o wonder! – is most conveniently the unmistakable name given. And it is worth remembering that it is quite common for makers of new sects or religions to connect themselves to a mother religion and bend that – or even highjack (parts of) it. The founder of the Amaddijja-Muslims is really one of the latest examples, and Mormons tell Jesus visited America during his last days on earth. Such things give roots, credence and weight to a movement. Jesus told his disiples that the Holy Spirit (also named the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of God, the Spirit of truth, or only the Spirit – like Allah and like Muhammad it has more than one name) should come shortly – which it did. And he told he himself should return once upon a time “to judge the living and the dead“. But not a single word about any other – and not to mention not one with a foreign name the Jews would question. We know of one place where Muhammad is mentioned: In the Barnabas Gospel – a most apocryphal book – according to one of our sources it may even be written at the caliph’s court in Baghdad (not very strange if it then mentions Muhammad). You need to make up proofs only if you have no real ones. Muslims sometimes tell you this “gospel” is a real one. But the standard explanation Muslims follow – without proofs: The Bible is falsified and the name Muhammad taken out by bad conspiracies – people in that area has a strong tendency to look for and believe in conspiracy theories (We have a private theory that the reason is that they never in their history have been used to relatively reliable information). But in that case:
1. The life of the first Christians had been entirely different – and their time scale had been entirely different if any of them had heard about another prophet to be expected before the return of Jesus “to judge the living and the dead”. (They would know the return of Jesus would take much longer time than they now believed, to give the “prophet” time to work).
2. The contents of the NT had been different – not least the letters had been different. It simply is a fairy tale made up to strengthen Muhammad’s claim to be a prophet – like some other self-proclaimed prophets. (Rather ironic, as he did not have the gift of being able to make prophesies – he did not even claim or pretend he had it – he was no real prophet. A messenger for someone or something perhaps, but not a real prophet).
1. The Muslims only backs their claim on one Greek word used in the Bible: “parakletos” which means “helper” – Jesus before he left Earth, promised to
send his disciples a helper – the Holy Spirit (which arrived some days later – at Whitsun – according to the Bible (a story that is not negated in the Quran)).
2. Islam claims “parakletos” is a misspelling for another Greek word “periklytos”, which means “the highly praised”. In Aramaic “the highly
praised” means “Mawhamana” of which the second part of that word as a verb is “hamida” (= to praise) and as a noun “hamd” (law or praise). If you then continue to Arab the names Muhammad and Ahmad (another version of the name Muhammad) both derives from “hamida” or “hamd” according to Islam. Which to Islam and all Muslims is a strong proof for that “parakletos” in reality is misspelled and means “Muhammad” in the Gospel after John ( John
14/16). Not a very convincing proof to say the least of it – and in addition: 3. The word “periklytos” that Islam claims is misspelled – the only possibility they have to get the answer they want and desperately need (they need it desperately, because the Quran clearly tells that Muhammad is
foretold also in the NT – – – and he is not there) – does not exist at all in the Bible, not to mention in the NT. It is not used one single time.
4. The word “periklytos” also is not found one single time in all the some 13000 relevant manuscripts and fragments science knows from before 610 AD. Neither in one single place or time, nor in one single of the many manuscripts.
5. Neither is it found in quotes from the Bible found in some 30ooo other old manuscripts.
6. The word “periklytos” simply never was used in the old scriptures that became the Bible. The word that is used everywhere is “parakletos” –
“helper” (and a helper was what the disciples needed). This goes for each and every known copy.
7. Beside: How could it be possible to falsify – as Islam claims – the same word the same way in thousands and tens or hundreds of thousands of
manuscripts – and how to find each and every “periklytos” in each and every of the many different manuscripts – spread over all those
countries? – and on top of all: In a time with little travel and hardly any media Islam has a tough job proving their claim – and remember: It is the
ones making claims that have to prove them, not others to disprove it. This often is forgotten when Muslims throw loose claims and statements
8. There also are huge numbers (38000 ?) of non-religious manusctipts or fragments which refer to the Bible. Whenever this word pops up in those
manuscripst it without exception is written “parakletos”. Islam must explain how it was possible to find and to falsefy all these “papers”, and
not least how it was possible to eraze the ink and write another word in such a way that it is impossible for modern science to find traces of falsifications.
9. Arabs think it is logical that parakletos and periklytos may be mixed – in the old Arab alphabet and scriptures this just meant that someone had guessed the not written vowels wrong. But not for Greek, as Greek already and a long time before had a complete alphabet where all letters were written.
This kind of misspelling therefore is not logical in Greek.
10. Muslims try to explain that it could not be a question of the Holy Spirit, because the Holy Spirit already was present. And the Holy Spirit was
present or visited Jesus. But it was not part of the disciples – and that was what happened at Whitsun according to the Bible: They each got personal contact with the Spirit, and that is quite a change of a situation.
11. Muslims also say that as two different names for the Spirit is used (the Spirit of Truth and the Holy Spirit (you actually also have the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of God (1. Mos. 1/2) and only the Spirit)) it proves that John does not mean the Holy Spirit, when he uses the name “the Spirit of truth” –
“the Spirit of truth” must mean the Muhammad that lies to his followers in the Quran (“miracles will make noone believe”.) and advised his
people to use al-Taqiyya or even break their oaths if that gave a better result. In addition to all the other wrong logic
here, this claim is just as logical as to claim that the 99 names of Allah means there are 99 different gods, or the 5-6 or more names of Muhammad
means there were 5-6 or more of him. The spirit simply is named by different names (at least 5) – and in addition it is absolutely clear that in
the whole Bible there only is one spirit with a special connection to Yahweh.
12. There only is one conclusion – the conclusion science has made long ago – possible to make in this: This Islamic claim – like many others – either is a lie (an al-Taqiyya?) or wishful thinking. And still “the raisin in the sausage” is not mentioned:
13. Jesus promised his disciples a helper – a parakletos. If he had meant Muhammad, how could Muhammad be their helper when they were all dead 500 years before he was even born?? It simply is nonsence or wishful thinking.
14. Further the spirit according to the same verses in the Bible that Muslims quote, could not be seen. Muhammad was not difficult to see.
15. And another “raisin”: Also in the same verses it is said that the Spirit should be with them for ever. Muhammad definitely was not with
them for ever – he was not even with them. Wishful thinking? – or a bluff? – or a lie/al-Taqiyya? At least science long ago has proved from the old manuscripts that it is not true – the Bible never was falsified on this point either. (But Islam HAS to find him somewhere there, if not the Quran is wrong on this for Islam very essential point – and then something is seriously wrong with Islam). Also see 7/157. (We should mention that also the apocryphal (made up) “Gospel of Barnabas” sometimes still is used as an argument, because there Muhammad is clearly mentioned (no surprise if the theory that it is made at the court in Bagdad is correct). The sorry fact, though, is that a made up gospel is a made up gospel (there are a number of them) – and it tells something about Islam’s lack of arguments that they continue to insist that may be it is not made up, and therefore is a proof for Muhammad, when science is unanimous: It is one of the false ones. The only thing the “Gospel of Barnabas” in reality proves, is that Islam has no real documentation for their claim that Muhammad is mentioned in the NT, as they have to resort to this kind of argumentation).
But the most solid proof for that the Bible is not falsified, comes from Islam itself. If they had found one single solid proof for falsification of the Bible among all the many thousands of old manuscripts that exist, THEY HAD SCREAMED TO HOLY HEAVEN ABOUT IT – and noone has till now heard such a scream – not even after 1400 years!!!. But one question that was very central to Muhammad was: Was Jesus the son of God?
00d 9/30b: “- – – the Christians call Christ the son of God – – – (in this) they but imitate what the Unbelievers of old (the Jews?*) used to say. Allah’s curse be on them: – – -”. We are back to the old facts: Jesus himself called God “father”. There were lots of witnesses to this. It was written down a few years later. The Quran vehemently denies it. The Quran has neither witnesses nor any other proofs. The Quran was written more than 600 years later and all the same offers only claims and statements. Muhammad had a lot to gain if Jesus was not the son of God – if Jesus is closely related to God, Muhammad obviously is not the greatest of prophets (irony; he in reality was no real prophet as he did not have the gift of being able to make prophesies – he never even claimed or pretended to have it), and though Muslims may be right that Muhammad personally did not care all too much about money except for using it as bribes, there is no doubt that he liked power and that he spent large sums for “buying” followers (his lust for power is easy to see from the texts in the Quran and the Hadits). The end of the quote is rather sympathetic (?!). Similar statements in 2/116 – 4/171 – 10/68 –
17/111 – 18/4 – 18/5 -19/88-89 – 23/91 – 25/2.
The reason for this quote may be three-fold:
1. Muhammad’s obsession with that there only was one god.
2. The fact that if Jesus in some way was the son of God/Yahweh, Muhammad very obviously was not the greatest of prophets.
3. If Jesus was the son of the god, would be difficult to make people listen to Muhammad and not to the Bible – tales about falsified Bible or not.
If Muhammad partly believed in his own religion, point 1 may have been the main one. If he did not – and very clearly he knew that parts of it were not true ( the explanations why he could not make miracles) – parts 2 and 3 were the main ones (minding his platform of power). Because of that it was very essential that – –
**00e 43/59: “He (Jesus*) was no more than a servant – – -”. Possible. But there is still the funny fact that thousands heard him call Yahweh “father”. Whereas only one man – and a man of very questionable character and ethics – says the opposite. And that even a man who had much to gain from Jesus being not the son of God. And this even as much as 600 years later without any kind of documentation.
– – – a servant who said things like:
020 43/64: “(Jesus said): For Allah, He is my Lord and your Lord – – -”. See 43/63. We may add that starters of new religions or sects often try to “high-jack” well known persons or situations to use it in their teachings. This may look like such a case.
**021 43/63a: “(JesuS said*): therefore fear Allah – – -”. As said before: If Jesus had been a missionary for the known polytheistic god al-Lah from a not too far of country, he for one thing had got very few followers in the at that time strictly monotheistic Israel, and for another thing he had been killed by the clergy long before – especially if he all the same got a big following like he really had. This is a tale told by someone who knew the religious and political situation in Israel around year 30 AD badly.
022 43/63b: “(Jesus said*): fear Allah and obey me – – -.” This is really is Muhammad’s slogan – he wanted power, that much is easy to see from the Quran, and religion/Allah was his Platform of Power. And many places in the Quran it becomes clear that Muhammad wants everyone to believe he was a “normal” (but top) prophet (actually he was no real prophet, as he did not have the gift of making prophesies – see chapter about Muhammad), and then it was nice if Jesus used the same words like Muhammad and showed this was normal ways for prophets to talk. But one of the really – and one of many – fundamental differences between Jesus and Muhammad (and for that case between Buddha and Muhammad), was that Jesus was absolutely not interested in power on this Earth. Consequently this slogan that Muhammad very frequently used to secure his power, was meaningless for Jesus. (The Quran does not oppose this fact: That Jesus preached, but he did not seek power on Earth.) Also the verse below can be taken as part of a strategy for reducing Jesus from something special to something ordinary – at least an ordinary prophet – to make it easier for Muhammad to be number one (another obvious example: During Muhammad’s claimed trip to heaven, Jesus lived in the lowest of the prophets’ heavens – heaven number 2. Whereas other known prophets from the Bible lived higher up and closer to the god, and Muhammad was to be given place in the 7. heaven, the closest one to the deity):
023 2/136: “We (Allah*) make no difference between one or another of them (prophets*) – – – “. There is one distinction at least Yahweh makes: Between real and false prophets. The criterion for being a real prophet, is that you make prophesies – and that the prophesies come true. If not he is a false prophet (5. Mos. 18/21). Muhammad made during all his life not one real prophesy. (There were a few sayings that were remembered because they happened to become true or partly true – the others were forgotten like normal in such cases – but no real prophesies. He never – no place in the Quran and hardly in any of all the Hadiths – even claimed to have the gift of making prophesies). Was he then really a prophet – or did he simply “borrow” an impressive title? He simply was not a prophet. A messenger for someoneor something perhaps – or an apostle, but no prophet. But if either the Quran or the Bible or both speak the truth concerning this, Jesus clearly was. The Quran, though, reduces Jesus as much as possible, and simply skips the question of Muhammad’s right to the title – as so often the book treats things for a fact without the slightest proof or documentation. Finally there is the death and resurrection of Jesus. If that really happened, Jesus clearly was at least one division higher up than Muhammad. So according to the Quran it did not happen.
024 5/116: Mohammad believed the Trinity consisted of God/Yahweh, Jesus and Mary. Wrong. Both Muhammad and the Quran were wrong in the extreme when he/they thus believed Mary was part of the Trinity. (It consists (?) of God/Yahweh, Jesus and the Holy Spirit – also called the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of truth, the Spirit of God, or only the Spirit). Muhammad also never understood the Holy Spirit, even though he used it a few times in the
Quran – and some Muslims refer to the Holy Spirit in the Quran as another name for the arch angel Gabriel(!) as it is “known” that Gabriel brought surahs and verses, but it is also said in the Quran that the Spirit brought some. Wrong conclusion: Gabriel must be identical to the Spirit. Also see 5/117. Similar claim in 5/73
*025 4/156: “- – – they uttered against Mary a grave false charge (that Jesus was crucified and dead*)”. There were so many witnesses, included many that knew Jesus, and included so many that hated him and definitely had made revolt if he was not executed – the Jewish clergy and scholars like the later Muslim clergy and scholars were powerful – that this charge was definitely not false. If Islam says something else, they will have to provide good proofs, not only bring forth lofty claims and statements taken out of thin air 600 years later. Because that is all the Quran has got to offer: A few lofty statements backed by nothing – no proofs and not even any indicia indicating that all those witnesses – and the rulers and the hateful Jewish clergy – were wrong. Words are very cheap – – – and the only fact Islam can produce is that neither Muhammad nor Islam can accept that Jesus died and was resurrected – in that case he clearly was a greater prophet and/or had closer connections to the god than Muhammad, and that is taboo for Muslims. It simply is unacceptable for them.
*026 4/157: “- but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear for them – – -”. See 4/156. In addition: If no one else made sure that it was no impostor and thatthe killing really took place, the angry and spiteful Jewish clergy ans scholars would see to that. This claim is made up by someone that could not accept that Muhammad was not the greatest prophet (even though Muhammad in reality was not really a prophet – he did not
have the gift of being able to make prophesies). If Islam wants to say something else, they will have a lot of explanation and proving to do – this even more so as the Quran always demands proofs for what non-Muslims say about their religion, but it NEVER itself offers any real proofs for Islam or Allah. In spite of all the “signs” it boasts of, not one single of those “signs” – with the possible exception of some taken from the Bible – proves any god at all, and definitely not one single one proves anything about Allah or the teachings of Muhammad.
Words are very cheap, and there is not one single of those “signs” that can not as well and as easy be used by priests or believers or “prophets” of all other religions: Manito did this, Thor did that, Kali made something, Osiris something else, Baal created the Earth, and al-Uzza is great. Islam always only claims that Allah did this and this and that this is a “sign” or a “proof” for Allah. But they NEVER prove that it really was Allah that did this and this. Because of that each and every such “sign” and “proof” are intuitively and logically and even judicially invalid as an indication or a proof – and for the same reason any priest in any religion can say exactly the same valueless words about his god(s). The claims are totally invalid as indications or indicia, not to mention as proofs. There is not one single valid proof for Allah or for the teachings of Muhammad anywhere – – – or for the undocumented claim that Jesus was not crucified and died. Similar claims in. 4/156 (above).
No matter – it is reckoned as a fact that Jesus really was a historical person. He was heard and seen by so many after his death and resurrection, that it is possible the story may be true – that he really existed after his execution. But he was never heard or seen after his final farewell to his disciples. And honestly: If the god took him up to himself bodily and alive, like some Muslims explains this fact away with, that is as good a proof for his connection to something supernatural as anything else. Whereas for Muhammad not one single such proof exists.
PART II, CHAPTER 1, Subchapter 3, Section 7 (= II-1-3-7)
Muhammad most likely got his inspiration for “the one god” from the neighbouring Jewish and Christian religions. The Zoroastrians that in a way was a border line case, he seems to have known little about, but there are ideas and tales in Islam that may derive from there. In addition there was a small sect in Arabia that believed in one god, but that one seems to have had little influence, except perhaps as one of the backgrounds for his thinking in the
He came to mean that the main pagan god, al-Lah, was the only real god and that all the other Arab pagan gods were fictions. Then as he had one god and the Jews and the Christians had one and only one, his god had to be the same god as theirs. Actually this was no new idea (Muhammad had few if any new ideas on any subject) – the Arabs had for ages thought that may be their al-Lah (Muhammad changed the name slightly to Allah – just the same letters but slightly different pronounsiation) and the Jewish and Christian god Yahweh was the same god. And as they (presumably) were the same god, also the holy books had to be the same. But he or whoever made the Quran, did not bother – or take the expenses – of getting hold of a copy of the Bible, and not even of the Torah and the rest of the OT, which should not be too difficult, as the Jews in the neighbourhood surely had at least one or a few in their synagogues, and to have a copy made should have been possible – though expensive as it had to be written by hand by a scribe (but he had married a rich widow) . Instead he or the ones that made the Quran – it was not made by any god with all those mistakes, contradictions, places with wrong logic, etc – relied on the rich tradition of story telling, a traditional pastime in most of the world before cheap books, film and radio came.
The trouble was that most of these stories were fairy tales and legends – many of them not even based on the Bible, but on apocryphal – made up – religious scriptures, many of which were made up by fringe religious sects to fit their special ideas about the religion (if Muhammad made or had someone make the Quran, he was far from the only one who made his own “holy scriptures” at that time – and later).
The trouble was that it took a long time before he understood that there was a problem – the real Bible said things differently from the legends. Most likely he did not become fully aware of it until he after 12 years of preaching came to Medina, where there were many Jews, and he tried to recruit them for his own monotheism. By then it was too late. He either had to ditch his religion and accept another – and loose his position as a supreme leader + getting a lot of bad words (to say the least of it) for having lead his followers astray. Or he had to do something. Perhaps he himself also believed in at least parts of what he was preaching (It is out of the question that an intelligent man like him believed in everything in his tales – his excuses for no miracles are good examples of this, as they so obviously were wrong that no intelligent person with knowledge about human nature can believe all of them if he does not absolutely want to or is brain washed.). Especially if he had a brain illness like Temporal Lobe Epilepsy – TLE – (source BBC) it is possibel he believer parts of his tales himself.
The solution he did chose – or was forced to chose as it was the only option he had – was the age old “I am right, and all the others are wrong.” Which automatically meant that the Bible was wrong where it differed from his own tales. And as he thought the Bible was from the god, (it is not – it is made by humans, even the Book of Moses – only inspired by God/Yahweh according to its believers) that meant it must have been falsified. Or this was a good “explanation” if he did not fully believe in everything he himself told.
That is the story and the logic behind the claims that the Bible is falsified. Like normal for Islam there has never been produced any proof or documentation for the claim – it all is a claim resting on nothing. And they have to say it and they have to believe it, because if not Islam is a false religion. Consequently the scriptures the local Jews had, originally must have been forerunners of and like the Quran until they were falsified, according to his claims.
001 2/75: “- – – seeing that a party of them (the Jews in Medina*) hear the word of Allah, and perverted it knowingly after they understood it – – -.” Wrong. Science have shown very clearly that the Bible is not falsified, perhaps some mistakes, but not falsificarions – and consequently that it has never been something like the Quran. If Islam means something else, they will have to bring proofs, not only loose claims and even looser statements. Acrually: If Islam had had even a small proof, the world had been forced to hear it every two hours or more – at least. We may add that Islam and Muslims here try to use the Bible to prove their words –
Jeremiah 23/36: “Ye have perverted the words of the living God.” This one is dishonesty on two levels:
1. It is for one thing quoted out of context. Jeremiah tells: “If a prophet or a priest or anyone else claims, ‘This is the oracle of the LORD (Yahweh*), I (Yahweh*) will punish that man and his household. – – – But you must not mention ‘the oracle of the LORD’ again because (if you do*) every man’s word
becomes his oracle and so you distort the words of the living God”. (NIV). There is an abyss between this meaning and the meaning in the above slightly twisted quotation fromthe Bible used by Muslims. Dishonest and slightly disgusting – and quite revealing about methods and lacks of real facts and
2. Even if it had been true – even if Jeremiah had said that the Jews had perverted – though “perverted” is a stronger word than“distorted” – that did not tell one millimetre about distorting Quranic texts, like here is indicated, only distortion of the Torah. Knowing that this is taken from the widely distributed and highly prised “The Message of the Quran”, canonized or at least certified by one of the foremost Islamic intellectual institutions in the world, cases like this gives us a bad taste on their behalf: To resort to intellectual dishonesty of this kind is humiliating when found out. One may mention the word “alTaqiyya” (the lawful lie – a speciality for Islam) – permitted to use sometimes and a duty to use if necessary in defending or promoting Islam. But if a religion is a true one, is it then necessary to lie to promote it? And for what reason? Just in order to be right, instead of to try to find out what is right.
This in spite of the fact that the price if they are wrong, is the loss of the soul of each and every Muslim – – – if there is a Hell in the perhaps next life.
There is much more that differs between the Bible and the Quran. See the chapter about contradictions between those two books.
002 2/89a: “- – – when there comes to them (Jews in Medina*) that (Muhammad’s texts that became the Quran*) which they should have recognized (indicating they should have recognized the texts from Muhammad in their OT/Torah*)”. Wrong – the underlying basic thinking and a lot of details are so different, that the only thing possible to recognize, is that something is very wrong in such claims from Muhammad. Jews and Christians alike – they had got books like the Quran (according to the Quran) – books that the Final Edition of the Book now confirmed (- – – according to the Quran):
*003 2/89b: “- – – (a Book (the Quran*)) confirming what is with them (the Torah and the Bible) – – -”, which means that the Quran confirms the Torah and other holy Jewish scriptures and the Bible. But too many fundamental principles are different – the Quran is no confirmation of neither the Torah, etc., nor of the Bible, not to mention of the New Testament (NT) on which the Christian religion is built. “You shall not kill” vs. “You shall not kill without a good reason”, the value of and strife for “the lost lamb”, vs. “You shall not mourn the wrongdoers that ends in Hell”, “Love your enemy” vs. “Kill the enemy wherever you find him”, and “Love your enemy” vs. incitement to and orders of war and hate and discrimination of “infidels”, just to mention some of the deep differences. Not to mention “my empire is not of this world” (translated from Swedish), compared to: Fight for Allah and Muhammad till all
non-Muslims are utterly suppressed and pay extra tax. Similar claims at least in 2/41 – 2/91 – 2/97 – 2/101 – 3/3 – 4/47 – 5/48 – 10/37 – 12/111.
004 2/101: “- – – a party of the People of the Book (here Jews – the People of the Book = Jews and Christians, and “the Book” in this connection is the Bible*) threw away the Book of Allah (the Quran*), as if (it had been something) they did not know!” The Quran here tells that the Jews recognized the Quran from the OT. That is wrong – there are so fundamental differences and so many points that are different between the Quran and the Bible, that the only thing that is possible to know, is that something is utterly wrong. Similar claim in 3/78. When the Jews – there were far more Jews than Christians in the area – disagreed, something had to be wrong with them:
005 3/70: “Why do ye (the Jews*) reject the Signs of Allah, of which ye are (yourselves) witnesses?” They rejected the “Signs” – the teaching of Muhammad (the Quran as a book did not exist yet). The word “Sign” here may refer to two statements:
1. Islam say Muhammad is foretold in the Bible, and especially refers to 5 Mos. 18/15 and 18/18. But the brother of a Jew is a Jew, not an Arab, and the Jews’ fellow countrymen also are Jews, not Arabs. Islam also never mention the next few verses – number 18/21 about real and false prophets, and
where Muhammad do not even qualify as a real prophet. See the chapter about “Muhammad in the Bible?” Wrong.
2. The other possible claim here is that when Jesus talked to his disciples about a helper that should come to them, Muslims claim that this meant Muhammad, even though they have to twist their “explanation” not a little (they need at least one “foretelling” from GT and one from NT, because it is said that Muhammad is foretold in both) – and even though Muhammad was born 500 years after the disciples were dead he shouls be their helper according to Islam! (Jesus was talking about The Holy Spirit that came to the disciples some days later).
3. The Quran refers to one or two learned Jews that Islam claims accepted Mohammad as a prophet. (This may or may not be true). But it
is in no way correct to say that “ye” (all or most of the Jews) did so. On the contrary – may be a thousand Jews were killed and
murdered and many more made slaves, because they refused to accept Islam as their religion. Wrong.
See the chapter “Muhammad in the Bible?” Islam only has produced claims and twisted logic for this – well, claim. They will have to produce documentation or proofs if they want to be believed by others than the brainwashed and the naïve. Similar claims in 2/42 – 2/101 – 2/146.
What was wrong with them, Muhammad said, was that at least they had distorted or thrown away parts of the OT, so that it did not tell the same story as the Quran – which it surely had done when it was sent down from Allah (As mentioned no part of the Bible is “sent down”. It is all written by humans – may be inspired by god, but written by humans. What comes closest to having been “sent down” except for the 10 Commandments are the laws of Moses, which the Bible tells Yahweh told to Moses, and Moses wrote them down later.) But the most serious and everlasting accusation ended with a more serious accusation – backed by 3/24 and 7/162:
006 5/13: “- – – they (the Jews*) change the words (of the OT*) and forget a good part of the Message that was sent them (OT*)”. Christians are accused of the same. But: According to our best information there exist some 13000 relevant scriptures or fragments (some 300 from the Gospels) older than 610 AD (when Muhammad started his religion).Plus there shall exist some 32000 old references to the Bible. They all show that that neither OT
nor NT is falsified (= the Bible of the time of Muhammad and before is the same as the one of today and the same as the really old scriptures) – nor is anything forgotten (omitted). But Islam HAS to insist on this. For one thing this was the excuse Muhammad used when explaining away the differences between the Bible and the Quran – and Muhammad and the Quran has to be speaking only the truth, because if not the very foundation under the religion collapses. And for another thing – if the Quran is wrong and the Bible correct, Islam is a made up religion. But one fact remains: Islam has not found any
proof for their claim, even though they have searched for it for 1400 years. They have trumped up a number of arguments, but like so often Islam only have cheap words behind their claims – if they had found one single real proof for their claim among the 13000 scriptures or other places, you can bet large money on that the world had been informed quickly and thoroughly about it. When then science tells that the Bible is unabridged except
for better translations and the small varieties normal for handwritten manuscripts spread over hundreds of years and thousands of kilometres – and there were many thousands of scriptures spread all over – and each and every single one had to be falsified in just the same ways and in
all connections in all kinds of manuscripts (facts Muslims never mention or explain) – well, when all this is added up, it is up to you to decide which – if any – of the two books is most reliable. (Also see 3/24).
007 6/20: “Those to whom We (Allah*) have given the Book (Jews, Christians*) know this (that the Quran was revealed to Muhammad, etc*) as they know their own sons”. Very wrong – they had lots of reasons to suspect that something was wrong – very wrong – with both Muhammad and with his religion. too many points that differed from the Bible/Torah and too many other mistakes.
008 6/91: “- – – ye (Jews*) conceal much (of its (the Torah’s = first part of the OT*) contents – – -“. Science has ever so clearly shown that this Islamic claim is wrong – many really old documents have shown that the texts of today are like the really old ones. Islam will have to bring real proofs for the repeated claims in the Quran and elsewhere – till now they only have produces unfunded claims and loose words, and we are back to the old fact: If Islam had found a single hard fact showing that the Bible in any way was falsified, the world had been told quickly and in large letters. This because Islam does not have one single real proof for the existence of Allah, for Gabriel as a messenger, for Muhammad’s connection to a god or anything at all – everything rests only – only – on what Muhammad told, and the historical Muhammad (in contradiction to the Islamic glossy picture) was a man that would not have been accepted in any serious court as a reliable witness.
A proof for falsification of the Bible would be an indication for that the Quran was correct at least on this one point, and thus very welcome to Islam. But in 1400 hundred years no real proof has been found – only claims and words – in spite of large quantities of old known manuscripts and fragments. Therefore a real proof for a falsified Bible had been big news in all Muslim media and for all Muslims debating religion forever after. But there is nothing. No such proof has ever been produced by Islam. Also see 3/24, 5/13, 5/14, 5/15. Similar claims in 2/42 – 5/14 – 5/15. And the chapter about differences between the Bible and the Quran, which will be added in 2010 AD.
PART II, CHAPTER 1, Subchapter 3, Section 8 (= II-1-3-8)
An axiom in the Quran and in Islam is that Yahweh and Allah just are two names for the same
god. But:
00a 2/107: “And besides Him ye (people*) have neither patron nor helper.” Well, Jesus told many times and in front of lots of witnesses that he could help.
001 5/72: “They do blaspheme who say: ‘God is the son of Mary’”. No Christians say that Yahweh is the son of Mary, Jesus. (Though catholic people use the expression “Mother of God” meaning “Mother of (the holy) Jesus”, but they clearly know the difference between God/Yahweh and Jesus). Similar claim in 5/17.- 5/72.
00b 5/73: “They do blaspheme who say: Allah is one of three in a trinity”. Our sources tell that the 3 last words does not exist in the Arab edition, but is added by Yusuf Ali. Then the correct text in case ends: “Allah (god*) is one of three (gods*).” Which obviously is wrong, as Christians only believe in one god. Besides it is a most dubious praxis to make additions to a text without making the readers aware of that it is an addition – by putting the addition in ( ). See 5/116 just below. Similar claims in 2/139 – 3/64 – 42/13.
002 5/116: Mohammad believed the Trinity consisted of God/Yahweh, Jesus and Mary. Wrong. Both Muhammad and the Quran were wrong in the extreme when he/they thus believed Mary was part of the Trinity. (It consists (?) of God/Yahweh, Jesus and the Holy Spirit – also called the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of God, or only the Spirit). Muhammad never understood the Holy Spirit, even though he used it a few (3?) times in the
Quran – and some Muslims refer to the Holy Spirit in the Quran as another name for the arch angel Gabriel (!) as it is “known” that Gabriel brought surahs and verses, but it is also said in the Quran that the Spirit brought some, and then they “must” be the same (!). Invalid logic.Also see 5/117.
00c 6/163: “No partner hath He: – – -”. If the Quran here means Allah, it may be correct. If it is indicating Yahweh, many words of Jesus clearly may be understood like the book is wrong.
003 29/46: “- – – our (Muslims*) and your (Jews and Christians*) god is one – – -”. This is not correct unless he is schizophrenic, as too many fundamental aspects are too different between the two teachings. To mention a few: Islam: New Testament (NT) Do not kill without a good reason. Do not kill. To wage war is a religious duty. Do not kill. An eye for an eye. Turn the other cheek. You cannot carry another’s burden. Carry your fellow man’s burden. Religion shall run the country. My country is not of this world. Be killed for Allah and go to Paradise. Become like a child to go to Paradise.
Paradise = Earth-like luxury plus women. Paradise = Heaven for your soul. (for women = luxury and a share of the husband). (for women = Heaven for your soul.) Paradise = resurrected body. Paradise = the soul lives on. Do not lie except for good reason. Do not lie. Do not mourn the unbeliever. “The lost lamb”. Break an oath and pay damage for it. To break any oat is a severe sin. Al-Taqiyya – Muslims’ lawful lie. Do not lie. To rob and steal may be “good and lawful”. Do not steal. To rob, steal and kill may be “good and lawful”. Do against others like you want others to do against you.”* To rape a female slave is “good and lawful”. So immoral that it is not even mentioned. Help others to gain merit in heaven. Help others because they need it – and gain merit in heaven. To give help to yout nearest family – wife, children – give as much merit in Heaven as helping outsiders. To help your nearest is a matter of course. The Bible mainly talks about helping others when it talks about giving help.
*A similar sentence existst also in Islam (in Hadiths), but it is so well hidden and forgotten and sleeping, that we never have heard it quoted even from Muslims trying to prove what a benevolent religion Islam is. (For those who do not know: Jesus said that if someone hit you on one cheek, turn the other
towards him = answer bad with good. And: Jesus said that a good shepherd would search for a lost lamb = to save a lost soul is very valuable, and there is reason to mourn the not saved ones.)
We know both religions have been misused – though with one serious difference: Christ has been misused in contradiction to his teaching, Islam very often because of and in accordance with the Quran’s often bloody teaching and lack of real moral. But these are some of the teachings – some of the fundaments. And it is worth repeating here that science has proved that the Bible is not falsified – a few mistakes, but no falsifications. This in spite of the Quran’s and Islam’s never documented claims of much falsification. Islam will have to show proofs for the claims if they wants to be believed –
proofs they have been unable to find in 1400 years. (We also remeing you that the only other alternative is that something is seriously wrong with the Quran and hence with Islam).Only Islam says it is the same god – and they are wrong, unless the god is mentally ill.
Similar claims in 2/139 -3/64 – 42/13.
00d 112/3: “He (Allah*) begetteth not – – -.” Well, if Allah should happen to be the same god as Yahweh all the same, Jesus many times called him “father” and many times said he was the son of Yahweh – and lots/most of those times it is clear it was meant in the real meaning. In the NT it is said at least 163 times that Yahweh was father of Jesus, and at least 66 times that Jesus was the son of Yahweh. It is said nothing about how the relationship started. If true, there are 3 possibilities:
1. The age-old and mostly forgotten story about a female counterpart of Yahweh – the Amat of Yahweh – in the very distant past of the Hebrew pre-history, is true. Then the “Amat” of Yahweh may be the mother of Jesus.
2. Yahweh may have created him. As it is said in both the Bible and even more in the Quran, the god only could say “be” and it was. May
be the god said “be a son” and Jesus was. 3. Also Jesus may have existed since eternity.
Similar claim in 6/101.
PART II, CHAPTER 1, Subchapter 3, Section 9 (= II-1-3-9)
**001 3/154: “Even if you had remained in your homes (instead of taking part in the battle of Uhud, where many were killed), those for whom the death was decreed would certainly have gone forth to the place of their death (= they had died anyhow*)”. Here we again have the predestination. You can as well do battle, because Allah has decided long time ago (actually 5 months before you were born according to Hadith) when you are to die. If your time is up, you will die no matter, even if you are lying in your bed. That means that to do battle is not dangerous, but you can win a lot of wealth – and slaves – and if you die in battle, you are sure to go to Paradise with its luxury life and willing houries (in addition to your wives), which you are not sure of if you die at home. The only intelligent thing to do is to fight for your prophet – or his successors.
Today it is easy to prove by statistics that this is very wrong – but Muhammad did not know about statistics (and a god had not even needed statistics to know it was stupidity). Actually Islam today back-pedals very much concerning predestination – telling f. ex. that the Quran does not mean real predestination (but not explaining what it “really” is). But the book is so clear, that it is impossible to explain it away – many places connected to statements that when your time is out, you will die anyhow, (and therefore you can as well go to war). See 3/154b).
002 6/28: “But if they (sinners*) were returned (from Hell to Earth*), they would certainly relapse to the things they were forbidden”. This is one of the places an intelligent man with lots of knowledge about people, like Muhammad had, knew he was lying – most persons having seen and experienced a Hell like the one described in the Quran, would do practically anything not to end up there again if they got a second chance.
003 28/84: “- – – the doers of evil are only punished (to the extent) of their deeds”. Flatly wrong. There is an abyss of injustice between what sins most sinners have committed, and the punishment they get in Hell.
00a 32/10: “- – – a Creation renewed?” Muhammad believed we are to be recreated bodily at the Day of Doom. He also argues that if Allah is able to create you from semen (and egg – though the egg cell was unknown to Muhammad and to the Quran) he is able to recreate you bodily after you have become dust and juices. May be – but there is a difference between to create the natural way, and to recreate against strong entropy (a word from physics that refers to caos) – the logic therefore is lacking.
004 33/16: “Running away will not profit you, if you are running away from death or slaughter; and even if (ye do escape) , no more than a brief (respite) will ye be allowed to enjoy”. Wrong. It is very easy to prove by means of statistics, that if you get away from a battle, your chances for being alive one year later, greatly improve. Any god had known – but Muhammad did not know statistics. (Actually the claim also is contra-intuitive and against common sense – he had to know this were lies even if he knew no statistics, but predestination was good propaganda for getting more warriors and more ferosious warriors). Also see 3/154 just below.
00b 37/16: “When we die, and become dust and bones, shall we (then) be raised up again – – -“. The Quran and Islam teaches that at the Day of Doom every human being is resurrected bodily – Allah gathers all the bone and dust and fluids you were made of and puts it back together in your earthly, old body, except rejuvenated if you died old (nothing is said about the age and maturity of resurrected babies and children) – to Hell if you lived a bad
life and to a Earth-like, but luxurious life in a 1 to 4 star Heaven if you have been good (and even better if you have been an outstanding Muslim) – and depending on how good and how much of a warrior you have been – during your life on Earth. Believe it who wants – and remember that in reality Allah decided everything you did on Earth according to the Quran and to Islam (a fact even Islam is unable to explain how fits the claims of the free will of man, and thus the justice of sending him to Hell if Allah has decided his (bad) acts on Earth.)
Similar claim in 50/3. **005 64/7: “The Unbelievers think that they will not be raised up (after this life*)”. Wrong. Islam wants to be a religion for the entire world, and most religions it met and meets have a second life. But what was difficult for the old Arabs to accept, was that Muhammad told that
not only your soul – or something similar – was to be resurrected, but your complete and exact body, except that you are to be resurrected as a young and good-looking person – there is said nothing about people born with mental or physical handicaps, or babies/children in this connection. (There is one inconsistence, though: 2-3 places the Quran tells that your women in Paradise will be of “suitable age” – 78/33. Why? – if everyone will be young and then of roughly the same age?) If bodily resurrection is believable or not, anyone will have to decide for himself or herself.
PART II, CHAPTER 1, Subchapter 3, Section 10 (= II-1-3-10)
1. The Islamic Universe.
2. Who created it? – and from what?
3. How was it created?
4. How many heavens exist?
5. How are the heavens formed? – and their
6. How is the quality of the construction?
7. What about the sun, moon, and stars?
8. How long did the creation take?
9. What will be the end of the physical heaven
(and Earth)?
1. The Islamic universe. According to the Quran the “everything” is like this: On top of all – above the 7. heaven Allah has his residence.
Seven heavens above the Earth – one on top of the other. The heavens are resting on the Earth by means of invisible pilars. In between them are the sun (?) and the moon. The sun is a flat disk (if not it cannot be folded up like it does at the Day of Doom. The 7 heavens contain Paradise – the higher heavens are for top Muslims. The lower heaven is for “normal good” Muslims – split in at least 4 gardens = 4 qualities. Under heavens, and fastened to the lowest one, are all the stars. Allah often uses stars as shooting stars to chase away bad spirits spying on Heaven. Under the heavens and stars are clouds – which Allah sometimes breaks to pieces (rain). Under that the birds are kept up there by the will of Allah only. On the Earth mountains are set down – or really dropped down. The reason why Allah has set down mountains on Earth is to stabilize it. According to Hadiths 2 of the rivers on Earth starts in Heaven – the Nile and Euprathes. On the Earth also all kinds of beings live – created from clay or something or nothing. Man – Adam – is cerated in 13 different ways if you count exactly and strictly. All this is existing or living on our flat Earth. There are 7 earths – according to Hadiths the others are under “our” Earth. According to Hadiths Islam knows the names of the 7 Earths. The lower the Earth the more Hell-like is the situation for its inhabitants, Hadiths tell. And at the bottom Hell (?) All this (possibly with the exception of Heaven and Hell) was created in 6 – or 8 – days. Just like your teacher of geograpy told you? And who created this nonsence?
2. Who created it? – and from what?
001 31/25: “If thou ask them who it is that created the heavens (plural and wrong once more) and the earth, they will certainly say, ‘Allah’”. Wrong. If they believe a god created this, they certainly will name their own god(s) – though in the old Arabia this might have been the polytheistic god al-Lah. (The likeness of the pronunciation of al-Lah and Allah hides the difference when spoken – just like when the Muslims use the word God instead of Allah
speaking to non-Muslims – it on the surface camouflages some of the fundamental differences there are between Allah and God/Yahweh for people with little knowledge.) It is very clear according to the Quran that the creator is Allah. You find that statement – but never a proof – at least in these verses: 10/3 – 11/7 – 21/30 – 21/32 – 23/17 – 25/59 – 30/22 – 32/4 – 35/1 – 39/5 – 41/11 – 41/12 – 50/38 – 51/47 – 79/28. 002 35/1: “- – – Allah, who created (out of nothing) the heavens (plural and wrong*) and the earth – – -”. In a way it is nearly correct that the heaven as we see it, is made of (nearly) nothing, as an optical illusion is made from photons (but Muhammad was very wrong all the same, as he/the Quran believed it was made from something material – if not the stars could not be fastened to one of the heavens). But the Earth definitely is not made from nothing – not even if one refers to Big Bang. We may add that the 7 heavens is a construction taken from old Greek and Persian wrong astronomy – they used 7 invisible but strong heavens to try to explain the celestial movements. A fact Muslims never mention.
3. How was it created?
**003 21/30: “Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens (plural and wrong) and the earth were joined together (as one unit of Creation), before We (Allah*) clove them asunder?” Heaven is an optical illusion – a fact that is well known today, but Muhammad did not know it – and an illusion cannot be “cloven asunder” from a material thing. We also have met Muslims saying that the theory of the Big Bang proves the Quran. But the Big Bang “clove something asunder” 13.7 billion years ago, whereas our sun (Helios or Sun*) is a 3. generation star, and it and the planets included Earth are just 4.6 billion years old (the latest numbers actually are 4.57 billion years). The differences in age, and far more the fact that our sun is 3. generation, (which means that the stuff the earth – and the sun – is made from, has been through two cycles of being fluid and mixed parts of (former) suns that became super novas (exploding stars) and were spread over large parts of cosmos where it mixed with remnants of other exploded super novas, and at last coalesce to make a new sun and planets) makes the Big Bang totally irrelevant in this connection – for all the previous 9 billion years the Earth and the sun and the planets just were scattered atoms, molecules and fragments in a celestial “mixer” – not an Earth, etc. that could be identified and could “be joined together” or “cloven asunder” with the sky. At least the professors at Al-Ahzar University know this because these are very well known facts, and it is dishonesty to try to cheat people by using this “argument” in “The Message of the Quran” – a book pretending to give, as seen from the Muslim point of view, correct information on and explanations of the Quran, certified by one of the highest authorities on the Quran in the Muslim world, the abovementioned university. Conclusions: According to the Quran Allah created a quantity of something like smoke, ordered the smoke to “come together”, and afterwards split that mass in 2 – the Earth (actually 7 Earths) in one part, and the heaven as we see it (but actually 7 material heavens according to the Quran – and Islam) in the other part. It should be unnecessary to mention that this has no similarity to what really happened. The Big Bang spread gas – nearly only hydrogen (H), but with traces of helium (He) in ionized and thus opaque form – and absolutely no smoke, because even micro particles did not exist yet, over vast realms.
After some 300000 – 380000 years the gas had cooled enough to be able to combine to molecules (mainly H2) that could condense to stars. The first stars tended strongly to be super giants because the gas in space was by far more tightly packed than today and thus easier to mop up to make big stars. In the stars H2 was transformed to different atoms up to iron by means of atomic reactions that releases the energy stars “live” from. But in super giants these reactions runs fast because of very high temperature and pressure.
Already after some 10 million years – or mor if they were smaller – they explode in supernovas. In the extreme conditions of those explosions the heavier stuff is created – and spewed out into the Universe. There it became parts of the gas clouds that over aeons condensed to new stars. The average size now was smaller, for natural reasons – the gas clouds were less dense. Because of somewhat smaller average size, the average “life” was somewhat longer. But even so a large percentage also of this 2. generation stars were big enough to go supernova sooner or later (often still pretty fast) – and then a new circle started. Gas clouds – that now contained a small percentage of other matter than H2 and He – condensed to even new stars. And here finally our star – Helios or Sun – fits in.
Our sun is a 3. generation star – and because of that there were enough heavy material to make “rock planets” like the Earth.But heaven and Earth never was smoke. The stars and the sun never made up one mass with a recognizable Earth (another fact that made that impossible: Earth was made 9.1 billion years and trillions of stars later than the universe). Not to mention that a recognizeable Earth and heaven/stars/etc never were one mass that was split apart leaving the Earth like we know it ready for life and living beings. The Quran and Muhammad could hardly have been more wrong even if they really had tried to.
004 41/11a: “- – – it (the sky) had been (as) smoke – – -)”. The sky according to Muhammad was something material (the stars were fastened to the lowermost heaven, f. ex.) and had to be made from something. But it is wrong. The sky as we see it, is just an optical illusion. Some Muslims discover the Big Bang and the cloudlike state after that, and in triumph present you for this “proof” of Islam’s being scientific and correct. But the Big Bang happened 13.7 billion years ago according to science. The cloudy state lasted for 300000 – 380000 years, but it was made from ionized gas (hydrogen and a little helium – they are opaque when ionized), not from smoke. And our sun and earth did not coalesce until nore than 9 billion years later – 4.57 billion years ago – and are on top of all 3. generation creations. The connection between the clouds (not smoke) after the Big Bang and Earth is highly feeble and has nothing to do with our sky. More logical but less frequently quoted, are the tales saying the sky was made from the cloud of dust and gas slowly coalescing into the sun, the planets, etc. But that material ended as the sun, the planets, etc. – an optical illusion like our sky is not made from
gas or dust or clouds. It is made from light only. See 41/11c below.
005 41/11b: “Come ye (Earth and sky*) together – – -”. Earth and sky never were separated in two or more parts that then could come together. (Islam tries to explain that what is meant is gas, mainly H2 – hydrogen. But hydrogen – or other gases – has nothing to do with smoke – any god had known. (Smoke = micro particles floating in gas – without the micro particles no smoke).
***006 41/11c: “He (Allah*) said to it (the sky) and the earth: ’Come ye together – – -’”. The sky as we see it by day is just an optical illusion that is a result of the refraction – bending – of light in the rarefied upper atmosphere – it is blue because blue light bends the least. It simply is physical laws at work – there is no question of “coming together” (and physically impossible). The night sky is another optical illusion – the day sky and the night sky are not even “made” in the same way. Here we see a “sky” because we are unable to see 3 dimensions at those distances. At night it is if possible even more wrong to talk about things coming together.Any god knew this. Muhammad believed in the local wrong astronomy. Who composed the Quran?
00a 51/47: “- – – it is We (Allah*) Who created the vastness of space.” Here is a point that should be controlled: According to one of our sources, the word that is used in Arab is “samaa” which is said to mean “sky”, whereas the Arab word for “universe” or “space” is said to be “al-kawn”. We have till now been unable to check this for sure, but mention it because such dishonesty tells so very much if it is true – and we find dishonesty too often in Islamic
media/books (though we had originally not expected it from a man like Yusuf Ali). 4. How many heavens exist? (The 7 heavens/skies/tracts/firmaments.)
*007 2/29: “- – – He gave order and perfection to the seven firmaments – – -”. Firmament is another word for the heaven we see it, though mostly used for the night sky. The Quran many places tells about the seven heavens or firmaments or tracts (the word “heavens” or similar is used in plural in the Quran at least 199 times) – there is no doubt that according to the Quran there are 7 (material) heavens. (Islam also “knows” who inhabit the different heavens –
Jesus in the 2. heaven, Joseph in 4., Aaron in 5., Moses in 6., and Abraham in the 7. heaven, and Allah above the 7. heaven, to mention some). There also is no doubt that the Quran believes the heavens are material – if not it was not possible to build it or to fix the stars to the lowermost heaven, like the Quran states several places. No god had believed this – but Muhammad did, as this was what one believed in the Middle East at the time of Muhammad. The seven heavens are taken from old Greek astronomy – or perhaps fromPersian astronomy, which also believed in 7 heavens (1 heaven for carrying the stars, 1 for each of the 4 known planers, and one each for the sun and the moon). Any god, but not Muhammad, would have known it was very wrong. Islam has several “explanations” concerning this very obvious mistake, but we have never seen or heard any Muslim mentioning even the possibility that Muhammad’s picture about astronomy could be explained by his believing in Greek or Persian astronomy.
008 4/131: “- – – heavens – – -“(plural, but the number not mentioned. NB: In Arab plural means at least 3, as Arab is among the languages that has a special form – dualis – when talking about two – but the word here refers to the 7 heavens Muhammad believed in). Even if the statement is repeated 2 times in the same verse like in this one, there still are no 7 material heavens (see 2/22). Any god had known, but Muhammad believed in the contemporary Greek and Persian astronomy – Muslims NEVER mention that 7 heavens was the astronomy of the area at the time of Muhammad, and neither does Islam. Everybody is free to wonder why.
009 10/6: “- – – heavens – – -” (the number not mentioned – see 4/131 above). This word is used in plural something like 190 times in the Quran. (The words “heavens”, “seven heavens“,”firmaments”, “seven tracts“, and “seven firmaments” are used altogether at least 199 times in plural – there is no doubt that the Quran believes in 7 heavens). The plural of the word refers to what was correct astronomy in the Middle East at the time of Muhammad: That the stars, the 4 known planets, the sun and the moon were fixed to 7 invisible, but strong heavens formed like hemispheres (actually the Greeks knew the Earth was a sphere, so then the heavens had to be spheres) over the Earth. The Arabs and many others got this picture of from Greek and from Persian astronomy. Muslims today of course know it is wrong, and are “explaining” the 7 heavens in different ways – from vague thoughts about space, to telling that it means something else as – they say – in old Arabia the number 7 also could mean “many” (as if that is more correct in this case than 7), and to referring to 7 layers in the atmosphere as the 7 heavens (without explaining how the stars were fixed to the lowermost of the heavens, or explaining how resurrected material humans can walk around on layers of the atmosphere – the Paradise is in the Heavens – like Islamic scriptures tell), etc. Strangely till now none of our group have met a single Muslim mentioning that 7 heavens were the correct astronomy at the time of Muhammad – may be they prefer not to mention that, because the logical next question then is: A god knew there were no 7 heavens, Muhammad believed there were. Then who made the Quran? You will find this reference to the 7 non-existing heavens at least in these verses: 2/22 – 29 – 107 – 144 – 164 – 255 x 2 – 284 – 3/5 – 29 – 83 – 3/109 – 128 – 132 – 180 – 189 – 190 – 191 – 4/126 – 131 x 2 – 132 – 170 – 171 – 5/17 – 40 – 97 – 120 – 6/1 – 3 – 12 – 14 – 73 – 75 – 79
– 101 – 7/54 – 158 – 185 – 187 – 9/36 – 116 – 10/3 – 6 – 18 – 55 – 66 – 68 – 10/1 – 3 – 11/7 – 107 – 108 – 123 – 12/101 – 105 – 13/2 – 15 – 16 – 18 – 14/2 – 10 – 19 – 24 – 32 – 48 – 15/16 – 85 – 16/3 – 49 – 52 – 73 – 77 – 17/95 – 99 – 102 – 18/14 – 26 – 51 – 19/65 – 93 – 20/4 – 6 –
21/4 – 16 – 19 – 22 – 30 – 32 – 104 – 22/18 – 56 – 64 – 23/71 – 24/6 – 35 – 41 – 42 – 25/2 – 6 – 59 – 26/24 – 27/25 – 60 – 65 – 87 – 29/44 – 52 – 61 – 30/8 – 18 – 22 – 27 – 66 – 31/10 -16 – 20 – 25 – 32/4 – 5 – 33/72 – 34/1 – 3 – 22 – 24 – 35/1 – 38 – 40 – 41 – 44 – 36/81 – 37/5 –
38/10 – 39/5 – 38 – 46 – 63 – 67 – 68 – 40/37 – 57 – 42/4 – 5 – 11 – 12 – 42 – 49 – 53 – 43/9 – 82 – 85 – 44/7 – 38 – 45/3 – 13 – 22 – 27 – 36 – 37 – 46/3 – 4 – 33 – 49/16 – 50/38 – 52/36 – 53/26 – 31 – 55/29 – 33 – 57/1 – 2 – 4 – 5 – 10 – 58/7 – 59/1 – 24 – 61/1 – 62/1 – 63/7- 64/1 – 3 – 4 – 78/19 – 37 – 85/9.
010 41/12: “He (Allah*) assigned to each heaven its duty and command”. How could he do that when there were no 7 heavens?
011 53/49: “- – – He (Allah) is the Lord of Sirius (the Mighty Star) – – -”. Sirius it not very mighty, even if it may look like that from Earth. It is a dwarf compared to stars like Betelgeuse, Aldebaran and millions more. And just a firecracker compared to the enormously potent Eta Carinae (borderline enormous and unstable for exploding, and expected to go supernova in the astronomically near future). Not to mention compared to the
real super giants.
***012 67/3: “He (Allah*) Who created the seven heavens one above another – – -”. It is hardly possible to state the Quran’s picture of our sky more accurately and clearly than this. Neither is possible to be much more wrong, especially when we add that according to the Quran the heavens are held up by invisible pillars, that the heavens are made from something material (if not you could not fasten the stars, etc. to them), that the stars are fixed
to the lowest heaven with the sun (?) and the moon between the heavens, and that the stars also double as shooting stars to chase away spying bad spirits – and everything kept up there by invisible pilars resting on Earth. Who composed the Quran – a god or someone not omniscient? Muhammad perhaps? (And 71/15 even confirms “one above the other”).
*013 78/12: “And have We (Allah*) built over you the seven firmaments – – -?” For something to be built, materials have to be used. One more confirmation for that the heavens are material. Muslims sometimes explains that 7 in old Arab was a synonym for “many” (and 70 for “very many“), and that the Quran consequently does not mean 7 but many. But honestly “many” is at least as wrong as “7”. And you will find mentioned 7 heavens,
firmaments or tracts in at least these verses: 2/29 – 17/44 – 23/17 – 23/86 – 41/12 – 65/12 – 67/3 -71/15 – 78/12. (Also see 10/6). 5. How are the heavens formed? – and its defence.
*014 2/22: “- – – and the heavens (plural and wrong*) your canopy – – -”. The heaven/sky is no canopy. The “heaven” we see at daytime, really is an illusion caused by the bending of light, and the “smooth” heaven we see at night, also is an illusion, caused by the fact that we are unable to see the third dimension up there because of the huge distances, and get the impression that the stars all are at the same distance from us. Any god had known this, but Mohammad not. Also see 67/3a, 67/3b, 67/5a, and 67/5b. Muslims tend to explain the heavens (plural and wrong) with space and stars and galaxies – but each time they then “forget” to explain how the stars are fastened to the lowermost of the 7 heavens the Quran tells exist, or how the stars are used as shooting stars. They also sometimes tell the 7 heavens = 7 layers in the atmosphere. No comments – but think about stars like Aldebaran – a giant
star – fixed to a layer in our atmosphere. A joke. The claim about canopies you at find least in 2/22 – 21/32 – 40/64 – 52/5 – 79/28. You will even find in 21/32 that it is well guarded – see below.
**015 13/2: “Allah is He Who raised the heavens (plural and wrong) without any pillars that ye can see: – – -”. A Muslim information organisation was ca. 2007 asked to explain this sentence. They replied not 100% politely, that anyone with an IQ of 60 or more had to understand that this meant that the pillars did not exist. The person that asked, replied that he knew the difference between non-existent and invisible – the meaning in the sentence above is
“invisible” – and asked them please to give him a real explanation. They never answered. There exist no pillars – visible or invisible. And actually the idea is ridicules, as there exists no material heaven that needs to be kept in position – the heaven we see is just an optical illusion. Any god – even small ones – would know this, but Muhammad naturally not. Then who made the Quran? Besides no man or animal or bird has ever banged into such an invisible pillar – and no plane collided with one. Also see 31/10a in the full list.
016 15/17: “- – – We (Allah*) have guarded them (the Zodiacal Signs*) from every evil spirit accursed: – – -” According to the Quran, the stars – included the Zodiacal signs – are fastenedto the lowermost of 7 (material – they have to be if the stars can be fastened to one of them) heavens. But jinns/bad spirits wanted to spy on the heavens, and had to be chased away by stars used as shooting stars. And then the Zodiacal signs were guarded at the same time. According to science this is utter nonsense to at least the fifth power. Any god had known – even baby ones – but Muhammad not. Then who made the Quran with all its mistaken facts, etc.?
**017 21/32: “And We (Allah*) have made the heavens (plural and wrong*) as a canopy well guarded – – -”. Muhammad was unable to see the difference between stars and shooting stars. In the Quran it is told that the shooting stars (mistaken for being ordinary stars) are “arrows” used to chase away bad spirits or jinns (beings “borrowed” from old Arab folklore) wanting to spy on Heaven. Any child today knows the difference between a real star and a shooting star, and also what would happen on and to the Earth if shooting stars were real stars. Even a baby dwarf god had known this – but Muhammad not, as it is modern knowledge. The pertinent or impertinent question: Who then composed the Quran?
***018 37/6+7: “We (Allah*) have decked the lower heaven with beauty (in) the stars – (For beauty) and for guard against all obstinate rebellious evil spirits.” See first 37/6. Then: The Quran does not know the difference between a star and a shooting star, and tells that the stars are used for chasing away evil spirits that wants to spy or listen to what is said in Heaven. The shooting stars are used as weapons in such cases. It should not be necessary to say that this is wrong at least to the 25th od 30th order = the difference between the mass of a star and of a shooting star. Also see verse 8. That the lowest heaven is guarded belongs only in fairy tales. Any god had known – then who made the Quran?
***019 67/5: “- – – and We (Allah*) have made such (lamps (stars*) as) missiles to drive away the Evil Ones – – -”. Well, well. Any secondary school child able to see that the entry from the same verse 67/5a were wrong, would laugh from this: Stars fastened to the lowest heaven and then doubling as shooting stars to drive away bad spirits! Today it is clear such “informations” only belongs in fairy tales. Also see 67/3 and 67/5a. Who made the Quran?No further comments – except that you find similar in 15/17-18 – 37/10 – 72/8 6. How is the quality of the constructions? (May be parts will fall down?)
00b 22/65: Has Muhammad Ali made an “al-Taqiyya” (lawful lie) here? He says that Allah “withholds the sky (rain) from falling on the earth”. But according to “The Message of the Quran” the Arab text says that Allah withholds the heaven from falling down on Earth. Quite a scientific mistake in case. And also a dishonesty from A. Yusuf Ali in case.
*020 32/23: “He (Allah*) Who has made everything which He has created most Good – – -”. Wrong. Far from everything is made most good. To take humans: We could do with seeing a bit more of the electromagnetic spectre, we could do with a body able to produce more vitamins, we could do with better resistance against illnesses, we could do with a body stronger for wear and tear, we could do with stronger bones and other body parts, we could do a lot better with auto regeneration of lost body parts, and lots and lots of more that could have been better and closer to what is “most Good”. Also see 67/3b in the “complete” list of mistakes.
021 34/9: “- – – We (Allah*) could cause a piece of the sky to fall upon them.” The sky as we see it is an optical illusion (Muhammad believed it was something material to which the stars were fastened). How can a piece of an optical illusion – a mirage so to say – fall down upon
someone? Muslims tend to “explain” this with that the Quran talks about a shooting star or similar. But the book other places talks about such falling stars, and even though it believes it to be ordinary stars, it very clearly knows the difference between this and the sky. There is no
doubt it is talking about a piece of the sky itself. Also see 17/92 – 52/44. **022 50/6: “- – – and there are no flaws in it (the sky*) – – -”. The sky is two different optical illusions – by day one made by bending of sunlight, and by night by our inability to see the 3 dimensions at long distance:
1. As the sunlight by day hits the entire atmosphere and bends light all over, flaws are not there. (There really are no flaws, but shimmering because of temperature differences in the atmosphere is easy to see when you use a telescope – and by night often the flickering of stars). Once more a natural occurrence the Quran says is because of Allah, without any proof. Another loose statement. Yes, how can there be flaws in optical illusions?
2. At night we see deep into the vacuum of space. There are no flaws in vacuum. And physically speaking: How can there be visible
flaws in vacuum?. Once more: A loose statement without real value – except for cheaters and deceivers. Any priest in any religion can say just the same about his god(s). Words are that cheap.
7. What about sun, moon and stars?
*023 2/189: “They (the new moons*) are but signs to mark fixed periods of time in (the affairs of) men, – – -”. Wrong – the new moons simply is a natural phenomenon that man often uses to calculate time. But it is not made for that purpose. If Islam insists on that, they will have to prove it.
024 6/96: “He makes – – – the sun and the moon for the reckoning (of time)”. Wrong. They – and especially the sun – are natural phenomena that are essential to life on Earth (the moon may have been essential to the emergence of life, at least on dry land). It so happens that they are ok for reckoning time, but they are not made for it. (Actually they hardly are made even especially for sustaining life on Earth.)
025 31/29: “Seest thou not – – – that He (Allah*) has subjected the sun and the moon (to His Law), each running its course – – -.” Wrong. Relative to the Earth the sun is fixed and it is the Earth that is moving. (“Explanation” from some Muslims: We drop the fact that it here is talk about the relative movements between the Earth and the sun – obvious partly because it is talk about movement relative to the observer on Earth, and obvious from the fact that is talk about the movements of both the sun and the moon – and we drop the fact that the verse started with “Seest thou not – – -“, and find the obvious meaning in occurences that man of that time simply could not see: Muhammad told about the sun’s course around the galaxy, once every
225 million years (new numbers from 2009 indicate that the stars are moving somewhat faster and hence that this number is a bit lower).
Well, it could have been obvious, if they had explained why they settled for just that movement – because the galaxy is moving around in the Local Group (a small cluster of galaxies), which again is mowing around in our local Super Group (cluster of a couple of thousands galaxies), which again is mowing towards some enormous centre of gravity called The Great Attractor – – – which again may be on its way somewhere. (Muhammad clearly had not the faintest idea about the real connections between Earth, moon and sun – any god had known everything exactly. And Muslims are eager finding “explanations” so they do not have to see the mistakes.) Also see 33/29ab – 36/40 – 39/5 – 39/38 – 91/2 Are they just cherry picking the arguments they like and that seemingly is usable, no matter whether it really fits or not? Well, it would not be the first time.
00b 36/38: The normal translation of 36/38 (Arab: “li-mustaqarrin laha”) is (translated from Swedish): “And the sun runs to its place of rest” which is way out wrong. But as the old Arab written language far from was exact, Muhammad Ali’s transcription is a possible, if less likely one – as is “(to) the end point for the course which it follows” and – inserting other vowels among the written consonants (in old Arab only the consonants were written) and getting the expression “la mustaqrra laha” – “it runs its course without resting” (Abd Allah ibn Mas’ud/Zamakhshari). Or “The sun runs its course to a certain extent, then it stops” (Baydawi: “The Lights of Revelation” p.585). No matter which translation you choose here it is wrong.
026 36/39: “- – – till she (the Moon*) returns like the old (and withered) lower part of a datestalk (that takes a crescent form*)”. Wrong. The moon does not become a crescent – it only looks like that, and even Mohammad could have seen that, if he had been observant: Within the circle indicated by the crescent, and that in reality is covered by the moon, you never see a star. Any god had known this. Muhammad obviously not. Who made the Quran? Actually the moon does not mean much – according to the Quran it is mainly meant for reckoning time – and the sun, too, partly (see 2/189 above).
***027 67/5: “And We (Allah*) have (from of old), adorned the lowest heaven with Lamps (Stars*) – – -”. The Quran’s picture of cosmos is taken from Greek and/or Persian astronomy, and as any secondary school child not blinded by religious indoctrination can see; it is much wrong. For one thing the heavens have to be made from something material to make possible fixing the stars to one of them. Besides: From Greek etc. astronomy we know that the planets, stars, sun and moon were fixed to different heavens.
As the stars according to the Quran is fixed to the lowest, they have to be lover than the moon – this also is confirmed by the fact that the Quran places the moon between heavens. But what happens if you try to place say Betelgeuse or even Helios – our sun – below Luna – our moon? Answer not necessary. Except: Who made rhe Quran? Further: Our rockets cannot go too high – they willcollide with the material heavens!!! Muhammad said the Quran is perfect and without mistakes or flaws.
The Quran says the Quran is perfect and without mistakes or flaws. Islam says the Quran is perfect and without mistakes or flaws. Muslims say the Quran is perfect and without mistakes or flaws. All of them says the Quran is perfect and without mistakes or flaws because Allah sent down the copy of a book he had made or which had existed forever – a book which is the revered “Mother Book” (13/39 – 43/4) in the heaven of Allah – and an omniscient god can neither make mistakes nor revere texts containing lots of mistakes, flaws and hallmarks of cheats and deceivers. Also see 67/3 and 67/5b just below.
028 71/16: “And made the moon a lamp in their (the heavens’) midst – – -.” The moon is not in the midst of the 7 heavens (= somewhere among the stars or actually above them, as the stars are fastenend to the lowest heaven) of Muhammad. Any even baby god had known, Muhammad not. Who made the Quran?
**029 76/13: “- – – (the moon’s) excessive cold.” The moon often is up at night. Clear nights – when you can see the moon – often are very cold in deserts like in Arabia. But the cold is not because of the moon – that is just a coincidence. It is cold because Earth radiates more of its heath to space when the sky is clear – something Muhammad could not know, but any god had known it. Who composed the Quran?
8. How long time did the creation take?
030 11/7: “He (Allah*) it is Who created the heavens (plural and wrong) and the earth in six days”. Once more: It took a lot of more time. And any god knows that – but Muhammad did not. (Muslims sometimes say that the Arab word for day, also may mean aeon, but as we have found this translation of the word in no quality book or heard it from any educated person, this seems to be an obvious try to explain this blunder away). Also see 41/9-12 below and the mega mistakes.
That it took 6 days, is mentioned at lest in 10/3 – 11/7 – 25/59 – 32/4 – 50/38 – 57/4. But:
***031 41/9-12: “(Allah*) created the earth in two Days – – -. He set on the (earth) mountains standing firm high above it, and bestowed blessings on the earth, and measured therein all things to give them (living entities*) nourishment in due proportions, in four Days – – – (and*) So he completed them (the sky*) as seven firmaments, in two Days – – -”. This makes 8 days – very inconsistent and very wrong compared to what the Quran normally says: 6 days. (Not tmention the 13.7 billion years science has found out – or 4.57 billion years for Earth – or hundreds of millions of years till it got the first primitive life). One more contradiction. We have been told we have to be very stupid who does not understand that the two first days are included in the next four. We admit that is the only way Islam can try to “explain” this away – but that very clearly is not what the text says. (“The Message of the Quran has “doctored” the Quran a little (at least in the Swedish translation) to make the “explanation” not quite so dumb – but only “not quite so”, as Yusuf Ali’s translation is very clear). That means that everything was made in 6 or 8 days – a small intern contradiction. But nothing compared with the contradiction reality makes: 13.7 billion years. 9. And what will be the end of the physical heaven?
032 73/18: “- – – the sky will be cleft asunder – – -.” How can vacuum be cleft asunder? (Also see 69/16 – 76/9 – 82/1 – 84/1.)
**033 75/8+9: “(The day when*) the moon is buried in darkness, And the sun and the moon are joined together – – -”. This is physically impossible the first some 5 billion years. And the day it may become possible, the Paradise as described in the Quran is not longer possible.Because – and not least: That day the moon will not be buried in darkness, but in intense light – and a Day of Doom and Paradise like described in the Quran will be impossible. Because that day both the Earth and the moon are buried inside the sun – if that happens (science is not quite sure the sun will balloon enough). But in any case the hugely swollen sun will make any place inside Jupiter too hot for a paradise on Earth or in the heaven over/around Earth – the Quran places Paradise there under a benign and everlasting sun. Also everlasting will be impossible and wrong, because science tells that in some 5 billion years the Earth either is inside the giant swollen, red (not yellow any more) sun, and sporting ca. 3000 centigrades, or just above the then giant star and with a temperature on the Earth of some 2ooo+ degrees centigrade – hotter than in the flames of the Muslim Hell.
034 78/1: “And the heavens (plural and wrong*) shall be opened as if there were doors – – -”. There is nothing to open in open space.
035 81/2: “When (at the Last Day*) the stars (here it is talk about the real stars, not shooting stars*) fall (on Earth*), loosing their lustre – – -”. The stars cannot fall on earth – never according to science. Theoretically Earth can fall into the sun – and may do so in 5 billion years time – but not visa versa (it will be the Earth that moves, not the sun). And “loosingtheir lustre”? – it takes millions and billions of years for a star/sun to cool so much that it
stops radiating light.
036 81/1+ 4 + 5: “When the sun (with its spacious light) is folded up (Muhammad seems to believe the sun is a flat disk that can be folded up) – – – the she-camels, 10 months with young, are left untended (and*) When the wild beasts are herded together (in human habitations) – – – ”. In some 5 billion years the sun will become a red giant, according to science. The Earth will either be swallowed by it or circle just above its surface. If Earth survives, it will then have a surface temperature of some 2000+ C – and all camels, wild beasts and humans will be gone billions of years before, and the Earth will only be dry cinder. From then it will take many billions of years before the sun becomes dark (it will schrink to become a white dwarf and keep shining). Very wrong time factor. Any god had known.
PART II, CHAPTER 1, Subchapter 3, Section 11 (= II-1-3-11)
1. The Islamic universe.
According to the Quran the “everything” is like this: On top of all – above the 7. heaven Allah has his residence. Seven heavens above the Earth – one on top of the other. The heavens are resting on the Earth by means of invisible pilars. In between the heavens are the sun (?) and the moon. The sun is a flat disk (if not it cannot be folded up like it does at the Day of Doom. The 7 heavens contain Paradise – the higher heavens are for top Muslims. The lower heaven is for “normal good” Muslims – split in at least 4 gardens = 4 qualities. Under heavens, and fastened to the lowest one, are all the stars.
Allah often uses stars as shooting stars to chase away bad spirits spying on Heaven. Under the heavens and stars are clouds – which Allah sometimes breaks to pieces (rain). Under that the birds are kept up there by the will of Allah only. On the Earth mountains are set down – or really dropped down.
The reason why Allah has set down mountains on Earth is to stabilize it. According to Hadiths 2 of the rivers on Earth starts in Heaven – the Nile and Euprathes. On the Earth also all kinds of beings live – created from clay or something or nothing. Man – Adam – is cerated in 13 different ways if you count exactly and strictly. All this is existing or living on our flat Earth. There are 7 earths – according to Hadiths the others are under “our” Earth.
According to Hadiths Islam knows the names of the 7 earths. The lower the earth the more Hell-like is the situation for its inhabitants, Hadiths tell.
And at the bottom Hell (?) All this (possibly with the exception of Paradise and Hell) was created in 6 – or 8 – days.
Just like your teacher of geograpy told you? And who created this nonsence? This following chapter is about the Earth:
2. The creation of the Earth:
Earth was – according to the Quran – created together with the heavens from something like smoke that Allah ordered to come together to one mass and then he split asunder. One part became our flat Earth (or really “earths” as there are 7 (65/12) – one on top of the other according to Hadiths) and the other became heaven, or actually the 7 material heavens that lies above Earth. (For more about this, see the previous chapter – about the creation of
***001 41/9-12: “(Allah*) created the earth in two Days – – -. He set on the (earth) mountains standing firm high above it – – -.” See 21/31 above.
***001 41/9-12: “(Allah*) created the earth in two Days – – -. He set on the (earth) mountains standing firm high above it, and bestowed blessings on the earth, and measured therein all things to give them (living beings*) nourishment in due proportions, in four Days – – – (and*) So he completed them (the sky*) as seven firmaments, in two Days – – -”. This makes 8 days – very inconsistent and very wrong compared to what the Quran which all other places says: 6 days. (Not to mention the 4.57 billion years science has found out). One more contradiction. We have been told we have to be very stupid who do not understand that the two first days are included in the next four. We admit that this is the only way Islam can try to “explain” this away – but this very clearly is not what the text says. (“The Message of the Quran” has “doctored” the Quran a little (at least in the Swedish translation) to make the “explanation” not quite so dumb – but only “not quite so”, as Yusuf Ali’s translation is very clear).
*002 13/3: “And it is He (Allah*) Who spread out the earth, – – -”. Similare things are said several places in the Quran – the earth is flat and spread out. It may be round or roundish, but like a pancake, not like a sphere. That was the geography of the Arabs at the time of Muhammad – though it hardly was the geography of any god. The shape of the Earth is not clearly expressed in the Quran – it was so obvious that it was flat, that it was no reason mentioning it. But each and every thing Earth is compared to, is to something flat – and science is not the slightest in doubt about that Muhammad’s Earth was flat. Muslim scholars tend to avoid the theme or to “explain” it in some way. (There is one translator to English that says “egg-shaped” – but it is a wrong translation (it talks about a nest of the ostrich on the flat ground, and the translator instead has “chosen” to talk about the egg in it). All the same he often is quoted by Muslims – some may honestly want to believe it, others know they are using “al-Taqiyya” – the lawful lie – that is an integrated part of Islam (but of none other of the big religions)). Also see 15/19 – 20/53 – 43/10 – 50/7 – 51/48 – 55/10 – 71/19 – 78/6 – 79/30 – 88/20 -91/6 which all compare Earth to something flat.
003 65/12: “Allah is He Who created seven Firmaments (wrong*) and of the earth a similar number”. Hadiths asy “one above The other”. According to Muhammad ibn ‘Abd Allah alKisa’i the last part means 7 layers down in the Earth according to one “explanation”. But what the Quran really says is that there are 7 Earths – 7 flat Earths. No matter if you believe the Quran/Hadith or one of the “explanations” for this somewhat special geology/astronomy, the names of the “Earths” from top and down are:
1. Ramaka,
2. Khalada,
3. Arqa,
4. Haraba,
5. Maltham,
6. Sijjin,
7. Ajiba.
According to Al-Bukhari they are placed one above the other – easy as the Quran tells Earth is/are flat. The lower down, the more devilish life on the respective layer – and if you are a big enough sinner, you can fall down through them all at the Day of Doom. It is not necessary to say it is all rubbish.
Also see 2/131 – 7/61 – 7/67 – 7/104 – 7/121 – 10/3 – 26/16 – 26/23 – 26/47 – 26/77 – 26/98 – 26/109 – 26/127 – 26/145 – 27/8 – 27/44 – 32/2 – 37/87 – 38/87 – 39/74 – 41/9 – 43/46 – 45/36 – 56/80 – 59/16 – 68/52 – 69/43 – 81/27 – 81/29 – 83/6 and many more. All these places mention “the worlds” in plural – “Lord of the Worlds (Allah*)” – and reference to the 7 worlds. But beware of a stumbling stone here: The Quran also in 1 – 2 cases uses the
expression “the Worlds” in another connection – Muslim scholars believe it in that or those couple of cases refers to “man and Jinn” or “man and woman”. In western languages it is not possible to see the difference, because our nouns only have singular and plural. But in Arab (and some other languages) it is different: They have singular, dualis (= 2), and plural. We are informed that in all such cases where the original Arab text has plural, it refers to the 7 nonexisting Earths (well, one exists, even though it is not flat). But if the Arab text any place has the noun “Worlds” in dualis, it just that place is referring to something else – like “man and jinn”.
004 21/31a: “And We (Allah*) have set on the earth mountains – – -”. The mountains are not “set on” the Earth – they have without exception “grown up”, no matter whether they are a result of tectonic or volcanic activity (the only 2 ways to make mountains). Any god knew this, but Muhammad not. Does this indicate who the real composer of the Quran is? We may add that we are informed that the actual verb that is used in the original Arab text do not really mean “set down” but “drop down” and is the same verb that is used when one is dropping an anchor. Mountains definitely are not dropped down.Also see 31/10 and 41/9-12.
*005 21/31b: “And We (Allah*) have set on the earth mountains standing firm, lest it should shake with them – – -”. Some experts on Islam and the Quran say this refers to that the disk that is the Earth (in the Quran the Earth is flat, but perhaps a round disk) might shake and become unstable, and because of this may slip away or tip around and drop everything – included humanity – off the Earth. We refer to some Muslim scholars: Jalalan, (p. 437), Baydawi (p. 686), Tabari (p.589), and Zamakhshari (part 4, p. 381): They all tell that “if it was not for these unshakeable (!!*) mountains, the earth would slip away.”(!!!*) And Jalalan, Baydawi, and Zamakhshari all say that “- – – He (Allah*) placed unshakeable mountains (not more so then that they shake during
earthquakes*) on Earth lest it tilts with people.” This obviously is what the Quran really meant, and this even more obviously was the meaning Muhammad told his followers, as it is what the learned Muslim scholars were sure was the truth.
But this “truth” is so ridiculous, that let us go on to the alternative explanation – the one that is in vogue in Islam now that they know the original “truth” was wrong: That the mountains hinder earth-quakes. That is not correct. Well, it is so far from the truth, that it is not even wrong – it is sometimes
the opposite of the truth:
1. According to heavyweights like “New Scientist” and “Nature” mountains sometimes can CAUSE earthquakes: Variations in the amount of water (= weight) in big mountain lakes, dams, or glaciers sometimes causes minor and medium earthquakes. The same go for heavy snow-falls in the mountains sometimes. Also when snow falls in the mountains, but no or little snow lower down (there it falls as rain that runs away) and of course nothing on the bottom of the sea, the changed weight equilibrium may cause earthquakes (there are more earthquakes in the north during winter than during summer).
2. It is well known today that mountains are made because of tectonic activity (that always causes earthquakes – though sometimes too feeble for human so feel) or volcanic activity that often causes earthquakes. Those are the only two ways by which mountains are made. That means that mountains in reality are made by earthquakes (or actually by the same mechanisms that make most earthquakes), it does not hinder such quakes. Any god had known this, but Muhammad not – this is new knowledge for humans. Then who composed the Quran?
3. Also volcanism is closely connected to earth quakes. Volcanism also in many cases is connected to tectonic activity – there thus are connections between the two mechanisms for mountain building – and for earthquakes. Techtonic activity makes it easier for lava to break through to the suraface – as seenin “the Ring of Fire” around the Pasific. Also see 15/19 – 16/15 – 31/10 – 41/10
*005 21/31c: “And We (Allah*) have set on the earth mountains standing firm, lest it should shake with them – – -”. The Quran indicates that the mountains are so big (compared to the Earth) that they are able to stabilize Earth. But compared to Earth mountains only are miniscule warths and hardly even that. Any god had known – Muhammad not. Who composed the Quran?
Details about the creation of Earth and of making it habitable:
006 78/7: “(Allah made*) the mountains as pegs – – -“. Some Muslims say: Hip, hurray – here is a proof for Muhammad and the Quran: The science talks about the “roots” of the mountains – the mountains are like pegs! How could Muhammad know?!” But mountain “roots” are not like pegs, but like bulges or distorted sheets (as mountains and mountain chains often are long and narrow – look at the Rocky Mountains – Andes chain) or as distorted hemisphere.
There exist deep pegs – or really sheets – pointing far down into the mantel (melted stone), but not in connection to mountains or mountain ranges really, though they may co-exist: They exist some places where large pieces of the Earth’s crust – tectonic plates – are forced downwards because of movements of the crust (tectonic movement). But that has nothing to do with mountains (even though mountains may be secondary results of the movement) – it is something entirely different.
*007 21/31c: “- – – and We (Allah) have made therein (in the mountains*) broad highways (between the mountains) – – -”. We honestly did not know Allah – or any other god – built highways. And here we could make a cheap joke (tell your congress-men (or similar) to ask Allah build your roads, instead of spending all that tax money on it). But we refrain from it. Well, it would be possible for Muhammad to say – true or not true – that Allah showed the
first travellers where to travel. But in no case Allah built the roads – or highways. Unless Islam really proves he did – but Islam never proves, they only tell or state or claim, even though they demand proofs from everyone else. Or they say it is said so in the Quran, and that proves it. But a book with that many mistakes has little value as a proof – and besides it is logically impossible to use the Quran to prove the Quran, as circular proofs are without value.
008 27/61: “(Allah*) made rivers in its (the Earth’s) midst – – -”. Wrong. The Quran believed the Earth was flat, and then there is a midst. But the Earth is a sphere, and the surface of a sphere has no midst.
009 39/5: “He (Allah*) created the heavens (plural and wrong) and the earth in true (proportions)”. The Earth is flat – like a disk – in the Quran. And 7 heavens. Wrong. And just not “in true proportions”.
00a 55/17: “He (Allah*) is the Lord of the two Easts and the two Wests.” This cryptic sentence means the northmost and the southmost point of the sun during a year (the equinoxes) – in east and west. (We mention this because some Muslims try to find ways to use this sentence to “prove” that the Quran says the Earth is globular.)
011 18/90: “- – – he came to the rising of the sun – – -”. It is not physically possible to come to the place where the sun rises from the Earth as the Quran indicates, because it does not rise from the Earth – and if it had, both Alexander (this part of surah 18 is about Alexander the Great) and the Earth had been rather fried. Also see 18/86a, b, and c.
012 16/48b: “- – – Allah’s creations, (even) among (inanimate) things – how their very shadows turn round, from right to left – – -“. Wrong: This is not a general law – it only is true on the northern hemisphere. On the southern it is from left to right – and Islam pretends to be a universal religion. Even a mentally retarded god had known this – but Muhammad of course not. Who made the Quran?
*013 30/48: “- – – then does He (Allah*) spread them (the clouds*) in the sky as he wills, and break them into fragments, until thou seest raindrops issue from the midst thereof – – -”. It is not possible to get it more wrong than this. What happens is not that the clouds break apart to raindrops, but straight opposite: That droplets come together to form drops. No further comments. But ANY god had known better. Also see 16/65 – 25/49 – 30/24 – 36/33 – 50/11.
014 16/65a: “And Allah sends down rain from the skies, and gives therewith life to the earth after its death: – – -”. If rain is all it takes to make the earth flourish, it was not dead before the shower – there was lots of live seeds and may be roots.
015 16/65b: “And Allah sends down rain from the skies, and gives therewith life to the earth after its death: verily in this is a Sign for those who listen.” See 16/65a just above. It is some sign to use an invalid proof. The Quran often talks about Signs that shall document or prove Allah. The sorry thing is that each and every one of them, with the possible exception of some taken from the Bible, are without any value as proof for a god, and not one single proves anything about the existence of Allah. The two most frequent reasons are that they in reality are just statements taken from thin air, or they build on statements that are not proved. See separate chapter about this.
016 29/63: “And if indeed thou ask them (non-Muslims*) who it is that sends down rain from the sky – – – they will certainly reply,’ Allah’”. Wrong. If they at all had mentioned a god, they had mentioned their own god – or the one of them that has to do with rain.
00b 22/65: Has Muhammad Ali made an “al-Taqiyya” (lawful lie) here? He says that Allah “withholds the sky (rain) from falling on the earth”. But according to “The Message of the Quran” the Arab text says that Allah withholds the heaven from falling down on Earth. Quite a scientific mistake in case. And also a dishonesty from Yusuf Ali in case if he changed the meaning from “the sky” to “rain”.
017 56/70: “- – – We (Allah*) could make it (all rain*) salt – – -”. Not without changing both natural and physical laws. Salt simply does not evaporate, and then as simply cannot rain down. If Islam insists it is true, they will have to prove it – words are cheap. (There is one extra comment here though: Droplets blown up from the sea may dry before they reach the sea again, and micro particles of salt may drift in the wind. But this effect is too small to give salty rain in any quantity.)
018 11/44: “O, earth swallow up thy water – – -“. This is from the big flood of Noah. For Earth to swallow that much water is physically impossible. If the flood was local like some Muslims like to tell, the water could go to the sea. But the fact that the Quran tells the ark ended at Mt. al-Judi (earlier Mt. Qardu according to Muhammad Asad: “The Message of the Quran”) in Syria, indicates that it was something really big – the water cannot reach high up on a tall mountain in Syria, unless the water level is roughly the same all over the world. It was and is impossible for Earth to swallow that amount of water.
019 31/29: “- – – Allah merges Night into Day and He merges Day into Night – – -.” This is one of the many natural phenomena Muhammad hijacked without any proof or documentation. It is totally void of any value as a proof for Allah unless it is proved that it really is Allah that spins the Earth in the light from the sun – the real reason for the alternation of day and night. Without such proofs, this just is another number of cheap, valueless words
that anyone can use free of charge for his own god or gods. Also see 3/27 – 24/44 -25/62 – 31/29 – 35/12 – 39/5 – 40/61 – 41/37 – 45/5 57/6.
020 36/4c: “- – – each (night and day*) swims along in (its own) orbit (according to Law).” Wrong. Night and day are constants – they just seem to move because Earth revolves in the sunshine. Any physicist will laugh from this – night has a fixed position determined by the sun, and only seems to move because of the spin of the Earth. It has not the faintest similarity to an orbit. Any god knows this. It is a nice extra touch to add that they swim along in orbits “according to Law”.
021 91/4: “By the Night as it conceals it (the sun*)”. The night does not conceal the sun – there is night because the Earth makes a shade. It is 180 degrees different from what Muhammad told: There is night not because the night conceals the sun, but because Earth does so. Any god knew that. Besides: The night simply is lack of sunlight – it is physically impossible for the night to conceal the sun. Any god had known that, too. Then who made the Quran? Also see 7/54 – 13/3 – 92/1.
**022 45/5: “And the alternation of the Night and Day – – – are Signs for those who are wise”. Not unless Islam proves it is Allah who alternates night and day. They may say that Allah made the physical laws – but then they will have to prove that – – – “strong claims demand strong proofs and words are cheap”. And of course they will have to compete with all other religions trying to say and do the same, with the same cheap words. Words are cheap as long as you do not have to prove them – and very little in the Quran is proved. ***In Islam the educated ones in reality knows nothing is proved (for humans to prove a god is impossible – only a god can do that, and Allah never proved anything, and Muhammad only gave fast-talk, in spite of serious requests). The defence is that “any intelligent person can see from the texts in the Quran that they have to be sent down by an omniscient god” (!!). All the mistakes and all the invalid “proofs” etc. disapprove this. The second line of defence is that it is “primitive” thinking to have to rely on proofs!!! ( in “The Message of the Quran” that on top of all is “certified” by a top university – Al-Ahzar in Cairo). The reality is the 180- degree opposite: It is primitive – and naïve – thinking to accept so – and so often – obviously wrong and unlikely statements without some sorts of proofs.
**023 36/40: “- – – nor can the Night outstrip (be longer than*) the Day – – -”. Wrong. At high latitudes the night always are longer than the days in winter.A little past the Arctic Circles (a little past because of refraction – bending of light in the atmosphere) the night even lasts 24 hours a day for a shorter or longer time each year – for how long depends on the latitude. The Quran has a strong tendency to pick natural phenomena and tell they prove or are signs for Allah, without first proving that Allah really is the reason for them. For one thing such “proofs” are entirely invalid as they only rests on unproven claims. For another: It each time comes to our minds that (trying) to use invalid statements and “proofs” is a hallmark for cheats and swindlers. And for an ironic third: Sometimes the “proofs” even turns out to be really laughingly wrong – in a book claiming to come from an omniscient god.
00c 6/96: “He (Allah*) makes the night for rest and tranquillity – – -“. One more natural phenomenon (see 36/40b just above) that Muhammad claimed for his god – and as always without a single proof. But the main thing just here is that sleep is not a prerequisite for life – on the contrary sleep is an adoptions made by life to the fact that it is dark parts of the time. Simply wrong.
024 32/7: “He (Allah*) Who made everything which He created most Good – – -“. Wrong. We could have had better resistance concerning illnesses, our bodies could have been able to make more of the vitamins themselves, our brain could have been better ability to think about 2-3 things at a time, or learning more easily – just to mention a few points. Good, but far from most good.
PART II, CHAPTER 1, Subchapter 3, Section 12 (= II-1-3-12)
*001 3/59: “He (Allah*) created him (Adam*) from dust, – – -”. The Quran tells about many ways man was created – 13 different if you are strict, 5 – 7 if you are less strict. Only 1 can be true, as man (Adam) was created only once. Actually all of them are wrong as manm developped from earlier primates.
Some Muslims take pride in that archaeologists has found that the human race has passed through so-called bottlenecks, and that all may have one “mother” in common – the archaeological Eve – and one common “father” – the less known archaeological Adam. What not a single of them has ever mentioned as far as we have heard, is the fact that this “Eve” lived some 160000 to 200000 years ago, whereas the corresponding “Adam” lived much later – may be as late as 60000 years ago, Eve in Africa, Adam most likely in Asia (perhaps near the Caspian Sea). (And once more; actually the Adam from the Bible and the Quran most likely never existed – man developed from a primate, he was not created into sudden existence). See also 6/2.
***002 6/2: “He (Allah*) it is Who created you from clay, – – -”. This is one of the many ways man (Adam) was created according to the Quran – even if Adam was created only once, according to that book. He was created in these ways:
a. From clay: 6/2 7/12 17/61 32/7 38/71 38/76.
b. From sounding clay: 15/26 15/28 15/33.
c. From ringing clay: 55/64
d. From sticky clay: 37/11
e. From essence of clay: 23/12
f. From mud: 15/26 15/28 15/33.
g. From dust: 3/59 22/5 35/11 40/67.
h. From earth: 20/55
i. From a clot of congealed blood: 96/2
j. From semen:# 16/4 75/37 76/2 80/19.
k. From nothing: 19/9 19/67.
l. From water: 21/30 24/45 25/54.
m. From base material: 70/39.
#(It is not told where the semen came from).
# Mostly when the book talks about semen, it is in connection with (making) children, but here it is clear from the way the words are used, that it concerns the creation of man. But also children are not made from semen – it only is 50% of the truth. A child is made from semen + an egg cell, but an egg cell is so small, that Muhammad did not know about it – human eggs can hardly be seen in the blood and gore in a carcass or a slaughtered animal. Actually at the time of Muhammad one did not know how conception happened – one theory was that semen was a seed that grew when placed in a woman – though far from each time. Strangely this is how the Quran explains it. Any god had known better. Strictly speaking all the different ways of creating man/Adam means that the Quran tells that man/Adam was created in 13 different ways, even if Adam was created only once – and
according to science not even that. If one lump similar “creations” together, there still remains at least 5-7 different creations. Only one can be right (as Adam as mentioned was created only once according to the Quran – and to the Bible) – and the irony is that science long since has shown that all alternatives are wrong, as man as said evolved from a prehistoric primate. Some Muslims explain that Adam was created from a little clay, a little dust, a little earth, a little blood, a little semen, a little nothing and some water. But that is far from what the Quran tells – and even if it were true story of the Quran, it is wrong, as man evolved from prehistoric beings. And where in a man do you find clay, etc?
003 15/26: “We (Allah*) created man from sounding clay, – – -“). Flatly wrong. See 6/2.
004 15/28: “I (Allah*) am about to create man, from – – – mud – – -”. Wrong. See 6/2.
005 16/4: “He (Allah*) has created man (the word “man” used like this, means the human race = in this case Adam*) from a sperm-drop – – -”. Wrong. Even if one really should mean not Adam but men generally speAKING, it is wrong. A sperm-drop is just half the explanation – also an egg cell is necessary. But Muhammad did not know that. (Human egg cells are too small to be seen with eyes only when it is lying in human tissue, blood and gore).
But any god had known. Also see 6/2.
00a 16/5: “And cattle He (Allah*) has created for you (men) – – -“. Hardly. Cattle and their progenitors existed for may be millions of years. Man only after long aeons found ways of utilizing them some 15ooo years ago.
00b 16/8: “And (He (Allah*) has created horses, mules, and donkeys for you to ride and use for show – – -“. See 16/5 above.
006 20/55: “From the (earth) did We (Allah*) create you – – -”. Wrong. Man was not created from earth. See also 6/2.
*007 21/30: “We (Allah*) made from water every living thing.” Wrong – the living things were not made from water. Some Muslims say modern science proves the Quran here, as science tells life started in water. But life just started in water, it was not made from water – there is a huge distinction there. The really bad thing here, is that this incorrect information also is told by well educated Muslims, it is thoroughly explained in comment 38 to 21/30 in “The Meaning of the Quran” – by Muslims that have so much education and knowledge that they know very well the difference between to be made in water and be made from water. How reliable is then other things they claim or “explain”? See also 6/2. We may add that this is the only place in the Quran where – possibly – also the “creation” of plants is included, this in spite of that plants are the basis for all animal and human life.
*008 21/56: “- – – He (Allah*) Who created them (man*) (from nothing): and I (Abraham) am a witness to this (truth)”. Wrong even according to the Quran, as the Quran tells Man – Adam – was created from this and that. And on top of that: – man was made from something, though not created, as he developed from earlier primates. This really is an unintended joke: It is told that Allah did something that is not true – and Abraham witnesses that it is the truth, and this even if he lived millions of years later! (Some 6 million years or a bit more after the first proto human, and may be 200ooo after the first Homo Sapiens). Some proof for Allah! Is it possible that Allah himself has sent down this mistaken “proof”? But it does tell something about proofs in the Quran – and from Muslims. Also see 6/2.
009 23/12: “Man We (Allah*) did create from a quintessence (of clay)”. We have never understood what a quintessence of clay is, but it is absolutely sure it is wrong: For one thing man was not created – according to science he developed from earlier primates. For another thing – even if one had accepted Islam’s statement that man is created, Adam in no way could have been created in many ways – see 6/2. And for a third thing: Man is not created from only one or a few minerals like in clay.
*010 24/45: “And Allah has created every animal from water”. Simply and obviously wrong. See 6/2. Some Muslims try to say that science has proved this verse (+ two others – 21/30 and 24/54, see them) as science has shown that life started in water. But it is an enormous difference between “from” water and “in” water. No place in the Quran there is even a whisper about that life was created in water, only from. Wrong simply.
*011 30/20: “Among His (Allah’s*) Signs is this, that He created you from dust – – -”. Wrong. Man was not created from dust – really he was not created at all according to science. See 6/2. There is an extra irony in the fact that the Quran uses a piece of wrong information to “prove” Allah. Contradiction of reality – and of the Quran, as the book also tells Adam was created many different ways.
012 37/11: “Them (here it is not clearly said what beings, but as Jinns are made from fire, it must be humans*) have We (Allah*) created out of sticky clay”. Wrong. For one thing science tells that man is not created – he evolved. For another thing: Not in any case is he made out of clay. See 6/2.
013 38/71: “I (Allah*) am about to create man from clay:” Man according to science was not created, but developed from earlier primates – and not created from clay. See 6/2. *
014 39/6: “He (Allah*) sent down for you eight head of cattle in pairs – – -”. From other places in the Quran we know the cattle were: 2 cows, 2 sheep, 2 goats, 2 camels = 4 pairs = 8 heads. That is wrong – yak, water buffalo, lama, reindeer, and Indian elephant and perhapsmore are forgotten + pigs (also created by Allah according to Islam, but for some reason that nobody knows taboo for Jews and Muslims – the meat is tasty and of high quality – – – but an abomination according to the Quran, without any explanation. There are theories that it isbecause pig is a dirty animal – but in the wild they are not. Another theory is the danger of trichinosis – but that is easy to check for. Yet another is that the pig eats the same kind of food as people, and therefore became too “expensive” for many societies. But nobody really knows and the Quran does not explain). Besides cattle were not created or “sent down”, but developed. Any god knew this – Muhammad not. Who made the Quran?
015 41/10: “He set on the (earth) mountains standing firm – – – – – and measured therein all things to give them (animals or humans?*) nourishment in due proportions, in 4 days – – -”. Wrong. That took millions of years – only the cooling down of the Earth to make any kind of life possible, took at least 300 million years. And the development from the first life to the first “real” animal took some 2.5 – 3.5 billion years (science has believed it took something like one billion years or more before the first primitive life happened, but these last few years they have found that may be it happened a bit earlier). The first “real” animals came in late Pre-Cambrium, in the periode some 500 – 600 million years ago that a few years ago was named Ediacarian. (And then animal life “exploded” during the next period named Cambrium.)
*016 51/49: “And of every thing We (Allah*) have created pairs – – -”. Very wrong. This only goes for multi-cellular beings, and not even for all of them – among primitive animals and even up to reptiles and fish you find some kinds that propagate asexually, and thus do not make pairs. Uni-cellular beings are not in pairs, and there are by far many more of them both in species and in total numbers. Any god had known – Muhammad not. Who made theQuran? Also see 36/36 – 43/21.
*017 55/14: “He (Allah*) created man from ringing clay like unto pottery”. Wrong – but somewhat funny. See 6/2.
018 64/2: “- – – it is He (Allah*) Who has created you – – -”. According to science man was not created, but evolved from an earlier primate. At least man cannot have been created in any of the 13 different ways in which the Quran tells the single person Adam was created – see 6/2 + 38/75 + 55/3. Finally: Islam and the Qutan only offers a claim that any religion and any person can make for any god they like as long as they have to prove nothing. Lose claims without proofs can be the basis for belief – even for strong belief – but they are without value as basis for knowledge as long as they are not proved. This especially is so as it is an extremely serious matter if there really is a god somewhere, and this god is nor Allah. If the god is not Allah, and at the same time Muslims have been denied the possibility to search for this possible god by blind belief forced on them by unproved claims anyone can use free of charge about theit god(s) and by glorification of blind belief – well, then they are in for a rude waking up if there is a next life.
019 70/39: “For We (Allah*) have created them (humans*) out of (base matter) they know! “ Man was not created, not even from base matter; he evolved from an earlier primate. Any god had known. Also see 6/2.
**020 95/4: “We (Allah*) have indeed created man in the best of moulds”. Wrong – and it tells something that the Quran strengthens (with the word “indeed”) a statement – a loose one like so often – that is wrong. Man is far from made in the best of moulds. Many “construction details” could have been better – our ability to stand wear and tear, and our ability to see in the dark, and more. Also our ability to tackle illnesses is far from perfect – and if our brain could think of more than one thing at a time, we would be more efficient. Etc., etc., etc.
**021 96/2: “(Allah*) Created man, out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood – – -”. Neither man (see 6/2) nor a man (see 75/37) was made out of blood – congealed or not – even though some of the old Greeks believed so, and from whom Muhammad may have stolen this idea. But the start of a human or an animal – the zygote – is so small that it is not to be seen with your eyes only in the blood and gore in a carcass or in a slaughtered animal. Muhammad
believed that the semen grew into a clot of blood that grew into a foetus. It may be worth mentioning that the statement in this verse is like Aristotle’s theory. But any god had knownbetter. Who composed the Quran? And why do Muslims never mention that so many of the “facts” in the Quran are in accordance with (often wrong) Greek and Persian science at that time? The propagation of man.
030 4/1a: “Reverence your Guardian-Lord, who created you (people*) – – – “. Man was not created, according to science, but developed from earlier primates.
022 4/1b: “- – – created you from a single person – – -“. Man could not come from a single person, there had to be at lest 2 – male and female. But even if there was a couple, that would be too little – the DNA variety would be too small for the “tribe” to be viable. Man simply developed little by little – like the Quran – from earlier primates (as for the archaeological Eve and the archaeological Adam that science talks about, and that some Muslims disuse trying to “prove” something: See 3/59 – 6/2.)
024 22/5: “- – – then (Allah created you) out of sperm”. Wrong. Human beings are not created out of sperm, even though it is obvious that Muhammad believed so – the Quran tells sperm is planted in a woman and grows. Human beings in reality are made from 1 sperm cell + 1 egg cell, but it is likely Muhammad did not know – such an egg cell is too small to be seen in all the blood, intestines, and gore in an opened carcass, without magnification. His belief alsocorresponds to an old Greek theory. See also 6/2.
027 23/13: “Then We (Allah’) placed him (the future baby*) as (a drop of) sperm in a place of rest – – -“. Wrong. Muhammad believed sperm was a kind of seed that could grow to become a human being (and if the man climaxed first, it became a boy, whereas if the woman climaxed first it became a girl, according to him in Hadiths). The reality is that the sperm is not planted in a woman, but unifies with an egg cell and the resulting zygote then starts
growing. Also see 53/45-46.
*028 23/14a: “Then We (Allah*) made the sperm into a clot of congealed blood – – -”. Wrong. And doubly wrong:
I. The sperm is not made into a clot of congealed blood.
II. Sperm (1 cell from it) combines with an egg cell and becomes a zygote. Muhammad did not know better, as this was what one believed in Arabia at his time – without a microscope it is impossible to see exactly what happens. But a god had known. There is a saying that “the taste is the proof of the cake”, and this is tasty. Muhammad and the Quran and Islam and Muslims had and have very busy time to find “explanations” – some of them rather unlikely – to “explain” why Allah/Muhammad did not produce one single real proof for that a supernatural being was involved, even tough many friends and as many foes asked sincerely for it. But Allah did not even have to make the slightest miracle to prove his existence. All he had to do was to tell the truth in all these cases – like this one – where the Quran now are proved to be wrong. If Allah really did exist, and if he really was/is omniscient – why then did he make up so many wrongs? As it is now, all these wrong facts are incredibly strong indications and proofs for that it was not an omniscient god involved in creating the Quran – and what then about Islam? – is it a made up, false religion? Not to mention: What then in case to all humans having their way to a real religion (if such one exists) blocked by Islam?
029 23/14b: “- – – then We (Allah*) made a (foetus) lump; We made of that lump bones and clothed the bones with flesh”. Wrong – 100% wrong: Flesh is made first, and then bones develop inside the flesh of the foetus. It must be remarked that Muhammad’s tale about how a baby is made, is in accordance with old Greek medical beliefs, the famous doctor Galen and Aristotle – which was known in the Middle East at the time of Muhammad. Any god had known better. Then who made the Quran?
026 39/6: “He (Allah*) makes you, in the womb of your mothers, in stages, one after the other – – -.” According to old Greek medicine (Galen, Aristotle), the foetus developed in 4 stages. Modern medicine disagrees – it is continuous.
023 49/13: “- – – We (Allah*) created you (man*) from a single (pair) of male and female – – – ” Adam and Eve never were, according to science. Besides if everything had started with just one pair, the DNA-variety had been too small to make the group viable in the long run = man had died out after some generations. (Actually science says that to have enough DNA variety + have a reasonable safety margin against dangerous illnesses, a group of animals should consist of minimum some 2000 – and spread around some to reduce the impact of contagious illnesses – to be sure to be viable in the long run.) Also see 6/98 – 7/189 – 39/6.
025 86/6+7: “He (man*) is created from a drop (of sperm*) emitted – Proceeding from between the backbone and the ribs.” Glorious: Muhammad did not even know that sperm comes from the testes – the “stones” – and placed the source inside the body and half a meter too high up!!!! It is in accordance with Greek medicine – Hippocrates thought the sperm passed through the kidneys. Even a baby god knows better. Who composed the Quran? And what is Islam – and it’s Muslims – if the Quran is faked?
*031 92/3: “By (the mystery of) the creation of male and female – – -”. No mystery for us, no mystery for a god – a large mystery for Muhammad. (According to Hadith he thought that if the woman climaxed first, it became a girl, but if the man was first, it became a boy – and boys of course were best.) Who made the Quran? Also see 18/37 – 32/8 – 35/11 – 40/67 – 75/37 – 77/20.
Life etc. on Earth:
043 3/83: “- – – all creatures (= angels, jinns, man and animals*) in the heavens and on the earth have, willing or unwilling (what about 2/256: “- no compulsion in religion –“?) bowed to His (Allah’s*) will (accepted Islam)”. Muslims will have to produce very strong proofs to make us believe that everything, included snails and flatworms and mosquitoes are Muslims.
035 7/163: “(Fish*) openly holding up their heads (above the water*) – – -.” It is not physically possible for fish free in water to hold their heads over the water – they can jump and they can touch the surface, but they cannot keep their heads above the surface. Marine mammals can, but not fish. Any god had known – but not the desert dweller Muhammad.
00c 7/166: Allah said to some “bad” Jewish people (according to the Quran): “Be ye apes – – – ”. Hardly likely that they were transferred into apes.
041 13/13: “- – – the thunder repeateth His praises – – -“. Hardly – the thunder is just a natural and automatic reaction to the lightning (which again is natural and automatic reactions to electrical charges). Islam will have to prove that the thunder is prising Allah this way, in order to be believed.
042 13/15a: “Whatever beings there are in the heavens and in the earth do prostrate themselves to Allah (acknowledging subjection)”. As for in the Heaven, it is difficult to say yes or no. But for the Earth: No non-Muslim ever prostrate themselves for Allah. The same goes for all animals, fishes and insects, etc.: None of them has ever been observed prostrating themselves for any god, Allah included – and for Allah it should be extra easy to observe, ashe prefers 5 prayers with prostrations a day, some by day and some by night (even more easy to see if it is prostrations for Allah, as few animals, etc. are awake and active both day and night – waking up for prostrations during the time of normal sleep, should be easy to have confirmed). Islam has some heavy proofs to produce here to make this point in the Quran credible. Also see 2/116 – 6/38 – 16/49 – 17/44 – 21/20 – 22/18.
040 13/15b: “- – – so (prostrate themselves for Allah*) do their (the living beings’*) shadows in the mornings and evenings”. Shadows are just lack of sunlight – and they for natural reasons are long and flat in the mornings and the evenings. Islam will have to prove that this result of the Earth’s spin in the sunshine makes the lack of sunlight some places consciously decide to prostrate “themselves” for a god. If no proofs are produced, this clearly is a fairy tale on an intellectual level fit for small children. Also see 16/48.
*038 25/45a: “If he (Allah*) willed, he could make it (the shadows) stationary!” The only way to do that is to stop Earth spinning. Islam will have to prove that Allah is able to do that – especially since all the mistakes in the Quran gives serious and reasonable doubt about if he is omnipotent – and omniscient. If he exists.
039 25/45b: “- – – He (Allah*) doth prolong the Shadow!” It is the turning of the Earth that prolongs shadows. Any god had known, but Muhammad not – it is “new” knowledge. Then who made the Quran? Not an omniscient god. And Allah is said to be omniscient – or is he?
037 33/4: “Allah has not made for any man two hearts in his (one) body – – -“. Wrong. This really has happened – like almost anything else in the complicated creation that is man. We also will remark that sayings like “If Allah willed – – -” are frequent in the Quran. The phrases are typical for some ones that have to boast to gloss over that they are not able to prove themselves – you f. ex. often hear similar things from half bully children trying to
impress others. If that is the case here, it is either Allah or Muhammad who frequently has to boast like that. (See separate chapter).
034 36/42: “And We (Allah*) have created for them (people*) similar (vessels) (similar to the ark*) – – -“. We have never heard that Allah built boats. Muslims tends to say Allah showed man how to build boats, but that is not what the Quran says: To create = to make.
*033 43/10: “- – – and (Allah*) has made for you roads – – -”. We have never heard about a road made by a god, except perhaps in fairy tales. The paths/roads in Arabia were so old thatno one remembered the start of them, and then Muhammad could tell things like this.
032 43/11: “- – – We (Allah*) rise to life therewith (with rain*) a land that is dead; even so will ye be raised (from the dead) – – -”. The comparison is wrong – and a god had known it. In the first case the DNA is alive and well and ready to sprout. In a dead body everything is finished – also the DNA and all its possibility to go against entropy (a term from physics that can be said to be a measure for chaos and states of energy). There is critical difference in that.
But then the Quran has a strong tendency to give Allah credit without any documentation for natural occurrences. Also see 2/164 – 7/57 – 35/9 – 41/39 – 43/11 – 45/5.
**036 67/19: “None can hold them (the birds*) up except (Allah) – – -”. Wrong. What keeps the birds up, are the laws of aerodynamics. (Of course Muslims can use one of their favourite last resorts: Declare that Allah made those laws. But then they will have to prove that – not just use cheap words that any priest in any religion can use about any claimed god.) Also see 16/79.
PART II, CHAPTER 1, Subchapter 3, Section 13 (= II-1-3-13)
1. Noah and the flood: (Date totally unknown, but perhaps some 2000 – 4000 BC (ca. 3200 BC?) – – – if it happened). Noah is a well known name. May be he has existed, may be he just is a fairy tale, or perhaps he is the personification of the survivors of some forgotten extreme flood. In the Bible and in
the Quran he was a religious man who got the order from his god to build an ark – some sort of a boat – and prepare for a big flood that was to come, because his god would root out all the ungodly people. (Legends about a big flood you find in many religions. There exist at least 175 different such legends).
**001 11/40: “We (Allah*) said (to Noah*):’ embark therein (the ark*), of each kind (of animals*) two – male and female, and your family – – -”. The Quran says nothing about the size of the ark. But the Bible according to the scientific magazine Lexicon says nearly 200 m long, some 30 m wide and some 12 m high with 3 floors. That makes some 18000 square meters roughly speaking. (NIV tells 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide and 30 cubits high = 140 m long, 23 m wide and 13.5 m high. With 3 floors that means some 9600 sq. m. only.) But there are much more than 10ooo kinds of “normal” animals, nearly 2ooo kinds of birds, and at least 10 million kinds of insects and other insect-like animals, and easily a million other small animals – like slugs, worms, etc. There simply would not be enough space for so many, not to mention 2 of each. In addition it would be the question of food for all the animals. The Quran says nothing about how long time the voyage lasted, but according to the Bible it lasted more than one year. That would take one hec of a lot of food for so many animals – and how did they store the meat for the carnivores, or live insects for some spiders, etc.? All that food
would take up a lot of space – much more than the animals themselves. Impossible in that “small” boat. And on top of that, there was the question of special food for special animals – eucalyptus leaves for the koala bears It further is likely that Noah’s home was in the south of Iraq (if he ever existed) according to science – – – and then there is the question where they found f. ex. reindeer, polar bears, caribous, condors, lamas, pumas, kangaroos, orangutans etc., etc., just to mention a few. And there is the question on who were feeding and giving water to all these animals, not to mention who kept it all clean – the family of Noah after all was rather small (8 according to the Bible). Also the laws of nature tell that one pair of each would not be enough to establish all the animal races – no DNA variety. And the DNA variety science has found, talks about very different lengths of time since most animal groups were just a few ones. The story simply is not true. There is a small chance that a man like Noah once lived and survived a flood big enough for him to seem to cover the entire world – he survived with his family and his cattle, etc. Science knows about one or two really huge floods at roughly the right time. But everything is in an after all much smaller scale. And not like told by a presumed omiscient god in the Quran (or for that case in the Bible). Muslims try to reduce the problems by telling that Noah only should bring two of each of domesticated cattle – but that is not what the Quran says, and besides: How did all the other animals survive if the flood was universal? But they further tell that it just was a big, but regional flood – that is not said in the Quran, but it also is not said it was worldwide (but see the pointabout Mt. Al-Judi below). But then some make a real blunder – or try cheating –
because what follows below is not well known by most people, though well known to the more educated ones, and thus cheating of the “rank and file” is easy: “The Message of the Quran”, certified by a top Muslim university (Al-Ahzar Al-Sharif Islamic Research Academy, Cairo) tells:
1. The flood must have been the filling up of the Mediterranean Sea – without mentioning that this happened (when the Gibraltar Strait opened) some 4 – 5 million years ago or more, and very long before modern man existed.
2. All this also without mentioning that the filling up took many years – may be as muchas 100 or more – as the opening was small in the beginning and the stream also slowed down long before the basin was full. Near what is now Israel and Egypt the water rose just one or some meters a year – no terribly rough flooding, like described in the Quran (11/42).
3. How could the slow filling up of that sea give a flash flood in what is now Iraq, where this is supposed to have happened? – in or near south
Iraq somewhere.
4. May be they mix it up with the filling up of the Black Sea (also mentioned by Muslims)? But also that took time (months or a fewyears) – and was far from Iraq. That happened after the last ice age that stopped 10ooo – may be as late as under a warm period (even less ice) 5700 – years ago. The time may be ok, but then either Noah or the story in case has travelled – and also this filling up cannot explain the weather and the waves.
5. Finally there is the extreme, but little known flood in Mesopotamia – now approximately Iraq – some 5200 years ago. It may easily explain the flood itself, and if this was an extraordinary “ordinary” flood, it also may explain the weather. But even if big, it was a local happening. (But then the Quran does not directly claim it was covering the entire world – but on the other hand see the point about Mt. Al-Judi just below).
6. Well, there is one more posibility that just – just – may be a posibility. In China there is a tale about a huge flood late in the reign of Empress Nu Wa, and a corresponding one inIndia that connectit to a very rare planet constillation. This allignment of the planets happened 10. May 2807 BC, and if
everything is true the big flood started that date – may be connected to a not documented landing of an asteroide in the Indian Ocean. But the theory is very specualative.(Populare scientific magazine “Discover” 11/2007).
7. And another conundrum that does not fit the Muslim “explanations” about a “local” flood: The Quran claims the ark stranded on a mountain in Syria (Mount al-Judi – earlier named Qardu (11/44) – not Ararat in Turkey). For the ark to have stranded on a high mountain, the flood had to be universal – if not the water had streamed away to empty, lower places – elementary knowledge of physics. For a university to back a bluff like the flood = filling up the Mediterranean Sea, etc. is dishonest and tells something, especially when they “forget” 11/44 and other verses and Mt. al-Judi which is a well known “fact” to religiously educated Muslims – the professors at a university have to know such facts, and know it is wrong, or at least check if they were not sure. The way the Mediterranean was filled up is a well known fact among also Muslims with relevant education, included professors at the big universities. Similar claims in 23/27 – 11/40. Then the god started his punishment of the sinners:
002 54/11: “So We (Allah*) opened the gates of Heaven (here = the religiously defined Heaven as it is written with capital “H”, not a substitute word for the sky or clouds*) with water pouring forth”. But the material heavens that Muhammad believed in, did not exist – and thus could not contain water.
*003 11/42: “So the Ark floated with them on waves (towering) like mountains, and Noah called out to his son (who was at the shore*) – – -”. When a boat is floating among waves like mountains, it is not possible to communicate with anyone ashore. Muhammad, living in a desert, may not have known. But no god had made a mistake like this – telling they could communicate. That kind of waves are too noisy, and so is the wind that normally accompanies
that kind of seas. Dramatic fairy tale. Also see 11/43 below.
This is another proof for that the dramatic scenarios in the Quran cannot be explained with the filling of the Mediterranean or the Black Sea: Even an enormous waterfall does not produce waves “like mountains“ – a relatively stable stream of water does not do that except close to the waterfall, and as they are reduced proportionally to the distance they run – double distance = half the energy per meter wave front, because they spread out in a semi circle (NB: This does not go for windblown waves with linear wave fronts, and definitely not if the wind is still blowing and transferring energy to the waves – only where the source of the waves is a “point” like a waterfall – or a stone thrown into the water). And a waterfall – no matter how
big – never produce a terrible storm (mentioned other places).
004 11/43: “The son (of Noah*) replied – – -“. In that kind of weather neither a call nor a reply was possible – the roaring of the wind and the crashing of the waves are far too noisy. In addition you have the effect of the wind “blowing away” the sound of your voice. Also see 11/42 just above. 005 7/64: “- – – We (Allah*) overwhelmed in the Flood those who rejected Our Signs”. And everybody except those in the Ark were drowned. Well, Islam claims quite correctly that the
Quran does not say that the Big Flood covered all the Earth – in spite of the claim that the ark according to Islam ended high up on a mountain (Mt. Al-Jedi in Syria). But when they try to explain the Flood as described in the Quran, they not only stumble, but fall head-over-heel down a full hill. This especially as some of the facts they twist, are so well known among learned people, that they obviously know they are making up things and conclusions to cheat naïve and/or not learned people – – – some small al-taqiyyas and/or kitmans? (lawful lies and half-truths) – that is lawful (yes, even an obligation if necessary) in promoting and/or defending the religion, which is much more essential than to find out what is the truth. See
11/40 – 11/42 and 11/43 above.
006 21/76: “We (Allah*) – – – delivered him (Noah*) and his family from great distress (the big flood*)”. Wrong: The Quran is very clear on that one of his sons (he just had 3 – Shem, Ham and Japheth – according to the Bible (1. Mos. 9/18)) drowned in the flood. Mistake and solid contradiction. Similar claim in 37/76. Similar claim in 37/76. Thus the big flood was – – –
*007 36/41b: “And a Sign for them (humans*) is that We (Allah*) bore their race (through the Flood) in the loaded Ark – – -”. No wooden boat could possibly carry the load the Quran says: Noah + his people + 2 of every animal + food and fodder. Even Muslims today see that this is very wrong, and try to explain it away by saying that only domesticated animals was meant, but that is not what the Quran tells. Also: Islam tells that the ark stranded on a
mountain in Syria – Mount Al-Djudi (not Ararat in Turkey) – but if the water was that high,where did the other animals survive? – and for that long? (The Quran does not specify, but the Bible says some 16 months).
2. Some local Arab legends and/or fairy tales: Muhammad also used old Arab tales and other local things in his preaching. Or he made up (?) things. Muhammad – or actually the one who made the Quran if it was someone or something other than Muhammad – did not show much creative fantasy in composing stories, but the necessary twists to make it fit his teachings had to be done. Mostly the stories simply were “borrowed” from the well known tales told in the long evenings/nights for pass-time, often told by more or less professional tale tellers – both are normal occasions in primitive societies without books or papers or radio or other media.
*008 10/19: “Mankind was but one nation – – -”. Mankind never was but one nation. Perhaps once one tribe or a few small tribes, but never one nation, as some Muslims try to explain – and that in case was some 160000 – 200000 years ago (there seems to have been a “bottle neck” when man nearly died out at that time). You also sometimes meet Muslims telling in triumph that science has proved the Quran, because now they have found the prehistoric Eve and the prehistoric Adam – – – without mentioning that the prehistoric so-called “Eve” lived the above mentioned some 160000 – 200000 years ago (the number varies some) in Africa, whereas the prehistoric “Adam” lived some 60ooo – 70ooo (64ooo?) years ago only, and not unlikely south of the Caspian Sea in Asia. With “Eve” dead 100000 years before “Adam” was born – and a long distance off – it is difficult to see how they can be the “parents” of man, and thus prove the Quran.
*009 10/47: “To every people (was sent) a Messenger”. Hadith mention 124ooo messengers or prophets. There is not one single trace from prophets teaching monotheism (except in Israel and a couple of other special cases), not to mention Islam, in the old times, neither in archaeology, art, literature, folk tales, nor in religions. Some of them should have left small traces at least, when they were so many. This verse is not true.
010 35/44: “Do they (people*) not travel through the earth, and see what was the End of those before them – – -?” In and around Arabia there were ruins here and there. Muhammad claimed – as normal without any documentation as only non-Muslims need to prove anything – that each and every one of them was a result of Allah’s anger because of disbelief in or sins against Islam. Wrong. In a dry and harsh land inhabited by warring tribes there were plenty of other reasons for empty houses and ruins. Then we come to some named tribes from Arab legends that frequently are mentioned in the
Quran. They all were destroyed because they sinned against Allah and Islam according to the Quran:
011 54/19: “For We (Allah*) sent against them (the people of Ad*) a furious wind, on a Day of violent Disaster”. Well, something is wrong – and contradicting – as here it is said one day, in 41/16 it is said (several) days and in 69/7 is said 6 nights and 7 days.
00a 7/73: Connected to the legend about the tribe Thamud, you time and again are told in the Quran that the self-proclaimed prophet Salih brought them a camel and told it was a sign – a proof – from Allah. Like it is told in the Quran it gives absolutely no meaning – just a claim hanging in the famous thin air. How can a camel be a proof for a god in a country where there are 15 camels to a dozen? But then we run across the explanation: This is taken from old Arab folklore – an old legend that everybody in Arabia knew at the time of Muhammad (but would an omniscient god who wanted to reach all the world, use an old fairy tale known only to Arabs – and in such a way that one does not understand if one does not know the rest of the story?) Very briefly the legend runs like this: There once was a mountain cliff. Out from that solid cliff one day there came a camel. This camel then became a prophet for a god. With such a background the camel was so special, that it was a sign for something – only that the Quran just told part of the story, because everybody there and at that time knew the rest. But as we asked: Would an omniscient god wanting to reach the entire world, tell just part of
the storey, when he knew most of the world would not understand the point? (But as expected; in modern times you find Muslims telling that it was not this camel, but without giving a credible alternative.)
012 11/67: “A (mighty) Blast overtook the wrongdoers (the people of Thamud*), and they lay prostrate (dead*) in their homes before the morning – – -.” Well, in 7/78 they were killed by an earth-quake and in 69/5 by a terrible storm (which is something different from a blast – a storm lasts for some time, a blast is over in a moment, like the blast from an explosion). Two of the alternatives must be wrong – simply one or two more contradiction. This even though the claimed absence of any contradiction is said in the Quran to prove that it is sent down from Allah. A small additional curiosity: The honest Al-Azhar Al-Sharif Islamic Research Academy at the famous elite Islamic university Al-Azhar University in Cairo has sanctified a change of this verse 69/5: The Swedish edition tells the Arab text says they were killed by an earthquake and the new English one says “by a terrible upheaval (of the earth).” Then quietly and nicely a contradiction in the timeless Quran has disappeared. But does this tell anything about honesty in Islam? – or about a way of thinking in a case where all the possible next life is at stake, and the truth should be the absolute essential thing in order to find the real right way? Lying and cheating never is the truth – and why does Islam need such methods? AND CAN THE RIGHT RELIGION BE FOUND BY LIES? If lies are acceptable, then may be more is a lie – and remember the theory that may be Muhammad did not meet Gabriel, but Iblis (the devil) or some other dark forces disguised and pretending to be Gabriel, in which case all the stealing, harsh rules and
blood in Islam is easily explained. Also see 7/78 just below.
013 7/78: “So the earthquake took them (the tribe of Thamud*) unawares, and they lay prostrate (dead*) in their homes in the morning”. Wrong. For one thing in 11/67 (see this just above) they were killed by a mighty blast and in 69/5 by a storm – one or two more of the contradictions that according to Islam do not exist in the Quran. For another there never was an earthquake that killed absolutely everybody – nowhere on the whole Earth, and never. With the exception of in low quality high-rise buildings, it is a very serious earthquake that kills more than some 30% of the inhabitans.
014 7/91: “But an earthquake took them (Shu’ayb’s people, the Madyans*), and they lay prostrate (dead*) in their homes before the morning.” Wrong. An earthquake never kills 100%. See 7/78 just above. 3. Abraham and Lot (Abraham’s nephew): (If Abraham is not only a legend, he lived 1800 – 2000 BC).
Abraham was the first of the 3 Jewish (?) patriarchs (the others were his son Isaac and Isaac’s son Jacob). He is not reckoned to be a prophet in the Bible.
00b 2/140: “- – – do ye know better than Allah?” (- about the old patriarchs, etc. of Israel.)
1. No – if Allah really exists and is omniscient and contacted Muhammad. All of which seems to be doubtful judging from all the mistakes, etc. in the Quran.
2. Perhaps – if Allah really exists, but is not omniscient, but contacted Muhammad – which Muhammad only claimed, never
proved, even though it should be possible for Allah.
3. Yes, at least concerning the information in the Quran – if Allah really exists, but did not contact Muhammad. Modern science knows a
lot more than Muhammad did – and are not going all out for power, etc. = more reliable.
4. Yes, definitely – if Allah does not exist and just was a fiction from a perhaps sick man (TLE?) building a platform of power.
00c 37/97: “They (people*) said, ‘Build him (Abraham) a furnace, and throw him into the blazing fire!” You are free to believe this happened to Abraham – but beware that the story is “borrowed” from a tale named “Midrash Rabbah” (Muhammad may also have been inspired by the story about Daniel and his friends in the OT).
00d 3/67: “Abraham was not a Jew nor yet a Christian – – -“. He definitely was no Christian, as he lived – if he ever lived – some 1800 – 2000 years too early. But it may be correct to call the forefather of all Jews a Jew. (We know the word did not exist at that time, but it is normal to use the word also for the people who later became the Jews.) The Arabs claim he also was their forefather and places him and even more so his son out of wedlock, Ishmael – and as normal for the Quran and for Islam without any proof or documentation – in Mecca dead in the centre of Islam – (by coincidence?) in spite of the fact that Ishmael and his descendants, whom they claim to derive from, according to the Bible “settled in the area from Havilah to Shur, near the border of Egypt as you go toward Asshur” (1. Mos. 25/18) = near the Red Sea and very far from Arabia. And NB:
This part of the Bible is written more than 1000 years before there was any reason for the Jews not to place him in Arabia. Also science has long ago proved to well beyond any judicial definition of that word, that the Bible is not falsified – in stark contradiction to Islam’s strong claims proved by nothing about the opposite – so that this piece of information is unabridged since it originally was written.
Which raises the question: Are Muhammad and his Arabs really descendants from Abraham?
At least they in case only are quarter breeds, as Ishmael’s mother, Hagar, was a slave from Egypt (1. Mos. 16/1), and also his wife (only one is mentioned) was from Egypt (also according to the Bible and written and unabridged since more than 1000 years before Muhammad – 1. Mos.21/20). Well, worse than that: Modern DNA analyses have shown that the pure Arab does not exist. Arabia is near a crossroad – caravans and merchants have passed through – – – and left babies behind now and then (remember that before Muhammad in Arabia sex and alcohol were “the two delightful things”). And Arab caravans and traders roamed wide – and now and then brought back brides from abroad.
And finally the perhaps main reason for the diluted blood: The slaves. Literally millions of slaves – some 2/3 of them women – have through the times been brought to Arabia, both before and after Muhammad. And the women of the harems – do you think they were permitted to demand condoms? It is impossible to say there are not traces of DNA from Abraham in Arabs – perhaps from Jewish slave women even? But any scientist will say that the chances for finding much more DNA from Abraham (if he ever existed) in Jews then in Arabs are big, because the Jews mostly intermarrying because of the excluding religion.
00e 3/68: “Without doubt, among men, the nearest of kin to Abraham, are those who follow him – – -“. You do not get related to a man just because you are a follower. Besides see the second half of 3/67 just above.
00f 2/130: “- – – the religion of Abraham (= Islam*) – – -.” The Quran often claims that Islam = the religion of Abraham. But it always was and is only a claim – no proof, no documentation – not even a try to explain, except the undocumented and not proved claim that everyone that say something else are lying, and that other scriptures that science deems more reliable (not proven 100%, but far more likely to be true) are falsifications, even though science has shown that they at least are not falsified – may be not everything is true in the Bible, too, but science has clearly shown it is not falsified. (To prove it 100.0% of course is impossible – there always will be theoretical or made up possibilities. But it is proved at least 99.5% – far beyond any judicial definition of the word – and if Islam claims something else, they will have to produce proofs, not only claims that are not even based on a likely theory
about how all the thousands of different manuscript shall have had so many chapters and verses falsified in exactly the same way – spread over all the world one knew at that time. All that Islam offers, is a stubborn claim – not even a theory about how it should be possible to falsify everything, or about why all the thousands of old manuscripts that science know, shows it is not falsified. No proof. No documentation even though there exist thousands of
documents. Only a stubborn claim based on nothing but a book with lots of mistakes dictated by a man with questionable moral and a lust for power to say the least of it. The claim is not proved to even 0,5% probability – only claims. Similar claim in just 2/135 below.
015 2/135: “- – – the Religion of Abraham, the True (religion*) – – -“. According to the Quran, Abraham was a Muslim. But looking at all the other mistakes and twisted logic and stories in the Quran – Islam will have to produce real proofs for that that was true. Also see 2/130 above. And may be 21/56c just below is an indication of how true it is?
*016 21/56c: “- – – He (Allah*) Who created them (man*) (from nothing): and I (Abraham) am a witness to this (truth)”. This really is an unintended joke. It is told that Allah did something that is contradicted even in the Quran – and Abraham witnesses that it is the truth, and this even if he lived millions of years later (The first proto humans lived at least 6 million years ago, Homo Sapiens is traced some 160000 – 200000 years back. If Abraham ever lived, he lived some 3800 – 4000 years ago)! Some proof for Allah. Is it possible that Allah himself has sent down this? But it does tell something about proofs in the Quran – and from Muslims. Also see 6/2.
*017 87/19: “The Books of Abraham – – -”. Abraham had no books according to science – and definitely not in plural. Besides a nomad of 4000 years ago, hardly knew how to read. And then there was Lot:
018 11/92: “He (Lot*) said, ’O my people!” Lot was an immigrant from far away (Ur in Chaldea in now south Iraq) – this according to both the Bible and the Quran. The people of Sodom and Gomorrah (near the Dead Sea in now west Jordan if they were situated near the east bank of that lake as indicated by Islam) were not Lot’s people. And both the Quran and the Bible shows there was distance between Lot and the locals – they definitely had not become his people. Similar claim in 7/80 – 11/93. Also see 26/161 just below.
019 26/161: “- – – their (the people of Sodom and Gomorrah*) brother Lot – – -“. Wrong. Lot was a stranger to the two towns, and it is very clear both from the Quran and the Bible that he did not mingle well with those locals. He was no “brother” to them – not even in the figurative meaning of the word. (The word here obviously is used to make Lot and thementioned people fit the pattern the Quran claims is universal: That the prophets come fromthe people they are to teach. But here that is incorrect). Also see 11/92 just above and 27/56 –it is very clear Lot was no brother of theirs. (“Drive out the followers of Lut (Lot*) from our city – – -“.)
020 29/28: “Do you (men of Sodom and Gomorrah*) commit lewdness (homosexuality*), such as no people in Creation (ever) committed before you.” Wrong. Homosexuality was nothing new – it even exists among some “higher” animals, sometimes as a sign of dominance – and it is in the DNA of a minor part of humanity. If Islam stays on their claim that this was something “no people in humanity (ever) committed before”, they will have to prove it.
Similar claim in 7/80 Lot got visitors, and the merry local men wanted to “taste” them – and they were too many for Lot to chase away. As a last desperate try, he said (also according to the Bible):
021 15/71: “There are my daughters (to marry)”. Here modesty has got the better of the Quran (or the translator). The men of Sodom or Gomorrah were not going for marriage – neither could a few daughters marry a lot of men. It is talk about sexual abuse. Most likely a dishonest translation – but in that case: How many other places in the Quran are explained dishonestly? The next topic is the claim – and like always in the Quran and Islam only a claim based on little or nothing – that Abraham and Ishmael built the Kabah mosque in Mecca. Strictly speaking there is a contradiction here, as one place the Quran says they built the foundation, another place that they built the whole building.
022 22/26: “Behold, We (Allah) gave the site, to Abraham, of the (sacred) House (Kabah*) – – -”. Abraham never visited Mecca. See 2/127 just below. It is a made up story to give Muhammad’s teaching more credence, and make it more interesting among Arabs.
**023 2/127: “And remember that Abraham and Ishmael raised the foundations of the House (Kabah*) (with this prayer): – – – “. Abraham never built the Kabah – and there are several reasons for that:
1. He was born in Ur in Chaldea (if he really existed) in what is now south Iraq. Togetherwith his father, Tarah, he later travelled northwest up along the Euphrates valley toKaran in what is now north Iraq. Years later he continued south southwest to Kaanan andthe town Sikem in what is now Israel (Sikem is north of Jerusalem. It is now named Nablus). That is to say he travelled along the so-called Fertile Crescent – the natural route when you travel with flocks of animals. The alternative was to take a shortcut through the Arab desert, but few of his numerous sheep and goats and cows would survive such a trip. He never visited Mecca on his way from Ur to Sikem. (Besides this was too early in the story – Ishmael was not born yet, and he is a part of the building of the Kabah according to the Quran).
2. Abraham then settled in the western part of Kaanan (now approximately Israel), whereas his nephew Lot settled in the Jordan valley further east. Later Abraham moved south to Negev. Negev today is most known for its desert, but not all was desert. All this is according to the Bible, but the Quran has no conflicting information, except that his father has another name. The point is that between Kaanan and Mecca and between Negev and Mecca are hundreds and hundreds of kilometres of the tough and dry and hot Arab desert. Abraham was rich and had huge flocks of animals. He could not take those huge flocks of sheep, etc., through that desert. Besides; why should he? – there was little gras and no water around Mecca (the Zamzam well was not found by then, according to the Quran). And when he never visited the place, it was impossible for him to leave Hagar and Ishmael behind there.
3. Abraham lived hundreds of kilometres from Mecca – and had to cross harsh terrain to get to and from. Nobody builds a big temple (so big that according to Hadith the rich Mecca did not want to use the full old foundations when they restored it – and the whole city needed a smaller temple than what the foundations indicated Abraham needed for his family only) for himself and his family at a place they can never or nearly never visit. Believe it if you want to.
4. Abraham was a nomad. Nomads do not have the know-how and technology to build large stone buildings.Abraham simply was notinvolved in the building of Kabah, and it is highly unlikely he ever visited Mecca and even the Arab peninsula. It looks like a fairy tale made up to give weight to Kabah and to Islam. And not least weight to Muhammad, who 2500 years later could tell he was direcdescendant from Abraham – without the slightest written paper from all those years. 2500 years of mostly an-alphabet nomads without any written history. Believe it if you want – and if you know who your analphabet forefather was the year 500 BC. (2500 years ago).It is worth adding, though, that Muslims say that Mecca was where Abraham’s slave, Hagar, and his and her child Ismael (Ishmael) were sent away from Abraham’s camp, that the two lived there, and that Abraham frequently visited them later. There is no source of information for this. The OT says they lived in Negev, which is weeks by camel from Mecca – and much, much longer for large flocks of sheep, goats, and cattle – American cowboys driving herds of cattle to the railway, made 10-12 miles (16 – 20 km) a day (in addition to that many animals hardly would survive the long trek through the harsh Arab desert with little or no water for weeks) – and there was in addition no reason for him and his family to take such a dangerous and meaningless trip, as the area in Mecca offered little or no pasture and water for Abraham’s bif flocks of animals. And as he never took his flocks and family to Mecca, he could not have left Hagar and Ismael there. If Islam wants to insist that he ever visited Mecca, they have to produce strong proofs, as it is extremely unlikely – and “special claimsdemands special proofs”. It is highly likely this is a story made up or “borrowed” from folklore to give the teachings of Muhammad and Muhammad himself credence.
5. One more fact: The Bible – a book which Islam insists is correct every time there is some text they like, and which may be the truth other times, too, says (1. Mos. 21/21): “While he (Ishmael*) was living in the Desert of Paran, his mother got a wife for him from Egypt”. Except for religious Muslims who
strongly wishes this to be a reference to Paran or Faran near Mecca, all serious scientists saythat this was Paran in Sinai – – – which also made it easier for his mother (who was from Egypt) to find him a wife from Egypt even though that made his children ¾ Egyptian and only ¼ descendants of Abraham’s stock (there is mentioned only one wife for Ishmael). Further (1. Mos. 25/18): “His (Ishmael’s) descendants settled in the area from Havila to Shur,
near the border of Egypt, as you go toward Asshur”.
The border of Egypt means Sinai near the Red Sea. Just where scientists place the real Paran. To go all the way to Mecca was too forbidding for a man with large flocks of animal – and there never was a reason to go there for Abraham. Little on no food and little or no water for his animals through the desert, and the valley of Mecca a barren one (– and his son Ishmael living not there, but “near the border of Egypt” according to the only written source). Abraham never was in Mecca and consequently never built the Kabah – the big temple that he anyhow did not have the know-how to build and worse; could not use, because he and his family lived the better part of 1000 km away. (And according to the only early written source – written long before there was any reason not to place Ishmael in Mecca if that was where he lived – says he lived even further off “near the border of Egypt”). If Islam claims something else, they for once will have to produce proofs, not only undocumented claims, if they want to be believed.
024 14/35: “Remember Abraham said: ’O my Lord! Make this city (Mecca*) one of peace and security; – – – “. Abraham never visited Mecca. Besides: There was no city at the time of Abraham – this both according to reality and to the Quran. Remember how Hagar runs back and forth there without finding people and without finding water. Also see 2/127. Wrong and a contradiction with bothe the Quran and with reality.
025 2/125a: “- – – the Station of Abraham – – -“ is (a mark in) a stone. Muhammad indicated and Islam says that mark was made from Abraham’s feet when he stood there and built the Kabah. Let the fact that Abraham never was in Mecca (unless Islam proves it – see 2/127 above) aside: No worker building something ever stood so long at one and the same place, that his feet made a mark in a solid natural stone visible centuries and millenias later.
026 2/125b: “- – – We covenanted with Abraham and Ishmael, that they should sanctify my House (Kabah in Mecca*)”. Abraham had nothing to do with the building of the Kabah – see 2/127 above. (Also: The Bible says the god made his covenant with Isac, and no covenant with Isac’s half brother Ishamael. This was written a thousand years before Muhammad and ar a time when there was no quarrel between Jews and Muslims (as Muslims did not exist onless Islam proves so) and concequently no reason for the Jews to try to diminish Muslims.)
*027 3/96: “The first House (= Kabah*) (of worship) appointed for man was that at Bakka (= Mecca*)”. Wrong. Even if we should accept that Abraham “made the foundations” of the Kabah in Mecca, he lived (if he is not fiction) around 2000-1800 BC. At that time the first temples, etc. in Egypt and Mesopotamia were old. Today it is possible to find the real age of many things. It is symptomatic that as far as we know, Islam has not tried to see if it is
possible to find the real age of the oldest parts of the Kabah. Wagging tongues insinuates that may be the reason is that they are afraid it is younger than 3800 years.- what if it turns out it is built around 100 BC – or AD – ?) We may further add that it is also said that Abraham built on the even older ruins of a temple made by Adam (this even though the Garden of Eden near which Adam lived – if he lived – is reconed to have been situated in or near or in the wetlands of south Iraq, very far away), but destroyed at the time of Noah – but as often before Muslims only tell, seldom prove, so believe it who wants. (We may ad that some Muslims have corrected it to that the Quran is talking about the first house of worship for a monotheistic god, but that is not what the Quran says. Besides: If the Quran or the Hadiths is correct and there have been prophets to all times and every people – 124ooo the Hadith says – Islam will have a though time to prove that not one single all those prophets or their followers have ever built even a small house for worship.” Also see 2/127 above.
4. Joseph: (3 generations after Abraham – if not only a legends). Joseph was the second youngest of the patriarch Jacob’s 12 sons – and together with his younger brother Benjamin the only sons of his late mother Rachel – Jacob’s favourite wife. This far both the Bible and the Quran agrees roughly. His older brothers did not like him, and decided to get rid of him:
028 12/19+20: Here is something wrong – or one more contradiction. Verse 19 tells that “travellers” found Joseph in the well where his brothers had thrown him, and took him for a slave and concealed him. Verse 20 tells his brothers sold him for a few dirhams (small silver coins). Both cannot be true.
Joseph was sold as a slave in Egypt, according to the Bible to a mighty man called Potifar, according to the Quran to a man called the Aziz. But as “the Aziz” simply means “the GreatOne”, it may be a title – perhaps for Potifar. After some time the wife of his owner wanted to seduce him. Joseph refused – and everything was found out. According to the Bible his owner got angry and put him in prison. According to the Quran Joseph proved he was not guilty, but was all the same put in prison on a very lame and not logical “reason” – lame and illogical, but necessary for the rest of the story.
00g 12/32: What was the logic of putting Joseph in prison when it was proved he was not guilty? This after all was at a moment where the wife should have been careful. (Muslims have a kind of explanation, but only a kind of). Well, after some years Joseph was released because the contemporary pharaoh needed his clairvoyant gift, which his surrounding got to know about during his time in prison, as he was able to tell that one of his fellow inmates was going to be released shortly, whereas another would be executed. But:
029 12/41: “- – – he will hang from a cross – – -”. Egypt at the time of Joseph did not use execution by crucifixion. According to the Quran – but not to the Bible – there was some drama because Joseph demanded to prove his innocence (illogical as he was proved – according to the same Quran – innocent already before he ended in prison).
030 12/51a: “What was your (the ladies’*) affair when you ye did try to seduce him (Joseph*) – – -“. According to 12/23 it only was the wife of the Aziz that tried this. Mistake and contradiction. And the infamous wife invited some women friends to show them how handsome – not to say beautiful – Joseph was. With dramatic effect: They hurt themselves with knives in a scene credible only in third class novels for children, not for adults:
00h 12/31: There is little logic in 2 points here: Why giving them knives before showing them Joseph? (Some Muslims say it was to cut fruit, but when you cut fruit, you cut the fruit and lay down the knife mostly – few had had the knife in their hands at any given moment, and not holding the blade. And it is not a natural reaction to be so stupefied by a face, that all and every of them cut their fingers – one or at most two could have done so, though unlikely, but not more. It also is told that the wife was a Muslim:
*031 12/51: The women in Potifar’s (this name is from the Bible – the Aziz (title or job?) in the Quran) house said: “Allah protect us”. The name and the god Allah did not exist in the old polytheistic pantheon in Egypt – and definitely not among the upper class (from slaves and traders they might have heard about Yahweh, but not Allah, and hardly even al-Lah that early). Their gods were Osiris, Aton, Amon, and other ones. Actually there is found not one single trace of monotheism among the upper class (and also not in lower classes) in Egypt in the old times. (Except Akn-Aton and his sun god). Similar claim in 12/52. Joseph then correctly foretold the pharaoh that there would come 7 years with big and good harvests, but they would be followed by 7 years with little and bad harvests. So far the Bible and the Quran more or less agree. But the Qurans adds that afterwards there would be another
year with plenty of food.
032 12/49: “Then will come after that (period) a year in which the people will have aboundant water – – -“. But the Arab word that is used her, and that is translated with “aboundant water” is “yughathu” or “yughath” which in reality is said to mean “to be relieved by rain” (Joseph Al-Fadi (Christian)). As also “The Message of the Quran” has that translation (translated from Swedish): “- – – a year when the people will be blessed by rain – – -“, and has a similar
comment to the word and as we have met this translation before, we judge that Yusuf Ali has “stretched” his transcription a little (in case the true meaning is “stretched”, it tells something). But in Egypt one has little and no rain – it is the flood in the Nile that brings water – – – which means the Quran once more is wrong. (“The Message of the Quran elegantly explains that it must mean rain further south in Africa, that made the Nile big, but that is not
what the book says). Everything happened like Joseph had said. And his brothers came to Egypt to buy food. There were some intermezzos because Joseph did not want to tell whom he was, and all the same wanted contact with his family:
033 12/77: “If he (Benjamin*) steals, there was a brother of his (Joseph*) who did steal before (him)”. Here something is wrong: The child/youth Joseph was not accused of stealing. (As for Joseph’s age when he was brought to Egypt, Yusuf Ali in “The Meaning of the Quran” says he was 16 or 17 or may be even 18. We find no reason for believing anything – he may have been of that age or younger or even much younger). But being a good Muslim, things had to go well for Joseph – and his father – in the end:
00i 12/69: Joseph told Benjamin: “Behold! I am thy (own) brother – – -“. It does not fit verses 70 – 77 that he told it at this time.
034 12/84: “And his (Jacob’s*) eyes became white with sorrow – – -“. Eyes cannot become white (and more or less blind) from sorrow. That happens because of illness or physical malfunction in the eye – sometimes related to age. Any god had known – Muhammad perhaps not.
035 12/94: “When the Caravan left (Egypt), their father (Jacob*) said (to his sons*) – – -“. But 12/87 says: “O my (Jacob’s*) sons! Go ye (to Egypt*) and enquire about Joseph and his brother – – -“. Jacob simply did not come along to Egypt at that trip – he stayed at home. Thus Jacob could not speak to his sons when they left Egypt. A mistake and a contradiction of the real situation. (This also is clear from 12/96: “When the bearer of the good news came (to
Jacob’s home*) – – -.” Jacob could say nothing to his sons until they were back home with him.) Similar claim in 12/95. Jacob and his entire household then went to Egypt to Joseph. All together they were 70 persons + the wives of his sons according to the Bible (1. Mos. 46/27). And – –
00j 12/99: “- – – he (Joseph*) provided a home for his parents – – -“. Not possible, as his mother (Rachel) died already when Benjamin was born – he could provide a home only for his father. (Islam explains or “explains” this with claiming that he reckoned the sister of his mother (Leah – also wife of Jacob) to be his mother, but there is nothing in the Quran saying so. But then it is quite normal for Islam to make claims without facts.) One more small detail here. Abraham first married Leah, and later her sister Rachel. But muslims cannot be married to 2 sisters at the same time. How then could Abraham be a good and devoted Muslim? 5. Moses, the Pharaoh and Exodus: (If science is correct, the Exodus took place – if it took place – ca. 1235 BC, and if the Bible is correct about the numbers, that means Moses – if he was a real person and not only a legend – was born ca. 1315 BC and died ca. 1195 BC, at the age of ca. 120 years (some of the old Biblical persons grew pretty old). It also means that the Pharaoh was Ramses II).
036 7/143: “- – – and I (Moses*) is the first to believe”. Impossible, as according to the Quran Noah and Abraham and Isaq and Jacob and a lot more were believers in Allah before him. And Moses and all the others were making a lie out of Muhammad’s saying that he – Muhammad – was the first. A number of contradictions. (2/127-133, 3/67, 6/14, 6/163,
26/51). Muslims tells that these contradictions are not contradictions, because it is meant the first of a group, a nation, or something – but that is not what the Quran says, and it also does not explain all cases.
00k 28/3: “We (Allah*) rehears to thee some of the story of Moses and Pharaoh in Truth – – – ”. The story about Moses differs not a little from the one told in the Bible – which for this part is more than 1000 years nearer in time to what (may be) happened – and with stronger traditions concerning Moses. It is a question, which one is most reliable. In any case: Both have the death of Pharaoh Ramses II wrong (but when it comes to the Bible it is possible to
explain this – not so with the Quran, if it is told by Allah and Allah is omniscient. The Jews could mistake a general or one of Ramses II’s 67 sons for the pharaoh – no omniscient god makes such a mistake). Moses and his brother Aaron came to Pharaoh Ramses II (one of the really strong and mighty pharaohs in the history of Egypt):
037 20/47: “Verily we (Moses and Aaron*) are messengers sent by thy (Ramses II’s*) Lord (Allah*) – – -“. Wrong – Ramses II was a polytheist. Besides: He might have heard about Yahweh (but would not respect the god of slaves very much), but never of Allah.
*038 28/38: “Pharaoh said: ‘O Chiefs! No god do I know for you but myself – – -”. This is one of the really good ones, because Egypt at the time of Ramses II had a good number of gods, included some central ones with a strong clerical organisation – not to mention: How then explain Islam‘s story about Ha-Amen (28/6 below)? (It is typical for many “explanations” of mistakes in the Quran that Muslims “explain” something, but are unable not to “collide” with other information in the book – f. ex. explaining the heavens as the universe without telling how the stars then could be fastened to the lowest heaven, or like here: Ramses II is the only god – – – but Ha-Amen, his chief advicer, it the high priest for another god according to the same Islam!!). But at the time of Muhammad the old gods were reduced – Egypt was partly Christian (the forefathers of the present-day Copts). A real god had not made this blunder, but Muhammad could not know. Then who composed the Quran? Islam tries to explain this away with that it is not meant literally – only that Ramses II was the top. But in this case it is very clear what the Quran says. And also remember that the Quran – and most Muslims – say that the Quran is to be meant literally where nothing else is said – – – and that to call something an allegory or say it is figuratively meant, we think is the for
Islam the most used means of explaining away things/mistakes in the Quran that has no explanation.
039 79/24: “(Pharaoh Ramses II*) Saying: ‘I am your Lord (in this connection: Your god*), most High’”. The pharaoh was not the “most high” god in the old Egypt. See 28/38 just above.
040 28/6: “- – – Haman – – -”. In the Quran Haman is a high leader or advicer of some sort under the Pharaoh. But science says this is the Haman from the book of Esther in the Bible. Haman was according to the Bible, a powerful minister under the Persian king Xerxes (Hebrew: Ahasuerus) (486 – 465 BC) and a central person in the mentioned book – Muhammad may well have heard about him. In that case something is very wrong, because Ramses II naturally was king/pharaoh in Egypt, and on top of that lived some 800 years earlier. Haman could not be his top minister. Another also is: Was the name Haman at all used in Egypt? – it is said to be a Persian name. Uneducated Muslims say it just was another man with the same name. Educated Muslims are more careful with that claim. But here Islam has an explanation that just may be true: One of the main gods in Egypt at that time was Amon.
According to “the Message of the Quran” the title of the high priest of Amon, was Ha-Amen – which could be understood as Hamon. Not very likely, especially as that is the kind of “explanations” one frequently finds when Islam has problems finding better stories. But after all possible. Except that a god does not make such mistakes either.
And except for 28/38a: “Pharaoh said: ‘O Chiefs! No god do I know for you but myself – – -”. Pharaoh cannot at the same time be the only god in Egypt (very wrong as said) and have the high priest (HaAmen) of another god as his second in command. This actually and simply may be one more of the famous Muslim “half-explanations” – They explain one aspect with a problem, but are unable to find “explanations” that do not collide with other aspects with the same – or other – problems. Like when they explain the Universe without explaining the stars all fastened to the lowest and material heaven, and the moon among the heavens = outside the stars. The question also is how Muhammad could have heard about Ha-Amen nearly 1900 years later – after Amon and his high priest had ceased to be part of a dominant religion, in contrast to Haman, who was part of the Jews’ religious traditions. This even more so that there were thousands of Jews in Arabia at that time, who could have told Muhammad, but few from Egypt. Of course Muslims will say that Allah knew. But if an omniscient Allah had told this, he – as said above – had not made any mistake with the name. And if the mistake came from Muhammad after Allah had told him: How many more mistakes did Muhammad make? Haman also is mentioned in 28/8 – 28/38 – 29/39 – 42/24 – 40/36. There were to be a competition between Moses and the best sorcerers in Egypt. In the Quran that seems to be expected to take much time:
041 10/87: “Provide dwellings for your (Moses’*) People in Egypt – – -“. Wrong – and a contradiction with reality both according to the Bible and the Quran. According to the Quran the Jews had dwelled for a long time in Egypt, and according to the Bible this long time amounted to 430 years (1. Mos. 12/40). They had dwellings – no reason to tell Moses toprovide such ones. Even more silly: Why provide (new) dwellings when all they wanted to
do, was to leave Egypt?
00m 26/42: “- – – ye (the sorcerers*) shall in that case (if you win over Moses*) be (raised to posts) nearest to my person (Ramses II).” It is highly unlikely that the mighty pharaoh Ramses II said that to a flock of sorcerers – and especially for winning over an after all small
042 7/127: “He (Ramses II*) said: ‘Their (the Jews’*) male children will we slay – – -“. But they were already slaying the male children of the Jews – that was why the baby Moses had to be put on the Nile also according to the Quran. Both a mistake and a contradiction. And contradictions do not exist in the Quran? See 7/141 below. But Moses won the competition by a real miracle. That single and not too big miracle, made all the sorcerers become Muslims:
00n 7/120: After Moses made his miracle “the sorcerers fell down prostate in adoration” and convinced that the god of Moses was a strong and real one. This is one of the proofs for that Muhammad knew he was lying when he told his audiences that it would have no effect to perform miracles, because disbelievers would not believe anyhow, and thus explained away the fact that he (and his presumed god) was unable to make miracles. Here he tells just
the opposite. A psychologically much more correct tale on just this one point. The same story in 20/69-70. The pharaoh grew pretty angry:
043 26/4: Pharaoh Ramses II said: “Surely he (Moses*) is your (the sorcerers’) leader – – -.” Wrong. Ramses II knew Moses from the royal court from before Moses had to flee, and knew he had been away for 40 years (according to the Bible) – he could not be the leader of the local sorcerers.
044 26/49: “- – – I (Pharaoh Ramses II) will cause you (Moses and others*) to die on the cross!” But the old Egypt did not use crucifixion as punishment. Similar claim in 7/124 – 20/71.
00o 7/124: “Be sure I (Ramses II*) will cut off your hands and feet on opposite sides – – -“. As far as we have been able to find out, Egypt at the time of Ramses II did not use this Arab way of punishment.
*045 17/102a: “- – – I (Moses*) consider thee indeed, O Pharaoh, to be one doomed to destruction!” Pharaoh Ramses II was not doomed to destruction, at least not this time. He did not drown, in spite of what the Quran (and the Bible) says. (Which may be one of the reasonswhy some Muslims want the exodus from Egypt to have happened under pharaohs we do not know as well as Ramses II – preferably one we do not know if he may have drowned or not) The Pharaoh then honoured his word to Moses and “let his people go” – though only after several serious plagues. But then he regretted the loss of all those slaves and followed after them. The Jews were caught against a sea, but Yahweh made a path for them across it:
00p 2/50: “- – – We (Allah*) divided the sea for you (Moses and his Jews*) – – -“. From other places in the Quran (and in most Bibles) it is clear that this was the Red Sea. But in the Hebrew original the name is Yam Suph, which as well can mean “The Sea of Reeds” (this also is confirmed in many footnotes in NIV (“New International Version” of the Bible)). The Sea of Reeds – it had even one more name: Timsah Sea – used to be a big lake where the Suez Canal now runs – not far from the Bitter Seas. The name tells it was just a shallow lake – the longest reeds we have been able to find, is a kind of rice that can be up to 5 -7 m long and grows in the big sea Tonle Sap in Cambodia. The reeds growing in that area of Egypt are shorter – – – and a lake with that name cannot be deeper than the reeds get their “heads” above the water. Also look at the map: Goshen where the Jews settled was in the river delta of the Nile. To get to Sinai they had to go south-south-east. It would be stupidity beyond any credibility to go so far west that they ended at the western side of the Red Sea, and thus force such a huge number of people and animals to cross the sea by boats they did not have (remember they did not know about the opening of the sea – fire/smoke-column or not (= the pathfinder/Yahweh according to the Bible)). After all they according to the Bible were 600ooo men + women + children + animals and belongings. (Theoretically it is quite possible for 70 – 90 (depending on how many wives his 11 sons in the group had) persons that came with Jacob + Joseph and his family to become 2000ooo “Jews” 430 years later. And they had no boats.) Science tells that – if the Exodus took place – the “Jews” quite likely were overtaken as they marched or camped along this lake. Similar claim in 26/63.
*046 20/78: “Then the Pharaoh pursued them with his forces, but the waters completely overwhelmed them and cover them up”. May be the water covered up the troops, but not the Pharaoh – – – Ramses II did not drown. Similar claims that all – included the pharaoh drowned – in 7/103 – 10/90 -17/103 – 23/48 – 26/66 – 27/14 – 28/40 – 40/37 – 43/55 – 44/25-28 – 51/40 – 69/9-10 – 73/16 – 79/25. We may add that science seems to be pretty sure that if the Exodus happened, it happened around 1235 BC = during the reign of Ramses II. As we know that Ramses did not drown, Islam dearly wants it to have happened earlier and under a less known pharaoh that we do not know from what he died, but as so often they only backs up the claim with speculations. As he was engulfed by the water, the pharaoh according to the Quran screamed:
*047 10/90b: “I (Ramses II) believe that there is no god except Him Whom the Children of Israel believe in: I am of those who submit (to Allah in Islam) (= became a Muslim*)”. One more thing we know about Ramses II (see 10/90), is that he was a polytheist and never a Muslim – and never a Jew.
*048 7/137: “- – – We (Allah*) levelled to the ground the great works and fine Buildings which Pharaoh and his people had erected – – -”. There is no trace neither in archaeology, nor in history, literature or art, of such a catastrophe around the year 1235 BC (some years before the end of the reign of Ramses II) when this should have happened – during the exodus from Egypt. On the contrary; Ramses II was one of the strongest and most successful of the pharaohs, leaving MANY great buildings behind after many years of – among other things – building. Has Muhammad put more drama to his story, believing it would be impossible to check if it was true? Islam will have to find proofs – and they do not exist today.
**049 43/56: “And We (Allah*) made them a people of the past – – -”. Wrong. Neither Ramses II nor the people of Egypt became a people of the past in the year 1235 BC (the approximate year of the possible exodus, according to science). That did not happen until much later – and the final doom came in 659 AD when the Arabs under Mu’awiya conquered the country and took over – for ever (?). Muslims like to “explain” that “a people” mean the soldiers of Pharaoh. But the expression “a people” has a wider meaning than that. The Jews then roamed the Sinai and thereabouts for 40 years according to the Bible – the Quran is vague on that point, but nothing there opposes this piece of information. 6. Moses after Egypt:
050 7/160: “We divided them (the people of Moses*) into twelve Tribes or nations.” Wrong: They consisted of 12 brothers, then 12 families, then 12 tribes already since after Jacob (some 430 years earlier according to the Bible). Pretty early – most likely shortly after they had left Egypt – Moses met Yahweh on a mountain. There he according to the Bible received the 10 Commandments written on 2 stone tablets + Yahweh told him the Law, and he – Moses himself – wrote them down afterwards. Just this is somewhat different – and simpler – described in the Quran:
*051 2/53: “- – – We (Allah*) gave Moses the scripture (the book*) – – -”. The book(s) named after Moses, the first 5 in OT, (the Torah), are not written by Moses. Moses lived (if he is not a fiction) around 1300-1200 (ca. 1315 to 1195?) BC (if the Exodus from Egypt really took place, it took place ca. 1235 BC during the reign of Ramses II according to science), and those books were written not earlier than ca. 800 BC – perhaps as late as 500 BC – also this according to science. A god had known that, whereas Muhammad knew nothing about their real age, and had to guess. (To be exact: The Bible says that Yahweh told Moses the law – nothing material was given except the two stone tablets where the ten commandments were inscribed – and the laws he then wrote down afterwards. It also says that when Solomon moved the Ark of Covenant into the Temple in Jerusalem some 400 years later (1.Kings 8/9);
it only contained the two stone tablets. There is nothing about “the Book(s) of Moses” – and science is unanimous that they are written much later. If Muslims claim something else, they will have to produce proofs.) The law really also only is part of the Torah/Book of Moses. Similar claims in 2/87 – 3/84 – 6/91 – 6/154 – 11/110 – 17/2 – 23/49 – 25/35 – 28/43 – 32/23 – 37/117 – 40/53 – 41/45. 052 7/145: “(Allah gave Moses the Law*) explaining all things.” The laws in the book of Moses explain far from all things. While Moses was meeting Yahweh for 40 days on the mountain, the Jews made a calf from gold and prayed to it (this seems to have been not unusual – they are known from history and at least one such calf has been found by archaeologists). The Quran blames a man from Samaria:
053 20/85: “- – – the Samari had led them astray”. But the Jews still had not arrived in Samaria and there existed no Samaris (actually the name Samaria/Samarians as far as we can find, was not coined until 722 BC – more than 500 years after the exodus that happened (if it happened) ca. 1235 BC.). Muslims try to “explain” the mistake by saying may be it is meant “shmeer” = stranger, or “shomer” = watchman = samara in Arab (irrelevant as the Jews did not speak Arab). But if the Quran means some other thing than it says here according to Islam – or is possible to misunderstand – how many other places in the book are there similar or worse/religious mistakes? Similar claims in 20/87 – 20/95
054 7/149: “When they (the Jews) repented (before Moses came down from the mountain with the 10 Commandments*) – – -“. Wrong – and a contradiction. Both the Quran itself and the Bible tell that this did not happen until after he came down – and was very angry.
055 7/171: “When We (Allah*) shook the Mount (Sinai*) over them (the Jews*) as if it had been a canopy – – -”. This needs strong proof from Islam,especially as it in reality is from a fable taken from the old Jewish book “Abodah Sarah”. Moses also had made a big tent – the Tabernacle – they used as a temple. Inside there was the Ark of Covenant – a somewhat but not very big chest:
00q 2/247: “- – – there shall come to you (the Jews) the Ark of Covenant”. Well, according to the Bible the Ark of Covenant did not come to the Jews – they built it themselves in accordance with a description they got from Yahweh. That was done around 1330 BC under Moses. Similar claim in 2/248. They moved towards “the promised land” – Canaan, now Israel approximately:
*056 5/20: “Remember Moses said to his people: – – – Allah – – – made you kings”. Wrong. The first Jewish kings were Saul (Talut in the Quran) and then David some 200 years after Moses. Any – even minor – god had known this. We have heard Muslims explain that this is not what the Quran means, but that Allah made all Jews like kings. But anyone who knows a little about Jewish history and about Jews before and now, knows very well that most Jews
never were or are or behave(d) like kings. It is an obvious “explanation”.
00r 5/23a: “- – – two (of Moses’ Jews*) on whom Allah hath – – -“. Allah or Yahweh? See also 3/51.
00s 5/21: “- – – the holy land which Allah hath assigned unto you (Moses and his Jews*) – – -“. Allah or Yahweh? (See also 3/51). But they were frightened by the people living in Canaan, and Moses never entered it. That didnot happen until under the next leader, Joshua. All the same – –
00t 37/114: “Again (of old) We (Allah*) bestowed Our favour on Moses and Aaron – – -“. “The Message of the Quran” is quick to ad that it was not because they were progeny of Abraham, but because of their own quality. What the Quran never mentions, what Islam never mentions, what Muslims never mention, is that Israel’s (belief in a) special contact with Yahweh, is not – repeat not – that they had an ancestor named Abraham some thousands years
ago. The reason was and is the covenant that was made between Israel and Yahweh according to OT – and renewed several times through the times. It is good propaganda to bully them for believing Abraham who lived some 4000 years ago (if he ever lived) is a part-out card to Heaven. But it is pretty dishonest to make this lie, and to never mention the real reason for the Jew’s belief: The covenant – broken and maltreated, but never lifted or ended. (In the same way as it is pretty dishonest never to mention the “new covenant” made via Jesus in NT – but then Muslims are obliged to use al-Taqiyya (the lawful lie) or “Kitman” (the lawful half-truth) if necessary, when it comes to defending or promoting Islam – no matter whether Islam is a
false religion or not). g. Saul, David, and Solomon – the 3 first kings of Israel. (Around 1000 BC – Saul war the first king, David the second (1007 – 970 BC?), and then Solomon – till perhaps 927 BC)
00u 2/247: “Allah hath appointed Talut (Saul*) king over you (Jews shortly before 1000 BC*)”. Most likely it was Yahweh (God) that did so, or what? Allah and Yahweh is not the same god no matter what Islam wants – the fundamental differences are too big and too many. Not unless the god is mentally ill – if he exists.
00v 38/19: “- – – and the birds gathered (in assemblies): all with him (King David*) did turn (to Allah).” Believe it who wants – we do not believe in assemblies of birds turning towards any god, not unless we get some proofs for it and not just words which cost zero to produce.
057 4/163: “- – – to David We (Allah*) gave the Psalms”. Wrong: According to science they are some centuries younger than King David. (And besides – Allah hardly was involved. If there was a god, it was Yahweh). Similar claim in 17/55.
058 21/80: “It was We (Allah*) Who thought him (King David*) the making of coats of mail”. But coats of mail and similar are older than around 1000 BC – the time of David.
00w 27/16–44: These stories – also repeated other places in the Quran – about King Solomon, the ants, the jinns slaving for him, the hoopoo, and not to mention the Queen of Sabah – are fantastically like domething from a fairy tale – – – which is what they are: They are “borrowed” from the made up – apocryphal, and hardly even apocryphal – scripture “Second Targum of Ester”. No god needs to steal old fairy tales and retell them with small – or big –
twists to make them fit his religion/tales, and then call them facts. But Muhammad often did so. That is the reason why his contemporaries so often said that what he told just were old tales – they simply recognized the legends, fairy tales and stories.
00x 27/36: King Solomon is a good Muslim. Anyone is free to believe it if he wants to. Just this hardly is even from “Sacond Targum of Ester” – see 27/16-44 just above.
*059 27/18: An ant spoke to other ants and in a way possible for King Solomon to hear. Wrong. Ants do not have the brainpower for composing complicated (for non-human terrestrial beings) sentences, and they do not have organs for pronouncing words – not even “ant-language” words. Not to mention that they lack the power to speak loud enough for humans to hear. A fairy tale. (It is worth mentioning that Islam to a degree admits this. “The
Message of the Quran calls it a legend – comment 17. But if this is a legend told like a truth, how many more are there like that in the Quran?) Similar claim in 27/18. Also see 27/16-44 just above. The only place you normally meet talking ants, are in fairy tales.
060 27/16: “We (King Solomon*) have been thought the speech of the Birds.” Wrong. One thing is that there is not one bird “speech” but one for each of the some 2000 different kindsof birds on Earth, and actually even more, as some birds have different “languages” or “dialects” from one place to another – even if you were thought cockney English, you would not understand Italian or Arab or Swahili. More fundamental is the fact that the birds’ brains
are too small for developing coherent speech. The last years science has found that birds brains may be more efficient that our, gram for gram, but that all the same they are far too small for coherent speach – the minimum size where it is theoretically possible for a brain toget faculties rudimentarily similar to the human brain, is guessed to be a brain the size of a cat’s. Coherent, intelligent speech from birds simply is physically impossible.
**061 27/22-26: A bird – the hoopoo – making long, coherent speech/sentences of its own composition. No bird on Earth can do that – they do not have the brain capacity (see 27/6b and 27/16 just above). A fairy tale.
062 27/24: “I (the hoopoo*) found her (the queen of Sabah*) worshipping the sun – – -“. Sabah was at the southern end of the Arabian Peninsula – approximately Yemen today. In the old times this whole peninsula had a moon religion, not a sun religion – with al-Lah (whom Muhammad later renamed to Allah) as the moon god. It is documented that also in old Sabah the main god was the moon god (Source: “The Lunar Passion and the Daughters of Allah”).
063 27/28: “Go thou (the hoopoo*), with this letter of mine, and deliver it to them: then draw back from them, and (wait to) see what answer they return…” No bird is able to do this. Not even the carrier pigeon brings letters – it only is able to return with a letter. (The pigeons have to be brought in cages from the one who is to receive the letter, to the one that is to send the message. Then when the bird is let loose, it simply wants to return home – – – and carries the letter to its nest, where the receiver can collect it. This is the only possible way for using birds for carrying a letter. Except in fairy tales.)
064 27/44: “- – – she (the Queen of Sabah*) thought it (the floor*) was a lake of water (though it was slabs of glass) – – -“.
1. They did not have the technology to make that quality of glass ca. 900 – 1000 BC.
2. They also did not have the technology to make big slabs – and they had to be really big not to notice at once the cracks between the
slabs. Even today it is difficult, as it needs months of very exact and slow cooling for that big slabs not to crack. (Cfr. the making of the mirrors for large astronomical parabolic telescopes).
00y 27/39: “- – – (one) of the Jinns – – -”. Jinns are beings with a diffuse role in the Quran. They are “borrowed” from old Arab fairy tales and legends. Allah made them from fire, the book tells – or may be from the fire of a scorching wind, according to one place in the Quran. There is said little about their shape – perhaps roughly like humans, though it is indicated that there were several kinds of them. They also have a diffuse role in the “pantheon” – they definitely do not belong in the heavens, but neither in hell. There simply is said nothing about where they belong. Neither is anything said about their role in the “life” of heaven and hell or their real connection to the “inhabitants” those two places – or to earthlings. As we said; much is diffuse concerning them and their life, except that they must be beings that can die – and end in hell mostly it seems. As said they are borrowed from old Arab folklore and fairy tales and mostly seem not really to belong in the religion, though they are mentioned quite frequently. Generally we feel they are a little suspect most of the time, but not always. Some were servants (or slaves) for King Solomon, and in the older times – not 100 years ago – there shall have existed laws for marriage etc. between humans and Jinns, though no marriage ever took place!! Do they really exist in the hidden world? – or are they in reality just something from fairy tales used for the mysterious effect?
Another mystery: If Islam is the main and original religion, one should meet the jinns many places – in the Bible. But you only meet them in Islam.
065 38/37: “- – – And also the Satans (including) every kind of builder and diver (had to work for King Solomon*) – – -“. To make us believe this, Islam has to produce very real proofs – this even more so as it had been such a boost to Solomon’s reputation, that it surely had not been forgotten in the Bible – – – and there it is not mentioned. Similar claim in 21/82.
066 38/36: “Then We (Allah*) subjected the wind to his (Solomon’s*) power – – -”. This needs strong evidence – we hardly believe Solomon was able to regulate temperature and air pressure in the atmosphere in such a way as to be the director of the winds. Similar claim in 34/12.
**067 34/14a: “Then, when We (Allah*) decreed (Solomon’s) death, nothing showed them (the surroundings included jinns) his death, except a little worm of the earth, which kept (slowly) gnawing away his staff – – -”. Wrong:
1. In the castle of Solomon there would be no earth and then no worm from the earth. (This could not happen outside, as his servants would not leave the mighty king sitting outside through many days and nights).
2. There exists no worm from the earth able to gnaw dry, hard wood like in a staff. Some Muslims wants this to have been a termite, but a termite is no worm, and a god knows that.
3. See also 34/14b just below. **068 34/14b: “Then, when We (Allah*) decreed (Solomon’s) death, nothing showed them (see 34/14a just above) his death, except a little worm from the earth, which kept (slowly) gnawing away his staff; so when he fell down – – -”. Wrong: It would take days or more for a small worm to weaken the staff enough for Solomon to fall – may be weeks.
1. A mighty king sitting not mowing for too long would after some time be addressed by his servants.
2. A mighty king not talking for a long enough while, would be addressed by his servants.
3. A mighty king not taking care of his duties and his visitors for a long enough while, would be addressed by his servants.
4. A mighty king not going to bed in the evening would be addressed by his servants.
5. Rigor mortis (the only possible, but highly unlikely reason for the situation) takes time to start – and it disappears. If not for other reasons, he would fall because of that long before a small worm had the time to weaken the staff.
6. In the climate of Jerusalem – even in winter
(when there after all would be a fire) – his body would start decomposing. Everyone had to notice that. A fairy tale simply.
8. Alexander the Great (!!) aka Dhu’l Quarnayn (around 330 BC): Alexander the Great is a man one does not expect to find in a “holy book”. But in the Quranyou find him – mainly in surah 18. The book uses an Arab name for him: Dhu’l Quarnayn – the two-horned one. But it is well known in history that this was a name used for Alexander in Arabia. In addition there are facts like the description made by the well known Muslim scholar Ibn Hisham (around 900 AD) in his comments to Ibn Ishaq’s “The Life of Muhammad”: “Alexander was a Greek and he founded Alexandria”. Alexander really was from Macedonia, but he also was king of Greece, and it is very elementary knowledge that he founded Alexandria – and gave it his name. You will find Muslims that vehemently oppose this fact, because it makes an extremely unbelievable story even worse: Every educated person knows that her something is horribly – not to say laughably – wrong. Alexander was not involved in stupidities like this, and he definitely was no Muslim, but a polytheist. Some Muslims even try to use the mistake the book makes by telling he is a good Muslim, as a proof for that Dhu’l Quarnayn cannot be Alexander, because today we know he was a polytheist. The trouble is that Muhammad’s uneducated follower in 622 AD when this surah is dated, did not have the faintest idea about that – Muhammad and Allah told it, and then it had to be true! But there is no doubt: Duh’l Quarnayn is Alexander the Great. In some translations of the Quran – Dawood – you will find they simply write Alexander the Great instead of Dhu’l Qarnayn in the Quran.
069** 18/95: “He (Alexander*) said: ‘(The power) in which my Lord (Allah!!!*) has established me is better – – -”. The Quran clearly indicates that Alexander was a pious Muslim (some 950 years before Muhammad). To make an understatement: That is wrong. Alexander was a polytheist. Also see 18/86a, 18/96b and 18/96c. Similar claim in 18/98.
070 18/96a: “- – – he (Alexander) reached the setting of the sun, – – -”. To reach the setting of the sun means to go west. In addition to all the other mistakes in this story, we know that Alexander never went west (the furthest west he ever was, was his homeland Macedonia north of Hellas, and Egypt). See also 18/86 and 18/86 just below.
**071 18/86b: “- – – when he (Alexander) reached the setting of the sun – – -”. Anyone who knows two millimetres about geography and astronomy knows this is wrong and ridiculous to the extreme: The sun does not set on Earth – and absolutely not in a pond of water. Also see 18/86a and 18/86c just above and just below.
***072 18/86c: “- – – he (Alexander the Great*) found it (the sun*) set in a spring of murky water”. This statement – or fairy tale – deserves a series of exclamation marks – anyone today who has finished primary school, knows among other these facts:
1. I. The sun is too big to settle anywhere on Earth.
2. II Not to mention that it is far too big to settle in a pond – murky or not.
3. III. And that if the sun ever came within a million kilometres or miles from the Earth, there would be no spring or pond any more. Muhammad did not know the size or temperature of the sun – he even seems to believe it was a flat disk that could be folded up – but an omniscient god had known. Who made the Quran? Muslims try to “explain” it by telling that what he saw was the reflexion of a sunset in a spring. Think of the great warrior king Alexander – riding west and west and west with his men, day after day and week after week to find the place where the sun set. Then one day he hits upon one more pond – even one with dirty water. When he stands so that that dirty spring is in the straight line between him and the sun, he sees the red and yellow mirror image of the sunset in the muddy surface – a sight he has seen time and again and again before on the surfaces of ponds and springs and rivers and lakes and seas – and he hails his men: “Now we have reached our goal!! Here is where the sun sets!! Now let’s go back and tell about our great discovery“. Believe it whoever wants. But whoever believes it needs to see a professor of history – or a psychologist to mend his
brain. (Also see 18/86a and 18/86b just above.)
073 18/90: “- – – he came to the rising of the sun – – -”. It is not physically possible to come to the place where the sun rises from the Earth as the Quran indicates, because it does not rise from the Earth – and if it had, both Alexander and the Earth had been rather fried. Also see 18/86a – 18/86b – 18/86c just above.
*00z 18/94: “- – – Gog and Magog – – -”. These are from the Bible. In the Bible one is a country and the other a king – king Gog of the country Magog. In the Quran they are two bad peoples or tribes. Who is right? Remember that Muhammad did not know the Bible well. A god had known. Then who composed the Quran?
***74 18/95-97: A people that lived in a valley were terrorized by two other people – Gog and Magog. They (the locals*) asked Alexander for help. He said: “I will erect a strong barrier between you and them: ‘Bring me blocks of iron’”. And he let build a wall of iron blocks produced by the locals, straight across the valley, strong enough to be impossible for the people of Gog and Magog to get through, and tall enough to be impossible to get over even
with the longest ladders. But nowhere on the entire earth there existed that much iron blocks around 330 BC – blocks of iron the locals were asked to bring him. (Note here that 18/93 tells the wall had to cross “(a tract) between two mountains” under which mountains a people lived – the wall had to have some length to cross “a tract” big enough for a whole people to live – it took a lot of iron blocks.) Also remember that iron was expensive at that time – it took a lot of work to make it. The locals had to be very rich to have that much iron. (Besides it is all ridiculous: Very few valleys have only one possible way in and out – Gog and Magog could in case get around the wall. And if not, it always vas possible to dig under the wall – this was a valley in which people lived, and such a valley would have soil under the wall.) See also 18/86a – 18/86b – 18/86c above.
**075 18/96a: “At length, when he (Alexander – or really the workers making the wall*) had filled up the space between the two steep mountain-sides, he said, ’Blow (with your bellows)’. Then, when he had made it red as a fire – – -”. It would not be possible to make the whole of such a big wall red like fire at around 330 BC. They neither had the means – that kind of fire – nor the technology. It would be more than difficult even today. Fairy tale.
**076 18/96b: “Then, when he (Alexander the Great) had made it (red) as fire, he said: ’Bring me, that I may pour over it, molten lead” (Dawood says bronze).
1. We do not think there any one place on Earth was enough lead – or bronze – for such a job.
2. Even if it did, metal was expensive – the locals had to be very rich to have so much lead/bronze. And this goes even more so for enough iron blocks to build a huge wall.
3. It would not be technically possible to heat such a big and long wall to “make it (red) as fire” ca. 330 BC – it is hardly possible today – for pouring the lead/bronze over it. To include the rest of the story about Gog and Magog: They will be unable to get out of their big valley – it has to be big to feed that many until they are released as a warning about the approaching of the Final Day. But even today nobody has found their valley – not even on a satellite photo. It must be a well hidden big valley:
077 21/96b: “Until the Gog and Magog (2 bad tribes*) are let through (their barrier), and they swiftly swarm from every hill”. Gog and Magog according to the Quran (surah 18) were two groups of people (tribes?) imprisoned in a valley behind a tall, strong barrier made from iron blocks erected by Dhu’l Quarnayn/Alexander the Great. But there is nowhere on Earth – let alone in the area Alexander travelled – a valley big enough to produce food for two large tribes of people (“swarm from every hill” = large tribes), that is impossible to get out from, even if the main valley and way out is blocked. Besides the whole storey is nonsense: Even if they could not get through or over such a barrier, given time it always would be possible to dig under it. Even if it had been erected on solid rock, around 330 BC when the Quran pretends this happened (Alexander died 323 BC), people knew how to make short tunnels even through a rock if they really wanted to, by means of fire + water. Besides: Where is the valley? Today every inch of the globe is mapped, and there is no walled in valley anywhere. Not in the east where Alexander travelled, and nowhere else. Remember; the two big tribes Gog and Magog have to be living in that valley today, as they only are to be released from it shortly before the Day of Doom according to the Quran.
PART II, CHAPTER 1, Subchapter 3, Section 14 (= II-1-3-14)
1. Is Allah omnipotent and made the Quran? – or not?
2. Is Allah omnipotent, and did not make the Quran? The dark parts of the Quran presents another possibility:
3. Is the Quran in reality made by dark forces? If Iblis – the Devil – dressed up like Gabriel, Muhammad did not have a chance to see the difference. The many inhuman and/or immoral aspects in Islam and the Quran may indicate that this is a possible explanation. But would even dark forces “send” a text and a book with so many mistakes, contradictions, etc.? – they had to know they would be looked through and loose credibility sooner or later.
Finally the fact that many of the mistakes etc. in the book are in accordance with what was good knowledge and science in Arabia at the time of Muhammad, makes one wonder:
4. Is there a Hell? – and in case is the description in the Quran correct? – there are so many other mistakes in the book.
5. Is there a Day of Doom? – and in case is it run by Allah? – or by Yahweh? – or by some other god(s)?
6. Is there a Paradise? – and is it in case a paradise for the body like in the Quran? – or for the soul like in the Bible? – or something
else. This is a problem with the Quran: There are so many mistakes that there are reason for doubting anything, and impossible to know if something is true, and in that case what. What is true? What is al-Taqiyya? – what is plainly and simply wrong? A last day will come for man sometimes in the future – but as there are so much wrong in the Quran, there is every reason to doubt that the description (or even existence) of Allah, and then consequently to believe that the description of Allah’s arrangement of the last day also is wrong. And what about each and every Muslim if the Quran is partly or completely wrong, and they because of threats, social pressure or simply by the glorified plain and blind belief, have not had the chance to find out in time? If there is nothing after this life, they will have lost nothing – except they have made this life difficult or a hell or worse for many. But if there is something afterwards, it may be a rude awakening, because there only is one thing that is sure about the Quran: No god – omniscient or not – made (not to mention revered in his own Heaven) a book with this many mistakes, contradictions, etc., and with that much invalid logic and as invalid “signs” and “proofs”.Similar claims in 3/ 25 – 6/12 -15/99 – 40/59 – 45/26 – 45/32.
002 29/54: “- – – of a surety, Hell will encompass the Rejecters (non-Muslims*) of the Faith (Islam*).” No, this is no surety with all the mistakes in the Quran strongly reducing a reader’s belief in the reality of the religion. Even more: If someone has made up the Quran, and there exists another, real religion, the rejecters of Muhammad and Islam have a chance of finding that religion, but Muslims not.
003 66/6: “- – – a fire whose fuel is Men and Stones – – -“. A fire is a chemical reaction – normally an oxidation – that releases heat, and so much heat that the reaction continues by itself and still releases enough surplus heath to make a visible flame. This does not happen with stones – and definitely not with the stones Muhammad and his congregation knew about.(There are Muslims telling Muhammad meant coal, but coal as a means of heating, was unknown in Arabia at the time of Muhammad and his congregation – which means it is very clear that his followers were meant to understand normal stones). Wrong.
004 56/95: “Verily, this (the description of hell in the Quran*) is the Very Truth and Certainty”. Why should what the Quran says about hell be more true and certain than the rest of the book with its many mistakes amd errors? – Islam in case will have to bring some proofs instead of cheap words. See 42/7 above and other places.
00a 55/56: The Muslim Paradise is quite like the Zoroastrian one (Zoroastrians mainly lived in Persia, one of the big trading partners for Arabia. The Arabs knew that religion – hardly as well as the Mosaic or the Christian religions, but at least superficially.) – except that the houries there were named paaris. Also see 19/71 just below.
00b 19/71: “Not one of you but will pass over it (the bridge Sirat – to be passed the Last Day*)”. Very similar to Zoroastrian, where the bridge is named Chinavad. Also see 55/56 just above.
005 76/21: “- – – and they will (in Paradise*) be adorned with bracelets of silver – – -.” Well, in 18/31 – 35/33 the bracelets are from gold. A small detail – but an omniscient god does not get even the details wrong. A mistake and a small contradiction.
PART II, CHAPTER 1, Subchapter 3, Section 15 (= II-1-3-15)
Muhammad hardly had any original story at all. He picked from any suitable sources, in many cases from religious legends he believed were stories from the Bible, and also from ordinary local fairy tales and legends, and twisted them a little or much to make them fit his new religion. Not for nothing did his opponents claim that he “just told old tales”. (Neither did he have many original thoughts or ideas – nearly without exception they were picked or borrowed from surrounding cultures and mixed with the old Arab war and robbery culture.) Below you find some samples.
*00a 18/9: “Or dost thou reflect that the Companions of the Cave – – -”. This is an old tale – a religious legend – that is incorporated in the Quran. The story of the 7 sleepers is well known – and is just a fairy tale. The 7 were Christians from Ephesus in what is now Turkey, that fled to a cave during a pogrom under “Cesar” Decius the story goes. Decius had the cave walled up to kill them. Instead the 7 fell asleep, and did not wake up until in the year of the reign of the pious Theodosius – that is in 448 AD. Decius reined for just over two years around/just after 250 AD. That means that if the fairy tale had been true, they had slept some 195 years (the Quran says 300 or 309 years – even in the fairy tale it is wrong). Islam has troubles explaining how this story ended in the Quran, and the “explanations” we have seen, are very “lofty” and diffuse – f. ex that it really is told about an older Jewish fairy tale (does an omniscient god need to rely on old fairy tales?) – or that it derives from misunderstandings about the Esseers (does an omniscient god misunderstand things?) – the members of the Qumran society (near the Dead Sea) but without giving any sources or documentation – only speculations. Besides the age does not matter – it is as made up even if it should happen that the original is a bit older. They also tell it is an allegory – which they very often do when they have difficulties finding “explanations” that are possible to believe. But it obviously is not meant to be an allegory – among other things the meanings of an allegory normally are very easy to see or are explained. The Quran further normally tells when it is telling an allegory or something similar, and not least; the Quran itself stresses that it shall be understood literally if nothing else is said. The sleepers also mentioned in 18/13 – 18/22 – 18/25. 001 105/3+4: “- – – Han (Allah*) sent against them Flights of Birds, Striking them with stones of baked clay.” This refers to an attack from Abyssinia in 570 AD (though modern science question if the year is quite correct). The vice king Abrhah or Abrah, lost much of his army because of a virulent illness – perhaps smallpox – and had to return home without attacking Mecca. The troops were NOT killed by stones from birds. (Muslims sometimes try to “explain” the clear text and the as clear mistake away by some linguistic gymnastics that includes that the Arab word for stone and the one for writings are not dissimilar, and they think that these words have been mixed up (in a holy book sent down by Allah, and without
mistakes – how many more mixing ups?), and then say the meaning is metaphorical (in a book the Allah says shall be understood as it is written), it may not mean stones, but hard physical strikes – but also hard physical strikes is not the same as illness. Muslims frequently have
too use far out “explanations” like this to try to camouflage mistakes. But if there is a linguistic mistake here, according to Muslims – how many more linguistic mistakes are there in the Quran?
00b 5/23: “- – – two (of Moses’ Jews*) on whom Allah hath – – -“. Allah or Yahweh? See also 3/51.
*002 37/142: “Then the big fish swallowed him (Jonah*)”. Wrong.
1. There exists no fish big enough to swallow a man whole. There is one exception, but that one does not eat large prey (the whale-shark). Besides there may be one or two of the whales, but even the orca does not swallow a seal (reasonably similar size) in one piece.
2. Even if he had been swallowed, he had not survived – he had died in minutes from lack of oxygen.
3. And had he had a supply of oxygen – which he obviously did not – the acid juices in the stomach of the “fish” had killed him in a short time.
A fairy tale, even if this story is “borrowed” from the Bible. (There are some mistakes also in the Bible). About Jonah also in 37/44 among other places.
00c 2/73: “Allah said: ‘Strike the (body) with a piece of the (heifer)’. Thus Allah bringet the dead to life – – -“. It is not possible to wake up a dead this way. Islam will have to produce a solid proof – especially as this story is not in the Bible, and thus is taken from a legend or
003 2/102: “- – – the buyers of (magic) – – -“. Magic is just superstition. 004 5/110: “And behold, thou makest out of clay, as it were, the figure of a bird, by My leave, and you brethest into it and it becometh a bird by My leave, – – – “. A made up story form the made up legends in the made up (apocryphal) Thomas Child Gospel. See also 3/49 – Muhammad often repeats himself, even if that makes no good literature. Besides: A wonder like this had not been forgotten in the Bible – and especially not by “wrongdoers” wanting to falsify the Bible to make Jesus more holy, like the Quran frequently says/indicates. (But how to make Jews agree to falsifications making Jesus more holy? – falsifications in those two religions had to be identical, if not the Jewish scriptures and the Christian OT would today have been quite different from each others.)
005 35/44: “Do they (people*) not travel through the earth, and see what was the End of those before them – – -?” In and around Arabia there were (and are) ruins here and there. Muhammad claimed – as normal without any documentation as only non-Muslims need to prove anything – that each and every one of them were results of Allah’s anger because of disbelief etc. in Islam. Wrong. In a dry and harsh land inhabited by warring tribes there were plenty of other reasons for empty houses and ruins.
006 27/39: “- – – (one) of the Jinns – – -”. Jinns are beings with a diffuse role in the Quran. They are “borrowed” from old Arab fairy tales and legends and pagan religion. Allah made them from fire, the book tells – though one place it is said they are made from the fire of a scotching wind. There is said little about their shape – perhaps roughly like humans, but also perhaps with different shapes as the word may represent different kinds of beings. They also
have a diffuse role in the “pantheon” – they definitely do not belong in the heaven, but neither in hell. There simply is said nothing about where they belong. Neither is anything said about their role in the “life” of heaven and hell or their real connection to the “inhabitants” those two places – or to earthlings. As we said; much is diffuse concerning them and their life, except that they must be beings that can die – and end in hell mostly it seems, even though the Quran tells they could react positively to Islam. As said they are borrowed from old Arab folklore, fairy tales, and the old pagan religion, and mostly seem not really to belong in the religion of Islam, though they are mentioned quite frequently. Generally we feel they are a little suspect most of the time, but not always. Some were servants (or slaves) for King Solomon, and in the older times – not 100 years ago – there shall have existed laws for marriage etc. between humans and Jinns, though no marriage ever took place!! Do they really exist in the hidden world? – or are they in reality just something from fairy tales used for the mysterious effect? Besides: If they are real and if Islam is the original, ageold religion – why do we not find at least traces from them in other religions? (The word sometimes is translated with “bad spirits” and bad spitits you find in many religions, but this translation is not exact.)
00d 55/15: “And He (Allah*) created Jinns from fire free of smoke.” Jinns are beings from old Arab folklore, fairy tales and legends relating to the old Arab pagan religion. Is it just by co-incidence that these beings in Allah’s world – that according to the Quran are real beings – before only were known to the Pagan Arabs and not to any others, not even to the real (?) prophets in the Bible? In a religion for all the world and made by a god for the entire world,
they never manifested themselves any other place in the entire world than just in that area. What a lucky coincident that Allah finally choose just an Arab – Muhammad – for amessenger, so that he could tell the rest of the world what part the jinns play in the real religion. But it also is strange that except for things borrowed from the Bible and a little from other neighbouring religions, there is nothing about or from the rest of the world in the Quran – and the Quran has no stuff from those parts of the world, even though Allah is for allthe world, and there have been prophets all over and to all times, according to that book. Also see 27/39 above.
PART II, CHAPTER 1, Subchapter 3, Section 16 (= II-1-3-16)
*001 2/145+146: “If thou, after the knowledge (of the new qiblah (= what direction to face when you are praying*)*), wert to follow their (the People of the Book‘s*) (vain) desire – then wert thou indeed (clearly) in the wrong. The People of the Book know this as they know their own sons.” But it is most obvious that this is not true – neither Jews nor Christians know this – – – and especially not Christians, who have no qiblah – direction of facing when praying. (churches mostly make their congregation face east, but there is no qiblah). Similar info in 2/149.
***002 2/256: “- – – no compulsion in religion – – -“. This “flagship” for proving the peaceful Islam, disused daily by most Muslims and very frequently by Islam itself, is very wrong, because it is abrogated (made invalid) by at least these verses from the more bloody and inhuman later Medina surahs:2/191, 2/193, 3/28, 3/85, 3/148, 4/81, 4/90, 5/33, 5/72, 5/73, 8/12, 8/38-39 (the warning), 8/39, 8/60, 9/3, 9/5, 9/14, 9/23, 9/29, 9/33, 9/73, 9/123, 25/36,
25/52, 33/61, 33/73, 35/36, 47/4, 66/9 (ca. 30 different verses!!!). This includes many advising or permitting political, social, economical, etc. compulsion (with the sword in the background if you protest) – we mention a few here: 3/28, 3/85, 3/148, 4/81, 5/72, 5/73, 9/23, 14/7, 15/3, 33/73, 35/36.(At least 29 contradictions). (as for 5/33: Remember that almost all the wars and raids Muhammad fought, were wars of aggression, even if he called it jihad –
even Badr, Uhud and the Trench/Medina were battles of defence in a war of aggression started and kept alive by Muhammad’s raids – mainly for money. Non-Muslims should not defend themselves and their belongings, according to 5/33). MUSLIMS NEVER – NEVER – MENTION THAT THIS VERSE IS THOUTOUGHLY ABROGATED, AND THUS WITHOUT VALUE.
In addition to this there are other kinds of compulsion than the sword – economy, brutal taxes, social stigma, “Berufsverbot” (good jobs prohibited), physical insecurity, etc. And all of themwere backed by the sword – conform and obey and pay or else – – -!! It must be added that some Muslims say this nonsense in good faith – they really believe it. But not one single Muslim educated in his religion, does not know he is lying each time he says that there is no compulsion in religion under Islam – but then defending and promoting Islam are two of the cases where Al-Taqiyya (the lawful lie), is not only lawful, but compulsory in Islam, if it is necessary to use it. (A small PS: One or two of the verses may or may not be a little older than 2/256, but there once was a long debate in Islam if an older verse could abrogate a younger, and the conclusion was that that was possible). One final small, but essential fact: 2/256 does not say “there is no compulsion in religion” like Muslims often quotes it – it says “Let there be no compulsion in religion”. It is not the statement of a fact, but a demand or a wish. If this verse had not been abrogated, it had been “Glad Tidings”. Yes, even if Muslims had been honest and told the verse is abrogated by at least some 30 harsh later verses had helped – at least it had helped the moral standard of Muslims to be that honest.
**003 3/154: “Even if you had remained in your homes (instead of taking part in the battle of Uhud, where many were killed*), those for whom the death was decreed would certainly have gone forth to the place of their death (= they had died anyhow*)”. Here we have the predestination. You can as well do battle, because Allah has decided long time ago when you are to die. If your time is up, you will die no matter, even if you are lying in your bed. That means that to do battle is not dangerous, but you can win a lot of wealth – or slaves – and if you die in battle, you are sure to go to Paradise with its luxury life and willing houries (in addition to your wives), which you are not sure of if you die at home. The only intelligent thing to do is to fight for your prophet – or his successors. Today it is easy to prove by statistics that it is very wrong – but Muhammad did not know about statistics (and a god had
not even needed statistics to know it was stupidity). Actually Islam today back-pedals very much concerning predestination – telling f. ex. that the Quran does not mean real predestination – but without explaining what it is instead. But in some cases the book is so clear, that it is impossible to explain it away – f. ex. many places connected to statements that when your time is out, you will die anyhow, and therefore you can as well go to war.
An efficient war religion. See 3/154).
004 3/190: “- – – there are indeed Signs for men of understanding – – -“. Psychologically agood slogan; who does not want to belong among the wise men, and who is not flattered by being included among the wise ones by the demi-god of a leader? – especially the uneducated and naïve followers – – – or the brainwashed ones. But the only two things a man of real understanding can learn from statements that are clearly invalid, because they just are cheap words that never are proved – only backed by demands and flatter for blind belief:
1. The first possible conclusion a man of understanding can make is: Muhammad had no valid arguments – if he had had real and true arguments, he had not had to use invalid ones.
2. The other possible conclusion a man understanding can make from this, is that something is seriously wrong. After all wrong information, invalid logic, and sometimes lies, are the hallmarks of adeceiver, a cheat and a swindler. Plus from wrong facts you get wrong answers. Also see 2/99. 005 4/11+12: The verses about inheritance are far from clear in Islam. Muhammad statedfixed proportions. But the trouble is that those proportions may add up to more than the full value of the property. If there f. ex. are these inheritors after a man’s death: 1 wife = 1/8 (3/24), 3 daughters = 2/3 (16/24), 1 father = 1/6 (4/24) and 1 mother = 1/6 (4/24). If you add these you will see that they are to inherit 27/24, which is mathematically and practically impossible. Or if a man dies and leaves only a sister and a brother: The sister gets ½ and the brother the double of what the sister gets = 3/2, which is an absurd joke. And what if a man had 2 wives, one with a child and the other not: Does the one with child get 1/8 and the other ¼? Etc. Juridical problems concerning inheritance are complicated under Islam because of these mistakes. But the shares are said to be ordained by Allah, the All-knowing!!!
00a 5/60: “Those who incurred the curse of Allah and his wrath, those of some he transformed into apes and swine – – -”. Hardly likely. This needs strong proofs.
**006 6/109: “- – – what will make you (Muslims) realise that (even) if (special) Signs came, they will not believe?” Wrong. If there were real proofs of a god, at least a good number ofpeople would believe – that is a psychological fact. Mohammad even proved he knew that by telling that a few miracles from Moses made Pharaoh’s magicians Muslims. And Jesus showed that miracles made wonders when it came to making people believe – and Muhammad at least knew a little about that. The sentence really sounds like fast-talk to “explain” why Allah/Muhammad was unable to produce unmistakeable proofs for Allah. Worse: An intelligent man like Muhammad knew this argument is a lie – and all the same he used it frequently. This simply is one of the places in the Quran where Muhammad knew he was lying. Similar claim f. ex. in 17/59.
00b 6/145: “I (Muhammad*) find not in the Message received by me by inspiration any (meat) forbidden to be eaten – – – unless it is dead meat, or blood poured fort, or the flesh of swine – for it is an abomination (nobody knows why it is prohibited*) – or – – – (meat) on which a name has been invoked, other than Allah’s”. This surah “appeared” ca. 621 AD. Some 6 years later Allah or Muhammad obviously discovered they had made a mistake and forgotten that also meat from donkey is forbidden for Muslims – this according to Hadiths ( Al-Bukhari) Then this verse was abrogated in order to add that kind of meat. This is one of the cases where the Quran is abrogated by Hadith. (But beware that if a Muslim is forced to eat these kinds of meat – from sheer hunger – or is cheated to eat it – someone tells him wrongly that the sausage contains no pork and he trusts what is said – then it is no sin). Similar claim in 2/173 – 16/115.
007 6/146: “For those who followed the Jewish Law, We (Allah*) forbade (to eat*) every (animal) with undivided hoof, and We forbade them the fat of the ox and the sheep – – -“. Skipping the fact that Allah and the god of the Jews, Yahweh, is not the same god – not unless he is schizophrenic – the correct last part is: – – – “the fat of cattle, sheep or goat” (3. Mos. 7/23). A minor mistake, but an omniscient god had not forgotten the goat.
008 6/151: “Come, I (Muhammad*) will rehearse what Allah hath (really) prohibited you from – – – be good to your parents”. This very obviously is wrong and a bit of a contradiction compared to other places in the Quran – Muhammad very obviously meant exactly the opposite; that you were ordered to be god to your parents. An omniscient god would not make such a mistake. Who made the Quran? Also Muslim scholars agree that here the text is wrong – it is absolutely contrary to what the Quran says about this all other places. Which give you an unbeatable proof against any Muslim boasting that the book being without any mistakes at all. A proof and a fact sanctioned by Islam! (And besides: If here is a mistake, how many more are there?) Just
remember: 6/151 (6 in Scandinavian = sex, and 151 has sex in both ends (1 + 5 = 6, and 5 + 1 = 6). Easy to remember.
00c 7/56: “Do no mischief on earth, after it has been set in order – – -“. According to our book, murder, rape, stealing/robbing, hate, suppression, murder, war, etc. are mischief. But may be it only is against Muslims that is immoral and forbidden? (Exemple: The crusaders doing bad things to Muslims were bad people. Muslims doing the same and worse against non-Muslims in f. ex. Sind (now mainly Pakistan) or Africa were heroes – and worse; they even today are reckoned to be heroes).
00d 7/102: “Most of them (people*) We (Allah*) found not men true to their covenance – – -“. “The Message of the Quran” (7/102, comment 81) tells that the exact word-for-word translation is: “We found by them nothing that tied them to what is truth and right”. And that book continues by telling that this may include man’s capability to instinctively to see the difference between right and wrong. Now the fact that some of the most fundamental moral questions get the same answer in many societies indicates that something deep inside man tells some common moral truths: You shall not steal, you shall not be a nuisance – or worse – to others, you shall not rape, you shall not kill, etc. But Islam and the Quran is the best proof for that these inner messages are easy to override for a charismatic leader and for a society, and make immoral behaviour a praiseworthy moral codex: To steal/rob, rape, enslave, murder, and more – it all is “good and lawful” in the Quran. And Islam and the Quran collide sharply with the one and only fundamentally acceptable moral no. 1. rule: Behave against others like you want others to behave against you – which is the only morally and ethically acceptable moral to build a philosophy and a society on.
009 9/36: “The number of months in the sight of Allah, is twelve (in a year) – so ordained by Him (Allah*) – – -“. A year is the time the Earth needs to make a full circle around the sun. A month really is the time the moon needs to make a full circle around the Earth. These two circles are not synchronized. Because of this something is wrong in this statement, as 12 such months are some 11 days less than a natural year. The Islamic year is an artificial construction whether ordained by Allah or not, the Muslim year is not really a year (103 Muslim years = roughly 100 real years). You will find Muslims glorifying the Muslim year that slides along the real year, but the plusses are much smaller than the minuses – – – plus it makes something
wrong with this verse: A Muslim year simply is not a year.
00e 10/27: “But those who earned evil will have a reward of like evil – – -“. Muhammad, his men and his successors did enormously much evil – stealing/robbing, raping, enslaving, destroying places and lives and lands and cultures, extorting, terrorizing, torturing, murdering, inciting to hate and war and mass killings and suppression of other humans – only that it wassanctioned by a god, according to Muhammad, though a god that in case neither were omniscient, nor omnipotent (he f. ex. had to explain away all questions for miracles – some times with obviously logically invalid claims), not to mention benevolent – it will take quite a lot to give them “a reward of like evil.”
010 10/31: “’- – – who is it that rules and regulates all affairs?’ They (non-Muslims) will soon say, ‘Allah‘”. Wrong. People of other religions would name their own god (or gods). (Though non-Muslim Arabs at that time might say al-Lah – the old polytheistic Arab top god, a name that sounds like Allah.)
011 10/94: “- – – be nowise of those in doubt (about Islam*).” With all the mistakes etc. in theQuran, it is sheer naivety not to be in doubt, and at least check the facts.
012 10/96: “Those against whom the Word of thy Lord has been verified – – -.” That is one of the main problems for Islam – as it was for Muhammad: There exists no real verification of Islam – not one single proof, and not one single place. Only cheap words and claims that in NO case are verified. But glorification of and demands for blind belief you find aplenty. Whenever we meet people using bluffs and defending bluffs – like here – for us that strongly
indicates not only that they have no real arguments, but also that they know it themselves, and just try to defend wishful thinking or beliefs they are mentally unable to question.
013 11/14: “If then they (your false gods) answer not your (call), know ye that this Revelation(the Quran*) is sent down (replete) with the knowledge of Allah, – – -”. This is logically 100% wrong, as whether false gods or other gods answer or not, proves nothing about Allah. The only thing which may prove Allah, are unmistakable answers or deeds from Allah. Would a god try to cheat his – mostly illiterate and uneducated – audience in cheap and primitive ways like this?
00f 12/111: “This is – – – instruction for men endued with understanding.” It may be so – many Muslim thinkers and learned men were and are intelligent men. But to what avail? – when you give even the most intelligent persons wrong information from the start, their conclusions inevitably become just mistakes and errors, no matter how intelligent they are. To quote late Henrik Ibsen in “Peer Gynt”: “Naar utgangspunktet er som galest, blir resultatet tidt
originalest” – which means something like ”When the facts are really wrong, the result frequently becomes very ’original’”. Also: “If you multiply correct information with one student, you get a better answer than when you multiply wrong information with a bunch of geniuses”.
014 13/17: “Thus doth Allah (by parables) show forth – – -”. Can it really be an omniscient god that shows forth so many mistakes? Nyet – a good English word that means no with some lines under it.
015 20/106+107: “He will leave them (mountains/mountain chains that will be removed*) as plains smooth and level. Nothing crooked or curved wilt thou see in their place”. This would be correct on a flat Earth. But as the Earth is curved, there has got to be curved lines at least where the big mountain chains will be removed. Any god had known. 016 20/116: “Prostrate yourself to Adam”. Wrong, as Adam did never exist – man developed from a primate. We debated with some Muslims some time ago about this, and they triumphantly told us we were wrong, for now science had found that there had been an Eve and an Adam. Which is quite true. But what they did not mention, was that this Eve lived about 160ooo – 200ooo years ago, and represented a so called “bottleneck” – a time when the human race nearly died out and only Eve had girl children, or the DNA of the other girl children died out later (this result is from tests of mitochondria DNA – mDNA – and mDNA only tells about the female side of the story, as mitochondria only goes from parents to child
via the egg cell – carrying the feminine DNA). Then around 60ooo+ (ca. 64ooo?) years ago, something happened to Homo Sapiens. He still was Homo sapiens, but something – science does not know what – happened that started him on the road to technical and other developments. And there was another bottleneck – something similar to what happened to the “archaeological Eve” – happened once more. But this time it is readable in the Y chromosome, which only men have, and consequently only shows the masculine side. This shows that all men living today, has a common “father” (by archaeologists not by coincidence named “the archaeological Adam” or just “Adam”) – a single man that lived 140ooo (some say 100ooo)
years later than Eve. Those archaeologists named them Adam and Eve, is quite logical. But they have nothing to do with the Adam and Eve in the Bible or with “Adam and his wife” in the Quran – how could they f. ex. be man and wife when they lived 100000 – 140000 years apart, and one in Africa, the other may be in Asia? Not to mention essential facts like this when they talk of the archaeological Adam and Eve, we find dishonest. And at least the
scholars in Islam – the ones that teach their students and congregations and are interviewed and write and speak in the media – do know this very well. It is a well known scientific fact.
017 22/29: “- – – the rites (during Hajj in Mecca*) prescribed for them (Muslims*) – – -“. The rites in Mecca during Hajj are all taken over from the pagan/heathen times in Arabia – and in addition they are ever so childish and primitive; run 7 times back and forth between 2 hills, walk 7 times around a building, throw some stones at a mark pretended to be the devil, and kill one or more helpless animals, those are the main acts. An omniscient god should be able to prescribe something more valuable to the soul – and to the god.
1. Who prescribed old pagan rites to be the right ones for the presumed only, real god?
2. Who prescribed so shallow, primitive, and childish rites for a presumed unfathomable,
“deep” god?
3. Who prescribed that neither any rites from anywhere else in the world, nor something new and soul-sustaining from Allah ought to
be used in a presumed world religion – only the old, shallow pagan rites of the heathen old Arabia – and only Arabia – was worthy the
only real god?
4. How come that none of all the other prophets even heard about these rites – neither Jesus nor any of the really “documented” prophets
even tried to go to Mecca – if they were and are what the god really thinks is an essential part of what is essential to a believer and a
duty to the god?
00g 22/33: “- – – their place of sacrifice is near the Ancient House (Kabah*).” Wrong. The place of sacrifice is in Mina, kilometres from the Kabah.
018 22/34: “To every people did We (Allah*) appoint rites (of sacrifice) – – -.” Just one problem: The Christians have not been given/ordered any kind of sacrifices – or rites for such.” And how many religions really have rites “given by their god”, and how many
religions do not pretend this?
00h 22/37: “It is not their (the sacrificial animals’ meat nor their blood, that reaches Allah: it is your piety that reaches Him – – -“. Does an omniscient god have to see you killing helpless animals to see that you are a pious believer? – not if he really is omniscient. If Allah really is omniscient and if the only purpose with sacrificing animals is to prove your piety, then the sacrifice in reality is without meaning, as an omniscient god all the time knows very well
whether you are a pious believer or not. Actually the Quran many places makes it absolutely clear that Allah knows also the innermost corners of even the deepest parts of your soul. To what avail and what meaning and what logic is a “test” or a “proof” of your piety, if Allah already knows the answer on beforehand? – and by the way: The same goes for testing your piety in war and battle and kill and be killed, something that even is meaningless if Allah were a good god.
019 22/40: “- – – monasteries, churches, synagogues, – – -, in which the name of Allah is commemorated – – -“. The name of Allah is not commemorated there – on the contrary it isthe name of Yahweh (or simply God) that is commemorated there. Muslims will claim that it is the same god – as usual without proving anything – but the teachings are fundamentally so different, that it is impossible that they are the same unless the god is mentally seriously ill.
Also they will claim that the reason for the differences in the teachings are that the Bible are willfully falsified – something science long since has proved for one thing is not true (even the oldest scriptures are like todays’, except for minor mistakes normal when manuscripts are copied by hand), and for another was physically impossible (not possible to make the same falsifications in all the connections in all the thousands of manuscripts spread over thousands of kilometres and owned by thousands of different owners – that often even disagreed (even strongly sometimes – f. ex. Jews and Christians) on many topics and would protest to falsifications of their valuable and cherished holy scriptures). Besides: How do you change words in an old scripture in such a way that modern science is unable to see the scratching or whatever? – because also all the old manuscripts had to be “corrected”, not only a change of texts when new copies were written. But this never proved claim that the Bible is falsified was the only way out and the only way Muhammad could save his religion and his platform of power when he finally understood how much was different between his teachings and the Bible.
00i 29/2: “Do men think – – – they will not be tested?” But why?! If Allah is omniscient and knows everything before – even decides everything before (in spite of the claim that man has(limited according to some Muslims) personal freedom to decide – though even Islam is unable to explain how it possible to combine the statement that Allah decides everything before, with the statement that man has free will (not strange, as it is a version of the time travel paradox, and that paradox is unsolvable)) – if all this, then why test to find an answer Allah already knows?
020 29/69: “And those who strive in Our (Cause) – We (Allah*) will certainly guide them to Our Paths – – -“. With so much wrong in the Quran, it is likely that this is wrong, too. At leastit is far from a certainty. Similar claims in f ex. 2/137 – 27/79.
00j 30/32: “Those who split up their Religion, and become (mere) Sects – – -“. We have been told there exist or have existed some 3ooo Muslim sects. We have not been able to verify the number, but it is clear there are quite a number – from Wahhbism in Saudi Arabia and stricter, to Amaddiyyas and others. It also is clear that through the history there have been more – some have been eradicated in blood even, as there is no compulsion in religion, according to Islam. As the Quran is said to be very clear and easy to understand, one impertinent question is: Which of the sects understands it correctly? – and why do all the others understand itdifferently? – and last, but very far from least: What is really the correct understanding?
021 30/2-4: “The Roman Empire (Bysantz/Constantinople*) has been defeated (by Persia*) in a land close by (Damascus 613 AD, Jerusalem 614 AD, Egypt 615-616 AD – may be a battle in Syria in 615 AD – just pick your choice (the surah is from 615 or 616 AD)); but they, (even) after (this) defeat of theirs will soon be victorious – Within a few (“bid”) years.” Bysantz defeated Persia in 628 AD after they first had had a number of defeats at the start of
the war.
1. The Arab word “bid” means “a few” and “means a number of no less than 3, no more than 9” according to comment 2 to this surah in “The Message of the Quran”. It took at least 12 years.
2. This was a pep-talk to his followers. No-one – not even Muhammad himself – said that it was a prophesy – – – except that many Muslims say so afterwards.
3. It is very clear from the Quran that Muhammad did not have the gift of being able to make prophesies (a kind of miracles), and it is as clear that he never even claimed or pretended to have that gift. This was just one of the (few) cases where a little of all that he said through his life happened to come partlytrue (actually: So much that he said and spok it is a miracle that not more happened to come true – and more true than in this case. And NB: This is the only heavy claim Islam has about him being able to make prophesies. There are a number of theories and claims about this ability that he as said did not claim or practice himself, but this is the only one Islam reckons to be a “heavy” claim”.
022 32/22: “And who does more wrong than one to whom are recited the Signs of his Lord (Allah*), and who then turns therefrom?” There is nothing wrong in being sceptical to a religion built only on a book with many mistakes and not one single valid proof, and with many “signs” and “proofs” without any value, and which may have the effect of cheatinguneducated or not intelligent persons – and on top of all a book which is told only by a man whose honesty normal, intelligent people would suspect because of the morality of his deedsand demands and some of his words – when a man preaches good, but does and demands many things bad, we believe in his deeds and demands more than in his words. Words simply are too cheap.
023 33/8: “That (Allah) may question the (custodians (see 33/8 just above*)) of Truth concerning the Truth they (were charged with) – – -”. The Quran says/pretends that the old scriptures of Israel were the same as in the Quran, but that bad Jews distorted them. If that had been true, they at best were charged with bits and pieces of truth – see all mistakes, lofty “explanations” and invalid “signs” and “proofs” in the Quran.
024 33/62: “(Such was) the practice (kill non-believers without mercy*) (approved) of Allah among those who lived aforetime: no change wilt thou find in the practice (approved) of Allah.” Muhammad here refers to the Mosaic and the Christian religions (and he sets Allah = Yahweh) when he talks about “those who lived aforetime”. But even though OT is hard against many non-Jews, the war and the killing was to get room for living for the Jews, not
wanton murdering just because they were not Jews or for plunder and slaves. And in NT: Try to find a single place saying that non-believers shall be murdered just because they have another religion – such an order simply does not exist. Any god had been lying if he said this, but Muhammad did not know the Bible well, so may be – just may be – he thought he spoke the truth. In any case it was a good statement for a warlord trying to secure and
enlarge his platform of power. (This surah is believed to be from 627 – 629 AD – before he had gained absolute control by conquering Mecca in 630 AD.)
**025 35/24: “- – – and there never was a people, without a warner (a prophet for Allah*) having lived among them (in the past) – – -”. As said before: Neither in archaeology, nor inarchitecture, nor in art, nor in history, nor in literature, nor in folklore, nor in folk tales – not even in fairy tales we find a single trace of any teaching of monotheism, with two well known (Yahweh and Allah) and two or three less known exceptions (Pharaoh Akn-Aton, praying to the sun, an Arab sect around 600 BC – likely inspired by the two monotheistic religions in the area, and the Zoroastrians after a fashion). Some places one or a few gods dominated, but no traces from monotheism. In the Americas – absolutely no traces. In Australia – absolutely no traces. In the Pacific – absolutely no traces. In Europe – absolutely no traces. In Africa – absolutely no traces with the exception of one single man: Pharaoh Akn-Aton – but
he so definitely was not speaking about Allah. He wanted the sun for the only god. In Asia – absolutely no traces, except in what we now call the Middle East: The Christians, the well known Jews and as already mentioned the Zoroastrians (after a fashion) and a less well known Arab monotheistic and at that time not very old sect – most likely inspired by the Jews. Of course there was Buddha, but he was/is no god, and besides he accepted that gods existed, but told they were on wrong ways not leading to nirvana – no monotheism. 124ooo (or more – the number is said to be symbolic, as there may have been more) prophets had to have left some traces somewhere. This statement simply is not true. If Islam still insists, they will have to produce strong proofs. “Strong statements demands strong evidence”, to quote science – not just loose claims, invalid “signs” and “proofs”, and more loose statements. Similar claims in 16/36 – 30/47 – 39/71 – 43/6.
026 38/87: “- – – a Message to all the Worlds.” Likely the Quran and Islam should reach all the 7 Earths that the Quran mentions – but there are no 7 Earths (flat – and one above the other according to Hadiths.) See 65/12.
**00k 39/7: “No bearer of burdens can bear the burdens of another”. Can this really be true? In that case this is yet another proof for that Allah cannot be the same god as Yahweh, because one of the things Yahweh stresses in the NT via Jesus, is that a good Christian shall help others with their burdens.
*027 42/30: “Whatever misfortune happens to you, is because of things your hands have wrought – – -”. Wrong. Sometimes it is because of bad luck and coincidence and sometimes f. ex. by what others do. F. ex. if some terrorists – normally Muslims – kills or mutilates you for things you absolutely are not guilty of. And not least it may be because of natural catastrophes – like the 2004 tsunami that killed more than 300ooo, mostly Muslims. Besides: How does this verse correspont to all the claims that Allah decides everything?
**028 43/6: “But how many were the prophets We (Allah*) sent amongst the people of the old?” Well, Hadith says 124ooo – and it is not true, because some of so many had had to leave some traces. There are none. Besides: With so many different people so many different places in the world – why were
there no other prophet any place in the world at the time of Muhammad – yes, none at all for a very long time before Muhammad? According to the time scale of Genesis and the Torah and the Bible that the Quran do not correct, and 124ooo prophets, it should mean hundreds or a few thousands for each generation. Even for the correct age of homo sapiens – modern man – there should be nearly one new prophet some place each ande every year!
And: Islam’s explanation for why Allah wanted new holy books on Earth now and then, is that the world changes, and then some details in the holy book needs adjusting. Why then is Muhammad said to be the last one? – and the Quran to be the last book, a book that is too inhuman, too primitive on justice, and too outdated on warfare (too destructive) for modern societies, just to mention 3 subjects. The world has changed MUCH more between
Muhammad and now, than between Adam and Muhammad, and man needs new instruction for a less inhuman world – and an omniscient god had known that on beforehand. Besides: If the holy books are copies of the Mother Book in heaven, that means the Mother Book has to
be changed for each new edition to give a corrected copy to send down – but the Mother book is perfect and unabrigded since the start of time!?
029 61/13: “- – – Glad Tidings – – -“. Permission to steal/rob, suppress, rape, enslave, keep harems, murder, etc. which are central parts of the Quran – is that “Glad Tidings”? Direct orders to go to war and kill and suppress and enslave and loot and destruct, and may be be killed or wounded yourself – is that “Glad Tidings”? Direct orders to concentrate only onreligious knowledge and knowledge related to religion (indirectly very clear in the Quran and
directly and unmistakably very clear in Islam from very early – and totally dominant from 1095 AD) – is that “Glad Tidings”. Total destruction or conquest of all advanced countries and cultures they met in Africa, Europe and Asia at least as far east as what was then India – destruction it took the locals at least 200 years to overcome (if ever) – is that “Glad Tidings”? The inhumanity in the war religion – is that “Glad Tidings”? The reduction of women to third class citizens – if really citizens – (Islam’s claim that women were/are better off under Islam than before, only is true for some parts of what is now the Muslim area, mainly in parts of Arabia – and even there it was not true everywhere and had not necessarily been true today if it was not for the suppressing factor of Islam) – it that “Glad Tidings”? The enslavement and suppression and mass murders/slaughtering of non-Muslims – was and is (see Muslims at war and terror even today) that “Glad Tidings”? What a war religion did and does to the societies and the personal soul – is that “Glad Tidings”? The suppression of thinking – all non-religious philosophy, and all religious non-conform (to Islam) thinking – is that “Glad Tidings”?
Well, yes, it is for some Muslims – the ones of the warriors that survived in good health and became rich from looting, and the ones of the leaders that became rich in wealth and women from looting/slave taking and taxation plus became powerful, then and today. Plus for the minority that needs a religion to feel well – but they had felt as well if they believed strongly in another religion (this is a fact we see from religious people in any religion). For everyone else it was everything from “Bad Tidings” to terror – and still is (just look at the backward societies it resulted in once the riches from looting came to an end – and even worse when the hard taxation or pogroms of non-Muslim underlings, reduced the number and/or economy of those underlings and hence the tax income for the Muslim leaders.
Look f. ex. at the development in India, China, Brazil of today – especially India and China were far behind many of the Islamic countries around 1950, but what has been happening during these years? Take away the oil, the money from outside the area and the ideas from outside, more or less forced on the clergy and the leaders from media and others – what has really happened in the Islamic area since f. ex.1950 compared to many other places? Yes: For everyone else it was and still is everything from “Bad Tidings” to terror. For Muslims the part about heaven is “glad tidings” – if it is true. Also the fact that killing, rape, enslaving, suppression and stealing are “good and lawful” in the service of Allah (and anything can be declared a jihad) are glad news for the right – or wrong – kind of Muslims. The rest of the tidings are terror also for them – hate, war, suppression of women, stagnant society, immoral moral, only religious knowledge really counts, servility under authorities, etc. Even for Muslims this claim at best only is partly true. Especially so if Islam is a made up religion. And even more so if there in addition somewhere is a true religion that Islam blocks its members from even looking for. The very best one can say about the Quran and “Glad Tidings”, is that for some parts of it partly was glad tidings, and that for some others parts of it brings peace to the soul – like strong believers gain from ANY of the main religions.
For all others – included the majority of Muslims – it was “Bad Tidings”. For Muslims especially so if Islam is a made up religion. Which it seems to be from the proofs of the Quran and from the demands from and the life of Muhammad. There are many more of this claim – partly true for at least some Muslims in a way, but terror for all others – in the Quran – f. ex. 2/119 – 17/9 – 33/45 – 33/47.
***030 84/15+16: “For his Lord (Allah*) was ever watchful of him (non-Muslim*)! So I
(Muhammad*) do call to witness the ruddy glow of Sunset – – -”. A serious one – here it once
more is Muhammad who is speaking – in what is said to be the copy of the Mother Book
(13/39 – 43/4) in Heaven, made of Allah or existed since eternity. How is that possible?
PART II, CHAPTER 1, Subchapter 4, Section 1 (= II-1-4-1)
All verses or parts of verses where we have found mistakes are included with three exceptions:
1. There surely are mistakes we have overlooked.
2. There are some mistakes that needs long explanations. If they are not essential, they often have been omitted – long explanations for small things are boring for most readers – – – and also often a hallmark for someone trying to lead you by your nose.
3. There are all the borderline cases: Is it easy to see that this is wrong? Or may there exist explanations that may make it less clear if this
really is a mistake? If not we have normally not included it here. As for using this “encyclopaedia of mistakes”, just look for the surah and verse number in your Quran, and it is easy to find here if there is a mistaken fact in that verse.
1. Clearly wrong information/statements are numbered with serial numbers – 3 numbers, sometimes followed by a small letter.
2. Highly likely wrong information/statements are numbered with letters.
3. The numbers that are not serial numbers are surah numbers and verse numbers in Abdullah Yusuf Ali’s translation of the Quran to English.
4. Comments in () inside quotations and marked by * are inserted by us, like this: (xxxxxx*). And * in front of the serial number: Big or “new” mistakes – though actually all mistakes are big even if they are small, as an omniscient god simply should never make mistakes. ** or *** = NB or NB!! In addition we use colour and/or special writing on some significant ones.
**001 1/1 – 7. “In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Praise be to Allah The Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds; Most Gracious, Most Merciful; Master of the Day of Judgement. Thee do we worship and Thine aid we seek. Show us the straight way, The way of those Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace, those whose (portion) is not wrath, and who go not astray”. This really is a bad one as it is a prayer to Allah, it is not Allah speaking (When Muhammad is to repeat what Allah says, Allah gives the order “Say”) – and besides Allah does not pray to himself!! A clear mistake compared to what Islam claims: It is all sent down by Allah (The Quran is said to be either made by Allah, or never made, but has always existed – the last claim is impossible, though, as angels are speaking at least one place in the Quran (also according to Muslim scholars), which proves that the Quran cannot have been made until after at least the first angels were created). There are more places where it is clear that it is Muhammad that is speaking – also incontradiction to the statements that the Quran is from Heaven, made by Allah or never made but existed from eternity.It tells something that in the very beginning, and in what is said in a way to be the essence of the book, there is something seriously wrong, compared to the for Islam very fundamental -but unproved – statement that the book is sent down by an omniscient god, and is perfect and without mistakes. Surah 1: At least 1 mistake.
001 2/1: “- – – the Worlds – – -“. Already a reference to the 7 Earths that exists according to the Quran. (One above the other, according to Hadiths). Wrong – there are no 7 Earths in spite of 65/12. See 2/22a.
*002 2/2: “This is the Book (the Quran*); in it is guidance sure, without doubt – – -”. As you will see, there are a lot of mistaken facts, contradictions, and unproven arguments, etc. in the Quran. That means that the guidance is far from sure. All the mistakes etc. also produce a lot of doubt about the rest of the text.
*003 2/4: “- – – the Revelation (the Quran*) sent to thee (Muhammad*), and sent before thy time (= the Torah/Bible*) – – -.” Wrong. The Quran is not the same as the Torah or the Bible, and science has proved beyond any reasonable or judicial doubt that the NT in the Bible never was falsified + that if the Torah/OT is falsified, it must have happened at least 300 years BC, and most likely at least 500 – 800 BC or earlier, if ever. It also is very clear that Islam has not the slightest documentation for their repeated claims – guess if they had been quick to produce it if they had had even a tiny wee bit of a proof!!
004 2/5: “They (the believers*) are on true guidance – – -”. With so many mistaken facts, the guidance at best is partly true.
005 2/22a: “- – – the heavens, your canopy – – -“. Plural and wrong – referring to the 7 heavens of the Quran – – – and of wrong Greek and Persian astronomy at the time of Muhammad. See2/29 – 23/17 – 23/86 – 41/2 – 65/12 – 67/3 – 78/12, and also 10/6 – 31/10.
*006 2/22b: “- – – and the heavens (plural and wrong – see 2/22a just above) your canopy – – -”. The heaven/sky is no canopy. The “heaven” we see at daytime, really is an illusion caused by bending and splitting of the sunlight, and the “smooth” heaven we see at night, also is an illusion, as we are unable to see the third dimension at those distances, and get the impression that the stars all are at the same distance from us. Any god had known this, but Mohammad not. Also see 67/3a – 67/3b – 67/5a – 67/5b. Muslims tend to explain the heavens (plural and wrong) with wague claims about space and stars and galaxies – but each time they then “forget” to explain f. ex. how the stars are fastened to the lowermost of the 7 heavens the Quran tells exists. And they forget the moon (and the sun?) among the heavens – beyond the
stars! They also sometimes tell that the 7 heavens = 7 layers in the atmosphere. No comments – but think about stars like Aldebaran – a giant star – fixed to a layer in our atmosphere below our moon. A joke.
007 2/22c: “- – – rain from the heavens – – -“. Plural (7 heavens) and wrong. See 2/22b above.
008 2/22d: “- – – when ye (people*) know (the truth (the Quran*)”. The Quran at most represents partly the truth, as you will see. See 13/1 – 40/75 – 41/12. **009 2/23: “- – – what We (Allah*) have revealed (the Quran*) – – -“. Wrong. No omniscient god has made or cherished (cfr. “the Mother Book – f. ex. 13/69) a book with that many mistaken facts, contradictions and other errors. Either it is not made by Allah or Allah is not
omniscient – if he exists.
010 2/24: “But if ye cannot – and of surety ye (non-Muslims*) cannot (produce a surah of the same quality like in the Quran*) – – -“. The surahs are no good literature – more or less copies of Arab folklore, legends, fairy tales, and stuff Muhammad had been told from the Bible – and mainly not from the Bible itself but from apocryphal (made up) stories. In addition the composition and presentation of the texts belong in primary school. Many a good writer could collect such stories and do much better (on these points f. ex. the Bible is far better written). The Arab language itself is said to be excellent – but when you know that the language was polished for some 250 years by top intelligent and top learned men, until it got its somewhat final form around 900 AD (the Arab alphabet was not completed until then), that point tells nothing about the original Qurans from around 650 – caliph Uthman’s and others’. The claim is wrong. **011 2/25: “- – – glad tidings – – -.” Wrong. At the very best one can say that the Quran brought some glad tidings for all the bad ones, wanting loot and slaves and power, and for some longing for a strong religion – – – if it was not because the Quran itself proves 100% that something is very wrong in the book. So wrong that it neither can be made nor revered by any god – not even by a small mini god. Too much is wrong in the book. Also see 61/13.
012 2/29a: “- – – heavens – – -“. Plural and wrong – no 7 heavens. See 2/22b. *013 2/29b: “- – – He gave order and perfection to the seven firmaments – – -”. Firmament is another word for the heaven we see, though mostly used for the night sky. The Quran many places tells about the seven heavens or firmaments or tracts (the word “heavens” or similar is used in plural in the Quran at least 199 times) – there is no doubt that according to the Quran
there are 7 (material) heavens. (Islam also “knows” who inhabit the different heavens – f. ex. Jesus in the 2. heaven, Joseph in 4., Aaron in 5., Moses in 6., and Abraham in the 7. heaven, and Allah above the 7. heaven, to mention some. This is not said in the Quran, though). Therealso is no doubt that the Quran believes the heavens are material – if not it was not possible to build it or to fix the stars to the lowermost heaven, like the Quran states several places. No god had believed this – but Muhammad did, as this was what one believed in the Middle East at the time of Muhammad. The seven heavens are taken from old Greek astronomy – or perhaps from Persian astronomy, which also believed in 7 heavens. Any god, but not Muhammad, would have known it was very wrong. Islam has several “explanations”concerning this very obvious mistake, but we have never seen or heard any Muslim mention
even the possibility that Muhammad’s picture about astronomy could be explained by his believing in Greek or Persian astronomy. Muslims sometimes explains that 7 in old Arab was a synonym for “many” (and 70 for “very many“), and that the Quran consequently does not mean 7 but many. But honestly “many” is at least as wrong as “7”.
*014 2/32: “- – – it is Thou (Allah*) who art perfect in knowledge and wisdom”. All the mistakes prove that the maker of the Quran was not perfect in knowledge, and all the invalid logic proves he also was not perfect in wisdom. At least something is wrong.
015 2/39: “- – – Signs – – -“ also written “Sign”, “His Signs”, “Our (Allah’s*) Signs” or “My (Allah’s*) Signs” or other variations. In “Quran-speak” it means an indication or a proof forAllah’s and/or the Quran’s existence. In reality it proves absolutely nothing, as withoutexception they only are lose statements or as loose claims just hanging in empty air, all built on nothing, because it never is proved or documented that Allah really said or did or created what the Quran in each case claims he said or did or created, and then uses as a “sign”. Or they rest on other claims that are not proved. According to all human thinking, all judiciallaws, and also according to the even more strict laws of logic such “proofs” flatly and simply are invalid and without any value. After all a valid proof is: “One or more proven factsthat can give only one conclusion”, and in the Quran all “signs” without exception builds on
claimed “facts” that neither the book nor Islam proves – or are able to prove (well, there may be a few exception in the “signs” taken from the Bible, but they in case proves Yahweh, not Allah – we know that Muslims and the Quran likes to say that those two just are different names for the same god, but that is not true unless the god is strongly ill mentally (schizophrenic), as the teachings fundamentally are too different (more about this other places
in “1000+ Mistakes in the Quran”.)). In addition there is the fact that any priest in any religion can claim exactly the same for his god(s) as Muslims claim for Allah, in absolutely all cases where the word “sign(s)” in the Quran is not borrowed from the Bible, as long as no real proof or no real documentation is demanded brought forth – words are that cheap. “Baal makes the sun rise in the east. Allah cannot make it rise in the west. Then Baal is the real god and Allah a fake one.” Infantile“proofs”, but this is the kind of level you find on the “signs” and “proofs” in the Quran (Thiexample is taken from the Quran – Abraham is proving his god Allah, but of course withAllah as the hero. Totally invalid as a proof). ***As said the claims logically are absolutely without any value as indication/proof for a deity, not to mention for a specific god – f. ex. Allah. And it documents an interesting fact: Islam has not got one single proof neither for Allah, nor for verification of the Quran, nor for Muhammad’s connection to a deity. IF THEY HAD HAD ONE SINGLE SUCH PROOF –
EVEN A SMALL ONE – YOU BET THEY HAD TOLD ABOUT IT AND USED IT! Islam is only built on lose words and as loose and unproven claims – – – made by a man whose words hardly would have been accepted as “bona fide” proofs in Old Bailey, London. The underlying claims that the so-called signs have any value as proofs or at least indications for Allah simply are wrong unless Islam first proves that Allah really was/is behind the “signs”.
You find the word used many places in the Quran.
016 2/41a: “And believe in what I (Allah*) reveal (the Quran*) – – – “. An omniscient god had not revealed a book with so many mistakes.
017 2/41b: “- – – Sign(s) – – -.” Invalid as proof for Allah. See 2/39 above. **018 2/41c: “(The Quran*), confirming the revelation (the OT – Old Testament*) which is with you (Jews*) – – -”. The Quran is not confirming OT and absolutely not NT – the fundamental thoughts and teaching are too different especially from NT and the new covenant (Matt. 26/28, Mark 14/24, Luke 22/20) – the new covenant that Muslims never mention, and
except for the educated ones have never been told about.
019 2/42a: ”- – – and cover not Truth with falsehood – – -”. See 40/75. *020 2/42b: “- – – nor conceal the Truth when you know (what it is)”. For “truth” see 40/75. The contents of this and the entrance above: This is said to be aimed at the Jews that did not want to misunderstand 5 Mos. 18/15 (and 18/18) to mean that this verse foretells Muhammad- (translated from Swedish): “A prophet from among your own people, from your brothers, the Lord, your God, let come to you. Listen to him”. That means God is saying: “I will let a prophet come forth from among your brothers – – -”.Muslims say “brothers” here mean the Arabs, and that the Bible here talks about Muhammad. But very honestly: The brother of Jews is another Jew especially as it is said he shall come “from among your own people” – the Jews’ own people. (We use the word Jew, because that is the normal word today, even if the word is much younger than the time of Moses. Also Yusuf Ali uses it). This simply may be foretelling about Jesus, but Muslims has “adjusted” the meaning.
Actually the word “brother” or similar is used in figurative meaning at least 55 times in OT, nearly always meaning another Jew or other Jews (1 exception: A king talks to another king. A very few other exceptions: About Lot’s people and about Edomites – descendants of Esau, the brother of the patriarch Jacob), and absolutely never about Arabs. Arabs and Arabia are mentioned half a dozen times in the Bible – without exception either in neutral forms or as enemies, never as friends or relatives. Worse – and never mentioned by Muslims: The word is used in the Quran some 30 times, and always about fellow (Muslim) Arabs (one exception, where the main point is that the bad hypocrites stick together). There simply exists no place
neither in the Bible nor in the Quran expressing brotherhood between Jews and Arabs (but many to the contrary). Besides 5. Mos. 15. and 18. continues into 21. (NEVER mentioned by Muslims) that explains that one will recognise the Lord’s prophet on that they make prophesies, and correct prophesies. Muhammad never made real prophesies – he did not even pretend to or claim to have that gift, not one single time in all the Quran. (He simply was no
real prophet, but borrowed that imposing and impressive title.) On the contrary he was busy explaining away why he was unable to make miracles (prophesying is a kind of miracle). Muhammad thus could not – also because of 21. – be Yahweh’s promised prophet. And as he in reality was no prophet at all – he had as mentioned not that gift – he absolutely could not be a special prophet as he in reality was no prophet (well, there are made other definitions for a prophet, but without being able to make true prophesies you are no real prophet), and the claim is out of the question. It simply is a case of a word that is possible to give more than one meaning, and a religion in dire need from lack of proofs for their presumed god, and from sheer necessity because they falsely were promised to find proof or at least indications in the Bible, cling to a meaning that is foreign to the Bible’s normal use of the word, and quote it out of context (5. Mos. 18/21 even makes Muhammad impossible as an explanation here), but full of wishful thinking. **Islam will have to produce strong proofs. After all it is they that produce this unlikely claim, and then it is up to them to prove it – not up to others to disprove it. (But then Islam lives on unproven claims and statements and blind belief).
00a 2/50: “- – – We (Allah*) divided the sea for you (Moses and his Jews*) – – -“. From other places in the Quran (and in most translations of the Bible) it is told that this was the Red Sea. But in the Hebrew original the name is Yam Suph, which as well can mean “The Sea of Reeds” (this also is confirmed in many footnotes in NIV (“New International Version” of the Bible)). The Sea of Reeds (also called Timsah Sea) used to be a big lake where the Suez
Canal now runs – not far from the Bitter Seas. The name tells it was just a shallow lake – the longest reeds we have been able to find, is a kind of rice that can be up to 5 -7 m long and grows in the big sea Tonle Sap in Cambodia, and the reeds growing in this area of Egypt are shorter – – – and the water cannot be deeper than the reeds get their “heads” above the water”. Also look at the map: Goshen where the Jews settled were in the river delta of the Nile. To get to Sinai they had to go south-south-east. It would be stupidity beyond any credibility to go so far west that they ended at the western side of the Red Sea, and thus force such a huge number of people and animals to cross the sea by boats they did not have (remember they did not
know about the opening of the sea – fire/smoke-column or not (= the pathfinder/Yahweh according to the Bible)). After all they according to the Bible were 600ooo men + women + children + animals and belongings. (Theoretically it is quite possible for 70 – 100 (depending on how many wives his 11 sons in the group had) persons that came with Jacob + Joseph and his family, to become may be 2000ooo “Jews” 430 years later.) Science tells that – if the Exodus took place – the “Jews” quite likely were overtaken as they marched or camped along that lake.
*021 2/53: “- – – We (Allah*) gave Moses the scripture – – -”. The books named after Moses (the Torah) are not written by Moses. Moses lived (if he is not a fiction) around 1300-1200 BC (if the Exodus from Egypt really took place, it took place ca. 1235 BC during the reign of Ramses II according to science), and those books were written not earlier than ca. 800 BC – perhaps as late as 500 BC – also according to science. A god had known that, whereas Muhammad knew nothing about their real age, and had to guess. (To be exact: The Bible says that Yahweh told Moses the law – nothing material except the two stone tablets where the ten Commandments were inscribed, were brought down from the mountain – and that he was told
the law and himself wrote it down afterwards. OT also says that when Solomon moved the Ark of Covenant into the Temple in Jerusalem (1.Kings 8/9); it only contained the two stone tablets. There is nothing about “the Books of Moses”, though the OT makes it clear that the laws existed in writing and were found again later – but science is unanimous that the Books of Moses (you also see it written in singular) are written much later. If Muslims claim
something else, they will have to produce proofs.) The law really is part of the Torah/Books of Moses.
022 2/61: “- – – Sign(s) – – -.” Invalid as proof for Allah. See 2/39 above. 00b 2/65-66: “We (Allah*) said to them ’Be ye apes, despised and rejected’. So We made it an example to their own time and to their posterity, and a lesson for those who fear Allah”. That humans are changed into apes is an extraordinary statement. An extraordinary statement needs an extraordinary proof. The Quran here offers no proof at all.
00c 2/73: “Allah said: ‘Strike the (body) with a piece of the (heifer)’. Thus Allah bringet the dead to life – – -“. It is not possible to wake up a dead this way. Islam will have to produce a solid proof – especially as this story is not in the Bible, and thus is taken from a legend.
**023 2/75: “- – – seeing that a party of them (the Jews in Medina*) hear the word of Allah, and perverted it knowingly after they understood it – – -.” Wrong. Science have shown very clearly that the Bible is not falsified – and consequently that it has never been something like the Quran. If Islam means something else, they will have to bring proofs, not only loos claims and even looser statements. If Islam had had even a small proof, the world had been
forced to hear it every two hours or more – at least. *We may add that Islam and Muslims here try to use the Bible to prove their words – f. ex.
Jeremiah 23/36: “Ye have perverted the words of the living God.” This one is dishonesty on two levels:
1. It is for one thing quoted out of context. Jeremiah tells: “If a prophet or a priest or anyone else claims, ‘This is the oracle of the LORD (Yahweh*), I (Yahweh*) will punish that man and his household. – – – But you must not mention ‘the oracle of the LORD’ again because (if you do*) every man’s word becomes his oracle and so you distort the words of the living God”. (NIV). There is an abyss between this meaning and the meaning in the above slightly twisted quotation from the Bible. Dishonest and slightly disgusting – and quite revealing about some Muslim methods and lacks of real facts and arguments.
2. *(Muhammad lived to loose all his children except one daughter – a punishment for claiming to represent Yahweh alias Allah?)
3. Even if it had been true – even if Jeremiah had said that the Jews had perverted (though “perverted” is a stronger word than
“distorted”) this did not tell one millimetre about distorting Quranic texts, like here is indicated, only distortion of the Torah. Knowing that this is taken from the widely distributed and highly prised “The Message of the Quran”, canonized or at least certified by the foremost Islamic intellectual institutions in the world, cases like this gives us a bad taste on their behalf: To resort to intellectual dishonesty of this kind is humiliating when found out.
And for what reason? Just in order to be right, instead of to try to find out what is right. This in spite of the fact that the price if they are wrong, is the loss of the soul of each and every Muslim – – – if there is a Hell in the perhaps next life.
*024 2/79: “Then woe to those who write the Book with their own hands (= falsify*) – – -.” See 2/75 just above. (And no god made a book with so man mistaken facts and other mistakes like you find in the Quran: What if it is a falsification – is it then “Woe to” Muhammad? – he f. ex. got nearly no children with all his wives and lost nearly all the few children he got. And there is no proof for whether he ended in Hell or Paradise – if such ones exist.)
025 2/87: “We (Allah*) gave Moses the Book – – -”. See 2/53.
*026 2/89a: “And then there comes to them (Jews in Medina*) a Book (the Quran*) from Allah – – -”. A book with that many mistakes, invalid “proofs” etc., is not from an omniscient god? See 41/12.
*027 2/89b: “- – – (a Book (the Quran*)) confirming what is with them (Jews and Christians*) (the Torah and the Bible) – – -”, which means that the Quran confirms the Torah and other holy Jewish scriptures and the rest of the Bible. But too many fundamental principles are different – the Quran is no confirmation of neither the Torah, etc., nor of the Bible, not tomention of the New Testament (NT) on which the Christian religion is built. F. ex. “You shall not kill” vs. “You shall not kill without a good reason”, the value of and strife for “the lost lamb”, vs. “You shall not mourn the wrongdoers that ends in Hell”, “Love your enemy” vs. “Kill the enemy wherever you find him”, and “Love your enemy” vs. incitement to and orders of war and hate and discrimination of “infidels”, just to mention some of the deep differences. Not to mention “my empire is not of this world” and “give onto God what belongs to God, and onto the Emperor what belongs to the Emperor” – the last meaning money – (translated from Swedish), compared to: Fight for Allah and Muhammad till all non-Muslims are utterly suppressed and pay extra tax.
028 2/89c: “- – – when there comes to them (Jews in Medina*) that (texts that later became the Quran*) which they should have recognized (indicating they should have recognized the texts from Muhammad in their OT/Torah). Wrong – the underlying basic thinking and a lot of details are so different, that the only thing possible to recognize, is that something is very wrong.
029 2/90: “- – – (the revelation (the Quran*)) which Allah has sent down – – -“. No omniscient god ever made, sent down or revered a book with that many mistakes and that much invalid logic.
030 2/91a: “Believe in what Allah hath sent down (= the Quran*)”. Is it really Allah that has sent down a book with so many mistaken facts? Simply no – not if he was omniscient.
031 2/91b: “- – – yet they reject all besides, even if it be the Truth (the Quran*)”. A book with so many mistaken facts is at best only partly the truth.
032 2/91c: “- – – confirming what is with them (the Torah, etc., (= OT*) and the Bible*)”. The Quran is no confirmation of neither the Torah nor the Bible – see 2/89 above + 3/3 below.
***00d 2/93: “We (Jews in Medina*) hear and we disobey”. Muhammad Asad adds (com.77): “Even if they did not say those words, their later behaviour justifies this quote”. But words that are not said, are not said, and cannot be quoted in honesty – would a god resort to such arguments? And how come that this quote is in the Quran – may be billions of years oldand infallible and revered by Allah – if they did not say it? – and how many other made up arguments do you in case find in the Quran?
***033 2/94: “If the last Home, with Allah (Yahweh*), be for you (Jews*) specially, and not for anyone else, then seek for ye death, if ye are sincere – – -“. Wrong. A Jew (or a Christian) cannot seek death to go to Heaven, because self murder – also indirectly – is a serious sin (destroying the gift from God – your life) = end in Hell. Any god had known – but obviously not Muhammad. Worse: Muslaim scholars today know this, but use the argument anyhow in
their congregations.
00e 2/95: “But they (Jews*) will never seek for death, on account of the (sins) which their hands have sent on before them.” The reason more likely is the one mentioned in 2/94 just above.
034 2/97a: “- – – he (Gabriel*) brings down the (revelation (the Quran*)) to thy heart by Allah’s will – – -“. No omniscient god sends down a book with that many mistakes and contradictions and that much invalid logic.
035 2/97b: “- – – a confirmation of what went before (Torah + Bible*)”. Wrong. See 2/89 above and 3/3 below.
*036 2/97c: “- – – glad tidings – – -“. Wrong. At the very best one can say that the Quran brought some glad tidings to all the bad ones, wanting loot and slaves and power, and to some0nes longing for a strong religion – – – if it was not because the Quran itself proves 100% that something is very wrong in the book. So wrong that it neither can be made nor revered by any god – not even by a small mini god. Too much is wrong in the book. Also see 61/13.
037 2/99a: “We (Allah*) have sent down to thee (people*) manifest Signs – – -“. The Quran is overloaded with what it says are “signs” (indicated to be proofs) and “Clear Signs” or like here “manifest Signs” (indicated to be strong proofs) – and not one single of them proves anything about Allah or the Quran or Muhammad, as the book NEVER proves, only claims, that Allah did this or that which it then calls a “sign” or a “clear sign” or a “proof” (there may be some exceptions for signs taken from the Bible, but those in case prove Yahweh, not Allah – and only Islam claims that Yahweh and Allah is the same god (which they cannot be, unless the god is schizophrenic – they are too different, especially when Yahweh is acting according to the New Covenant from NT (f. ex. Luke 22/20), which came some 580 years before Muhammad started his preaching, but which Muslims never mention). Especially claims for “Clear Signs” are so obviously wrong, that it is impossible not to include them in these columns: “Mistaken facts”. They are not signs – and definitely no clear signs – for a god, and even if they were, they absolutely were no clear signs for Allah,because any priest in any religion can make just the same claims for his god or gods – words are that cheap – – – also for Muhammad.
*038 2/99b: “We have sent down to thee (people*) manifest Signs (ayat); and none reject them but those who are perverse – – -“. Wrong. To question “signs” that are not proved coming from Allah, and thus logically invalid as signs, not to mention as proofs, is not a sign of being perverse – on the contrary; blindly to believe in it without even asking questions is a strong indication of being naive, especially when one knows how morally degenerated the only source for the Quran – Muhammad – was.
*039 2/101a: “And when there came to them a Messenger from Allah – – -”. Can a man making so many mistakes in the book he dictated – presumably on behalf of Allah – really be a messenger of an omniscient god? Or if he made no mistakes, and the Quran is faked – is he then from Allah? An omniscient god simply did not send down a book with that many mistakes, etc.
040 2/101b: “- – – a party of the People of the Book (here Jews – the People of the Book = Jews and Christians, and “the Book” in this connection is the Bible*) threw away the Book of Allah (the Quran*), as if (it had been something) they did not know!” The Quran here tells that the Jews recognized the Quran from the OT. That is wrong – there are so fundamental differences and so many points that are different between the Quran and the Bible, that the
only thing that is possible to know, is that something is utterly wrong. One of the proofs for this, is that the absolute majority of the thousands of Jews in the region refused to accept Islam – even in the face of ruin or slavery or death.
041 2/101: “(Muhammad was*) confirming what (the Bible, etc.*) was with them (the Jews and the Christians*)”. Wrong. See 2/89.
042 2/102: “- – – the buyers of (magic) – – -“. Magic is just superstition – any god had known this.
*00f 2/105: “But Allah will choose for His special Mercy whom He will – – -“. Muhammad Asad here explains that this is stating that Jews and Christians refused to believe in Muhammad and his Quran, because Muhammad was from the “outside” – the Quran, Islam and Muslims repeats and repeats this unproven claim and disuses it as an “explanation”, whereas the real main reason why they did not accept Muhammad’s new religion, was thatthere were such a number of and such fundamental differences from the Bible, that something obviously was very wrong. Besides, the Jews – the absolute majority of non-Arabs in the area – believed they had a covenant with Yahweh, and both the Quran and modern time Islam and Muslims are dishonest enough never to mention this fact as a main reason for why the Jews were not interested in Muhammad’s teachings: The covenant and the very different religion were the two reasons why they were not interested in Islam – not what the Quran and Islam claims and claims and claims (as normal for them absolutely without any proof or documentation): – that the reason was that Muhammad was not a Jew.
043 2/107a: “- – – heavens – – -“. Plural and wrong (no 7 heavens). See 2/22a.
*00g 2/107b: “And besides Him ye (people*) have neither patron nor helper.” Well, Jesus told many times and in front of lots of witnesses that he could help, and even the Quran admits that Jesus was honest.
044 2/108: “But whoever changeth from Faith (Islam*) to Unbelief, hath strayed without doubt from the even way (the road to Paradise*)”. With all the mistakes, contrasictions, and wrong logic in the Quran, there is a most real doubt, and reason for doubt, for that Islam can be “the even way” to Paradise – this even more so when one knows that the only source for the stories in the Quran, was the very morally degenerated man and self proclaimed prophet Muhammad (who did not have the gift of being able to make prophesies, but used the nice title all the same) – nearly all self proclaimed prophets through the time have turned out to be false prophets wanting something in this life – normally money, women and/or power – without caring too much for the means they used. Muhammad at least wanted women and power. (And where do all Muslims end if Islam is a wrong way and they discover it too late?)
045 2/109: “- – – after the Truth (the Quran*) hath become manifest – – -“. The Quran at best is partly the truth – too many mistakes, too many contradictions, too mush twisted logic, etc.
046 2/113a: “- – – they (Jews and Christians*) profess to study the (same) Book.” Wrong for two reasons: One: Jews only have the Old Testament (OT). Two: The Christian religion is built on NT, with OT mainly as historical background – a fact that opponents often forget or “forget”.
**047 2/113b: “Yet they (Jews and Christians*) (profess to) study the same Book”. This is only partly true. Jews study only OT. Christians build their religion on the much milder and more human NT and the new covenant (Luke 22/20) – the covenant Muslims never mention – with OT mainly as historical background. This is a fact that often is forgotten or “forgotten” when one talks about the Christian religion – especially when one wants to paint the religion as black as possible.
*048 2/116a: “They say; ‘Allah has begotten a son”, (which the Quran vehemently denies*). But Jesus often called God/Yahweh father – there were many, many witnesses to this. If he spoke the truth – and even the Quran says he was an honest person – this in case means the Quran is wrong here. (Yahweh is called the father of Jesus at least 163 times in the Bible, and Jesus the son of Yahweh at least 66 times. And remember: In spite of undocumented claims from Islam, science has shown that the Bible is not falsified).
049 2/116b: “And on earth: everything renders worship to Him.” From other places in the Quran one knows that “everything” is meant literally – every living being and all inanimate things. As one never observes any other living beings, not to mention inanimate things, than Muslims worship Allah – and except for humans even no god – and the same for inanimate things, and the nature thus shows that the claim is not true, this is one of the claims that must be deemed untrue unless Islam proves it. Proves, not only states or claims. (To quote remark 120 in Abdullah Yusuf Ali: “The Meaning of the Quran”: “- – – everything in heaven and earth celebrates the glory of Allah”. But like normal for Muslims it only is a claim – no documentation, no proof, and no real explanation).
050 2/117a: “Verily, We (Allah*) has sent thee (Muhammad*) in truth – – -“. All the mistakes, etc. in the Quran tells that this cannot be true – that he was not sent by an omniscient god.
051 2/117b: “- – – We (Allah*) have sent thee (Muhammad*) in truth – – -“. Well, that is a very central question: How much of what Muhammad told, was true?
052 2/118: “We (Allah*) have indeed made clear the Signs unto any people who hold firmly to Faith – – -.” There simply are no valid clear signs – proofs – for Allah anywhere in the Quran. See 2/99 above.
053 2/119a: “Verily, We (Allah*) have sent thee (Muslims/people*) in truth a bearer of glad tidings and a warner (= Muhammad) – – -.” No omniscient god has sent a bearer of tidings in which so much is wrong.
054 2/119b: “- – – glad tidings – – -“. That the Quran is “glad tidings” at very best is only partly true. See 2/97c above and 61/13 below.
055 2/120: “The Guidance of Allah (the Quran*) – that is the only Guidance”. A book with so many mistakes, so much invalid logic, and so much inhumanity is not at all a guidance – at best a misguidance.
056 2/125a: “- – – take ye the Station of Abraham (in/near Kabah*) – – -”. Abraham never was in Mecca. See 2/127 below.
057 2/125b: “- – – the Station of Abraham – – -“ is a mark in a stone. Muhammad indicated and Islam says that mark was made from Abraham’s feet when he stood there and built the Kabah. Let the fact that Abraham never was in Mecca (unless Islam proves it – see 2/127 below) aside: No worker building something ever stood so long at one and the same place, that his feet made a mark in a solid natural stone – marks visible centuries later. Now, Islam tells the mark (actually 2 – one for each foot) is a result of a miracle, as they claim the stone turned so soft that Abraham’s feet sank into it. (They also claim that the stone is from Jannah – (the gardens of Heaven)). Well, Islam has till now even proved that Abraham even ever visited Mecca, a place that was very prohibitting for him and his big flocks of animals – a barren desert to quote Muslims, and his claimed first trip even before the Zamzam well even was found, according to Islam – laying behind forbidding desert lands through which he had to lead all his sheep, goats, cows, etc. and find food and water for them – and he had many as he was a rich man. And on top of all a place very far from where he lived and a place without any attractions for a big owner of cattle, etc. Believe it whoever wants – but go to a doctor if you believe this and the rest of that story (big mosque built by 2 nomads, Ishmael bringing a big stone – too big to lift – for his father to stand on, and a stone shining so strongly that Allah had to switch off its light) without reasonable proofs.
058 2/125c: “- – – We covenanted with Abraham and Ishmael, that they should sanctify my House (Kabah in Mecca*)”. Abraham and Ishmael had nothing to do with the building of the Kabah – see 2/127 below.
059 2/126: “- – – Abraham said: ‘Make this (Mecca*) a City Of Peace – – -.” Wrong. Abraham never was in Mecca, unless Islam produces solid proofs for it. See 2/217 just below.
**060 2/127a: “And remember that Abraham and Ishmael raised the foundations of the House (Kabah*) (with this prayer): – – – “. Abraham never built the foundation of Kabah (and a contradiction; other verses say he built the building, not only the foundation of it) – andthere are several reasons for that:
1. He was born in Ur in Chaldea (if he really existed) in what is now south Iraq. Together with his father, (Tarah according to the Bible), he later travelled northwest up along the Euphrates valley to Karan in what is now north Iraq. Years later he continued south southwest to Kaanan and the town Sikem in what is now Israel (Sikem is north of Jerusalem. It is now named Nablus). That is to say he travelled along the so-called Fertile Crescent – the natural route when you travel with flocks of animals. The alternative was to take a shortcut through the Arab desert, but few of his numerous sheep and goats and cows would survive such a trip. He never visited Mecca on his way from Ur to Sikem. (Besides this was too early in the story – Ishmael was not born yet, and he is a part of the building of the Kabah according to the Quran).
2. Abraham then settled in the western part of Kaanan (now approximately Israel), whereas his nephew Lot settled in the Jordan valley further east. Later Abraham moved south to Negev in Sinai. Negev today is most known for its desert, but not all was desert. All this is according to the Bible, but the Quran has no conflicting information, except that his father had another name. The point is that between Kaanan and Mecca and even more between Negev and Mecca are hundreds and hundreds of kilometres of the tough and dry and hot Arab desert. Abraham was rich and had huge flocks of animals. He could not take those huge flocks of sheep, etc., through that desert.
3. Abraham lived hundreds of kilometres from Mecca – and had to cross harsh terrain to get to and from. Nobody builds a big temple forhimself and his family at a place they can never or nearly never visit.
4. Abraham was a nomad. Nomads do not have the know-how and technology to build large stone buildings. Abraham simply was not involved in the building of Kabah, and it is highly unlikely he ever visited Mecca and even the Arab peninsula. It looks like a fairy tale made up to give weight to Kabah and to Islam. And not least to Muhammad, who 2500 years later could tell he was direct descendant from Abraham – without the slightest written paper from all those years. 2500 years of mostly analphabetic nomads without any written history. Believe it if you want – and if you know who was your forefather the year 500 BC (= ca. 2500 years ago). It also is worth adding that Muslims say that Mecca was where Abraham’s (or actually Sarah’s) slave, Hagar, and his and her child Ismael (Ishmael) were sent away from Abraham’s camp, that the two lived there, and that Abraham frequently visited them later. There is no source of information for this. The OT says they lived in Negev, which is weeks by camel from Mecca – and much, much longer for large flocks of sheep, goats, and cattle (American cowboys driving flocks of cattle to the railway, made 10-12 miles – 16-20 km – a day. The nomads in the south hardly moved any faster – – – if they could find water). In addition to the long time it would take, many animals hardly would survive the long trek through the harsh Arab desert. And there was in addition no reasonfor him and his family to take such a
dangerous and meaningless trip with their animals to a barren and dry valley. And as he never visited Mecca, he could not have left Hagar and Ismael there (this even more so as the Bible mention that Ishmael lived near the border of Egypt and got his wife from Egypt (see just below) – – – and science has proved that the Bible is not falsified – the easy way out for Muslims when the Bible mentions things they do not like). If Islam wants to insist that he ever visited Mecca, they have to produce strong proofs, as it is extremely unlikely – and “special statements demands special proofs”. It is highly likely this just is a story made up or “borrowed” from f. ex. folklore to give the teachings of Muhammad credence.
5. One more fact: The Bible – a book that Islam insists is correct every time there is some text they like, but that may be the truth other times, too, says (1. Mos. 21/21): “While he (Ishmael*) was living in the Desert of Paran, his mother got a wife for him from Egypt”. Except for religious Muslims that strongly wishes this to be a reference to Paran or Faran near Mecca, all serious scientists say that this was Paran in Sinai – – – which also made it
easier for his mother (who was from Egypt) to find him a wife from Egypt even though that made his children ¾ Egyptian and only ¼ descendants of Abraham’s stock (there is mentioned only one wife for Ishmael).
6. Further (1. Mos. 25/18): “His (Ishmael’s) descendants settled in the area from Havila to Shur, near the border of Egypt, as you go toward Asshur”. The border of Egypt means near the Red Sea. Just where most scientists place Paran. (It is a bit ironic that Islam say the Bible has the name correct, but all the rest of the information about place, wife from (neighbouring) Egypt, etc. wrong. But if you go looking, you will find that according to Islam, the Bible never has a mistake and is reliable when what it says fits Islam. But when it tells things or facts that contradicts Islam, the Bible is falsified – or like here one simply omits the contradicting facts – – – which one safely can do, as hardly any Muslim knows tha Bible well enough to see the cherry-picking of information). And NB: This was written 1000 or more years before Muhammad, and with no reason to placeIshmael far from Arabia if it was not the truth. To go all the way to Mecca was too forbidding for a man with large flocks of animal – and there never was a reason to go there for Abraham. On the contrary: Little food for his animals, no water in Mecca before the Zamzam was found later (?) – and Ishmaelliving “near the border of Egypt”. He never was in Mecca and consequently never built the Kabah – the big temple that he anyhow did not have the know-how to build, and worse; could not use, because he lived the better part of 1000 km away.
061 2/127b: “And remember Abraham and Ishmael raised the foundations of the House
(Kabah*)”. See 2/127.
062 2/129: “- – – Sign(s) – – -.” Invalid as proof for Allah. See 2/39 above.
00h 2/130: “- – – the religion of Abraham (= Islam*) – – -.” The Quran often claims that Islam = the religion of Abraham. But it always was and only is a claim – no proof, no documentation – not even a try to explain, except the undocumented and not proved claim that everyone that say something else are lying, and that other scriptures that science deems more reliable (not proven 100%, but far more likely to be true) are falsifications, even though science has shown that they are not falsified – may be are not everything true in the Bible, too, but science has clearly shown it is not falsified. (To prove it 100.0% of course is impossible – there always will be theoretical or made up possibilities. But it is proved at least99.5% – far beyond any judicial definition of the word – and if Islam claims something else, they will have to produce proofs, not only claims that are not even based on a likely theory
about how all the thousands of different manuscript shall have had so many chapters and verses falsified in exactly the same way – spread over all the world one knew at that time. All that Islam offers, is a stubborn claim – not even a theory about how it should be possible to falsify everything, or about why all the thousands of old manuscripts that science knows, show it is not falsified. For comparison: Islam’s claims about falsifications of the Bible are not proved even 0,5%. They only are claims. No proof. No documentation even though there exist thousands of documents. Only a stubborn claim based on nothing but a book with lots of mistakes dictated by a man with questionable moral and a lust for power to say the least of it.
063 2/131: “Lord of the Worlds”. The Quran tells about 7 (flat) worlds (65/12) – one above the other according to Hadith. Wrong (One small detail: In Abdullah Yusuf Ali (the same Yusuf Ali, but revised after his death): “The Meaning of the Holy Quran”, 11. edition, the word is changed from “the Worlds” to “the Universe” – one my guess why.
064 2/135: “- – – the Religion of Abraham, the True (religion*) – – -“. According to the Quran, Abraham was a Muslim. But looking at all the other mistakes and twisted logic and stories in the Quran – Islam will have to produce real proofs for that that was true. Also see 2/130 above.
065 2/136a: “- – – the revelations (the Quran*) given to us (Muhammad/Muslims*)”. Were they really given? – and were they really revelations? Under no circumstances did such revelations/the Quran come from an omniscient god – not that full of mistakes, etc.
*66 2/136b: “We (Allah*) make no difference between one or another of them (prophets*) – – -“. There is one distinction at least Yahweh makes: Between real and false prophets. The criterion for being a real prophet, is that you make prophesies – and that the prophesies come true. If not he is a false prophet (5. Mos. 18/21). Muhammad made during all his life not one real prophesy. (There were a few sayings that were remembered because they happened to become true – the others were forgotten like normal in such cases – but no real prophesies. He never – no place in the Quran and hardly in all the Hadiths – even claimed to have the gift ofmaking prophesies). Was he then really a prophet – or did he simply “borrow” an impressive title? He simply was not a prophet. A messenger for someone or something perhaps – or an apostle, but no prophet. But if either the Quran or the Bible or both speak the truth concerning this, Jesus clearly was. The Quran, though, reduces Jesus as much as possible, and simply skips the question of Muhammad’s right to the title – as so often the book treats things for a fact without the slightest proof or documentation.
067 2/136b: “We (Allah*) make no difference between one or another of them (prophets*) – – -“. Wrong. The Quran makes a great difference between Muhammad – even though he was no real prophet, as he did not have the gift of being able to make prophesies – and all other prophets. If Allah made no difference between them, then why is there so big difference in the Quran?
00i 2/137: “- – – (Muslims are*) on the right path – – -“. Can a “path” based on a book full of mistakes and dictated by a man of very doubtful moral, really be said to be “the right path”?
068 2/139: “- – – (Allah*) is our (Muslims’*) Lord and your (non-Muslim’s*) Lord – – -“. As this claim only is based on other, not proven claims, and especially as there exists other possibilities where at least some are based on stronger traditions, this is an invalid statement, unless it is proved.
00j 2/140: “- – – do ye know better than Allah?” (- about the old patriarchs, etc. of Israel.) 1. No – if Allah really exists and is omniscient and contacted Muhammad. All of which seems to be doubtful judging from all the mistakes, etc. in the Quran.
2. Perhaps – if Allah really exists, but is not omniscient, but contacted Muhammad – which Muhammad only claimed, never proved, even though it should be possible for Allah.
3. Yes – if Allah really exists, but did not contact Muhammad. Modern science knows a lot more than Muhammad did – and are not going all out for power, etc. = more reliable.
4. Yes, definitely – if Allah does not exist and just was a fiction from a perhaps sick man (TLE?) building a platform of power.
069 2/144a: “- – – heavens – – -“. Plural and wrong. See 2/22a.
*070 2/144b: “The people of the Book (= Jews, Christians and Sabeans*) know very well that that (the reason for changing the kiblah = direction of praying*) is the truth from their Lord”.
1. Jews and Christians definitely do not know this – and neither did the Sabeans know it (Sabeans lived in Sabah, in what now is Yemen. They had become Christians via influence from Christians in East Africa. (Though Islam says the Sabeans were a sect in Arabia – though with very vague ideas
about where and who.))
2. As the Quran contains a lot of mistakes, it is a question if also the rest is wrong.
3. As the Quran contains a lot of mistakes, it also is a question if this is from our Lord, Yahweh. It even is a question if a god was
involved in the Quran at all – a god does not make mistakes, not to mention such a number of mistakes – or loose statements
and false “signs“ and “proofs“ – the hallmarks of cheats and deceivers.
071 2/145: “- – – Sign(s) – – -.” Invalid as proof for Allah. See 2/39 above.
*072 2/145+146: “If thou, after the knowledge (of the new qiblah = what direction to face when you are praying*), wert to follow their (the People of the Book‘s*) (vain) desire – then wert thou indeed (clearly) in the wrong. The People of the Book know this as they know their own sons.” But it is most obvious that this is not true – neither Jews nor Christians know this – – – and especially not Christians, who have no qiblah (churches mostly make their
congregation face east, but there is no qiblah).
073 2/146: “- – – but some of them (Jews, Christians*) conceals the truth (the teachings of the Quran*) – – -“. With that many mistaken facts and that much wrong logic, it at best is partly the truth. See 40/75.
074 *2/146: “- – – the truth (the teachings of the Quran*) which they (Jews, Christians*) themselves know.” There are so many and so fundamental differences between the Quran and the Bible – especially the NT – that the only thing that is possible to know, is that something is very wrong in Islamic claims like this (as normal; a not proved claim).
075 2/147a: ”The Truth – – -”, see 40/75.
076 2/147b: “The Truth is from thy (people’s*) Lord (Allah*) – – -”. With so many mistakes
in the Quran, it is not from a god, as gods do not make mistakes.
077 2/147c: “The Truth (the Quran*) is from thy (people’s*) Lord, so be not at all in doubt”.
With that many mistakes and that much wrong logic, etc., there is every reason for doubt.
00k 2/149: “- – – that (the new qiblah) is indeed the truth from thy Lord”. With so many
mistakes in the Quran, it is an open question if this is the truth or not. It is worth mentioning
that Muslims states that the direction towards Kabah was Abraham’s kiblah. We have been
unable to find out why they say so – there is no reliable source telling that Abraham even had
a kiblah, not to mention that it in case was direction Mecca, a place he hardly had ever heard
about (it was only during the last few generations before Muhammad that Mecca had grown
to a reasonable wealthy town of some size).
078 2/159: “- – – clear (Signs) – – -.” See 2/99a and 2/99b.
079 2/160: “Except those who repent and make amends and openly declare (the Truth)”. With
so many mistakes in the Quran, the book at the very best is partly true. See 40/75.
080 2/164a: “- – – heavens – – -“. Plural and wrong. See 2/22a.
*081 2/164b: “- – – the rain which Allah sends down from the skies and the life which He
gives to an earth which is dead”. Any god had known it was alive with roots or seeds, not
dead – it only looked so.
082 2/164c: “- – – Sign(s) – – -.” Invalid as proof for Allah. See 2/39 above.
083 2/173: “He (Allah*) hath only forbidden you dead meat, and blood, and the meat of
swine, and that on which another name hath been invoked besides that of Allah”. Wrong. You
also are forbidden to eat meat from animals you kill by strangulation, or are gored to death,
and Hadiths – f. ex. Al-Bukhari – very clearly prohibits you to eat meat from donkey.
084 2/176a: “- – – Allah sent down the Book”. With so many mistaken facts, it is impossible
that the Quran is sent down by a god.
085 2/176b: “- – – Allah sent down the Book (the Quran*) in truth”. With that many mistakes
and other dubious arguments, it at best is partly true.
086 2/177: “- – – to believe in Allah and the last day, and the Angles, and the Book, and the
Messengers – – -“. Muhammad Ali says this is like accepting the “heavenly revelations” as
facts – clearly Islam’s meaning also today is, even though absolutely nothing is proved or
documented, it all rests well on blind belief in what a morally very suspect and perhaps sick
(TLE?) person once told.
087 2/185: “- – – clear (Signs) – – -“. There exist no clear sign (proof for Allah or Muhammad)
in all the Quran – see 2/99.
088 2/187: “- – – Allah makes clear His Signs to men – – -“. There exists no clear sign (proof
for Allah or Muhammad) in all the Quran – see 2/99.
*089 2/189: “They (the new moons*) are but signs to mark fixed periods of time in (the
affairs of) men, – – -”. Wrong – the new moons simply is a natural phenomenon. Man often
uses to calculate time but it is not made for that purpose. If Islam insists on that, they will
have to prove it.
090 2/213a: “Mankind was one single nation – – -.” Mankind never was a single nation. Some
160ooo-200ooo years ago PERHAPS one tribe, but never one nation – and absolutely not
within these last few millennia that is covered by the Quran.
091 2/213b: “- – – glad tidings – – -“. Wrong. See 2/97c and 61/13.
092 2/213c: “He (Allah*) sent the Book (the Quran*) – – -”. An omniscient god did not send a
book with that many mistakes, contradictions, and invalid proofs, etc.
093 2/213d: “He (Allah*) sent the Book in truth, – – -”. With so many mistaken facts at best it
is only partly the truth. See 40/75.
094 2/213e: “- – – Clear Signs – – -“. There are no clear signs – proofs for Allah or Muhammad
– in all the Quran. See 2/99.
095 2/213f: “Allah by His Grace guided the believers (by means of the Quran*) – – -“. A book
with that many mistakes and invalid proofs, etc. is no guidance.
096 2/213g: “Allah by his Grace guided the believers to the Truth, – – -”. Allah’s presumed
book containing so many mistakes, is not the truth. At best the book is partly true.
097 2/219: “Thus does Allah make clear to you His Signs – – -“. There is not one clear sign –
proof for Allah or Muhammad – in all the Quran. See 2/99.
098 2/221: “But Allah – – – makes his Signs clear to mankind – – -“. There is not one clear sign
– proof for Allah of Muhammad – in all the Quran, as it nowhere is proved that Allah makes
the signs. See 2/99.
099 2/231a: “- – – Sign(s) – – -.” Invalid as proof for Allah. See 2/39 above.
100 2/231b: “- – – the fact that He (Allah) sent down to you the Book – – -”. Is it a fact that a
god has sent down a book with so many mistaken facts? Impossible.
*101 2/231c: “- – – the Book of Wisdom, – – -”. A book with so many mistaken facts is no
book of wisdom. At best partly a book of wisdom. (But which parts are wisdom and which
102 2/242: “Thus doet Allah make clear His Signs for you – – -“. There is not one single clear
sign – proof for Allah or Muhammad – in the entire Quran. See 2/99.
00m 2/247a: “Allah hath appointed Talut (Saul*) king over you (Jews around 1100 – 1000
BC*)”. Most likely it was Yahweh (God) that did so, or what? Allah and Yahweh is not the
same god no matter what Islam wants – the fundamental differences are too big and too many.
Not unless the god is mentally ill – if he exists.
00n 2/247b: “- – – there shall come to you (the Jews) the Ark of Covenant”. Well, according to
the Bible the Ark of Covenant did not come to the Jews – they built it themselves in
accordance with a description they got from Yahweh. That was done around 1330 BC under
103 2/248a: “- – – Sign(s) – – -.” Invalid as proof for Allah. See 2/39 above.
00o 2/248b: “- – – there shall come to you the Ark of the Covenant – – – carried by angles – – -”.
This needs strong proof, especially since the Bible has a much more likely explanation. See
2/247b above.
104 2/248c: “- – – a Symbol (= Sign*) – – -.” Invalid as proof for Allah. See 2/39 above.
105 2/252: “- – – Sign(s) – – -.” Invalid as proof for Allah. See 2/39 above.
106 2/255: “- – – all the things in the heavens – – -“. Plural and wrong. See 2/22a.
*107 2/253a: “- – – We (Allah*) gave Clear (Signs) – – -.” There does not exist one single clear
sign (in Quran-speak = proof) for neither the Quran, nor for Allah, nor for Muhammad’s
connection to a god in all the Quran – only loose claims and demands for blind belief.
108 2/225b: “- – – after Clear (Signs) had come to them – – -.” Wrong. See 2/253a just above.
109 2/255: “- – – over the heavens – – -“. Plural and wrong. See 2/22a.
***110 2/256: “- – – no compulsion in religion – – -“. This “flagship” for “proving” the
peaceful Islam, disused daily by most Muslims and very frequently by Islam itself, is very
wrong, because it is abrogated (made invalid) by at least these (ca. 30 all together) from
the more bloody and inhuman later Medina surahs: 2/191 – 2/193 – 3/28 – 3/85 – 4/91 –
5/33 – 5/72 – 5/73 – 8/12 – 8/38-39 – 8/39 – 8/60 – 9/3 – 9/5 – 9/14 – 9/23 – 9/29 – 9/33 – 9/73
– 9/123 – 14/7 – 25/36 – 25/52 – 33/61 – 33/73 – 35/36 – 47/4 – 66/9 (as for 5/33: Remember
that all the wars and raids Muhammad fought, were wars of aggression, even if he called it
jihad – even Badr, Uhud and the Trench (Medina) were battles of defence in a war of
aggression started and kept alive by Muhammad’s raids. Non-Muslims should not defend
themselves and their belongings, according to 5/33).
In addition to this there are other kinds of compulsion than the sword – economy, brutal
taxes, social stigma, “Berufsverbot” (good jobs prohibited), physical insecurity, etc. And
all of them were backed by the sword – “conform and obey and pay or else – – -“!!
It must be added that some Muslims say this nonsense in good faith. But not one single
Muslim educated in his religion, does not know he is lying each time he says that there is no
compulsion in religion under Islam – but then defending and promoting Islam are two of the
cases where Al-Taqiyya (the lawful lie) and Kitman (the lawful half-truth), are not only
lawful, but compulsory in Islam, if it is necessary to use it. (A small PS: One or two of the
verses abrogating 2/256 may or may not be a little older than 2/256 itself, but there once was a
long debate in Islam if an older verse could abrogate a younger, and the conclusion was that
that was possible).
Beisdes Muslims normally misquote the verse, and tell you it says: “There is no compulsion
in religion”. What it really says is: “Let there be no compulsion in religion” – a wish or a
demand, not a fulfilled fact.
If this verse had not been abrogated, it had been “Glad Tidings”. Yes, even if Muslims had
been honest and told the verse is abrogated by at least some 30 harsh later verses it had helped
– at least it had helped the moral standard of Muslims to be that honest.
111 2/259: “- – – Sign(s) – – -.” Invalid as proof for Allah. See 2/39 above.
112 2/266: “Thus doth Allah make clear to you (people*) (his) Signs”. There are no clear
signs for Allah or Muhammad in the Quran – not one. See 2/99.
113 2/284: “- – – heavens – – -“. Plural and wrong. See 2/22a.
114 2/286: “(Pray:) ‘Our Lord! – – -‘“. The word (Pray:) does not exist in the original Arab
text – Yusuf Ali has added it to “camouflage” the fact that this is Muhammad praying to
Allah. How is it possible to explain that Muhammad is praying to Allah in a book made by
Allah or may be never made, but existed since eternity?
There are a few more places where it clearly is not Allah who is speaking. See 6/114a.
Surah 2: At least 114 mistakes + at least 15 likely mistakes.
001 3/3a: “It is He (Allah*) Who sent down to thee (Muhammad*) (the Quran*) – – -”. A book
with that many mistakes, etc. is not sent down by an omniscient god.
002 3/3b: “It is He Who sent down to thee (step by step), in truth – – -”. It at best is partly the
truth. See 13/1, 41/12 and especially 40/75.
**003 3/3c: “- – – the Book, confirming what went before it; (the Torah and the Bible*) – – -”.
There are so many fundamental differences between the Quran and the Torah/Bible
(especially NT), that the Quran definitely is no conformation of any of the two others
(see 2/89). The Quran and Islam tell that it is because those books are falsified, but for 1400
years no Muslim has ever offered proofs for that – only statements – and today it is proved by
science that those statements are wrong. Acrually it also is proved by Islam: If there had
existed any proof for falsification, Islam had screamed about it at once – but the only thing
they serve, is claims. Be sure: Had Muslims found any proof for this, it had been written with BIG words every relevant and
many irrelevant places. Never any proof for that the Quran – or Muhammad – really was from a god. Never.
004 3/4a: “- – – Sign(s) – – -.” Invalid as proof for Allah. See 2/39 above.
00a 3/4b: “The Message of the Quran” here tells that the sign here refers to the Gospel (or
Evangelion – both words mean “glad tidings”. “The Message of the Quran” in English
pretends that “Evangelion” is something special, but it simply is Greek for the same meaning.
In Swedish (and some other languages) – this kind of small dishonesty that you meet too often
in Islamic religious literature, is not possible in just this case, as they do not use the word
“Gospel” – they use the word “Evangelium”) that Jesus got. Our remark about that simply is
that absolutely nowhere there is found a trace of an Evangelion/Gospel that existed at the time
of Jesus (science say there may have been one older than the existing ones, but this one in
case also had to be written after Jesus’ death, as an Evangelion – Gospel in English – is the
story about Jesus’ life, death and resurrection, and could not be written until after this had
happened. The absolute only place you find this claim – and only as a not documented claim –
is in the Quran (and later Islamic relevant (?) literature built on or around the Quran). A book
with lots and lots of mistakes, told by a man with a very doubtful moral who on top of all
used the stories as his platform of power – and a book made 600 – 650 years later using
mainlyreligious legends, etc. as sources, Islam will have to produce solid evidences to make
this claim believable – not necessarily true, bur at least believable.
005 3/5: “- – – heavens – – -.” Plural and wrong. See 2/22a.
006 3/7a: “He it is Who has sent down to thee the Book: – – -”. There are too many mistakes in the Quran – it cannot possibly be sent down by a god, not to mention by an omniscient god.
**007 3/7b: “- – – the whole of it (the Quran*) is sent down from our Lord: – – – “. See 2/231 and 3/7a. We also want to add a little more from this verse, as the addition is essential in some of all the places Islam/Muslims try to “explain” away statements, etc., that obviously are not true, by saying they are allegories:
***00b 3/7c “It is He (Allah*) Who has sent down to thee the Book (the Quran*): in it are verses basic or fundamental (of established meaning) (= to be read literally*); they (the verses to be read literally*) are the foundation of the Book (the Quran*): others are allegorical (there are a number of allegorical or similar verses in the Quran – they either are easy to see are allegorical, or the meaning is explained, or both*). But those in whose hearts is perversity (,*) follow the part thereof that is allegorical, seeking disorder, for its hidden meaning (= only bad persons seek the hidden meanings – also from the allegories*), but no one knows the hidden meanings except Allah (= the possibly hidden meanings are not for humans*)”.
****In clear text: The Quran is to be read literary if nothing else is said or indicated – hidden meanings are for Allah and trying to find
hidden meanings are done by perverts. This is very essential for Muslims to remember when they are tempted to explain away mistakes and
blunders as allegories with hidden meanings ever so often. There is no hidden meaning unless it is indicated this verse says, and only the bad
humans looks for such.
008 3/9: “- – – a Day about which there is no doubt – – -“. Wrong. Once the end of the world will come. But if it will happen like told in the Quran, well, there is a good reason for doubt about, as so much more is wrong in that book.
009 3/11: “- – – Sign(s) – – -.” Invalid as proof for Allah. See 2/39 above.
010 3/13: “- – – Sign – – -.” Invalid as proof for Allah. See 2/39 above.
011 3/15: “- – – glad tidings – – -“. Wrong. See 2/97c above.
*012 3/18: “- – – that is the witness of Allah – – -.” The problem is that there exists not one single witness from Allah – no miracle that could have been a witness, and nothing else. Only the words of a very doubtful man written in a book with very many errors, contradictions, etc. Muslims her often talk about “signs” from the nature, but the nature is not a proof for Allah until it first is proved that it is created by a god, and then is proved that that god is Allah – words are very cheap. This claim is wrong until Islam proves that Allah really made it – and proves, not only claims like Muslims nearly always do.
013 3/19: “- – – Sign(s) – – -.” Invalid as proof for Allah. See 2/39 above.
014 3/21: “- – – Sign(s) – – -.” Invalid as proof for Allah. See 2/39 above.
**015 3/24: “- – – their (Jews, Christians*) forgeries (of the Bible*) – – -“. The Quran, Muhammad, Islam and most Muslims claim that the Bible is falsified – claim, but NEVER document or in other ways prove it. Not only claim it is falsified, but that it is falsified on purpose. This in spite of the fact that science long since has proved it is not falsified – one knows literally thousands of relevant old papers and scraps of paper (some 13000 older than 610 AD + some 32000 relevant references to the Bible), which documents it has not been falsified – and with royal disregard for the fact that as the Bible was spread over enormous distances, here, there and everywhere. It was physically impossible to co-ordinate the falsification of each and every copy all over so that all the falsifications were identical, not to mention that all similar points and all references to all these in other papers also had to be falsified correspondingly.
***Demand proofs next time a Muslim tells you this. His game is to throw not documented claims around,and demand proofs from you for the opposite – which can be difficult if you do not have enough knowledge. But it his duty to prove his claims – not yours to disapprove them. NB: They do not have such proofs – if they had had only a feeble one, be sure you andthe rest of the world had heard about it by some ones using big letters (actually the lack of documentation from Islam is the best of proofs for that the claim is something made up. And as actually; to throw loose claims and statements around, pretending that they are facts, are typical for Muslims and Islam in religious debates not to mention in religious propaganda). But to claim that the Bible was falsified, was the only way out for Muhammad – and it still is the only way out for Islam. If they admit that the Bible is not falsified each and every place the Quran “collides” with it, that means to admit that Islam is a made up religion – which is too difficult for the believers, and too expensive for the leaders. We may add that it is quite normal for fringe sects – which Islam once was – to claim that the mother religion(s) is wrong and they themselves are the only ones that are right. To be believed on this point by us, Islam will have to produce real proofs, not only cheap and loose words to back up their claim. As there exist so many old papers, proving it should be very easy – – – if it were true. Islam’s claim here simply is proved wrong by science – unless Islam produces proofs showing the opposite. But proofs, not only loose claims like they normally use.
016 3/25: “- – – a Day about which there is no doubt – – -“. Wrong. See 3/9 above.
017 3/27: “Thou (Allah*) causest the Night to gain on the Day, and Thou causest the day to gain on the Night – – -“. Night and day is a natural result of the Earth spinning in the light from the sun. If Islam claims what the Quran says above, they will have to prove it.
017 3/29: “- – – heavens – – -“. Plural and wrong. See 2/22a.
*018 3/35: ”Imran’s wife said”. The Quran here is talking about the mother of Mary (see also
3/36 in the Quran: “I have named her Mary”). But Imran was the father of Aaron, Moses and Miriam, who lived some 1200 years earlier! Muhammad did not know the Bible very well, and it is clear that he thought Mary was the sister of Aaron and Moses. In 19/28 this is directly said, when talking about Mary: “O sister of Aaron”. It is likely that the reason for this mistake is that in Arab Mary and Miriam (the older sister of Moses and Aaron) are written the
same way: Maryam. With his limited knowledge of the Bible he believed it was the same woman. Any god had known better. We may add that some Muslims say it is not the same Imran, but scientists agree on that Muhammad meant the same man – the Imran that was chosen by Allah like Adam, Noah and Abraham (see 3/33 in the Quran) – the father of Aaron, Moses – – – and Maryam/Miriam/Mary. That Muhammad really was wrong here, and thought Mary was the sister of Aaron and Moses, is documented by the fact that according to Hadith (the other Muslim source of information about their religion and about Muhammad) Muhammad was corrected, and he tried to find explanations to repair the mistake (without success). He also did not add information showing that he and Allah for some reason was right in his mistaken statement all the same. You will also meet Muslims telling that the Quran does not mean that Mary really was the sister of Aaron (they say it was meant figuratively – the normal way out for Muslims, when things are difficult to explain), and that the book does not mean that she was the daughter of Imran – only a descendant of him. Islam should after so many hundreds of years have found better “explanations” – “explanations” that on top of all is said to be contradicted by the fact that already Mohammad himself tried to correct the mistake, but without success as mentioned. But there is no other explanation they can try to use. Also see 19/28.
**** There also is another aspect of all the points which are wrong or helplessly expressed or something – may be unbelievable some 3000 places – very roughly one in every second verse on average (there is said to be 6247 verses). Who is willing to believe that an omniscient and intelligent god is so helpless expressing himself in a book where he tells he uses a language simple to understand, and so uneducated that he uses hundreds of mistaken facts, so that mere humans time and again and again and again have to step in and explain or “explain” what he “really means”? – not to mention
“explain” or explain away mistakes? It takes a lot of naivity, brainwashing and plain old blindness and lack of moran curage not to at least ask questions. You believe just because your grandmother told you so, and it is difficult to question your old beliefs and
019 3/37: “Every time he (Zakariyya*) entered (her) chamber to see her, he found her supplied with sustenance. He said: ‘O Mary! Whence (comes) this to you?’ She said: “From Allah: for Allah provides sustenance to whom He pleases without measure’ “. This means that she by a miracle got her food from the god. This is a made up fairy tale. There is not one single chance that a miracle like this had been omitted from the NT – this even more so if
Islam had been right in their statements that Christians (and Jews) had falsified the Bible and made Jesus “bigger” – though how do you make Jews falsify their copies of scriptures to makeJesus “bigger”? (Muhammad was not well versed in the Bible, and frequently made mistakes when he referred to it or took stories from it. He always explained such mistakes with that he was right, and that the unholy Jews and Christians had falsified the Bible. Actually just this story is one the many the Quran has not “borrowed” from the Bible at all, but from one of the made up religious legends that flourished at that time. These mistakes were the reason why the Jews did not accept him when he came to Yathrib/Medina – the Jews said his teachings
were wrong and that he consequently was a false prophet. (Muslims have “a tendency” not to mention this fact, but to instead tell a, to Muhammad, more flattering story: He was not accepted because the Jews were angry because Allah had called a non-Jew for a prophet.)) But if Christians had falsified the Bible, their main object would have been to strengthen Jesus’ position and his connections to Yahweh – the Jewish and Christian god. There is no
chance at all that they had omitted a wonder connected to his mother, telling about a direct connection between Yahweh and her. (That she served in the Temple, which also is told in the Quran, also is new to the Bible – and had never been omitted there if it was true). It also tells something that when Muhammad differs from the Bible, his/the Quran’s stories often correspond with proven untrue religious fables and legends (often based on apocryphal scriptures – and often Gnostic). This tells it is not the Bible that is wrong, but that the Quran
may have used fairy tales as sources. Would a god need fairy tales as sources?
020 3/41a: “- – -a Sign – – -.” Invalid as proof for Allah. See 2/39 above.
021 3/41b: “- – -Thy Sign – – -.” Invalid as proof for Allah. See 2/39 above.
*022 3/45: “- – – his name will be Christ Jesus – – – “. His name was only Jesus. The word Christ was not even a name, but a title of honour, and it only emerged years after his death – originally in what is now Turkey. But Muhammad did not know the Bible well. (Christ in Greek means the same as Messiah in Hebrew – the anointed one. Because of this some editions of the Bible use Christ instead of Messiah in NT, but the name – or title really – Christ in reality did not exist connected to Jesus, until well after his death).
**023 3/48: “And Allah will teach him (the child Jesus*) – – – the Gospel”. One thing is that the word “Gospel” is in singular – there are 4 Gospels. It is not uncommon to use “Gospel” in singular, but it seems that Muhammad did not know there were more than one. But the real screamer is that the Gospels did not exist at that time – could not exist, as they are the story of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. The oldest one is written some 25 years after his death (or may be a little earlier, according to new science – source: New Scientist). Show us one single god that did not know that. But as said before: Muhammad did not know the Bible well. Also see 3/3.
We may add that many a Muslim will tell you that the Quran is not talking about the 4 known Gospels, but about an older one they claim has disappeared. And they may be partly right on one point – it may be that once there was another and older Gospel, (though not so old that Jesus could read it, neither as a child, nor as an adult). 3 of the Gospels are so similar, that it is clear there is a connection, and one of the possible explanations is that they all took material from an older Gospel. But strangely Muslims never mention the other possible explanation: That the two youngest simply took material from the oldest of the 3. And as strangely the Imams never tell their congregation what a Gospel really is. For the for Muslims damaging
points are:
1. A Gospel is the history of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection, with the main point being his death and resurrection – the final proof for
his connection to something supernatural. There had been lots of proofs before according to both the Bible and to the Quran – his many miracles. But his resurrection made any dispute about or denial of the involvement of something supernatural impossible. But as the main points in all Gospels are his trial, his death, and his resurrection, no Gospel could exist until after his death. And no tale not including his trial, death and resurrection is a Gospel,
because the very points that make it a Gospel – his resurrection and thus the final proof and the final victory over the dark forces – are not
there. (Also see point C below).
2. It is known that Muhammad did not really know the Bible, and especially not NT, and it seems like he used the word “Gospel” without really knowing what it meant. Also modern Muslims – at least the ones with little education – have vague ideas about what a Gospel is, and just states that there must have been an older one that Jesus read, which as you see is an impossibility. (Of course some then try the all-conquering argument that
Allah knew and could tell – – – but then we once more are up against the fact that full clairvoyance for Allah combined with free
will for man, also is an impossibility, a fact that even Islamic scholars admit, though most reluctantly, and with the very lame addition
that “all the same it must be true, because it is told in the Quran” (!!!))
3. We know that if there ever existed an older Gospel, we automatically know that also this was written after Jesus’ death, so Jesus could
not have studied it. This because a Gospel as said is the story of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection (which most Muslims do not
seem to know), and thus cannot have been written until after his death and resurrection – and thus we know it in case was not written
until after the year 33 AD. (A small scientific correction: It is known that Jesus was 33 years old when he died. But when Rome later calculated when Jesus was born, they made a mistake of may be as much as 5 – 6 years. Therefore Jesus in reality was born some 5 – 6 years before our time-table has its point of zero – and his death correspondingly may have been around 27 – 28 AD).
4. If there ever was such an older Gospel, that means that it was even closer in time to what happened, and thus makes the 3 mentioned Gospels even more reliable as they in case took their material from a Gospel written very shortly after Jesus died, and thus at a time when what happened was even more fresh in the minds of people and society and the writer. But still impossible for Jesus to study, as it did not – could not – exist until after his
death. (We may add that “Gospel” means “good news” or “glad news” or “glad tidings”. You meet the word used like that in some Bibles and other literature, but then it normally is written “gospel” not “Gospel”.)
*024 3/49: “I have come to you, with a Sign from your Lord, in that I make for you out of clay, as it were, the figure of a bird, and breathe into it, and it becomes a bird by Allah’s leave”. Also this wonder had never been omitted from NT if it had been true – see 3/37. But actually it is taken from the made up legends in one of the “fairy tale” Child Gospels (actually . it came from Thomas Child Gospel – also called “The Thomas‘ Gospel of the Infancy of Jesus Christ“- an apocryphal one from 2. century ). A god had known the Child Gospels were made up. Besides: What does it tell the world that the Quran uses a made up story as an indirect proof for Allah? And what does it tell about the reliability of Muhammad’s many statements when there is divergence between the Bible and the Quran, that the reason is that the Bible isfalsified, when it is clear that the reason is that the Quran often is referring to fairy tales?
**025 3/51: (Jesus said*): “It is Allah who is my Lord and your Lord; then worship Him”. This must be written/told by someone with no knowledge of Israel at the time of Jesus. It was one of the periods when the Jewish religion was strong and the religious establishment powerful. Further the name of the (Muslim) god was not Allah until after Muhammad changed his name slightly – it was al-Lah (which means “the god” – not “god”, but “the god”.
Muslim missionaries in the west, today often use the word God instead of Allah, because then a number of the differences between Yahweh (our god) and Allah are more difficult to see. They say that Allah means God, but strictly speaking “al-Lah” = “the god“). The Jews of that time were a travelling people, and they knew Arabia and the polytheistic religion there.
1. If Jesus had preached that people should pray to a known polytheistic god from another country (and remember that at that time gods
in addition were at least to a degree thought to take care mostly of their own country or tribe or whatever) – call him al-Lah or the older El – he would have gotten very few followers.
2. If Jesus had preached about al-Lah – a known polytheistic foreign god – the Jewish religious establishment had had him killed years before for heresy, disrespect for Yahweh and things like that. The statement is made up by someone not knowing the religious and political situation in Israel around 30 AD (the purpose for making it up is very obvious).
026 3/52a: “(Jesus*) said: ‘Who will be the helpers to (the work) of Allah?” See 3/51.
027 3/52b: “Said the Disciples (of Jesus*): ‘We are Allah’s helpers:” See 3/51.
028 3/52c: Said the disciples: “- – – we believe in Allah, – – -”. See 3/51.
*029 3/52d: Said the disciples: “- – – and thou (Jesus*) bear witness that we are Muslims”. See
3/51. Besides the word hardly had a meaning 600 years before Muhammad.
030 3/58: “- – – Sign(s) – – -.” Invalid as proof for Allah. See 2/39 above.
00c 3/59: “The similitude of Jesus before Allah is as that of Adam – – -”. That is to say in
“Quran-speak”: He was a prophet, but but for that an ordinary human. Well, Jesus called
God/Yahweh “father”, which Adam could not. And according to science, Adam never
*031 3/59: “He (Allah*) created him (Adam*) from dust, – – -”. The Quran tells about many
ways man was created – 13 different if you are strict, 5 – 7 if you are less strict. Only 1 can be
true, as man (Adam) was created only once. Actually all of them are wrong. Some Muslims
take pride in that archaeologists has found that the human race has passed through so-called
bottlenecks, and that all may have one “mother” in common – the archaeological Eve – and
one common “father” – the less known archaeological Adam. “Hip, Hurray! Science has
proved the Adam and his wife in the Quran!!” What not a single of them has ever mentioned
as far as we have heard, is the fact that this “Eve” lived some 160ooo to 200ooo years ago in
Africa, whereas the corresponding “Adam” lived much later – may be as late as 60ooo – 70ooo
(64ooo?) years ago and in Asia. Some marriage!!! (And actually the Adam from the Bible and
the Quran most likely never existed – man developed from a primate, he was not created into
sudden existence). See also 6/2.
032 3/60: “The Truth (comes) from Allah alone; – – -”. With so many mistaken facts that you
find in that book, it can at most be partly true, if this refers to the presumed truths in the
Quran. Also see 40/75.
033 3/61: “- – – now after (full) knowledge hath come to thee – – -”. With so many mistakes in
the Quran, it is at best partly knowledge.
*034 3/64: “- – – that we (Muslims and Jews/Christians*) worship none but Allah (= Yahweh
and Allah is claimed to be the same god*)”. This is not possible as the fundamental
differences between the Quran and the Bible/NT are too big and too many – not unless the
god is schizophrenic. Mainly only Muslims say this – and they will have to bring strong
00d 3/67: “Abraham was not a Jew nor yet a Christian – – -“. He definitely was no Christian,
as he lived – if he ever lived – some 1800 – 2000 years too early. But it may be correct to call
the forefather of all Jews a Jew. (We know the word did not exist at that time, but it is normal
to use the word also for the people who later got the name Jews. The word “Jew” is made
from “Judah” – the name of one of the sons of the Jewish patriarch Jacob – grandson of
00e 3/68: “Without doubt, among men, the nearest of kin to Abraham, are those who follow
him – – -“.
1. You do not get related to a man just because
you are a follower.
2. Is Islam really following Abraham’s real
religion? – only the Quran says so, and the
Quran has proven that it has lots of mistakes –
lots of.
3. If Muhammad included himself here: Was he
really a descendant of Abraham? – Abraham
lived some 2500 years earlier, and how many
even today know their forefathers 2500 years
back? – people have lied for political or
personal reasons throughout both history and
pre-history, also about honourable ancestors.
4. Even if Muhammad had been a descendant of
Abraham – then how close after 2500 years?
His first forefather in case was Ishmael.
Ishmael was half Egyptian (his mother Hagar
was a slave maiden from Egypt (1.Mos.
16/1), and Ishmael himself married a woman
(only one wife is mentioned) from Egypt (1.
Mos. 21/21) and his family settled near the
border of Egypt (1. Mos. 25/18) in Sinai. The
border of Egypt never was in the middle of
Arabia, even though Muslims want Hagar and
Ishmael to have settled in Mecca). In addition
modern DNA has shown that Arabs far from
is a pure race. Arabs were traders – and
brought home wives and slaves and got
children with them. Also foreign traders
crossed Arabia and made a child now and
then – the sexual taboos were far looser
before Muhammad. The Arabs simply is a
mix of local and a lot of not local DNA – in
addition to the already mentioned fact that
already after 2 generations only ¼ of the
relationship was with Abraham – – – and the
25oo years up to Muhammad meant some 100
There is much reason for doubt.
035 3/70: “Why do ye (the Jews*) reject the Signs of Allah, of which ye are (yourselves)
witnesses?” The word “Sign” may here refer to these statements:
1. Islam say Muhammad is foretold in the Bible,
and especially refers to 5 Mos. 18/15 and
18/18. But the brother of a Jew is a Jew, not
an Arab, and the Jews’ fellow countrymen
also are Jews, not Arabs. See the chapter
about “Muhammad in the Bible?” Wrong.
2. The other “main” claim is that when Jesus
talked to his disciples about a helper that
should come to them, Muslims claim that that
meant Muhammad, even though they have to
twist their “explanation” not a little (they
need at least one from GT and one from NT,
because it is said that Muhammad is foretold
in both) – and even though Muhammad was
born 500 years after the disciples were dead! –
how could he be the helper of the
disiples?!!(Jesus was talking about The Holy
Ghost/Holy Spirit/etc. that came to the
disciples some days later).
3. The Quran refers to one or two learned Jews
that Islam claims accepted Mohammad as a
prophet. But even if this may be (or may be
not) was true, it is in no way correct to say
that “ye” (all the Jews) did so. Wrong.
See the chapters “Muhammad in the Bible?” and “Falsified Bible?”
*Islam only has produced claims and twisted logic for this – well, claim. They will have to
produce documentation or proofs if they want to be believed by others than the brainwashed
and the naïve.
036 3/71: “- – – conceal the Truth (of what the Quran tells*) – – -”. With so many mistakes, the
Quran at best is only partly true. Also see “Muhammad in the Bible?”
037 3/71a: “Why do you clothe the truth with falsehood (= falsify the Bible, the Torah, and
the other Jewish scriptures – this is strongly stated in the Quran (if it is not true, then the
Quran is a falsified book*)*), and conceal the Truth, – – -?” Always when there was a
discrepancy between the Quran and the Bible, Muhammad said it was he who was right and
the Jews and the Christians who had falsified the Bible (even in cases where it is clear the
story in the Quran corresponds to a made up legend known in Arabia at that time) – a most
convenient explanation for a man that knew little about the Bible. But does the Quran
represent the truth? – with that many obvious mistakes, etc., it at most can be partly true.
038 3/71b: “- – – conceal the Truth (of what the Quran tells*) – – -”. With so many mistakes,
the Quran at best is only partly true. Also see “Muhammad in the Bible?” and 3/71a just
039. 3/75: “But they (Jews and Christians*) tell a lie against Allah (= they have falsified the
Bible*), and well they know it.” Wrong. See 2/75 above.
**040 3/78: “(Many Jews and Christians*) distort the Book (the Bible) – – -“. This an
unproven claim without which Islam is dead. But the fact is that in 1400 years Islam have
been unable to produce only claims and words – both of which are very cheap – whereas
science has some 13000 relevant old papers and fragments (of them some 300 from the 4
Gospels) from all over the then known world, plus some 32000 relevant quotations from the
Bible in other manuscripts, which document that the Bible is not distorted. (And you bet: If
Islam had found a single real proof for their claim, they had screamed about it). This
actually is the best of all proofs for that no proofs exist. Also see “Muhammad in the Bible”,
and “Falsified Bible?”
*041 3/83a: “- – – all creatures (= angels, jinns, man and animals*) in the heavens and on the
earth have, willing or unwilling (what about 2/256: “- no compulsion in religion –“?*) bowed
to His (Allah’s*) will (accepted Islam)”. Muslims will have to produce very strong proofs to
make us believe that everything, included snails and flatworms and mosquitoes pray to Allah.
042 3/83b: “- – – heavens – – -“. See 2/22a.
*043 3/84: “- – – in (the Books) given to Moses”. Wrong. Moses (if he existed) lived 1300-
1200 BC (if the exodus from Egypt ever happened, it took place ca. 1235 BC – during the
reign of pharaoh Ramses II according to science). These 5 books (the Torah) were written not
earlier than ca. 800 BC, and may be as late as 500 BC, but named after Moses. Moses was
never given those books (though he was oraly given the law, which he himself wrote down
later, according to the Bible – the laws later became part of “The Book of Moses” some
hundred years later) – but this Muhammad did not know – – – whereas a god had known it. See
044 3/75: “But they (Jews/Christians*) tell a lie against Allah (= they have falsified the
Bible)”. Wrong. See 3/24 above.
045 3/78: “- – – distort the Book (= falsify the Bible*) – – -.” Wrong. See 3/24 above.
046 3/86: “- – – Clear Signs – – -“. See 2/99.
*047 3/96: “The first House (= Kabah*) (of worship) appointed for man was that at Bakkah
(= Mecca*)”. Wrong. Even if we should accept that Abraham “made the foundations” of the
Kabah in Mecca, he lived (if he is not fiction) around 2000-1800 BC. At that time the first
temples, etc. in f. ex. Egypt and Mesopotamia were old. Today it is possible to find the real
age of many things. It is symptomatic that as far as we know, Islam has not tried to see if it is
possible to find the real age of the oldest parts of the Kabah. Wagging tongues insinuates that
may be the reason is that they are afraid it is younger than 3800 years. – what if it turns out it
is built around 100 BC – or AD – f. ex? Islam also have one problem concerning measuring
the age of the Kabah: They will have to use qualified western experts. If they use Muslim
experts – who may be well qualified to do it – and find that it f. ex. is 5630 years old, not one
single soul will believe them uncondotianally, because of “al-Taqiyya” – the lawful lie – that
Muslims not only are permitted to use, but are obliged to use if necessary, when it comes to
promoting or defending Islam. (And non-Muslims are not permitted to visit Mecca.) We may
also add that it is further said that Abraham built on the even older ruins of a temple made by
Adam – of course Adam like Abraham went all the way to the desert proto-Mecca and built a
big temple he never could visit from his home a thousand kilometres off (Adam – and his
Paradise – real of fiction, mostly are believed to have been placed somewhere in the rich
wetlands in what is now South Iraq), but destroyed at the time of Noah – but as often before
Muslims only tell, seldom prove, so believe it who wants.
(We may ad that some Muslims have corrected this verse to that the Quran is talking about the
first house of worship for a monotheistic god, but that is not what the Quran says. Besides: If
the Quran or the Hadiths is correct and there have been prophets to all times and every people
– 124ooo the Hadith says – Islam will have a though time to prove that not one single all
those prophets or their followers in the very early time before Abraham, have ever built even
a small house for worship.” Also see 2/127.
048 3/97a: “- – – Signs manifest – – -“. See 2/99.
049 3/97b: “In it (Kabah in Mecca*) are Signs manifest; (for example), the Station of
Abraham – – -“. For one thing Abraham never was in Mecca (see 2/127) and never built
Kabah or its foundations. And if he had ever been there and built it: There is a stone there,
with a mark in it. Islam calls it the Station of Abraham and is said to tell that the mark is from
Abraham’s feet when he was building the Kabah. Which worker building a house has ever in
all the history and far before, been standing so long on the same hard natural stone, that his
feet made a mark in that stone lasting for millennia?
This is the kind of sure proofs the Quran tells about and some of the Muslims even believe in.
050 3/98a: “- – – Sign(s) – – -.” Invalid as proof for Allah. See 2/39 above.
051 3/98b: “(Jews and Christians*) ye were yourselves witnesses (to Allah’s covenant)”.
Wrong. They were witnesses to Yahweh’s covenant(s). Allah is not the same god as Yahweh,
unless the god is seriously schizophrenic, as the teachings fundamentally are too different. If
Islam still insists on the opposite, they will have to bring proofs, not only the old and still not
documented loose claims.
00f 3/101: “- – – Sign(s) – – -.” Invalid as proof for Allah. See 2/39 above.
052 3/103: “Thus doth Allah make His Signs clear – – -“. There is not one single real
sign/proof not to mention clear sign or proof for neither Allah nor Muhammad in the Quran –
see 2/99.
053 3/105: “- – – clear Sign – – -“. See 3/103 just above and 2/99.
054 3/108: “- – – Sign(s) – – -.” Invalid as proof for Allah. See 2/39 above.
055 3/109: “- – – heavens – – -“. Plural and wrong – see 2/22a.
056 3/112: “- – – Sign(s) – – -.” Invalid as proof for Allah. See 2/39 above.
057 3/113: “- – – Sign(s) – – -.” Invalid as proof for Allah. See 2/39 above.
058 3/118: “- – – Sign(s) – – -.” Invalid as proof for Allah. See 2/39 above.
059 3/128: “- – – heavens – – -“. Plural and wrong – there are no 7 heavens. See 2/22a.
060 3/132: “- – – heavens – – -“. Plural and wrong – see 2/22a.
*00g 3/137a: “- – – travel through the earth, and see what was the end of those who rejected
the truth”. In Arabia there were scattered old ruins. Muhammad told they were all remnants
after peoples Allah had punished for their sins. There are more likely explanations.
061 3/137b: “- – – those who rejected the Truth”. With that many mistaken facts in the Quran,
it at best tells partly the truth.
**062 3/154a: “Even if you had remained in your homes (instead of taking part in the battle
of Uhud, where many were killed), those for whom the death was decreed would certainly
have gone forth to the place of their death (= they had died anyhow*)”. Here we have the
predestination. You can as well do battle, because Allah has decided long time ago (5 months
before you were born according to Hadith) when you are to die. If your time is up, you will
die no matter, even if you are lying in your bed. That means that to do battle is not dangerous,
but you can win a lot of wealth – and slaves – and if you die in battle, you are sure to go to
Paradise with its luxury life and willing houries (in addition to your wives), which you are not
sure of if you die at home. The only intelligent thing to do is to fight for your prophet – or his
successors. “The religion of Peace”? – or a religion of war?
Today it is easy to prove by statistics that it is very wrong – but Muhammad did not know
about statistics (and a god had not even needed statistics to know it was stupidity). On the
other hand this claim is so contra all logic, that this is one of the points where Muhammad
knew he was lying – he was too intellighet to believe in this. Actually Islam today back-pedals
very much concerning predestination telling f. ex. that the Quran does not mean real
predestination (but not explaining what they claim it means). But in some cases the book is so
clear, that it is impossible to explain it away.) f. ex. many places connected to statements
that when your time is out, you will die anyhow, and therefore you can as well go to war.
See f. ex. 3/154b below).
**063 3/154b: “Even if you had remained in your homes, those for whom death was decreed
would certainly have gone forth to the place of their death”. This is one of the arguments
Muhammad used to incite to battle; predestination. Today it as said is very easy to prove by
means of statistics that it is utterly wrong – it is far less likely to die in your home, compared
to spending the same time in a battle. (But Muhammad needed – or at least wanted –
warriors, even if he had to know he was lying.)
064 3/161a: “- – – prophet – – -“. But Muhammad was not really a prophet – he just
“borrowed” the impressing title: He did not have the ability to make prophesies – he did not
even pretend or claim he had it. Even Islam admits this indirectly: Prophesies is a special kind
of miracles, and Islam says that the only miracle connected to Muhammad, is the making of
the Quran.
00h 3/16b1: “No prophet could (ever) be false to his trust.” Some of Mohammad’s
highwaymen (this was in 625 AD when the Muslims lived from stealing/robbing and
extortion) were dissatisfied and told Mohammad cheated when splitting the spoils. Then this
verse arrived very conveniently from the veneered Mother Book in Heaven written by Allah
or existed since eternity. Islam says it proved Mohammad did not cheat. That may be correct
if Allah made the Quran, but not if Mohammad or someone else did so.
**There also is another and much more serious fact here: Through the times most – not to say
(nearly?) all – self-proclaimed prophets have been false prophets. Most of the false prophets
have been (and are) men, and in religion they have found a way to money, women, esteem,
and power – the 4 normal reasons for impostors. Some are mentally special or ill –
Muhammad is among those if he had TLE (see the chapter “What is TLE – Temporal Lobe
Epilepsy”). Some really believe they are prophets, others just are cheats – if Muhammad had
TLE, he may honestly have believed he had some connection to a god, but it also is very clear
from the Quran that he at least sometimes knew he was cheating; some of the arguments he
used in the book, any intelligent person knows are lies (f. ex. that miracles would not make
doubters believe), and Muhammad was an intelligent man. And some of the self proclaimed
“prophets” simply were/are cold and calculating – sometimes even psychopathic – – – and
when one looks at Muhammad’s cold-blooded treatment of victims and opponents, his total
disregard for the life and well-being of everybody that stood between him and power and
riches (to use for bribing greedy warriors and chiefs to come to his religion and his army), and
his clever psychological (every clever salesman knows much about human nature and
psychology) manipulation of his uneducated, naïve early followers, it is easy to believe
Muhammad belonged to these – may be combined with the effect of the possible TLE or
00i 3/164a: “- – – He (Allah) sent among them (Muslims*) a Messenger (Muhammad*) from
among themselves – – -“. The Quran and all the mistakes and wrong logic, etc. there, makes it
clear that Muhammad was not sent by any omniscient or omnipotent god (f. ex. no miracles –
even though any god knows it is a lie that miracles would not give lots of followers – – – and
so did Muhammad). But there is a small possibility that he was contacted by a minor god,
and a larger possibility that what he believed was Gabriel, in reality was the Devil/a
devil in disguise (Muhammad’s inhuman behaviour and the inhuman religion he
introduced – stealing/robbing, raping, enslaving, torture, murder, mass murder, hate,
discrimination, and war – may indicate this). Finally there is a not small possibility that
it was all man-made.
065 3/164b: “- – – Sign(s) – – -.” Invalid as proof for Allah. See 2/39 above.
066 3/180: “- – – heavens – – -“. Plural and wrong. See 2/22.
067 3/183: “- – – Clear Signs – – -“. There are no clear signs (= proofs for Allah or
Muhammad) in the Quran – not one. See 2/99.
068 3/184: “- – – Clear Signs – – -“. Wrong. See 2/99.
069 3/189: “- – – heavens – – -“. Plural and wrong. See 2/22a.
070 3/190a: “- – – heavens – – -“. Plural and wrong – there are no 7 material heavens. See
2/22a. Any god had known, but Muhammad not. Who made the Quran?
071 3/190b: “- – – Signs – – -.” As long as it is not proved that it really was Allah who created
it, it is invalid as sign or indication or proof for Allah or anything related to Islam. See 2/39
*072 3/190c: “- – – there are indeed Signs for men of understanding – – -“. Psychologically a
good slogan; who does not want to belong among the wise men, and who is not flattered by
being included among the wise ones by the demi-god of a leader? – especially the uneducated
and naïve followers – – – or the brainwashed ones. But the only two things a man of real
understanding can learn from statements that are clearly invalid, because they just are cheap
words that never are proved – only backed by demands and flattery for blind belief:
1. A. And the first possible conclusion a man of
understanding can make is: Muhammad had
no valid arguments – if he had had real
and true arguments, he had not had to use
invalid ones.
2. B. The other possible conclusion a man of
understanding can make from this is that
something is seriously wrong. Wrong
information, invalid logic, and sometimes
lies, after all are the hallmarks of a deceiver, a
cheat, and a swindler.
Also see 2/99.
073 3/191: “- – – heavens – – -“. Plural and wrong. See 2/22a.
Surah 3: 73 mistakes + 9 likely mistakes.
001 4/1a: “Reverence your Guardian-Lord, who created you (people*) – – – “. Man was not
created, according to science, but developed from earlier primates. Besides: Even if man had
been created, Islam has never brought a proof for that he was created by a god (not by f. ex. a
devil), and neither for that the god in case was Allah.
002 4/1b: “- – – created you from a single person – – -“. Man could not come from a single
person, there had to be at lest 2 – male and female. But even if there was a couple, that would
be too little – the DNA variety would be too small for the “tribe” to be viable. Man simply
developed little by little – like the Quran – from earlier primates (as for the archaeological
Eve and the archaeological Adam that science talks about, and that some Muslims disuse
trying to “prove” something: See the chapter: “Some wrong arguments – and their answers”.)
003 4/11+12: The verses about inheritance are far from clear in Islam. Muhammad stated
fixed proportions. But the trouble is that those proportions may add up to more than the full
value of the property. If there f. ex. are these inheritors after a man’s death: 1 wife = 1/8
(3/24), 3 daughters = 2/3 (16/24), 1 father = 1/6 (4/24) and 1 mother = 1/6 (4/24). If you ad
these you will see that they are to inherit 27/24, which is mathematically and practically
impossible. Or if a man dies and leaves only a sister and a brother: The sister gets ½ and the
brother the double of what the sister gets = 3/2, which is an absurd joke. And what if a man
had 2 wives, one with a child and the other not? Does the one with child get 1/8 and the other
¼? Etc. Juridical problems concerning inheritance are complicated under Islam because of
these mistakes. But the shares are said to be ordained by Allah, the All-knowing!!!
003a 049 4/29 (A38): “Eat not up your property among yourselves in vanity”. But is that the
correct meaning? “The Message of the Quran” has: “Do not devour one another’s possessions
wrongfully – not even by way of trade based on mutual agreement” – which roughly says the
same (something like “do not cheat each other” or worse) in a few more words. But the Arab
word “illa” in front means “except” or “unless it be”, which means that the literal meaning in
reality is “do not eat up one another’s possessions wrongfully, unless it be (an act of) trade
based on mutual agreement” – – – which means that wrongful profit is ok if the parts agree on
it – f. ex. by sheer a swindle where the buyer believes he/she gets a fair deal. This strongly
contradicts other Islamic laws. It takes some highly advanced verbal gymnastics to explain it
away. Every scholar agrees that the literal meaning must be wrong, but words have to be used
in special meanings to make that meaning disappear. At very best very unusual use of the
language – in spite of that the Quran itself boasts of that the language it to be understood
literal, and that it is easy to understand. More likely it simply is a big mistake a la 6/151.
***004 4/40: “Allah is not unjust in the last degree – – -.” Wrong. Examples: Suppression of
others is “good and lawful and just”. The same is stealing and robbing if it is possible to
find an excuse to call it jihad – and the same for rape of any not pregnant female
prisoner or slave. But the top of injustice is: A raped woman is to be punished strongly
for indecency if she cannot produce 4 male witnesses to the actual rape. Allah in the
Quran at times is extremely unjust.
*005 4/47: (The Quran is*) “confirming what was (already) with you (= the Bible, the Torah,
etc.*) “. There are too many basic thoughts that are different between the Quran and the Bible
– especially compared to the NT and the new covenant (f. ex Luke 22/20). Incitement to war
against non-believers, the “lost lamb”, “do not kill” vs. “do not kill except for a good reason”,
all the incitements to war, etc., etc. The Quran is no confirmation of the Bible, and definitely
not of NT. It is also not possible that the same god is behind so different ideas, unless he is
mentally ill. See also 2/89 and 29/46.
006 4/56: “- – – Sign(s) – – -.” Invalid as proof for Allah. See 2/39 above.
**007 4/82: “Had it (the Quran*) been from other than Allah, they would surely therein found
much discrepancy.” What a proof!!! In addition to all the mistakes, contradictions, etc.
(roughly at least unbelievable 3000(!!!) everything included), there is so much discrepancy in
the Quran, that Islam has a special rule how to solve such problems – the so called rule of
abrogation: If there is discrepancy between two (or more) places in the Quran, the youngest
one normally is the correct one – the omniscient Allah so often had to change his mind or got
new information that forced him to change his words, that one needs a special rule how to
behave in such cases (this is one of the reasons why it is essential for Islam to know the age of
the surahs and verses, or at least which is older than which). And there is so much discrepancy
between the Quran and modern knowledge, that it is clear that either Islam has a lot of good
explaining to do, or the Quran is not made by an omniscient god. (Islam has a lot of
explanations, but most of what is concerning explaining away mistakes, etc. is invalid or
highly dubious – use your brain and knowledge when you listen or read, and you will see this
is true). The quoted sentence really is an indirect, but strong proof from the Quran itself that
the Quran is not sent down from an omniscient god – and a reason why Muslims cannot afford
to admit there is one single mistake in the book, no matter how unlikely explanations they
have to use to “explain” the mistakes: If there are mistakes, there is something fundamentally
wrong with the religion.
(It should be mentioned that some Muslims denies there is a rule of abrogation (an omniscient
god would not need to adjust or further specify his own rules – it spoils the picture of
perfection and of omniscience), but anyone can read and see for him/herself: Many points are
adjusted, extended or given other limits – larger or smaller – in the Quran. We have never
counted, but we have read numbers from ca. 100 to more than 500 abrogations depending on
how strictly you judge. Actually it is said by some Islamic scholars that only 9/5 – “the Verse
of the Sword” – abrogates 124 older mild verses).
In addition one has all the mentioned mistakes – they are discrepancies compared to the
008 4/105a: “We (Allah*) have sent down to thee the Book (the Quran*) – – -”. With so many
mistakes and dubious arguments – can it really be sent down by a god? No.
009 4/105b: “We (Allah*) have sent down to thee the Book (the Quran*) in truth, – – -”. With
so many mistakes, it is without doubt that it at best can be only partly true (if not there had
been no mistakes).
010 4/113a: ”For Allah hath sent down to thee the Book (the Quran*). See 4/105.
011 4/113b: “For Allah hath sent down to thee the Book (the Quran*) and Wisdom – – – “. As
said before – f. ex. in 4/105 – there is reason for doubt as to if the Quran is sent down by a god,
and no reason for doubt that some of the contents are not true.
012 4/126: “- – – heavens – – -“. Plural and wrong. See 2/22a.
013 4/131a: “- – – heavens – – -“. Plural and wrong. See 2/22a.
014 4/131b: “- – – We (Allah*) have directed the People of the Book (Jews and Christians*)
before you (Muslims*) – – -.” Wrong. Allah and Yahweh is not the same god – not unless the
god is seriously ill mentally – the teachings are too different and Islam also never has been
able to do anything but claiming that it is the same god – never a proof or any kind of
documentation. They only show you to a book with very many mistakes, (told by a very
doubtful man who also never was able to prove anything) and claim – without documentation
also here – that this is a proof. After all a proof is “one or more proven facts that can give only
one conclution”. The “signs” and “proofs” in the Quran proves invalid mostly because they do
not build on proven facts, only on claims.
015 4/131c: “- – – heavens – – -“. Even if the statement is repeated 2 times in the same verse,
there still are no 7 material heavens (see 2/22a). Any god had known, but Muhammad
believed in the contemporary Greek and Persian wrong astronomy – Muslims NEVER
mention that 7 heavens was the astronomy of the area at the time of Muhammad, and neither
does Islam. Everybody is free to wonder why.
016 4/132: “- – – heavens – – -“. See 4/132 just above and 2/22a.
00a 4/136a: “Believe in Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad*) – – -”. There is nowhere
proved that Muhammad was the messenger of a god. Not even that he really had any
connection to a god.
017 4/136b: “- – – and the scripture which He (Allah*) hath sent to his Messenger”. It is very
obvious to anybody with some knowledge and the ability to read and think, that there are
many mistakes in the Quran. It is a question if it is advisable to believe in a book where you
know there are many mistakes – and may be many more you do not see. The fact that there are
many mistaken facts – and dubious statements + contradictions + numbers of invalid “signs”
and “proofs”, also makes one doubt the not proven claim that the book is sent down by an
omniscient god and a copy of a book revered in Heaven. It simply is impossible that it can be
*00b 4/136c: “Any who denieth Allah, His Angels, His Messengers, and the Day of
Judgement, hath gone far, far astray”. Hardly. When you know how full of mistakes and
wrong logic the book that all Islam rests on is, it takes some more proof to decide that it is the
non-Muslims that are “far, far astray”.
018 4/140 “Already has He (Allah*) sent you word in the Book (the Quran*).” Wrong. A
book with so many mistakes and so much invalid logic is neither made nor sent down by a
god – omniscient or not.
*019 4/156: “- – – they uttered against Mary a grave false charge (that Jesus was crucified and
dead*)”. There were so many witnesses, included many that knew Jesus, and included so
many that hated him and definitely had made revolt if he was not executed – the Jewish clergy
was powerful – that this charge was definitely not false. If Islam says something else, they will
have to provide good proofs, not only bring forth lofty statements taken out of thin air 600
years later. Because that is all the Quran has got to offer: A few lofty statements backed by
nothing – no proofs and not even an indicium indicating that all those witnesses – and the
rulers and the hateful Jewish clergy – were wrong. Words are very cheap – – – and the only fact
Islam can produce is that neither Muhammad nor Islam can accept that Jesus died and was
resurrected – in that case he clearly was a greater prophet and/or had closer connections to the
god than Muhammad, and that is taboo for Muslims. It simply is unacceptable for them.
020 4/157a: “We killed Christ Jesus – – -”. Wrong name. The word Christ did not exist as a
name for Jesus until many years later, and then it came from Asia Minor, and then as a title,
(the Turks had not arrived at that time), not from Jerusalem originally (see 3/45). Any god had
known this. (Christ in Greek = Messiah in Hebrew (= the anointed one). Because of that some
translations of the Bible use Christ instead of Messiah in the NT. But the title Christ – not a
name originally, but a title – in reality was not used for Jesus until years after his death.)
021 4/157b: “- – – (Jesus*) the Messenger of Allah”. It is absolutely sure the Jews did not say
this. See 3/51.
*022 4/157c: “- but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear for
them – – -”. See 4/156. In addition: If no one else made sure that it was no impostor and
that the execution really took place, the angry and spiteful Jewish clergy would see to
that. This claim is made up by someone that could not accept that Muhammad was not the
greatest prophet (even though Muhammad in reality was not really a real prophet – he did not
have the gift of being able to make prophesies). If Islam wants to say something else, they
will have a lot of explanation and proving to do – this even more so as the Quran always
demands proofs for what non-Muslims say about their religion, but it NEVER itself offers any
real proofs for Islam or Allah. In spite of all the “signs” it boasts of, not one single of those
“signs” – with the possible exception of some taken from the Bible – proves any god at all, and
definitely not one single one proves anything about Allah or the teachings of Muhammad.
Words are very cheap, and there is not one single of those “signs” that can not as well
and as easy be used by priests or believers or prophets of other religions: Manito did this,
Thor did that, Kali made something, Osiris something else, Baal created the Earth, and alUzza is great. Islam always only claims that Allah did this and this and that this is a “sign” or
a “proof” for Allah. But they NEVER prove that it really was Allah that did this and this.
Because of that each and every such “sign” and “proof” are intuitively and logically invalid as
an indication or a proof – and for the same reason any priest in any religion can say exactly
the same valueless words about his god(s). The claims are totally invalid as indications or
indicia, not to mention as proofs. There is not one single valid proof for Allah or for the
teachings of Muhammad anywhere – – – or for that Jesus was not crucified and died.
023 4/157d: “- – – of a surety they killed him (Jesus*) not – – -”. If Islam is not able to produce
really hard proofs for this statement, it is very obviously wrong. See 4/156 and 4/157c for
further explanations.
*024 4/159: “And there is none of the People of the Book but must believe in him (Allah*)
before his death – – -.” Wrong. If some of the People of the Book believe, they believe in
Yahweh, not in Allah. It is not the same god unless something is very wrong with the god.
Islam will have to prove so in case.
025 4/163: “- – – to David We (Allah*) gave the Psalms”. Wrong: According to science they
are some centuries younger than King David. (And besides – Allah hardly was involved. If
there was a god, it was Yahweh).
00c 4/167: “Those who reject Faith (Islam*) – – – have verily strayed far, far away”. See
00d 4/170a: “The Messenger (Muhammad*) hath come – – – from Allah – – -”. There is no
place proved that Muhammad is a messenger from any god – Allah or someone else.
*026 4/170b: “The Messenger (= Muhammad*) hath come to you in truth from Allah: – – -”.
With so many mistaken facts in Mohammad’s tales (the Quran), it is impossible he really got
the surahs and verses from a god, at least not from an omniscient god. Also see 40/75.
027 4/170c: “- – – heavens – – -“. Plural and wrong. See 2/22a.
00e 4/171a: “- – – Christ Jesus, the son of Mary, was (no more than) a Messenger- – -.” Well,
he frequently called Yahweh (the Jewish and Christian god) his father.
028 4/171b: “Christ Jesus was – – – a Messenger of Allah, – – -”. If Islam does not have strong
proofs for this, he definitely was no messenger of Allah – for explanations about this see 3/51.
00f 4/171c: “- – – (far Exalted is He (Allah*)) above having a son”. If the Quran here talks
only about Allah, that may be correct. But if it talks about an Allah identical to Yahweh, we
have to remind Muslims of the fact that Jesus many times and in front of many witnesses
called Yahweh his father – the word “father” as a statement of the relationship between Jesus
and Yahweh is used at least 163 times in the NT, and the word “son” at least 66 times, many
of those times by Jesus himself. And even the Quran agrees to that Jesus was reliable. And we
remind you that in spite of what Islam and the Quran claim without any documentation about
falsifications of the Bible, science clearly has documented that those undocumented claims
are not correct.
029 4/171d: “- – – heavens – – -“. Plural and wrong. See 2/22a.
030 4/172: “Christ disdaineth not to serve and worship Allah.” In 3/51 is implicated in the
explanation why this is wrong. The only possible exception is if Yahweh and Allah really is
the same god. But only Islam states that, and the teachings of Yahweh (especially in NT and
the new covenant – f. ex. Luke 22/20) are so different at essential points from the teachings of
Allah, that they cannot be the same god. Islam will in case have to prove it, not only to claim
031 4/174: “- – – there hath come to you (Jews, Christians*) a convincing proof (the Quran*)
from your Lord (Allah*) – – -“. With that many mistakes, contradictions, etc., and so much
wrong logic, etc., etc. the Quran is not very convincing, and its “proofs”/”signs” no more
convincing. See 2/99.
032 4/176: “And Allah hath the knowledge of all things”. Obviously not in this case. F. ex.:
Given the right combination of inheritors, their shares add up to 112.5% and even 125% or
150% of the inheritance (this has given lawyers and lawmakers much work – and at least the
lawyers much money – through the times.)
Surah 4: At least 32 mistakes + 6 likely mistakes.
Surah 5.
001 5/1 (A2): “Lawful (as food*) for you (Muslims*) are all four-footed animals, with the
exceptions named – – -“. But the literal meaning of Arab “bahimat al-an’am” is “four-footed
cattle” or “beast of cattle”. But “cattle” is something very different to “all four-footed
animals”. To add to the mystery Rezi and others say: “- – – all animals that resembles
(domesticated) cattle insofar as it feeds on plants and is not a beast of prey.” (One essence of
this is that Muslims cannot eat marine mammals – not 4-footed and most of them are beasts of
prey. But we have not seen any prohibition about this.) The main essence of this verse is that
no Arab scholar really is sure how to understand exactly what it means, but that they agree
on that “four-footed cattle” is a tautology that must be wrong – one more case where the
majority agrees on that some text in the Quran is wrong (there are a few like this – see
separate small chapter. And when not even the greatest Muslims scholars understand what the
text really means, it is not “a clear and easily understood language”.
It must be added to the defence of the Muslims scholars who try to “adjust” the meaning of
this verse, that the Quran clearly permits hunting, and mostly they did go hunting for food – – –
and you do not go hunting for cattle. It thus is very clear that they are right when they say this
tautology is wrong.
001a 5/10: “- – – Sign(s) – – -.” Invalid as proof for Allah. See 2/39 above.
002 5/12: “Allah did aforetime take a covenant from the Children of Israel – – -.” Wrong. See
4/159. The covenant was with Yahweh.
**003 5/13: “- – – they (the Jews*) change the words (of the OT*) and forget a good part of
the Message that was sent them (OT*)”. There exist some 13000 scriptures or fragments older
than 610 AD (when Muhammad declared himself a messenger) plus some 32000 references to
Biblical verses in other manuscripts. They show that neither OT nor NT is falsified – nor is
anything forgotten (omitted). But Islam HAS to insist on this. For one thing this was the
excuse Muhammad used when explaining the differences between the Bible and the Quran –
and Muhammad and the Quran has to be speaking only the truth, because if not the very
foundation under the religion collapses. And for another thing – if the Quran is wrong and the
Bible correct, Islam is a made up religion. But one fact remains: Islam has not found any
proof for their claim, even though they have searched for it for 1400 years. They have
trumped up a number of arguments, but like so often Islam only have cheap words behind
their claims – if they had found one single real proof for their claim among the 13000
scriptures or other places, you can bet large money on that the world had been informed
quickly and thoroughly about it. When science then tells that the Bible is unabridged except
for better translations and the small varieties normal for handwritten manuscripts spread over
hundreds of years and thousands of kilometres – and there were many thousands of scriptures
spread all over – and each and every single one had to be falsified in just the same ways (facts
Muslims never mention or explain) – well, when all this is added up, it is up to you to decide
which – if any – of the two books is most reliable. (Also see 2/75 and 3/24).
004 5/14: “- – – but they (Christians*) forgot a good part of the Message (Bible/NT*) that was
sent them – – -“. See 3/24 and 5/13 (just above). When it comes to NT, science is on even
more secure “ground” than for OT, as one has original documents going back nearly to the
first churches – included some 300 Gospels or fragments of Gospels – and there are found no
falsifications. The texts simply are the same as today. Islam will have to offer proofs, not
only claims taken out of the air like they normally only do. With so many old documents it
should have been easy enough to find falsifications – – – if it had been true. Also see 2/75!
005 5/15a: “- – – revealing to you (Jews and Christians*) much of that ye used to hide in the
Book (the Bible*) – – -“. To believe in the theory that the Bible is falsified, one has to know
very little about how to make identical falsifications of thousands of copies of many different
manuscripts, where on top of all all the different falsifications have to be synchronized in all
the different manuscripts, so that the different manuscripts do not tell widely different facts.
And not least: All references to and from the different papers must have been synchronized –
try to do that even today with 100ooo papers spread over large areas and with no mass
communications, not even a good post office (with 13ooo relevant papers or scraps of papers
still existing today, there must have been at least 100ooo and many more in the old times,
spread all over – papers are destroyed or rot or disappear over the centuries, all identically
falsified, because at that time nobody knew which papers would survive until today!!!)
Judge for yourself after you also have read 2/75, 3/24, 5/13 and 5/14.
*00a 5/15b: “- – – there hath come to you (Jews, Christians*) from Allah a (new) light
(Muhammad*) – – -“. Well, that is one of the questions: Did a man so morally degenerated and
preaching a religion based on a book with so many mistakes, etc. and so much wrong logic,
really represent a god? And did a war religion represent a benevolent god?
006 5/15c: “- – – (Allah has sent down*) a perspicuous Book (the Quran*)”. No god has sent
down – not to mention revered it as the Mother Book in his own Heaven – a book with that
many mistakes and that much wrong and invalid logic.
**00b 5/17a: “Why then doth He (the god*) punish you for your sins (if he loves you*)”.
Wrong psychology, and a naïve question, as anyone knows you sometimes have to punish
even children you love.
*007 5/17b: “In blasphemy indeed are those that say that Allah is Christ, the son of Mary”.
No Christian says that Jesus is Allah. Neither do they say that Jesus is Yahweh. Muhammad
never understood the trinity dogma of the Christians. (He also believed the trinity consists of
Yahweh, Jesus and Mary!!!). But if one looks only at that dogma, Islam may be right that it is
not correct – may be. It is only a dogma decided on by humans after much quarrel and
discussion; it is not part of the Bible. But no-one in his right mind and with some
knowledge about the Bible, would ever believe Mary was part of the trinity.
008 5/17c: “- – – heavens – – -“. Plural and wrong. See 2/22a.
*009 5/18a: “(Both) the Jews and the Christians say: ‘We are sons of Allah, and His
beloved’”. Neither Jews nor Christians say they are real sons – or daughters – of Yahweh (not
of Allah) (though they often figuratively – but only figuratively – refer to him as the “Father in
Heaven” or humans as “Children of God”.).
010 5/18b: “(Both) the Jews and the Christians say: ‘We are sons of Allah, and His beloved’.
Say: ‘Why then doth He punish you for your sins? – – -’”. The question is not even rhetoric,
but naïve – sometimes you have to punish even beloved children to teach them the difference
between right and wrong, good and bad.
011 5/18b: “- – – heavens – – -“. Plural and wrong. See 2/22a.
012 5/19a: “O People of the Book (mainly Jews and Christians, but also Sabeans – a Christian
sect in Sabah, now part of Yemen (Islam also have another explanation) – and later after a
fashion and in some circles also Zoroastrians*)! Now hath come unto you, making (things)
clear unto you, Our Messenger (Muhammad*) – – -”. Some may question if really Muhammad
was the messenger of a god – he did not always behave like the representative of a good and
forgiving god, and his message (the Quran) is full of mistakes an omniscient god had not
made. But what is not possible to doubt, is that a message with so many mistaken facts at best
can make things partly clear (and at worst really mess up things).
013 5/19c: “- – – glad tidings – – -.” Wrong. See 2/97c and 61/13.
00c 5/19b: “- – – Our (Allah’s*) Messenger (Muhammad*) – – -“. Can a man so morally
degenerated like Muhammad – and preaching a book so full of mistakes and invalids logic –
really represent a good and omniscient god?
*014 5/20: “Remember Moses said to his people: – – – Allah – – – made you kings”. Wrong.
The first Jewish kings were Saul (Talut in the Quran) and then David some 200 years after
Moses. Any – even minor – god had known this. We have heard Muslims explain that this is
not what the Quran means, but that Allah made all Jews like kings. But anyone who knows a
little about Jewish history and about Jews before and now, knows very well that most Jews
never were or are or behave(d) like kings. It is an obvious “explanation”.
00d 5/21: “- – – the holy land which Allah hath assigned unto you (Moses and his Jews*) – – –
“. Allah or Yahweh? (See also 3/51).
00e 5/23a: “- – – two (of Moses’ Jews*) on whom Allah hath – – -“. Allah or Yahweh? See also
00f 5/23b: “- – – but on Allah put your (Jews*) trust if you have faith”. It is highly unlikely
Jews at the time of Moses told their fellow Jews to trust Allah, as the name of the god of the
Jews was Yahweh (and besides the name Allah was introduced by Mohammad only some
2000 years later (as a substitute for al-Lah)).
015 5/40: “- – – heavens – – -“. Plural and wrong. See 2/22a.
016 5/44: “- – – Sign(s) – – -.” Invalid as proof for Allah. See 2/39 above.
00g 5/46a: “We (Allah*) sent Jesus the son of Mary, confirming the Law (of Moses*)”.
According to the Bible Jesus was not sent to change the old laws – that was not his main
purpose. All the same he did so – changed some and even nullified some of them,
especially of all the additions made through the times by Jewish religious thinkers and
leaders. This was more or less formalized during his last Easter, when the new covenant (f.
ex. Luke 22/20) was introduced. (This covenant is never mentioned by Islam, and most
Muslims without religious education have not even heard about it. This even though it is one
of the main and most central facts in the Christian religion).
*017 5/46b: “We (Allah*) sent him (Jesus‘) the Gospel”. Any god had known that the
Gospels did not exist at that time. See 3/3 and 3/48.
018 5/48a: “To thee (Muhammad*) We (Allah*) sent the scripture – – -”. As there are many
mistakes in the Quran, there are reasonable doubts about if a god really sent down the Quran.
These even more so as a number of the mistakes are in accordance with what one believed to
be true at the time of Muhammad in the Middle East. Muhammad would have believed it was
the truth, a god had known it was wrong. Then who made the Quran?
Islam will have to prove the statement to be believed by rational thinkers with some
019 5/48b: “- – – We (Allah*) sent the scripture in truth – – -”. With all the mistaken facts – and
perhaps other mistakes – in the Quran, it is at most partly the truth.
*021 5/48c: “- – – confirming the scripture (the Bible*) that came before it, – – -”. There are so
many and so fundamental differences between the Quran and the Bible – especially NT – that
the Quran is no confirmation of the Bible, and especially not of the NT. See 2/89 and 3/3.
022 5/48d: “- – – diverging from the Truth (the Quran*) that hath come to thee.” With that
many mistakes, the Quran at best is only partly the Truth. Islam repeats and repeats and
repeats the claim that this is “the Truth”. It is tempting to remember Minister of
Propaganda (!) in “Das Reich” – Nazi Germany – Joseph Goebbels: “If you repeat a lie
often enough, people starts believing it”. (There also are many other similarities between
Islam and Nazism, and Nazism was liked and respected in large parts of the Muslim
populations in the Nazis’ satanic days.)
00h 5/59: “- – – the revelation (the Quran*) that hath come to us (Muhammad) – – -“. Well,
one of the central questions about Islam is if there really were revelations – and if there
were: From whom? There are these alternatives:
1. Revelations from a god – which the Quran
proves is not the case, as no god, omniscient
or not, had made so many mistakes and
contradictions, etc., and so much wrong logic,
2. Or revelations from an impostor – f. ex. the
Devil – pretending to be Gabriel or working
on Muhammad’s brain (an illness like TLE
easily would explain that – see BBC “God on
the Brain”, 20. March 2003) – and the
inhuman and on some points highly immoral
religion Muhammad founded, may indicate
that this really is a possibility.
3. Or the “revelations” simply came from a
human brain with an illness – if Muhammad
f. ex. had TLE (Temporal Lobe Epilepsy) like
medical experts according to f. ex. BBC
suspect, that easily explains his
4. Or it is all a “scenario” made by a cold and
scheming brain – and Muhammad’s inhuman
ruthlessness and easily recognized lust for
power (see f. ex. how he glues himself to
Allah) may indicate this.
A combination of points 3 and 4 also is possible.
00i 5/60: “Those who incurred the curse of Allah and his wrath, those of some he transformed
into apes and swine – – -”. Hardly likely. This needs strong proofs.
023 5/64: “The revelation (the Quran*) that cometh to thee (Muhammad*) from Allah – – -“.
A book with that many mistakes, etc. is not from an omniscient god. See 5/59 above.
024 5/67: “- – – the (message) which hath been sent to thee (Muhammad*) from thy Lord.”
There is no chance that a message (the Quran) that full of mistakes, wrong logic, etc. is from
an omniscient god. See 5/59.
*025 5/72a: “They do blaspheme who say: ‘God is the son of Mary’”. No Christians say that
Yahweh is the son of Mary, Jesus. (Though catholic people use the expression “Mother of
God” meaning “Mother of (the holy) Jesus”, but they clearly know the difference between
God/Yahweh and Jesus).
**026 5/72b: “But said Christ; ‘O Children of Israel! Worship Allah, my Lord and your
Lord‘”. If Jesus had tried to teach about the in Israel known polytheistic god al-Lah
from a heathen neighbouring country, he had got very few followers and had been
quickly killed by the clergy in the religious climate in Israel at that time.
00j 5/73: “They do blaspheme who say: Allah is one of three in a trinity”. Our sources tell that
the 3 last words does not exist in the Arab edition, but is added by Yusuf Ali. Then the correct
text in case ends: “Allah (Yahweh*) is one of three (gods*).” Which obviously is wrong, as
Christians only believe in one god. Besides it is a most dubious praxis to make additions to a
text without making the readers aware of that it is an addition – f. ex. by at least putting the
addition in ( ).
00k 5/75a: “Christ, the son of Mary, was no more than a messenger; – – -”. The Bible says
something else – that Jesus called Yahweh his father (this relationship is mentioned at least
163 times as “father” + 66 times as “son” in the NT – frequently by Jesus himself), and far
from always only his spiritual father – and as the Bible is written relatively short time after
Jesus’ death, and on this point on the basis of thousands of witnesses that could tell what
Jesus said, and protest if the narrators quoted Jesus falsely, it is likely that the Bible is more
reliable here, than the Quran. The Quran is written 600 years later, and offers only unfounded
statements and claims without any proof or even indicia backing up the claims. This even
more so as the only Islamic source for the claims was a man who demanded to be the greatest
prophet of all times, something he definitely could not be if Jesus was a relative of Yahweh –
and this even more so as Muhammad in relity was not a prophet: He did not have the gift of
being able to make prophesies (he did nor even claim to or pretend to have it) – perhaps a
messenger for someone or something, or an apostle, but not a prophet.
Also as mentioned Jesus himself frequently called Yahweh his father – and Jesus is reliable
also according to the Quran (but as said the Quran/Mohammad cannot accept that Jesus may
be the son of Yahweh, because then Muhammad is not the greatest of “prophets” – and the
defence of Muhammad also is essential, as he in reality was a dubious and immoral
027 5/75b: “- – – Sign(s) – – -.” Invalid as proof for Allah. See 2/39 above.
00l 5/75c: “- – – deluded – – -.” The mistakes, etc. in the Quran makes it an open question who
is deluded and who not.
028 5/75d: “- – – they (the non-Muslims*) are deluded away from the truth.” With all the
mistaken facts – and perhaps other mistakes – in the Quran, it at best tells only partly the truth.
****029 5/81: “- – – the Prophet (Muhammad*) – – -“. But Muhammad was no real
prophet. The definition of a prophet is a person that:
1. **** Has the gift of and close enough
connection to a god for making prophesies.
2. ****Makes prophesies that always or at least
mostly come true. If not he is a false prophet.
3. ****Makes so frequent and/or essential
prophesies, that it is a clear part of his
A few things Muhammad said, came true – like it has to do for a person saying many things
through many years – and most of what he said that did not come true, was forgotten (also this
what normally happens). The main things here are that Muhammad never indicated that
anything of what he said was meant as prophesies, he never indicated, not to mention claimed,
that he had the gift of prophesying, that it nowhere is documented that all/most of what he
said about the future came true (point 2), and finally both he and Islam said and says that there
were no miracles connected to Muhammad “except the Quran” – prophesying is a kind of
miracle. (This last fact also is a solid proof for that all the miracles connected to Muhammad
mentioned in there Hadiths, are made up stories).
Muhammad in reality simply was no real prophet. Perhaps a messenger for someone or
something or for himself – or perhaps an apostle – but not a real prophet. He only
“borrowed” that impressive and imposing title. It is up to anyone to guess why.
030 5/83: “- – – they (Christians*) recognised the truth (corresponding to the Quran*)”. As
said before: With that many mistakes in the Quran, the teachings of Muhammad at best are
partly the truth.
*00m 5/84a: “What cause can we (Muhammad and the people*) have not to believe in Allah –
– -?” Well, there are strong answers to that – all the mistakes in the Quran, the inhumanity of
Muhammad and Islam, the at some points sick morality of Muhammad and Islam, etc., etc.,
etc. But the main point is that the question is wrong. The correct and relevant question had
been: “What cause can we have to believe in Allah?”
**031 5/84b: “What cause can we have not to believe in Allah and the truth (the Quran*)
which has come to us, – – -?” See among others 5/75 and 5/83. In addition – to answer the
question: There are heavy reasons for not believing: The fact that the Quran – the basis of the
religion – contains so many mistaken facts in a book that claims to be sent down from their
god. Then how many mistakes are there in the religious points that are wrong? Is it really sent
down from a god, or is it made up by someone here on Earth? And if it is sent down: In that
case Allah very clearly is not omniscient – and not benevolent.
032 5/86: “- – – Sign(s) – – -.” Invalid as proof for Allah. See 2/39 above.
033 5/89: “- – – Signs – – -“. Invalid as proof for Allah or anything. See 2/39 above.
034 5/97: “- – – heavens – – -“. Plural and wrong. See 2/22a.
**035 5/110a: “I (Allah*) thought thee (Jesus*) – – – the Gospel”. Wrong. The Gospels did not
exist until some 25 years after Jesus died (the oldest Gospel). See 3/3 and 3/48.
036 5/110b: “And behold, thou (the child Jesus*) makest out of clay, as it were, the figure of a
bird, by My leave, and you brethest into it and it becometh a bird by My leave, – – – “. A made
up story form the made up legends in the made up (apocryphal) Thomas Child Gospel. See
3/49 – Muhammad often repeats himself, even if that makes no good literature. Besides: A
wonder like this had not been forgotten in the Bible – and especially not by “wrongdoers”
wanting to falsify the Bible to make Jesus more holy, like the Quran frequently says/indicates.
037 5/111: “(the Disciples*) said: “We have faith, and do thou bear witness that we bow to
Allah as Muslims”. Made up story – see 3/51 for explanation.
038 5/114a: “Send us (Jesus and the Disciples*) from heaven a Table set (with viands), – – -”.
A made up story – there is no chance that such a miracle that clearly shows Jesus’ connection
to Yahweh, would be omitted from the Bible. Not one single chance. Even if Muhammad had
been right and Christians had falsified the NT, this is the kind of stories they had added, not
omitted. Some Muslims say this may refer a little to “The Prayer of God” – give us our daily
bread – in the Bible. Much more likely it is a contorted version of the last Easter dinner.
039 5/114b: “- – – Sign(s) – – -.” Invalid as proof for Allah. See 2/39 above.
040 5/116a: “Didst thou (Jesus*) say unto men, ‘worship me and my mother as gods in
derogation of Allah’?” Jesus was not involved with Allah – see 3/51 for explanation. As for a
divine Jesus, that is not explicitly said in the Bible, but many places it is understood that he
was (f. ex. if Yahweh really was his father in some way, and also all his miracles – confirmed
by the Quran – indicates something). But when it comes to Mary, Islam is right – saints are
not a part of the teaching of the Bible (on the other hand also some Muslims have saints,
notably the Shi’ites). But no Christian – not one single – prays to Mary as a god.
*041 5/116b: Mohammad believed the Trinity consisted of God/Yahweh, Jesus and Mary.
Wrong. Both Muhammad and the Quran were wrong in the extreme when he/they thus
believed Mary was part of the Trinity. (It consists (?) of God/Yahweh, Jesus and the Holy
Spirit – also called the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of truth, the Spirit of God, or only the Spirit).
Muhammad never the trinity and he never understood the Holy Spirit, even though he used
the Spirit a few times in the Quran – and some Muslims refer to the Holy Spirit in the Quran
as another name for the arch angel Gabriel(!) as it is “known” that Gabriel brought surahs and
verses, but it is also said in the Quran that the Spirit brought some. Also see 5/117.
*042 5/117: (Jesus said*): “Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord”. A story made up to
strengthen Islam. If Jesus had said things like that about al-Lah, he had had very few
followers – – – and had been killed within months by the Jewish clergy. See 3/51 for further
043 5/120: “- – – heavens – – -“. Plural and wrong. See 2/22a.
Surah 5: At least 41 mistakes + 13 likely mistakes.
Subtotal till here: At least 263 mistakes + 43 likely mistakes.